Catho Darlington : Lessons Learned in the Space Age
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She attended Stephen F. She has been published in Springfield! Her poetry has been spotlighted in many anthologies including one by Enright House of Ireland. She is also working on a children's book, Mumbledypeg, On Call, and a second volume of poetry, Multiple Exposures. Blade Chatter received second place awards in short fiction and illustration, Global eBook Awards. Her volume of poetry, Multiple Exposures was the first place winner in poetry, , Global eBook Awards.
She has serialized three Detective Thriller novels at Venture Galleries: All three feature homicide detectives Angus Carlyle and Skeeter Sherwood. She writes a weekly Mystery Blog for Venture Galleries that uses fictional stories to explore unsolved mysteries and is bundling these stories into books the books Quite Curious and Curious, Indeed. The first has been published and the second is almost completed.
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The eerie work of short fiction, The Spark of Life will be the title story in a volume of short fiction. Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page?
Smashwords – Catho Darlington--Lessons Learned in the Space Age – a book by Sara Marie Hogg
Catho goes from pigtails to pompadoured ponytail, leaving in her wake a hodgepodge of humorous and heartwarming experiences. It is all done with a gusto that can only be fermented with sassafras tea and "acifidity bags. If you like the s, this book is for you!
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Illustrations and tidbits appear on their own Facebook page: June 22, Words: About Sara Marie Hogg. Learn more about Sara Marie Hogg. Also by This Author. Log-in to write a review or add a video review.
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