The Weeping Song
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Red Right Hand Remastered Version. Push the Sky Away Let Love In Remastered Version The Ship Song Remastered Edition. The Good Son Remastered Edition Into My Arms Remastered Edition. The Boatman's Call Remastered Edition You are commenting using your Facebook account.
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Notify me of new comments via email. Skip to content Well following that killer cover version by Sun Kil Moon in my last post is the original track and great live version too. Go son, go down to the water And see the women weeping there Then go up into the mountains The men, they are weeping too Father, why are all the women weeping? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.
The Weeping Song by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The Fall Melbourne Festival This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. This is a weeping song A song in which to weep While all the men and children sleep This is a weeping song But I won't be weeping long.
- Nick Cave Monday #6: “The Weeping Song”.
- MUTE • Nick Cave – The Weeping Song • Nick Cave – The Weeping Song.
- More by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds;
Oh father tell me, are you weeping? Your face seems wet to touch Oh then I'm so sorry, father I never thought I hurt you so much.
Songtext von Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Weeping Song Lyrics
This is a weeping song A song in which to weep While we rock ourselves to sleep This is a weeping song But I won't be weeping long No I won't be weeping long No I won't be weeping long No I won't be weeping long. Quiero recibir notificaciones de artistas destacados y noticias.

Go son, go down to the water And see the women weeping there Then go up into the mountains The men, they are weeping too Father, why are all the women weeping? They are weeping back at them This is a weeping song A song in which to weep While all the men and women sleep This is a weeping song But I won't be weeping long Father, why are all the children weeping?