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This person is always thinking about the virtues of his saying "subhan Allah" and saying "la ilaha illa Allah" but he pays no attention to what has been reported concerning those who backbite, tell lies, and slander others, or commit other sins of the tongue. They are completely deceived.
Al-Mawsu'ah Al-Fiqhiyyah, part 31, Ghuroor You may hear of some customs associated with 'Ashura' such as cooking and eating certain foods on that day, wearing kohl or henna, or even merrymaking. Others consider this a day of mourning and wailing in honor of the Prophet's grandson Al-Husayn, who was killed in battle on that day. The scholar Ibn Taymiyah b.
Take advantage of this opportunity to bring yourself closer to Allah on 'Ashura' by fasting and praying for forgiveness. Related posts from similar topics: Ashura and Muharram of Sunni and Shia Muharram: These are offered as a means for IslamiCity to stimulate dialogue and discussion in our continuing mission of being an educational organization. The IslamiCity site may occasionally contain copyrighted material the use of which may not always have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. IslamiCity is making such material available in its effort to advance understanding of humanitarian, education, democracy, and social justice issues, etc.
We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U. Section , and such and all material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: Many events took place on Ashora in history or many events took place some other day as well. The writer is clearly placing a Hadith quote of our Nabi saw in which he recommended fasting based on the event of a previous Prophet Musa.
We believe in Allah his Quran. We believe Muhammad was his last Prophet and we follow his practices. We don't follow things that happened after his death. His guidance yrs ago guides us till today. His grandson was precious but Nabi didn't mention or encouraged anything , not even his own grave to be mourned at or celebrated. The arch angel Gabriel foretold of 2 martyrs to grieve for, Jesus and imom hossain, i weep for both, bless us all for the love of god ,amen. I don't understand how can people negate the Ahadeeth of Sahih Bukhari?
These people don't even know how the Ahadeeth were collected and how hard Imam Bukhari strived to ensure the most accurate hadith are recorded. Imam Bukhari was so strong in collecting Ahaadeeth that he would sometimes classify and remove his own collected Ahaadeeth on mere doubt that it could be da'eef weak hadith on which his student Imam Muslim recorded in his books based on Imam Bukhari's principle.
The practice of fasting Ahsura was done when Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa aalihi wasallam migrated Madina long time before the incident of Imam Hussain radhiAllaahu 'anhu. This fasting is a voluntary fast, but Shirk Associating partner with Allah is so grave that will never be forgiven!
Quran is so clear on Shirk, yet we fail to understand?? I am agreeing with it but there is something in it that I would like to elaborate on and that is. Because jews also fast on this day therefore in order to differentiate ourselves, we Muslims are being ordered to fast either one day before or one day after Ashura. BUT cooking something good on this day and bathing etc are , Suni Preacher says , very good. This hadith is not correct. The tubah and repentant of Adam a. May Allah give the whole Ummah taufiq to follow the footsteps of our beloved Rasulullah and his faithful companions who followed him to the minutest detail.
Unfortunately we are so divided on trivial isuues by making them so important forgeting our maqsad and the responsibility which Allah has shouldered on thus guiding and inviting people to the right path and forbiding them from evil. The whole humanity have rights on us to show them the truth.
But we have to be truthful and sincere to our Deen first before we invite others.
The Day of Ashura
As they say if your house is on fire you have to put it off first before you go to your neighbours house which is also on. Since it was recommended by Prophet Muhammad S. W fasting in this day of Ashura is Sunnah but not compulsory like Ramadan. May almighty Allah spare our life with good deeds and guide us to the right path. The beloved Prophet saw fasted every monday and thursday and most of his life.
So from a health and spiritual point of view fasting is excellent so there nothing wroing if you fast on the 9th,10th,11th,12th of Muharram or whenever you want besides the eid days. Fasting has has blessings barakah. The beloved said dont make you stomach a container for diseases. If you believe that this Hadith is true and if you are. We should fast on this day since the Prophet peace be upon him told the Muslims to fast and NOT base this or mix this with other events, historical or otherwise.
As Muharram is among one of the sacred months three other sacred months are dilqaddha, dilhajj and rajjab and after reading about past on fasting this day.. Please correct me if I am historically wrong here. Didn't Sayyidina Hussein died after the passing away of our beloved Prophet Muhammad. And didn't the Prophet s. However the Ramadhan fasting is compulsory while the Ashura fast is optional. Listen Sister, nobody not even Sunnis deny history and the incident at Karbala.
In fact I have no slightest doubt on the villian in that incident. And Sunnis, most of them I would say love Hussein r. Then why keep on pointing accusations at us as though we, the Sunnis distorted history? Then we recite the same verses of the Quran. We drank the wondeful and delicious zam zam water. We put on the same attire, the simple white cloth.
There was no faces of Sunnis or Syiahs then, only Muslims. Therefore rather than being engrossed with this differences among us, let us unite and face our real foe in today's world. The same foe that the Syiahs are also facing now. Why would he fast on a sad and horrible day?? People fast to thank ALLah for a given sitution. But the fact that imam hussein as died should not be day to fast. Propher mohamad said, "I am from hussein and Hussein is from me.
We will fast cause it's the sunnah! For Muslims , it's Allah and then to follow his messenger Muhammad saw.

There is no one to be mourned in Islam for more than 3 days. Any extension of the deen besides what Quran and Nabi has taught is simply not Islam.
Ashura 2018: What is Ashura? How is Ashura 2018 commemorated?
May be another religion. Brother Ali, I'll call you a Brother even though I believe that you are a Syiah but nevertheless we are all Muslims aren't we not? My reply and all right thinking Muslims replies are this " On no side Brother Ali. On no individual human side. For that reason alone. I don't fast for Hussein r. Of course I'll never think good of Yazid, he's a murderous tyrant. I detest the way Muawiyah got his caliphate. I disagree with the war and the incident at Karbala. It is shirk to attribute fasting to any individual.
I trace my love for Hussein r. Let me be very frank that I rarely find a Sunni who claims to love Muawiyah and his descendants. But fasting is a worship and I stand on no side except with a humble hope of getting the Rahmah and Baraqah from Allah when I fast. Fasting during the month is not about Hussein r. The Ashura began long before the incident of Karbala infact it was started at the time of Moses a.
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That is the history Brother Ali. Yazid massacred the grandson of the Holy Prophet and his family on the 10th of Muharram. Now you decide whose side you stand on when you fast on this day. I mean I find it slightly difficult to fast on the 9th. Muharam which is a Friday because normally after the Friday prayers, generous friends would give all sorts of food or even treat me to lunches. I hope to fast on the 10th. Expansion in Iran and beyond.
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- CMS Advises Medicare Advantage Plans That Nursing Home Spouse Benefits Apply To Married Same-Sex Couples (OPEN MINDS Weekly News Wire Book 2013).
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- The Straits Times.
- Ashura and The Battle of Karbala.
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