Eine kritische Betrachtung des Duration-Konzeptes (German Edition)
Grundlegende Steuerungsverfahren im heterogenen Logistiknetz mit Kanban. In vielen Unternehmen werden heterogene verschiedene Steuerungen in einem abgestimmten Konzept kombiniert. Die wesentliche Fragestellung sollte folglich lauten: Warum ist der Ablauf nicht mit einer einfachen Steuerung wie Kanban abzubilden? Nanomeasuring and nanopositioning engineering. The paper describes traceable nanometrology based on a nanopositioning machine with integrated nanoprobes.
The operation of a high-precision long range three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NPM-Machine having a resolution of 0,1 nm over the positioning and measuring range of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm is explained. An Abbe offset-free design of three miniature plan mirror interferometers and applying a new concept for compensating systematic errors resulting from mechanical guide systems provide very small uncertainties of measurement.
The machines are operating successfully in several German and foreign research institutes including the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB , Germany. The integration of several, optical and tactile probe systems and nanotools makes the NPM-Machine suitable for various tasks, such as large-area scanning probe microscopy, mask and wafer inspection, nanostructuring, biotechnology and genetic engineering as well as measuring mechanical precision workpieces, precision treatment and for engineering new material.
Various developed probe systems have been integrated into the NPM-Machine. The measurement results of a focus sensor, metrological AFM, white light sensor, tactile stylus probe and of a 3D-micro-touch-probe are presented. Single beam-, double beam- and triple beam interferometers built in the NPM-Machine for six degrees of freedom measurements are described.
This so-called Planck-Balance PB uses the physical approach of Kibble balances that allow the Planck constant to be derived from the mass. Using the PB no calibrated mass standards are required during weighing processes any longer, because all measurements are traceable via the electrical quantities to the Planck constant, and to the meter and the second. This allows a new approach of balance types after the expected redefinition of the SI-units by the end of In contrast to many scientific oriented developments, the PB is focused on robust and daily use.
Therefore, two balances will be developed, PB2 and PB1, which will allow relative measurement uncertainties comparable to the accuracies of class E2 and E1 weights, respectively, as specified in OIML R Im Allgemeinen lassen sich zwei Hauptziele unterscheiden. Letztere werden in erster Linie dort eingesetzt, wo das Implantat in direktem Kontakt mit Blut ist. Hierbei muss eine gute Verankerung im Gewebe vorhanden sein, um ein Verrutschen des Implantates zu verhindern. Zum direkten Vergleich mit konventionellen Angiographien wurde ein Verfahren zur automatischen Generierung von Projektionsansichten aus den CT-Daten entwickelt.
Einsteins Spuren in den Archiven der Wissenschaft: Insbesondere die Pionierarbeiten werden inzwischen als bekannt vorausgesetzt und nicht mehr explizit zitiert. Die Grundlagen der Fernsehtechnik: Thematische Einheiten erweitern den Wissensstoff - u. Plattformbasierte Dienste als technologische Notwendigkeit im disruptiven Marktwandel.
IT wird dabei mehr und mehr zum Wettbewerbsfaktor. In diesem Zusammenhang erweisen sich die daten- und entwicklungsspezifischen Synergieeffekte plattformbasierter Dienste als zentraler Mehrwert einer innovationsgetriebenen strategischen Marktpositionierung und damit als technologische Notwendigkeit. In ihren elektronischen Eigenschaften verhalten sie sich entweder wie Halbleiter oder wie metallische Leiter.
Bock JM et al. Evaluation of the natural history of patients who aspirate. Imagineering the astronomical revolution - Essay review. I Transmitting knowledge - words, images, and instruments in early modern Europe. Kusukawa and Maclean eds. Titelbilder und ihre Funktionen in der wissenschaftlichen Revolution. Lefevre, Renn and Schoepflin eds.
Meroi and Pogliano eds. Polynomials with Restricted Coefficients and Their Applications. To estimate the right These random polynomials represent the deviation in frequency response of a linear , equispaced antenna array cauised by coefficient. Large-scale hydrological modelling in the semi-arid north-east of Brazil. Die Grenzen der Anwendbarkeit des Modell- konzepts zeigen sich am deutlichsten in Teilgebieten mit Abflusskomponenten aus tieferen Grundwasserleitern, deren Dynamik ohne Kalibrierung nicht zufriedenstellend abgebildet werden kann.
Die Modellanwendungen zeigen weiterhin: Ein Skalierungsfaktor in der. Die Landschaften Mitteleuropas sind das Resultat einer langwierigen Geschichte menschlicher Landnutzung mit ihren unterschiedlichen, z. Quantensprung Digitalisierung - Energiewirtschaft im Energieversorger, die sich dem Wandel nicht stellen, drohen den Anschluss zu verpassen. In Deutschland werden jedes Jahr etwa 6. Dies kann beispielsweise bei einer nicht korrigierbaren angeborenen Fehlbildung notwendig sein, bei der lediglich eine funktionelle Herzkammer vorhanden ist z. Hierbei muss eine prothetische Verbindung zur Lungenstrombahn in der Folgezeit entfernt werden.
Distortions caused by the neutron spectrum and scattered neutrons are major problems in fast neutron radiography and should be considered for improving the image quality. Good analysis results prove the sound effects of the above two corrections. In the course of setup modifications and re-measuring of several dimensions, the correction factors have been re-evaluated in this work. The correction factors for scatter and attenuation have been recalculated using the Monte Carlo software package EGSnrc, and a new expression has been found for the divergence correction.
