White Horse
A tablet erected at the car park below it reads, "The Kilburn 'White Horse' -- This figure was cut in on the initiative of Thomas Taylor, a native of Kilburn. However, Morris Marples in his book [2] gives Thomas Taylor the credit for being the prime mover: Thirty-three men were involved in cutting it, and 6 tons 6. Nowadays a car park is provided below the white horse and there is a footpath ascending past it and crossing immediately above it. The image itself is now formed of off-white limestone chips, but the steep gradient of the hillside, especially at the horse's breast and forelegs , have led to slumping and retention boards have been fixed to restrain this.
The footpath offers a scenic view. The car park is located on a steeply graded minor road between Kilburn village and the Sutton Bank National Park Centre on the A road , and the best view of the white horse itself is from the Bagby road; benches are provided at the best vantage point to allow leisurely observation. During World War II the horse was covered over to prevent it from becoming a conspicuous navigation landmark for enemy bombers. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. White Horses and Other Hill Figures. Many white horses have dark eyes, though some have blue eyes. In contrast to gray horses which are born with pigmented skin they keep for life and pigmented hair that lightens to white with age, truly white horses are born with white hair and mostly pink, unpigmented skin.
Some white horses are born with partial pigmentation in their skin and hair, which may or may not be retained as they mature, but when a white horse lightens, both skin and hair lose pigmentation. In contrast, grays retain skin pigment and only the hair becomes white. White colorings, whether white markings , white patterns or dominant white are collectively known as depigmentation phenotypes , and are all caused by areas of skin that lack pigment cells melanocytes.
Osmington White Horse
However, much about the genetics behind various all-white depigmentation phenotypes are still unknown. Dominant white is best known for producing pink-skinned all-white horses with brown eyes, though some dominant white horses have residual pigment along the topline. Dominant white is, as the name implies, a genetically dominant color.
At least one parent must be dominant white and it does not "skip" generations because it is not recessive. Nonetheless, new variations or mutations producing dominant white do occur spontaneously from time to time.

Dominant white is rare, but has occurred in many breeds. There are 11 identified variants of dominant white, each corresponding to a spontaneously-white foundation animal and a mutation on the KIT gene. No horse has been identified as homozygous dominant white, and researchers have suggested that at least some forms of dominant white results in nonviable embryos in the homozygous state.
While homologous mutations in mice are often linked to anemia and sterility , no such effects have been observed in dominant white horses. Dominant white horses typically have white noses that can be subject to sunburn.
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Sabino-white horses are pink-skinned with all-white or nearly-white coats and dark eyes. The Sabino 1 allele is not linked to any health defects, though sabino-whites may need some protection from sunburn. Horses with only one copy of the Sabino1 gene usually have dramatic spotting, including two or more white legs, often with white running up the front of the leg, extensive white on the face, spotting on the midsection, and jagged or roaned margins to the pattern. The leopard complex, related to the Leopard LP gene, characterizes the Appaloosa and Knabstrupper breeds with their spotted coats.
Leopard is genetically quite distinct from all other white and white-spotting patterns.
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The fewspot leopard pattern, however, can resemble white. Two factors influence the eventual appearance of a leopard complex coat: In other parts of the world, these horses are called "white born. Homozygous leopards are substantially more prone to congenital stationary night blindness. Lethal white syndrome is a genetic disorder linked to the Frame overo O gene and most closely studied in the American Paint Horse. Affected foals are carried to term and at birth appear normal, though they have pink-skinned all-white or nearly-white coats and blue eyes.
However, the colon of these foals cannot function due to the absence of nerve cells , and the condition cannot be treated. Foals with Lethal White Syndrome invariably die of colic within 72 hours, and are usually humanely euthanized. Carriers of the gene, who are healthy and normal, can be identified by a DNA test. While carriers often exhibit the "frame overo" pattern, this is not a dispositive trait and testing is necessary, as the pattern can appear in a minimal form as normal white markings or be masked by other white spotting genes.
True white horses have unpigmented pink skin and unpigmented white hair, though eye color varies. The lack of pigment in the skin and hair is caused by the absence of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. Some coat colors are characterized by light or white-like coats and even pinkish skin, however these white-like coats are not lacking melanocytes.
Instead, white-like coat colors result from various changes in the ways melanocytes produce pigment. Gray horses have the most common "white-like" coat color. However, the most noticeable difference between a gray horse whose hair coat is completely white and a white horse is skin color: The gray gene does not affect skin or eye color, so grays typically have dark skin and eyes, as opposed to the unpigmented pink skin of true white horses.
- White (horse).
- Kilburn White Horse - Wikipedia.
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Gray foals may be born any color, but the colored hairs of their coat become progressively silvered as they age, eventually giving mature gray horses a white or nearly-white hair coat. Gray is controlled by a single dominant allele of a gene that regulates specific kinds of stem cells. True white hair is rooted in unpigmented skin that lacks melanocytes. In contrast, diluted coat colors have melanocytes, but vary due to the concentration or chemical structure of the pigments made by these pigment-producing cells, not the absence of the cells themselves.
There are at least five known types of pigment dilution in horses, three which, as described below, can act to produce off-white phenotypes. Horses with strongly diluted coat colors usually have pale blue eyes, cream-colored coats, and rosy-pink skin. White markings are usually visible upon closer inspection.
Although white horses are sometimes called "albino" there are no reported cases of a true " albino " horse.
All so-called "albino" horses have pigmented eyes, generally brown or blue. In contrast, many albino mammals, such as mice or rabbits, typically have a white hair coat, unpigmented skin and reddish eyes. The definition of " albinism " varies depending on whether humans, other mammals, or other vertebrates are being discussed.
Despite this, some registries still refer to "albino" horses. For example, the Paso Fino Horse Association registers cremellos and other cream colors as "albino.
White horse (mythology)
Among Connemara pony breeders, homozygous creams are called "blue-eyed creams" or sometimes "pseudo-albino". The best-known type of albinism is OCA1A , which impairs tyrosinase production. In other mammals , the diagnosis of albinism is based on the impairment of tyrosinase production through defects in the Color C gene. No mutations of the tyrosinase or C gene are known in horses. Humans exhibit a wide range of pigmentation levels as a species. However, the diagnosis of albinism in humans is based on visual impairment , which has not been described in white horses.
Eyes are pigmented at the front of the iris called the stroma , and in a thin layer at the back of the iris in tissue called the iris pigment epithelium. The iris pigment epithelium prevents damaging light scattering within the eye. Blue-eyed humans and mammals have little or no pigment in the stroma, but retain pigment in the iris pigment epithelium.