The 28th Out
Our members range from 18 to 94 years old ; we are from all 50 states ; we live in urban, suburban and rural environments; and we represent a wide range of political beliefs including progressive, conservative, Republican and Democrat. American Promise held more than live public education events in 20 states and distributed educational videos with Pulitzer Prize-winning author and American Promise Advisory Council member Doris Kearns Goodwin and others so that thousands more Americans could learn about this movement.
We started in with eight prototype American Promise Associations in local communities in five states. We now have 20 local American Promise Associations in 14 states. In , more than 5, American Promise citizen leaders signed up for our national training calls and received follow-up Action Sheets. Redistribution of the recorded national training calls reached thousands more. We provided 60 citizen empowerment trainings to members of American Promise Associations, and more than 1, citizen leaders participated in monthly national training calls.
Click here to sign up to be a Citizen Leader in your community. We also launched prototype cross-partisan American Promise Business Councils in San Francisco and Boston which provide structured business leadership to these efforts. More than American Promise members have weighed in and we are preparing to launch the more public phase in We strengthened our board with Alicia Cleary joining us as Finance Chair, and launched the 28 Founders Fund campaign to sustain our educational initiatives.
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Wyoming, Massachusetts, Virginia and throughout the nation. On Facebook, we went from 1, followers at the beginning of the year to 10, in December, with an average daily reach of 27, Dan Coy and his team have led by example, meeting with elected officials on both sides of the aisle to discuss the 28th Amendment to get big money out of politics.
They've connected with other citizen groups in and around Illinois. APA member Sharon Gander produced an effective PowerPoint presentation, which Dan has been delivering to local groups, detailing how money's damning political influence afflicts all facets of American life. Vicki Barnes, leader of the St. In her local community, Vicki is known as an expert on the 28th Amendment, and has appeared on public radio and other media to discuss our work.
Their growing APA have made presentations and built support in their communities, met with their Congressman and staff, and are meeting their monthly goals for local letters to the editor. They've had one meeting together so far in and plan to continue developing this relationship as Congressman LoBiando winds down his congressional tenure, while simultaneously reaching out to the candidates vying to replace him in Ishwari Sollohud and John House, working with New Mexico Money Out of Politics and American Promise, have spearheaded the candidate pledge project, widely distributing the pledge to declared congressional candidates.
They're doing this with the same spirit and execution as they conduct their congressional meetings - they've met with all five of New Mexico's members of Congress about the 28th Amendment! The recently launched Montclair, NJ group has skillfully handled the challenge of having 5 members of Congress represented in their APA region. In December, they had their first congressional meeting with Republican Leonard Lance.
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Insights gained from this action will be instrumental as this group continues to rise to the challenge. We are proud of and inspired by all these citizen leaders and more as we finish this year of growth and impact at American Promise. We are grateful for your support and for the hard work of so many who are making the historic goal of the 28 th Amendment to the Constitution so people not money govern America a reality.
Our Constitution guarantees the proposition that all people are created equal. No entity — be it a global corporation, international union, or political party - can take away the inherent rights of human beings.
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Our American birthright is built on that fundamental assurance. FEC is a Supreme Court ruling that says: A secret memo by Justice Lewis Powell tells how this started. An amendment is the way to rebuild the foundation of American democracy by allowing the American people to set common sense limits on political spending. Right now, we are prohibited from setting limits to outside money in our politics.
The 28 th Amendment is the first step to securing American democracy for people. However, each measure is always at risk of being swept away by a change in the political winds. American Promise is built for the sole purpose of winning the 28 th Amendment to the Constitution. Working state-by-state as the multiplier, amplifier, and accelerator of energy toward the 28 th Amendment, American Promise:. American Promise provides the infrastructure, the Constitutional rigor, and the fierce cross-partisanship that can deliver the amendment.