The obtained results decrease the measured reference air kerma rate by approximately 0. Wir lernen einige wichtige Werkstoffeigenschaften kennen. Carrier-phase two-way satellite frequency transfer over a very long baseline. The precision achieved was so high that the effects of ionospheric delay became significant; they are ignored in conventional TWSTFT even over a long link. We compensated for these effects using ionospheric delays computed from regional vertical total electron content maps.
Hydrogel research in Germany: The priority programme "Intelligent Hydrogels" was established by the German Research Foundation DFG in in order to strengthen the hydrogel-related research in Germany. Cu of the activity measurements of the radionuclide 64Cu. The value of the activity submitted was about 9. To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. We provide the results from a spectral analysis of nuclear decay experiments displaying unexplained periodic fluctuations. The analyzed data was from 56Mn decay reported by the Children's Nutrition Research Center in Houston, 32Si decay reported by an experiment performed at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Ra decay reported by an experiment performed at the Physikalisch- Technische -Bundesanstalt in Germany.
All three data sets possess the same primary frequency mode consisting of an annual period. Additionally a spectral comparison of the local ambient temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, Earth-Sun distance, and the plasma speed and latitude of the heliospheric current sheet HCS was performed. Experimental investigation of a newly designed supersonic wind tunnel. Conventional measurement techniques were utilized. The flow development is examined by pressure sensors installed at various streamwise positions.
The temperature is measured in the storage tube and the settling chamber. The influence of flow treatment in the settling chamber on the flow quality is also studied. The flow quality of test section is evaluated by a 6-probe Pitot rake. The pressure fluctuations in the test section are studied by a sharp cone model. Eventually, good agreement between the measurements and numerical simulation of the tunnel design is achieved. Predicting water suppy and actual evapotranspiration of street trees.
It's well known that street trees cool air temperature in summer-time by transpiration and shading and also reduce runoff. However, it's difficult to analyse if trees have water shortage or not. This contribution focus on predicting water supply, actual evapotranspiration, and runoff by using easily available climate data precipiation, potential evapotranspiration and site characteristics water retention, space, sealing degree, groundwater depth.
Results give statements on water supply of trees, drought stress, and additional water demand by irrigation. Procedure also analyse, to which extent the surrounding partly sealed surfaces deliver water to the trees. Four representative street canyons of Berlin City were analysed and evaluated within in training program for M. We report the initial results of a recent bilateral comparison of linewidth or critical dimension CD calibrations on photomask line features between two national metrology institutes NMIs: For the comparison, a chrome on glass CoG photomask was used which has a layout of line features down to nm nominal size.
Different measurement methods were used at both institutes. On the isolated opaque features, we found agreement of the CD measurements at the 3 nm to 5 nm level on most features - usually within the combined expanded uncertainties of the measurements. This is a very good ratio showing that we could attract the young generation. There have been oral and poster presentations. It is our pleasure to thank the members of the International ICSMA Committee for their valuable help, especially for proposing and choosing the 18 plenary speakers.
We would like to express our thanks to all referees for their efficient and prompt efforts. Cross sections for ionization of tetrahydrofuran by protons at energies between and keV. Double-differential cross sections for ionization of tetrahydrofuran by protons with energies from to keV were measured at the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt ion accelerator facility. Single-differential and total ionization cross sections have been derived by integration.
The experimental results are compared to the semiempirical Hansen-Kocbach-Stolterfoht model as well as to the recently reported method based on the dielectric formalism. The comparison to the latter showed good agreement with experimental data in a broad range of emission angles and energies of secondary electrons. The scaling property of ionization cross sections for tetrahydrofuran was also investigated.
Compared to molecules of different size, the ionization cross sections of tetrahydrofuran were found to scale with the number of valence electrons at large impact parameters.
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The detection system is made up of twelve 3He tubes inserted into a polyethylene cylinder. In this paper, the experimental setup and the data analysis method are described. The evolution of the absolute DN yields as a function of the neutron incident beam energies are presented and compared to experimental data found in the literature and data from the libraries. Reduction of the uncertainty of the PTB vacuum pressure scale by a new large area non-rotating piston gauge. The operational procedure and the uncertainty budget for pressures between 30 Pa and 11 kPa are given.
Comparisons between the FRS5 and a mercury manometer, a rotary piston gauge and a force-balanced piston gauge are described. We show that the reproducibility of the calibration values of capacitance diaphragm gauges is enhanced by a factor of 6 compared with a static expansion primary standard SE2.
Improvements of the SE2 performance by reducing the number of expansions and smaller uncertainties of expansion ratios are discussed. Traceable terahertz power measurement from 1 THz to 5 THz. The Terahertz detector calibration facility is equipped with a standard detector calibrated against a cryogenic radiometer at this frequency. In order to extend this service to a broader spectral range in the THz region a new standard detector was developed.
This detector is based on a commercial thermopile detector. Its absorber was modified and characterized by spectroscopic methods with respect to its absorptance and reflectance from 1 THz to 5 THz and at the wavelength of a helium-neon laser in the visible spectral range. This offers the possibility of tracing back the THz power responsivity scale to the more accurate responsivity scale in the visible spectral range and thereby to reduce the uncertainty of detector calibrations in the THz range significantly.
