Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture
Page after page after page of research, sources, original material exactness to former decades' quotes at the end. And I do remember many of these absolute "facts" being taught. And looking back now! What I myself have heard and saw assumed as absolute by some of those around me!
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- Book of Thomas.
- Loublié dOutreau (French Edition);
- Cliffords Bay (Clifford the Horse Book 3)!
Thank you to the two GR friends who brought this book to my attention. It certainly is worthy to have a solid definition to what is theory, what is science, what is "fact". And how fact itself has become redefined. By a worldview that is growing more pervasive and also more distorting the longer I've lived. The antithesis of the core of what science truly holds, at that.
Hoodwinked : how intellectual hucksters have hijacked American culture
The first half of the book was good, but the last half was pure excellence. Provable and actual data. There are immense numbers of these still which predispose subjects chosen, interpret reactions subjectively and lie or distort outcome "numbers" regardless. Similar to the one that I learned in grade school about stomach ulcers' causes and drinking cream for a "cure", or current world imminent ice ages arriving or bird erasure assured to happen by the turn of the century.
All complete poppycock without any data but a "belief" persuasion. And an immense social warrior "antipathy" gotten under a craw against a human intervention or action. As if humans were not worth the advance or improvement or extension of their life spans. As if it were a zero sum game and "other" creatures would have to suffer. Another, often provable, lie. I can remember standing in a class way,way back in the day and refuting Rachel Carson. That was pure pap from day one and it was completely swallowed because it "fit" into progressive acceptance.
And of course, that means that it is the "correct" answer and no other can be tolerated. In truth the laws and movements against the use of DDT has been one of the worst offenses against mankind in the last 2 centuries. That's how many millions of humans have died of typhus, malaria, etc. And those proofs of swallowing DDT whole real data didn't commute to the propaganda of "Silent Spring". Nor to the ridiculous "Population Bomb" predictions. I made one of those exact kinds of bets myself about a certain "item" that would be unattainable by a progressive friend's estimation.
But their economics isn't economics of reality or production either.
Sanger, Mead with their invented realities and "statistics", how Darwin has been distorted- the "consensus" science being science at all? Superb and unemotional evaluations here of "theory" to data sources to the kernels of actual science. And with Kinsey and Masters "studies" or "proofs"- those children "used" for samples and their perps' words and evaluations taken whole piece? They weren't even worth the magazine articles in the 's. What kind of truth in study could even have been considered under those circumstances?
It's hard to imagine how that was even attempted? They could never ever use children or adults either in this kind of pattern for memory studies let alone reactions to sexual response. And the chapter that included the AIDS predictions and scare tactics too. I can remember watching an Oprah when she made that speech included here in the book. Untruth and duplicity masqueraded as reality. For fear mongering and control of "blame"?
Used as "truth" regardless for the more "enlightened path" of relative morality. The place of God too in structure, morality! That two or three page section was not as "provable" except in the measurable results of the current "relative morality" outcomes.
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- Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture - Jack Cashill - Google Книги?
- Hoodwinked : how intellectual hucksters have hijacked American culture (Book, ) [www.newyorkethnicfood.com].
- The Art of Golf.
- Hoodwinked Intellectual Hucksters Hijacked American Culture, Jun 21 .
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- Reaper Zone Chapter 21 (Crushed Skull & Crossbones Book 3)?
There are several pages near the ending that I wanted to quote full boat at the finish of this review. University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill faked his identity as Native American and much of his scholarship on genocide.
Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture
He faked just about everything. Lillian Hellman papered over the communist sabotage of Hollywood with lies. Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were guilty as geese. Rachel Carson's bogus case against DDT has killed millions needlessly.

Overpopulation alarmists predicted worldwide famines before and were honored for their insights. Neo-Darwinians have been faking their proofs for a century in textbooks and getting away with it.
Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture by Jack Cashill
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