Pulgarcito en Español Moderno (Translated) (Spanish Edition)
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Buenos Aires Argentina Spanish. I am completely at a loss with a game that the teachers in USA play with their students at primary schools and it goes like this: How are you today, sir? Very well, I thank you. One at a time, hands disappear quickly behind the back. I am not interested in translating the whole paragraphs, only the parts in italics. How would be the Spanish version of " Thumbkin? Any help would be much appreciated!!! Thanks a lot, friends!!!
Eugin , Mar 8, Many games and nursery rimes are nonsensical and rely more on the sound, rather than the actual meaning. Where is thumbkin, Where is thumbkin? Here I am, Here I am. Very well I thank you. Repite con puntero, hombre alto, hombre anillo, y dedito. Ron in LA , Mar 8, Recommended for older students and advanced Spanish speakers.
Also available as an App.
Where is Thumbkin?
The Bible App is free, and technically more than a simple audiobook. You can download the stories, which include text, audio, and images that are slightly animated. This is a huge resource to have at your fingertips, if you read the Bible with your kids! There are several paid options for Spanish audio books. Click here to go directly to the collection of Spanish-language books. These songs may be fun to sing, and the images are a great springboard for discussions about the holiday. These are a mix of traditional songs, and learners songs designed to teach about the holiday.
Honestly, I am not sure how much I would show with really young kids. It seems like it would be hard to share without lots of English to explain what we are watching, and that some families might be uncomfortable with the graveyard images. However, you know your class and context! I am sharing these so you know your options, and can plan accordingly! I like this one for the very clear singing voice, and the graphics are sweet too.

The music slogs a little, but still comprehensible and the graphics are useful when working with kids. Another comprehensible Day of the Dead song for introducing what the day is about, the graphics here are also helpful for teaching. How could I not include music from Coco? Here are two different version, both of which includes scenes from the movie.
This is a Day of the Dead classic: Kara Jacobs has some fantastic resources that go with this song too! Just a heads up that Donald Trump appears briefly in one scene— this was before he was elected president, but it may feel political for some.
It includes scenes from Coco, mixed in with scenes of Lafourcade singing and Day of the Dead contexts. Really lovely, folksy version that includes lyrics. A traditional Mexican folk song, this is not exactly a Day of the Dead song, but it fits in with themes of death, and the afterlife. This story is difficult for me to hear or teach rooted in a story of a jilted woman who drowns her children and then forever after haunts her former lover and weeps for her children , so be aware of that if you use this. It also includes an English portion. In Spanish, however, there are different versions, and they vary by country as well.
I wish there were a good version with lyrics on YouTube to recommend for free, but the pickings are slim. If you have more suggestions, let me know in the comments below for sure. The graphics and lyrics are great in this version, though the audio is a little hard to sing along to. You may still want to use the audio, so here are the lyrics:. Another version that sings Que los cumplas feliz, mixed in with an original version from Plim Plim. An original mix from Toobys.
And just for fun— a bonus video poking fun and how long it take to sing all the songs in most countries! Maybe not for class, but a funny watch:. Do you know of any good Happy Birthday songs in Spanish that I missed? Let me know in the comments! Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Youtube.
Los Reyes Magos
Carta a Los Reyes Magos: Comprehensible news clip on Los Tres Reyes heads up that one of the kings uses blackface to represent one king—this is a controversial practice that people are now bringing attention to, and I would at least discuss it: Spanish family explains the differences between celebrations in the US and Spain: Look For Search for: Free Printable and Activities Spanish Christmas Books for Kids Spanish Songs for Kids: A Collection of Day of the Dead Songs Happy Birthday Songs in Spanish Christmas Spanish Books for Kids. Arturo and the Navidad Birds by Anne Broyles Central America Arturo is visiting his grandmother, and she tells him the story behind each ornament as they decorate together.
There are several other versions available for this classic folk tale: A Doll for Navidades by Esmeralda Santiago The author recounts one childhood Christmas when all she wanted was a doll, in this heartwarming story about love and family. Recommended for intermediate Spanish learners and up. Recommended for novice Spanish speakers and up. Recommended for intermediate Spanish speakers.
Ron in LA , Mar 8, I know the song well, but I must say that the "lyrics" in Spanish at least the ones I've sung with my kids have nothing to do with the ones in English.
Where is Thumbkin? | WordReference Forums
Over here, kids apply that same tune to sing: Toca la campana, Toca la campana, Ding, dong, dang, ding, dong, dang. Other than that, my kids both sing it at preschool in English, for instance, by using each kid's name to greet the class: How are you today, Mary answers Very well, thank you It's one of those that is practically impossible to translate with the same effect.
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Although I realize I did not give you what you were looking for My best Monnik , Mar 8, I'm sorry, you're hearing a variation on the finger-game "Where is thumbkin" apparently meant to teach children to count to five, by finding words that rhyme with five. It probably comes from German fairy tales. Is pulgar the word for thumb? Wiggle your thumb and look at it and say, "Hello Mr. Okay, here goes another try Taking into account the suggestions you have already been given, as well as the metrics of the song Please bear in mind it is not a translation, but more of a way of trying to fit the fingers and the concept of numbers into the song Dos-por-dos Dos-por-dos As in two-by-two All I could think of!!
As in "Five in all" Oh, I hope this helps!!