Motivating first-year university students by interdisciplinary study projects. The didactic concept includes sophisticated task design, individual responsibility and a differentiated support system. Using a self-determination theory framework, this study examined the effects of the projects based on survey findings from two projects with more than students.
The results showed that the projects were successful in fulfilling students' basic psychological needs and in promoting students' academic engagement. Basic psychological needs were found to be significant predictors of academic engagement. These findings suggest that interdisciplinary study projects can potentially contribute to improving higher education as they fulfil students' basic psychological needs for competence, relatedness and autonomy and enhance students' academic engagement.
Selected Publications
Die Brennstoffzelle hat aus technischer Sicht einen hohen Stand erreicht. Auf Proteinjagd in der T-Zelle: Sie lohnt sich aber: Ein interessantes Forschungsobjekt sind die T-Zellen, die das Immunsystem steuern. Internet discussion forums as part of a student-centred teaching concept of pharmacology. The world wide web opens up new opportunities to interconnect electronic and classroom teaching and to promote active student participation. In this project article we describe the use of internet discussion forums as part of a student-centred teaching concept of pharmacology and discuss its advantages and disadvantages based on evaluation data and current literature.
Evaluation results of forum participants and elective students demonstrated a learning benefit of internet forums in pharmacology teaching. Internet discussion forums offer an easy-to-implement and effective way to actively engage students and increase the learning benefit of electronic and classroom teaching in pharmacology. Measuring and interpreting X-ray fluorescence from planetary surfaces. As part of a comprehensive study of X-ray emission from planetary surfaces and in particular the planet Mercury, we have measured fluorescent radiation from a number of planetary analog rock samples using monochromatized synchrotron radiation provided by the BESSY II electron storage ring.
The experiments were carried out using a purpose built X-ray fluorescence XRF spectrometer chamber developed by the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany's national metrology institute. The XRF instrumentation is absolutely calibrated and allows for reference-free quantitation of rock sample composition, taking into account secondary photon- and electron-induced enhancement effects. The fluorescence data, in turn, have been used to validate a planetary fluorescence simulation tool based on the GEANT4 transport code. This simulation can be used as a mission analysis tool to predict the time-dependent orbital XRF spectral distributions from planetary surfaces throughout the mapping phase.
To monitor the stability, two custom-made ultra-precise high-voltage dividers were developed and built in cooperation with the German national metrology institute Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB. Until now, regular absolute calibration of the voltage dividers required bringing the equipment to the specialised metrology laboratory.
This result demonstrates the utility of the calibration method, as well as the long-term stability of the voltage divider. In Anbetracht der langen Historie der Medizintechnik ist sie jedoch eine sehr junge Disziplin. Stereo particle image velocimetry set up for measurements in the wake of scaled wind turbines. The stereo PIV instrumentation was set up to survey the three velocity components on cross-flow planes at different longitudinal locations.
The area of investigation covered the entire extent of the wind turbines wake that was scanned by the use of two separate traversing systems for both the laser and the cameras. Such instrumentation set up enabled to gain rapidly high quality results suitable to characterise the behaviour of the flow field in the wake of the scaled wind turbine. This would be very useful for the evaluation of the performance of wind farm control methodologies based on wake redirection and for the validation of CFD tools.
It is used for both academic purposes in university courses as well as for providing Very Long Baseline Interferometry VLBI analysis results to the geodetic community. Written in a modular structure in Matlab, VieVS offers easy access to the source code and the possibility to adapt the programs for particular purposes. The new version 3. This paper discusses the influence of the different differential thermocouples used for the measurement of the Seebeck coefficients. Results of a comparative investigation of Seebeck coefficient measurements of a metallic and two semiconducting reference materials in the temperature range from K to K are presented.
Alpha-induced reactions on selenium between 11 and 15 MeV. The irradiation of natural selenium targets on aluminum backings was conducted at the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB in Braunschweig, Germany. The spectroscopic analysis of the reaction products was performed using a high-purity germanium detector located at PTB and a low energy photon spectrometer detector at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.
Thick-target yields were determined. The corresponding energy-dependent production cross sections of 77,79,85,85m Kr and 77Br were calculated from the thick-target yields. Determining orbital particle parameters of impacts into germanium using morphology analysis and calibration data from hypervelocity impact experiments in the laboratory. This paper describes the work that is done at the Lehrstuhl fur Raumfahrttechnik lrt at the Technische Universitat Munchen to examine particle impacts into germanium surfaces which were flown on board the LDEF satellite. Besides the description of the processing of the samples, a brief overview of the particle launchers at our institute is given together with descriptions of impact morphology of high- and hypervelocity particles into germanium.
Since germanium is a brittle, almost glass-like material, the impact morphology may also be interesting for anyone dealing with materials such as optics and solar cells. The main focus of our investigations is to learn about the impacting particle's properties, for example mass, velocity and direction.

This is done by examining the morphology, various geometry parameters, crater obliqueness and crater volume. Novel spectrometers for environmental dose rate monitoring. A new generation of dosemeters, based on the scintillators LaBr 3 , CeBr 3 and SrI 2 , read out with conventional photomultipliers, to be used in the field of environmental gamma-radiation monitoring, was investigated.
The main features of these new instruments and especially their outdoor performance, studied by long-term investigations under real weather conditions, are presented.
