Das erste Leben der Angela M. (German Edition)
Angela Merkel: From shy physicist to two-term chancellor
Sie war zumindest nicht an irgendwelchen Verbrechen beteiligt! So einfach ist das!
- Kanzlerin-Biografie: Das erste Leben der Angela M. - SPIEGEL ONLINE.
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- Kanzlerin-Biografie: Das erste Leben der Angela M.?
Ich moechte ganz einfach als Waehler wissen, wo ich mein Kreuz mache und wie weit man einer solchen Kanzlerin noch trauen kann. Entweder die Journalisten haben substanziell etwas vorzuweisen oder eben nicht.
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Ich denke, dass die Journalisten sauber recherchiert haben. Es wird schon so gewesen sein. Vergessen Sie nicht, dass seit gerade an solchen Einrichtungen teilweise offener diskutiert werden konnte.
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Merkel in dieser Frage dem Zeitgeist entsprach. So oder so war sie wohl nie wirklich systemkritisch.

Ihr Kommentar wurde abgeschickt. This legend is grounded not least in the idea that Merkel's Protestant family background as a pastor's daughter preserved her from the temptations and illusions of the Socialist state doctrine. A closer look at this background, however, reveals a very different panorama — the enmeshment of Evangelical theologians, among them Merkel's father, in the DDR system.
Merkel was born Angela Kasner in Hamburg on July 17, Her father Horst Kasner, a priest [who moved to East Germany with his family in ], belonged to that circle of theologians that the Soviet-controlled East German leadership wanted to use to implement their policy towards the Church. After , admittedly, Kasner increasingly distanced himself from the official line of the GDR leadership.
All the same, Angela Merkel did grow up in a home where politics and theology merged and where politics was bound to the pursuit of the socialist ideal. Angela Merkel was among the 10 per cent of her class who were permitted to study at the Erweiterte Oberschule EOS , an extended secondary school.
Germany: A chancellor made in the GDR | www.newyorkethnicfood.com: European news, cartoons and press reviews
Unlike many other pastors' children, she was not banned from the mass organisations of the Socialist Unity State but went on to join the Young Pioneers. This and the closeness of her father to the system allowed her to graduate with her Abitur, the state diploma that qualifies a school-leaver in Germany to study at a university, and she went on to study physics at the Karl-Marx University of Leipzig.
Whoever got in there was assured of a career in the natural sciences — especially if one, as Angela Kasner did, took on a leadership role in the FDJ as well. Later, at the University of Leipzig, she first came into contact with reformist Communist circles. Merkel herself, however, still disputes having been Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda. As early as , she stated in an interview with Mein Weg [My way]: I was the secretary for culture.