You Are Mine (Max Lucados Wemmicks)
Lists with This Book. May 07, fatemeh motahari rated it it was amazing Shelves: Aug 23, Mikayla rated it really liked it Shelves: I love Max Lucado's story's. Even if they are meant for kids, they can still be enjoyed by adults. Dec 01, Gabriel Wallis rated it really liked it Shelves: Good little kids book! In this book, we learn about the unhappiness possessions can bring, how distracting they really are. Owning too much ends up finding yourself less valuable than you really are.
This is something I'm currently learning in life. I'm a little bit of a hoarder and I put unnecessary value in what I own, unfortunately. God has been slowly guiding me through this proce Good little kids book! God has been slowly guiding me through this process, and You Are Mine speaks directly into that process.
You Are Mine
Mar 18, Slow Man rated it it was amazing Shelves: One can still enjoy a story very much without thinking too much about the intentions of the writer. This one gives comfort and love to every human being. What if we love collecting are books? Books are read in private and nobody wears a book like a piece of clothing or drives like a shiny car. Sep 24, Linda rated it it was amazing Shelves: It speaks to the adults reading it, as much if not more, than to the children listening. It is a parable that teaches how following the crowd by getting more and more stuff is an expense that costs us greatly.
In the process we forget whose we are. Apr 17, Hannah Belyea rated it really liked it Shelves: Every Wemmick has started collecting balls and boxes, so Punchinello decides to start his own collection, no matter how aching his arms become! Lucado continues this enjoyable series with yet another beautifully illustrated story for young readers.
Sure to please families with its heartfelt lesson and entertaining cast! Nov 14, Cindy Sarnowski rated it it was amazing Shelves: An important sequel to "You Are Special" this book continues the story of Punchinello and the land of the Wemmicks. The warm illustrations work together with the text to remind him that he is loved just as he is - not because of how he looks or what he has, but because of whose he is.

Dec 28, Janette rated it it was amazing Shelves: A classic -- you are never too old to read and re-read this!! Dec 14, Claudia Harrington rated it it was amazing. Jan 20, Emily Clare rated it it was amazing Shelves: An inspiring book that would be great for 4th or 5th graders to read. Talks about competition and being like other people, but knowing you are special.
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- You Are Mine : Max Lucado : .
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Sep 05, Chloey Jones rated it really liked it. The town full of Wemicks, people crated by the woodsman, was a happy town until two Wemicks tried to outdo each other with how much they owned. To them the most luxurious items were boxes and balls and were constantly buying more and more; for the best Wimick's had the most boxes and balls.
Not wanting to be a "not-so good Wimick", a small Wimick named Punchinello sold every thing he owned to be the best Wimick around with the biggest and best boxes and balls. Then one morning the best Wimicks The town full of Wemicks, people crated by the woodsman, was a happy town until two Wemicks tried to outdo each other with how much they owned.
Then one morning the best Wimicks had their boxes and balls stacked as high as they could be causing a mad rush up the mountain where Punchinello quickly fell behind and got lost. Stumbling into the woodsman's home, Punchinello realized that boxes and balls didn't mater at all and true happiness wasn't found in material processions. The illustrator and author came together to create a very well organized and flowing book.
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On every page there is a huge picture on the left and text on the right in a frame. On the top of the frame in a circle is a close up of one part of the illustration from the left. This allows the reader to focus in on a key aspect of the image as well as creates a flow throughout the whole book by following the same design layout page after page. Jan 24, Emily rated it it was amazing. Max Lucado is such a wonderful author! I really enjoy all of his books, but especially those written for children. In this book, Punchinello and the Wemmicks are again seen chasing after things that they don't need and actually make their lives more complicated.
When one of Punchinello's friends buys a box and then a ball, everyone in the town thinks they too need boxes and balls. They keep buying more and more to keep up with each other. Soon Punchinello is out of a house.
Wemmicks: You Are Special (Wemmicks Collection Series)
He finally finds hims Max Lucado is such a wonderful author! He finally finds himself at Eli's house the Wemmick's creator where he learns that having a lot of "stuff" doesn't necessarily make you happy. This is an excellent book for children describing the dangers of materialism. It is the perfect length to read to my daughter before bed. I am hoping to get all of Max Lucado's books: Sep 18, Victoria Salzmann rated it liked it Shelves: This is a well written picture book especially for children from ages 4 to eight who struggle with insecurities and the pressures of fitting in.
See a Problem?
This book teaches children that being who you are is much more fun than being the person who others want you to be. They uncover this theme by having Punchinello's friend become one of the cool kids, but as a result she has to stop being friends with Punchinello because he is not "special". She eventually decides to be her own person and hang out with t This is a well written picture book especially for children from ages 4 to eight who struggle with insecurities and the pressures of fitting in.
She eventually decides to be her own person and hang out with the people who loved her before she was deemed "special". I loved this book as a child and I still love this book as I reread it now. As you read this book you can't help, but fall in love with the characters and identify with their situations in one way or the other. Punchinello is troubled when a new fad spreads across the little town of the Wemmicks. It seems you are not a good Wemmick unless you have lots of boxes and balls, but Punchinello doesn't have a lot of money, and he needs to buy more boxes and balls so that he will be held in high esteem.
This is a sweet little story that Max Lucado tells with a wise and knowing heart. Making the lesson something that even little children could understand, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it. Oct 14, Emma rated it really liked it Shelves: This book has a very sweet message and is a good reminder of what really matters in life. In a world where everyone seems to be competing to have the biggest and the best, this book shows that material things are not what bring happiness. It can be exhausting trying to keep up with that mentality!
We need to trust in our maker Heavenly Father to know what is best for us. It is in doing what He wants us to do, that we find true and everlasting happiness. A great message for readers of all ages! Nov 16, Elaine rated it it was amazing. Great story for kids about how chasing after material things just isn't worth it, especially when time, money, happiness and relationships are sacrificed in pursuit of more and more things. The Wemmicks get all carried away buying lots of balls and boxes, which have become status symbols for this little village.
I thought it was funny that after we read this, T said to me, "But I really like collecting bouncy balls! Oct 19, Kaylin rated it it was amazing. This book has such a good lesson. It tells you that everyone is special- not just your best friend or your worst enemy. This book tells you that yeah you are valuable. So when others start collecting boxes and balls, Punchinello decides he wants to have some too. They make him feel so good-until he remembers how his arms ache from holding them all. Until he remembers how tired he is from working just to buy more. Until he stumbles into Eli's workshop and is reminded of how very much he's given up to have those boxes and balls.
Once again at the knee of his creator, Punchinello hears the words he needs the most: The Best Books of Check out the top books of the year on our page Best Books of Looking for beautiful books?
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Visit our Beautiful Books page and find lovely books for kids, photography lovers and more. Other books in this series. You Are Mine Max Lucado. You Are Special Max Lucado. Best of All Max Lucado.
You Are Mine (Wemmicksville, #2) by Max Lucado
The Wemmicks Collection Max Lucado. His award-winning books have been translated into more than fifty-four languages and he has been named one of the most influential leaders in social media by The New York Times.
Max lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife, Denalyn, and has three daughters and one granddaughter.