The systems were tested at the reference sites for environmental radiation of the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt. The measurements are compared with that of well characterized classical dose rate reference instruments to demonstrate the suitability of new spectrometers for environmental dose rate monitoring even in adverse weather conditions.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.. This paper describes the technical approach as well as the technological development and design of the experiment platform, which is capable of proving the functionality of the deployment mechanism. Furthermore, the realization of the experiment as well as the results of the flight campaign are presented. Finally, the future applications of the developed HDRM and its possible further developments are discussed.
Novel reference radiation fields for pulsed photon radiation installed at PTB. It has been known for a few years that active electronic dosemeters exhibit considerable deficits or can even fail completely in pulsed fields. Type test requirements for dosemeters exist only for continuous radiation. Owing to the need of a reference field for pulsed photon radiation and accordingly to the upcoming type test requirements for dosemeters in pulsed radiation, the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt has developed a novel X-ray reference field for pulsed photon radiation in cooperation with a manufacturer.
This reference field, geared to the main applications in the field of medicine, has been well characterised and is now available for research and type testing of dosemeters in pulsed photon radiation. The comparison was made via a calibrated transfer standard measured at each of the NMIs facilities using their laboratory standard during the period May to September The transfer package constructed for this comparison preformed as designed and provided a stable artifact to compare laboratory standards. Overall the participants were found to be statistically equivalent to the key comparison reference value.
Theoretical and experimental determination of L -shell decay rates, line widths, and fluorescence yields in Ge. Fluorescence yields FYs for the Ge L shell were determined by a theoretical and two experimental groups within the framework of the International Initiative on X-Ray Fundamental Parameters Collaboration. The measured fluorescence yields and line widths are compared to the corresponding calculated values. The uncertainty evaluation is given by Inmetro and some differences in the calibration procedures or in the measuring instruments used are described.
The agreement between the results of laboratories was not in all cases within the combined uncertainties. Results of other comparisons are presented, which give additional information on the equivalence of the realised temperature scales. Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Messtechnik. Measuring Gravitomagnetic Effects by Means of Light. A three-dimensional set of ring lasers will be mounted on a rigid "monument". In a ring laser a light beam traveling counterclockwise is superposed to another beam traveling in the opposite sense.
The anisotropy in the propagation leads to standing waves with slightly different frequencies in the two directions; the resulting beat frequency is proportional to the absolute rotation rate in space, including the gravito-magnetic drag. Long-range nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine for application to micro- and nanotechnology. The paper describes the operation of a high-precision long range three-dimensional nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine NPM-Machine. The machine was successfully tested and continually improved in the last few years.
The machines are operating successfully in several German and foreign research institutes including the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB. Three plane mirror miniature interferometers are installed into the NPM-machine having a resolution of less than 0,1 nm over the entire positioning and measuring range of 25 mm x 25 mm x 5 mm. An Abbe offset-free design of the three miniature plane mirror interferometers and applying a new concept for compensating systematic errors resulting from mechanical guide systems provide extraordinary accuracy with an expanded uncertainty of only 5 - 10 nm.
Professionelles Learning Service Management an Hochschulen. We have discussed the situation with the cylindrical KdV as example. The interesting point to note is that though the B. Die Mechanismen werden derzeit weiter bis hin zur molekularbiologischen und epigenetischen Ebene erforscht. Momentan existiert jedoch noch ein erheblicher Mangel an Translation zwischen diesen Forschungserkenntnissen und deren Anwendung in der klinischen Versorgung.
Kooperative und nachhaltige Strategien sind der erfolgversprechendere Weg, zumindest mittelbis langfristig. Mit dem Modell geben die Autoren gleichsam Einblick in das geplante Energiewendeprojekt enera. Dieser ist bewusst einfach und anschaulich geschrieben, um den Zugang zum Thema zu erleichtern. Diese Abschnitte wurden so verfasst, dass man sie nicht nacheinander lesen muss. Grundlage ist jeweils nur der Abschnitt 1. Dieser selbst ist so verfasst, dass das Wichtigste ganz am Anfang steht.
Je weiter hinten man in diesem Abschnitt ankommt, umso spezieller werden die Themen. Bei nur begrenztem Interesse an dem Thema Verbrennungsmotoren kann man das Lesen des Abschnitts 1 jederzeit abbrechen und hat trotzdem das bis dahin Wichtigste erfahren. Der Transporter wurde gedreht, ausgehoben und durch einen Pkw Ford Escort unterfahren. Unbeteiligte Zeugen waren nicht vorhanden. In der Statistischen Physik befassen wir uns mit Systemen aus sehr vielen Teilchen. Viele Tests - viele Fehler? Bildgebende Verfahren haben sich in den letzten Jahren einen festen Platz in der Medizin erobert und die medizinische Forschung und Diagnostik revolutioniert.
Bildgebende Verfahren sind ohne Mathematik undenkbar, von der Bildrekonstruktion aus den gemessenen Signalen, bis hin zur Auswertung der Bildinformation. Dadurch werden diagnostische Entscheidungen erschwert. Implantate und Verfahren in der Augenheilkunde. Es gibt unterschiedliche Formen wie angeborene congenita oder erworbene, traumatische, krankheitsoder altersbedingte Formen [45]. Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters. Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen.
In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert. Bei der Bewegung eines massebehafteten Roboterarmes kommen u.