While we focus on winning and ratifying the 28 th Amendment, we applaud and support the efforts other democracy advocates as well. The highest court in the land deliberates and rules on cases by interpreting the Constitution, and we respect that. But the Supreme Court has been dangerously wrong at times:. Ultimately, We the People are responsible for our national Constitution. The American People have used this mechanism for all 27 Amendments to date, including the Bill of Rights. It is worth noting that 8 of the 27 amendments reversed Supreme Court decisions.
To begin, it is essential to know what the 28 th Amendment will do: As for what the 28th Amendment will say, American Promise is leading the year-long effort to build national consensus around the most effective amendment language. We are bringing Americans from all walks of life together with law professors, attorneys, former judges and Constitutional experts for deliberation and debate. Copyrights from to , if not renewed, and not made exempt from the renewal requirement see above have also expired.
There are a few ways to find out whether a copyright was renewed. Some are easier than others; some are more definite in their answers than others. One easy way to check, sometimes, is just to see if there was any edition published more than 28 years after the original edition, and see if there's a renewal notice in that newer edition. This doesn't always work-- a lot of books simply don't get reprinted-- but if there is such an edition, it can be an easy check to make. Another way that doesn't involve an exhaustive copyright record search is to write to the author, or their agent or estate, or to the last publisher of the book, and see if they can tell you whether the book's copyright was renewed.
Of course, you might not always be able to reach them, and they might not always cooperate, but people on the Net have done this before and found out what they wanted to know. Sometimes, even if the copyright has been renewed, by mailing them you might be able to convince them to let an edition go online anyway. It's also possible to do a search yourself of the copyright records. For onward, they're online at the Copyright Office , and below I'll describe how you can search their online records. Copyright records from prior years are now also online in page image form and sometimes in more convenient form as well.
Copyright records prior to can also be found in print and microform at the Library of Congress, and at other major libraries around the country, including many Federal Depository Libraries. A few libraries known to have a reasonably full set are the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, the Free Library of Philadelphia in microform , the University of Chicago library, and the University of California, Los Angeles. Since a copyright renewal has to be sometime in the 28th year, you'd look for renewals in the records for the original copyright date plus 27 years and the original date plus 28 years.
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So if the copyright was originally , you'd look at the volumes for and to see if there was a renewal. I've recently been told that occasionally the Library of Congress will be slow in publishing renewals i. I've done this myself for some books. It's a bit of a cumbersome process-- you have to get to the library, and get the appropriate volumes, and then look up the author and the title-- but it can be done. How to have someone else search for you You can also arrange for the Copyright Office to do the search for you.
There's a form you can fill out and send to them, and they'll eventually let you know if they find any renewal records, and if so, what they say. If you're precise in your book specification, they should be able to complete the search within the 2-hour minimum. See Circular 22 for more details, and a copy of the search request form. Finally, there are also commercial agencies that will also search for you. Their fees may be higher or lower than LOC's, and they might be also able to track down publishers, authors, and heirs for you as well, if needed.
So there are a number of different ways you can go about it, depending on what you're most comfortable with. As I said above, though, if the book is actually out of print and there isn't much in the way of royalties at stake, the original author may well be willing to have an edition go online, whether or not the copyright was renewed, especially if you can show how the online book will give his or her work many more generations of audience.
You can't assume that a book as a whole is in the public domain unless you've determined that the copyrights for the book and for any previously published material included in the book have expired. Note also that materials may not always be in the categories you expect: If you simply want to see a book online, and suspect its copyright has expired, you could see if the book has been scanned by a mass digitization service. If it has been scanned, but is not viewable in full, they might be willing to try to clear the book themselves, and turn it on for full view if it appears to be out of copyright.
This won't give you a definitive answer on the book's public domain status since they might be wrong , but it may at least give you full access to the book you want, for little or no cost.
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Some projects are starting to investigate user-triggered copyright clearance I don't know of any yet that have a formal public mechanism for this, but I will update this page if I hear of any. In the meantime, requests for pre books that may be out of copyright can be sent to The Online Books Page for public recording, and possible eventual full posting online. Harvey was supposed to lead the Mets to the promise land and deliver the firs What if We Changed Free Agency?
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