Star ou Psi de Cassiopée (French Edition)
Especially after May , French SF authors wrote about political and social themes in their works. Authors like Michel Jeury, Jean-Pierre Andrevon and Philippe Curval began to attract acclaim for their redevelopment of a genre which, at the time, was still considered primarily a juvenile entertainment. During the s, comics began to be important for French SF.
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Graphic novels are now a major— if not the major— outlet for French science fiction production today. During the s, French authors began to consider science fiction as appropriate for experimental literature. The influence of postmodernism on literature and the development of cyberpunk themes catalysed a new body of French SF, near the end of the decade: At present, French SF is particularly well represented by graphic novels , and a number of titles are printed annually.
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- Greifet zu, fasst das Heil, Aria, No. 4 from Cantata No. 174: Ich liebe den H?chsten von ganzem Gem?te (Bass Part).
- Speeches, Soliloquies, and Songs From the Plays?
- The Gist of Life Ain’t What It Was Book 2;
As in most of the developed world, magazine culture has decreased dramatically because of the internet, but a number of French SF magazines remain in print, including Bifrost , Galaxies and Solaris. Despite the space opera revival of the beginning of the s Ayerdhal, Serge Lehman, Pierre Bordage, Laurent Genefort the influence from English language science fiction and movies has diminished considerably since the "Lost Generation", while the influence of animation, video games and other international science fiction traditions German, Italian has increased.
The influence of Japanese manga and anime has also been particularly noticeable during recent years for graphic formats. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
On the shape of rapidly rotating stars | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)
This article includes a list of references , but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Comics Magazines Novels Publishers Short stories. The discrepancy is even more pronounced for the quadrupolar moments J 2 , which would be underestimated by a factor 2.
Characteristics of a 7 star rotating at critical speed. Our resultswere obtained by a linear perturbation method treating the quadrupolar moment as a small quantity, which is justified for massive MS stars, because these are sufficiently centrally condensed. Nevertheless, it would be worthwhile to refine our results through genuine two-dimensional calculations, like those described by Clement or by Rieutord Here we instead considered a star rotating uniformly at critical speed, but we improved upon the Roche model by taking into account the quadrupolar moment of the mass distribution, due the centrifugal force.
We found that the flattening of the critical surface is then slightly increased from 1.
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This increase would be more pronounced for lesser central condensation, i. Then we examined the so-called shellular rotation regime, where the angular velocity is constant on level surfaces, but increases with depth. Thus, provided the interoferometric determinations become sufficiently precise, the shape of stars may provide a valuable constraint on their internal rotation, complementary to the powerful asteroseismic diagnostic.
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Extensive attention is given to matters of art, culture, religion and literature. Examples of Starrian poetry are provided, including two complete one-act plays.
Star (Psi Cassiopeia)
There is, however, a story arc that plays out in Starrian history involving a plague that gives rise to a self-genocide cult, the escape of a handful of Starrians to the planet's moons, and their descendants' eventual return to Star, to reclaim it and establish a utopian civilization devoted to art, humanistic religion, and everything beautiful, good, and true.
Or so it seems on the surface. There's a not-so-subltle subtext in the novel about a second species of intellligent beings who live on Star, a servant-race to the Starrians. Amazingly, this species ruled the planet for many generations following the Starrian departure, but upon the return of the Starrians, they recognized the superiority of their former masters, gave up rule, and resumed their servile status. Or at least, that's what the history of the ruling Starrians says about it Overall, I found this an enjoyable mixture of science fiction and fantasy, tragedy and satire, prose and poetry, and loved the heavy doses of 19th Romanticism, exoticism, symbolism, and aestheticism.
I can think of few-- if any-- other books that invite comparison, at one and the same time to Stapledon, Tolkien, Poe, Verlaine, and Gautier. But it was quirky, offbeat, and definitely memorable.
May 24, Maxwell Pearl rated it liked it. It's a very odd book, but interesting for it's time. Marc rated it really liked it Apr 15, Jim rated it liked it Mar 27, Douglas rated it liked it Feb 24, Bob Holliman rated it it was amazing May 26, Ricky rated it liked it Feb 12, Norman Lee Madsen rated it liked it May 23, Eugene booker rated it it was amazing Jan 14, Jenny Schwartzberg rated it liked it May 02, Jack Pramitte rated it really liked it Jun 28, Daniel rated it liked it Oct 24, Richard Gombert rated it liked it Aug 05, Victor rated it really liked it Mar 21, Michael rated it really liked it Apr 20, Brandon marked it as to-read Oct 26, Paulo "paper books always" Carvalho marked it as to-read Jan 05, Gcoritsidis marked it as to-read Jun 15, Witch Blaster marked it as to-read Aug 21, Ana marked it as to-read Nov 27, Jeremy London marked it as to-read Feb 24, Christopher Lange added it Sep 14,