Dieses Kapitel erfasst die grundlegenden Gesetze der Mechanik. Behandelt werden folgende Themen: Zeitspiel ist keine Alternative - Warum der Wandel zur Pflicht wird. Die Energiewelt wird durch den digitalen Wandel nicht verschont bleiben. Kommunale Energieversorger als wesentliche Akteure der Digitalisierung - Strategien und Handlungsoptionen. Vielerorts gestalten kommunale Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel bereits aktiv mit. Ferner profitieren kommunale Unternehmen von einigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen, etwa hohen Vertrauenswerten ihrer Kunden und umfangreiches Know-how im Datenmanagement.
Die Entscheidung, einen zeit- bzw. Weisskopf - Universal gebildete und interessierte Menschen sind selten geworden in unserer Zeit. Weisskopf war einer von ihnen. Sein geistiger Horizont umfasste nicht nur sein eigentliches Fachgebiet, die Physik, wo er sich durch fundamentale Arbeiten in den Bereichen der Quantenfeldtheorie, der Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik hervortat.
Die Wissenschaft erschien ihm als das geeignete Mittel, um zum Wohle der Menschheit zu wirken. The aim of this study was to examine postural control in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain CNRS. Furthermore the influence of visual information eyes open versus eyes closed was analyzed. A total of 8 patients with CNRS and 12 healthy control subjects were examined. Surface electromyography SEMG recordings were made from 5 trunk and 5 lower limb muscles as well as one hip muscle during application of distal lateral perturbation.
Furthermore activation of several lower limb muscles was found to be dependent on visual information. Patients showed an altered reflex response of the gluteus medius muscle which could be associated with reduced hip stability. Neue Laser und Strahlquellen - alte und neue Risiken? Wurden bisher zum Beispiel mit fraktionalen Lasern Falten behandelt, sind eben diese Systeme heute in Kombination mit Medikamenten wichtige Werkzeuge bei der Behandlung von Narben, bei Feldkanzerisierung und epithelialen Tumoren.
The interns' learning assessment in obstetrics and gynecology department of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences. One of the aims of management priorities in medical universities is the evaluation of learning in educational departments in order to prevent educational retardation and to improve the quality of education. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, tables, t test, and chi-square test using the SPSS software.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz
The chi-square test showed a significant difference between the mean percentages of the managing capabilities in male and female interns for the majority of the common emergencies and diseases. Also, the chi-square test revealed a significant relationship between the learning indicators and the interns' managing capabilities for common emergencies and diseases. Some learning indicators in the male interns were very low. In the last decades there has been a rapid development of new geodetic and other Earth observation satellites.
Applications of these satellites such as car navigation systems, weather predictions, and, digital maps such as Google Earth or Google Maps play a more and more important role in our daily life. Today, researchers within geodesy, climatology, oceanography, meteorology as well as within Earth system science are all dependent on up-to-date satellite data. Design, development and handling of these missions require experts with knowledge not only in space engineering, but also in the specific applications.
That gives rise to a new kind of engineers - satellite application engineers. The study program for these engineers combines parts of different classical disciplines such as geodesy, aerospace engineering or electronic engineering. It is an international, interdisciplinary Master's program, and is open to students with a BSc in both Science e. Geodesy, Mathematics, Informatics, Geophysics and Engineering e. Aerospace, Electronical and Mechanical Engineering. The program is completely conducted in English. ESPACE benefits from and utilizes its location in Munich with its unique concentration of expertise related to space science and technology.
Immunotoxicity and genotoxicity testing for in-flight experiments under microgravity. Phagocytotic activity is based on the chemotaxis and adhesion, ingestion and phagosome formation. The attachment at the surface of the hemocytes and consequently the uptake of the particles or bacteria can be directly quantified in the format of a fluorescent assay.
Another relevant endpoint of phagocytosis is oxidative burst measured by luminescence. Phagocytosis-related production of ROS will be stimulated with opsonised zymosan. The hemocytes will be stored frozen at oC and reconstituted in-flight for the experiment. The indicator cells are the hemocytes of blue mussels Mytilus edulis. The signals of the immuno cellular responses are translated into luminescence as a rapid optical reporter system.
The samples for genotoxicity will be processed after returning to earth. The immune system of invertebrates has not been studied so far in space. Sonification of acoustic emission data. On goal is to establish a real-time frequency transformation into the audio range to avoid time consuming visual data processing during the experiments.
It is also the intention to analyze the signals using psycho-acoustic methods with the help of specialists from electrical engineering. Acoustic emission, bonded anchors, femur, pullout test, fire-spalling. Kompressionstherapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum. Neben der konservativen und interventionellen Wund- und Venentherapie, ist die Kompressionstherapie die Basis der Behandlungsstrategien. Eine weitere, bislang wenig verbreitete Alternative sind adaptive Kompressionsbandagen.
Simultaneous integrated boost-intensity modulated radiation therapy for inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma. The aim of this work was to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of simultaneous integrated boost-intensity modulated radiation therapy SIB-IMRT in patients with inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma HCC. The LD group had larger sized tumors median: The HD group tended to show better tumor response vs. Multivariate analysis showed that tumor response was significantly associated with OS. Influence of ionospheric disturbances onto long-baseline relative positioning in kinematic mode.
