Evidence-Based Practice Manual for Nurses - E-Book
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Evidence-Based Practice Manual - Albert R. Roberts; Kenneth R. Yeager - Oxford University Press
Please try again later. This book will save you hours when you do your long write-ups for clinicals. I'm the person who never buys textbooks, but for some reason I bought this, and boy am I glad I did! Whenever I brought this to clinicals, it would get passed around to help everyone write their nursing diagnoses and outcomes and interventions.
Do yourselves a favor, nurses! You won't regret this purchase. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. My 2-star rating is in reference to the format, not the textbook itself.

I try to purchase the Kindle version of as many of my textbooks as possible to limit the load I need to carry to nursing school every day. Some are totally worthwhile. Unfortunately, this text requires quick accessibility for cross-referencing which somewhat ironically because it's digital is not easily done in the Kindle format. This is not an attack on the Kindle or the textbook it's a fantastic book ; I simply recommend that if you need this book, you buy the hard copy.
I purchased this textbook to brush up on Nursing Diagnosis correct usage. I carry this text with me to clinical hours to help students understand the concept of Nursing Diagnosis and their usage. Rationales are presented with each diagnosis. Plenty of examples and thorough instructions for usage. I am a nursing student and this was one of my required textbooks. The book is very useful in writing care plans. It is organized by nursing diagnosis and has interventions and rationales for each diagnosis.
I have been using the e-book, which is unfortunately a bit slow and annoying to use at times so I decided to purchase a hard copy since I use it often. The book I received was in great condition, almost like new. One person found this helpful. When I first got the kindle version, I hated it. I still don't particularly love it lugging around textbooks aren't really my thing either, though but I understand it and have since streamlined my process.
Here's some things I figured out: Doing a general search on a term is pretty much useless. It'll pull up far too many results and just list them by location , which means little anyway. You can't do a go to page or search by page number. If you're going to need it for a class when they assign certain pages, I'd probably go with the paperback version unless they give you the topics so you can use the index. Don't use it in landscape mode, it makes it way too hard to read.
The most effective way to use it is as follows: H for headache c "Turn" the pages until you see the symptom. If the symptom is toward the middle of the alphabet, double tapping to turn the page will get you there faster; if it's toward the end of the alphabet, it may be easier to go to the next letter and work backward eg. Be careful as the pages can be a little sensitive and land you somewhere random and you'll have to start over.
The online Cloud reader helps to cut down on how long this takes since it's easier to scroll on a computer and you can create bookmarks to use later on your Kindle. Personally, I don't bother looking at the Kindle unless I've already bookmarked the topics in Cloud. Since using it with the Cloud reader, I've cut down on my hate for this little beast as well as halving the time it takes for me to find things probably takes me less time now than it would with the paperback.
It really comes down to preference. As a nursing student i bought this my first week of clinical advised by my instructor. It was and still is my lifesaver! It not only saves you time but it really helps reinforce your knowledge of care plans. I love that it not only gives you tons of interventions organized by age, condition, etc.
I highly recommend it to anyone thinking of going into nursing school or is about to begin or to those who have been nurses for awhile now but rusty on some of those care plan rubrics!
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The difference was goals. Lippincott's goals were clear. Nursing students seemed to have difficulty with the goals in Ackley's book. Simply the best book of its type.
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Easy to use, simple handy index, and access to EBP interventions for every nursing diagnosis with references. A must for every nursing instructor and I insist my students purchase this. They all love this book and it becomes their most indispensable textbook for their student career. See all reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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