Ionospheric disturbances are fast and random variabilities in the ionosphere and they are difficult to detect and model. Some strong disturbances can cause, among others, interruption of GNSS signal or even lead to loss of signal lock. These phenomena are especially harmful for kinematic real-time applications, where the system availability is one of the most important parameters influencing positioning reliability.
Our investigations were conducted using long time series of GNSS observations gathered at high latitude, where ionospheric disturbances more frequently occur. Selected processing strategy was used to monitor ionospheric signatures in time series of the coordinates. Quality of the data of input and of the processing results were examined and described by a set of proposed parameters.
Variations in the coordinates were compared with available information about the state of ionosphere derived from Neustrelitz TEC Model NTCM and with the time series of raw observations. The paper presents very first results of evaluation of the robustness of positioning algorithms with respect to ionospheric anomalies using the NTCM model and our calculated ionospheric parameters.
Simulation of a GOX-kerosene subscale rocket combustion chamber. The subscale rocket combustion chamber uses GOX and kerosene as propellants which are injected through a single double swirl element. Especially the modeling of the double swirl element and the measured wall roughness were adapted on the LFA hardware.
Additionally, new liquid kerosene fluid properties were implemented and verified in Rocflam-II. Also the influences of soot deposition and hot gas radiation on the wall heat flux were analytically and numerically estimated. In context of reviewing the implemented evaporation model in Rocflam-II, the binary diffusion coefficient and its pressure dependency were analyzed. Finally simulations have been performed for different load points with Rocflam-II showing a good agreement compared to test data.
Adaption of an array spectroradiometer for total ozone column retrieval using direct solar irradiance measurements in the UV spectral range. A compact array spectroradiometer that enables precise and robust measurements of solar UV spectral direct irradiance is presented. We show that this instrument can retrieve total ozone column TOC accurately. The internal stray light, which is often the limiting factor for measurements in the UV spectral range and increases the uncertainty for TOC analysis, is physically reduced so that no other stray-light reduction methods, such as mathematical corrections, are necessary.
The results showed deviations of the TOC of less than 1. Final report on the key comparison CCM. Main text To reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Final report on bilateral supplementary comparison APMP. NIM piloted the comparison and provided the transfer standard, which was a piston-cylinder assembly PCA of 1 cm2 nominal effective area built in a hydraulic pressure balance manufactured by Fluke Corporation. The results of the comparison successfully demonstrated that the hydraulic gauge pressure standards of NIM and PTB in the range of 1 MPa to 10 MPa are equivalent within their claimed uncertainties.
This sensitivity was achieved after background levels were reduced significantly. This set consists of two imaging diagnostics with spatial, temporal, and broadband spectral resolution. The design requires a vulnerability approach, because components will operate in a harsh environment induced by neutron fluxes, gamma rays, debris, and shrapnel. Grazing incidence x-ray microscopes are fielded as far as possible away from the target to minimize potential damage and signal noise due to these sources.
These imaging diagnostics incorporate microscopes with large source-to-optic distance and large size gated microchannel plate detectors. Microscopes include optics with grazing incidence mirrors, pinholes, and refractive lenses. Bisher haben wir nur das thermische Verhalten von Stoffen einheitlicher Konsistenz diskutiert. Development and evaluation of thermal model reduction algorithms for spacecraft. This paper is concerned with the topic of the reduction of thermal models of spacecraft. The reduction of thermal models can be divided into the simplification of the geometry model for calculation of external heat flows and radiative couplings and into the reduction of the underlying mathematical model.
For simplification a method has been developed which approximates the reduced geometry model with the help of an optimization algorithm. Different linear and nonlinear model reduction techniques have been evaluated for their applicability in reduction of the mathematical model. Additional model reduction methods have been developed, which account to these constraints. The Matrix Reduction method allows the approximation of the differential equation to reference values exactly expect for numerical errors.
The summation method enables a useful, applicable reduction of thermal models that can be used in industry. In this work a framework for model reduction of thermal models has been created, which can be used together with a newly developed graphical user interface for the reduction of thermal models in industry. Research on new dynamic force calibration system.
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- Education :Dental Tribune Germany.
- Erotomania.
Sinusoidal force calibration method based on electrodynamic shaker and interferometric system was studied several years before at Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB. It uses electrodynamic shakers to generate dynamic force in the range from 1N to 20kN, and heterodyne laser interferometers are used for acceleration measurement. A new air bearing system is developed to increase the performance of shakers and an active vibration isolator is used to reduce enviromental disturbance to the interferometric system. Estimation of Sources and Sinks of Sulfuric Acid. In that way a data set was obtained which allows investigating major sources and sinks of sulfuric acid under relative clean conditions.
H2SO4 and espe- cially OH concentrations are relatively well correlated to solar flux. The average SO2 concentrations were below 20 ppt. The aerosol size distribu- tion was obtained in 39 size ranges from 10 to nm. Typical aerosol concentrations are in the range of to cm-3 during the discussed period of time. An estima- tion of the production rate of H2SO4 was inferred building on the reaction of SO2 and OH, while the loss rate was calculated by considering the condensation of H2SO4 on aerosol particles Fuchs and Sutugin approach.
Results of the measurements and calculations will be discussed. Neutron induced fission cross section measurements of Pu and Pu. Accurate neutron induced fission cross section of Pu and Pu are required in view of making nuclear technology safer and more efficient to meet the upcoming needs for the future generation of nuclear power plants GEN-IV. A measurement campaign to determine neutron induced fission cross sections of Pu and Pu at 2. The targets were molecular plated on 0.
The neutron fluence was measured with the proton recoil telescope T1 , which is the German primary standard for neutron fluence measurements. The two measurements were related using a De Pangher long counter and the charge as monitors. Cross-scale MD simulations of dynamic strength of tantalum. Dislocations are ubiquitous in metals where their motion presents the dominant and often the only mode of plastic response to straining. Over the last 25 years computational prediction of plastic response in metals has relied on Discrete Dislocation Dynamics DDD as the most fundamental method to account for collective dynamics of moving dislocations.
Here we present first direct atomistic MD simulations of dislocation-mediated plasticity that are sufficiently large and long to compute plasticity response of single crystal tantalum while tracing the underlying dynamics of dislocations in all atomistic details. Where feasible, direct MD simulations sidestep DDD altogether thus reducing uncertainties of strength predictions to those of the interatomic potential.
In the specific context of shock-induced material dynamics, the same MD models predict when, under what conditions and how dislocations interact and compete with other fundamental mechanisms of dynamic response, e.
ZEW Employee: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz
This work was performed under the auspices of the U. Compact NE neutron spectrometer with high energy resolution for fusion applications. Neutron spectrometry is a tool for obtaining important information on the fuel ion composition, velocity distribution and temperature of fusion plasmas. The results show that this system can operate in a real fusion experiment as a neutron 1.
To validate the DAQ system, a new data analysis code was developed and tests were done using measurements with MeV neutrons made at the PTB accelerator. The best results were obtained with gates of 35 ns and 80 ns. This differs from what is normally implemented in the analog pulse shape discrimination modules, namely, the fast and long decay emissions of the scintillating light.
A new Ultra Precision Interferometer for absolute length measurements down to cryogenic temperatures. As its precursor, the precision interferometer, it was designed for highly precise absolute length measurements of prismatic bodies, e. The UPI enables a number of enhanced features, e.
In addition to the original concept, the UPI is equipped with an external measurement pathway EMP in which a prismatic body can be placed alternatively. The temperature of the EMP can be controlled in a much wider range compared to the temperature of the interferometer's main chamber.
An appropriate cryostat system, a precision temperature measurement system and improved imaging interferometry were established to permit absolute length measurements down to cryogenic temperature, demonstrated for the first time ever. Results of such measurements are important for studying thermal expansion of materials from room temperature towards less than 10 K. Thermographic techniques and adapted algorithms for automatic detection of foreign bodies in food.
At the moment foreign substances in food are detected mainly by using mechanical and optical methods as well as ultrasonic technique and than they are removed from the further process. These techniques detect a large portion of the foreign substances due to their different mass mechanical sieving , their different colour optical method and their different surface density ultrasonic detection.
Despite the numerous different methods a considerable portion of the foreign substances remain undetected. In order to recognise materials still undetected, a complementary detection method would be desirable removing the foreign substances not registered by the a. After the initial tests turned out to be very promising for the differentiation of food stuffs and foreign substances, more and detailed investigation were carried out to develop suitable algorithms for automatic detection of foreign bodies.
In order to achieve -besides the mere visual detection of foreign substances- also an automatic detection under production conditions, numerous experiences in image processing and pattern recognition are exploited. Results for the detection of foreign bodies will be presented at the conference showing the different advantages and disadvantages of using grey - level, statistical and morphological image processing techniques. The decay proton detector and electronics will be operated at a high electrostatic potential of kV and a magnetic field of 0.
In addition, the APDs will be cooled to 77 K. The APDs are divided into 14 groups of 96 channels, including spares. A firmware was developed for the detector including a self-triggering readout with continuous pedestal calculation and configurable signal detection. It is a time-division multiplexing low layer protocol which provides determined latency for time critical messages, IPBus, and JTAG interfaces. The network has a n: Study of glass hydrometer calibration by hydrostatic weighting.
Glass hydrometers are simple but effective instruments for measuring the density of liquids. Glass hydrometers calibration based on the Archimedes law, using silicon ring as a reference standard solid density, n-tridecane with density stability and low surface tension as the standard working liquid, based on hydrostatic weighing method designs a glass hydrometer calibration system. Glass hydrometer calibration system uses CCD image measurement system to align the scale of hydrometer and liquid surface, with positioning accuracy of 0.
Surface tension of the working liquid is measured by Whihemy plate. According to twice glass hydrometer weighing in the air and liquid can calculate the correction value of the current scale. The results of measurement compare with the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt PTB ,verifying the validity of the calibration system. New x-ray parallel beam facility XPBF 2. As the existing XPBF which is operated since , the new beamline provides a pencil beam of very low divergence, a vacuum chamber with a hexapod system for accurate positioning of the SPO to be investigated, and a vertically movable CCD-based camera system to register the direct and the reflected beam.
In contrast to the existing beamline, a multilayer-coated toroidal mirror is used for beam monochromatization at 1. Thus the quality of individual pores as well as the focusing properties of large groups of pores can be investigated. The new beamline also features increased travel ranges for the hexapod to cope with larger SPOs and a sample to detector distance of 12 m corresponding to the envisaged focal length of ATHENA.
Microgravity collisions of dust aggregates as an analogue to early planetesimal formation. During the early stages of planet formation the dusty progenitors of planetesimals collided with each other continuously to form the seeds of planets. These collisions could result in growth or disruption depending on the individual impact velocities.
We find sticking occurs at mass ratios larger than Recently, claims were made by Sturrock et al. In this work, more accurate 36Cl decay-rate measurements - performed at the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt Braunschweig in the period - by means of the triple-to-double coincidence ratio measurement technique - are scrutinised.
The residuals from an exponential decay curve were analysed by a weighted Lomb-Scargle periodogram. The existence of modulations in the frequency range between 0. The invariability of the 36Cl decay constant contradicts the speculations made about the deep solar interior on the basis of instabilities in former activity measurements.
At the Physikalisch- Technische Bundesanstalt, the National Metrology Institute of Germany, a new facility for measuring visual appearance-related quantities has been built up. Compared to standard gonioreflectometers, there are two main new features within this setup. First goniometric measurements of diffuse reflection within 3D-space above the DUT with subsequent colorimetric representation of the obtained data of special effect pigments based on the interference effect are presented.
The activity distribution was measured by means of a customized fuel gamma scanning device, which includes a vertical lifting system to move the fuel rod along its vertical axis. After the fuel elements underwent a relatively short cooling down period, different fission products were detected.
The activity concentration was determined by calibrating the gamma detector with a standard calibration source of known activity and by MCNP6 simulations for the evaluation of self-absorption and geometric effects. Given the specific TRIGA fuel composition, a correction procedure is developed and used in this work for the measurement of the fission product Zr Closing remarks at the symposium in honour of Daniel Bellus. Pharmacenter, University of Basel, February 6, In his most remarkable paper published in in Helv.
Acta , the photochemistry of the alpha,beta-unsaturated cyclohexenones O-acetyl-testosterone and methy-delta1,9-octalon- 2 is described in detail. Personal remarks on Daniel Bellus and warmest thanks to him, to Profs. Beat Ernst and Bernd Giese the organizers of the symposium and to all the speakers concluded this most special event. Electromagnetic DM technology meets future AO demands. A LVDS multi-drop cable connects up to 32 actuator modules.
With the actuator module, accompanying PCB and multi-drop system the deformable mirror technology is made modular in its mechanics and electronics. Latest results of the deformable mirror technology development are presented. Study of building typology of school constructed during the Dutch Colonial Period in Indonesia. Bandung is one of the most important colonial cities in Indonesia. In the early 20th century the capital city of Dutch East-Indies Government planned to move in Bandung.
- Mama Root: Tales From the Old Woman of Loop Road.
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- Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice.
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Critical infrastructures were intensively built during that period, such as streets and railways, houses, governmental buildings, train stations, hospitals and educational facilities. Besides the famous campus of Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng ITB , still in the same period, several schools were also constructed. Survey and direct data collecting were used to take the exact embodiment of building design.
Usage and functional analysis were also used to match space and other standard used in a school building at that time. This study will give an understanding of building typology of school during the Dutch Colonial Period in Indonesia. Recent work of decay spectroscopy at RIBF.
Decay properties of exotic nuclei are also essential to model astrophysical events responible for the evolution of the universe such as the rp- and r-process. Since , four experimental campaigns have been successfully completed using fragmentation of Xe beam and in-flight-fission of U beam, approaching for example the key nuclei 78Ni, Zr, Sn, Pd, and Sn.
This contribution highlights the experiments performed, results obtained, and discusses the future perspective of the EURICA project. Franz, Wolfgang , Wohin treibt die Phillipskurve? Franz, Wolfgang , Is Less More? A Case Against Demand Policy? Franz, Wolfgang , Die Lebenszyklushypothese der Konsumfunktion: Was ist aus dem Verfassungsgerichtsurteil zu lernen? Weder di Mauro and W. Franz, Wolfgang , Die Agenda Symbol eines wirtschaftspolitischen Kurswechsels , Wirtschaftsdienst 88 3 , Franz, Wolfgang , Der Aufschwung in Deutschland: Kein Verdienst der Bundesregierung , Orientierungen zur Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolitik , Franz, Wolfgang , Systemumbau statt Symptomkosmetik , ifo-Schnelldienst 7 , Some Economic Perspectives, Wien, Franz, Wolfgang , Das deutsche Modell der unternehmerischen und betrieblichen Mitbestimmung: Den Handlungsbedarf richtig erkennen und umsetzen , in: Wille , Reform der sozialen Sicherung , Springer, Heidelberg.
Franz, Wolfgang and Friedhelm Pfeiffer , Lohntheorien , in: Stadler , Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung: Franz, Wolfgang , Economic Policy Consulting: Some Personal Reflexions , in: Franz, Wolfgang, Viktor Steiner and V. Zimmermann , Die betriebliche Ausbildungsbereitschaft im technologischen und demographischen Wandel , Vol. Manfred Bodin, Hildesheim, Zimmermann , Young and Out in Germany: Konzeption, Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen , in: Wolters Gesamtwirtschaftliche Modelle in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Franz, Wolfgang and K.
Wo stehen wir ? Franz, Wolfgang and H. The German Case , in: Franz, Wolfgang , Dezentrale versus zentrale Lohnbildung in Europa: Theoretische Aspekte und empirische Evidenz , in: Franz, Wolfgang , Der Arbeitsmarkt.