Secrets In Priors Ford: Number 1 in series (Priors Ford Novel Series)
Even if it means sacrificing everything she knows and loves Praise for Cath Weeks: The feelgood, uplifting, fabulous new book from Kindle bestseller Eva Woods. In our lives we'll meet something like eighty thousand people. Most of them just in passing, sitting beside them on a bus, buying a latte from them, overtaking them too fast on the motorway. Others will become friends, lovers, family. Some will stay in our lives forever, and some will be swept away by the flow of life. But we touch all of these people in some way, tiny or huge, making more of a difference that any of us can imagine.
Rosie is in a coma, unable to reach out to the world or communicate.
Series by cover
She only has one chance to make it back to consciousness - but she's slipping deeper and deeper into a maze of memories and it's going to be hard to find her way out. Daisy, Rosie's sister, is devastated by the accident. She's always been the good, dependable girl to Rosie's free spirit - but some of Rosie's attitude seems to be creeping into Daisy's dull existence.
Can Daisy find the courage to be herself? It only takes one tiny step to change a life forever Upon publication in , Corregidora was hailed as a masterpiece, winning acclaim from writers including James Baldwin, Maya Angelou and Toni Morrison. Exploring themes such as race, sexuality and the long repercussions of slavery, this powerful novel paved the way for Beloved and The Colour Purple.
Now, this lost classic is published for a new generation of readers. After a tragic loss, Ursa, a Kentucky blues singer, confronts her maternal history and the legacy of Corregidora, the Brazilian slave owner who fathered both her mother and grandmother. Consumed and haunted by her hatred of the man who irrevocably shaped the lives of her family, Ursa must come to terms with a past that is never too distant from the present.
A Surrealist novel in the vein of Angela Carter, about love and beauty and dark secrets. Played out like the command of an oracle are the events that stain one night in the improbable setting of this desert tale. Rearing its impudent architecture like insult on a landscape of quiet beauty is Windcote, "its very name a masquerade," where inhabitants and guests find themselves driven by obsessions and confusions they have never faced before. Here doors open and close and open again. They hide, release, reveal, and ruin. In this web of tangled imperatives is the child, Destina, untouched by the fevers and failures around her.
Her own world is outside in the mystery-locked canyon where, for the time of this story, she seems to find her own truth. I was hooked' Rosamund LuptonA sweeping and turbulent drama about the anxieties of post-war Britain, where one strong and inspirational young woman looks to find her place, no matter the cost Within a year of arriving at an American airbase in Suffolk, the loving, law-abiding Delaney family is destroyed.
Did they know something they weren't allowed to know? Did they find something they weren't supposed to find? Hedy is the only one left standing, a rebellious girl cast adrift in a world of post-war anxiety - a girl who has the courage to question what really went on behind military closed doors. Hedy's journey to the truth leads her to read a manuscript that her talented twin brother had started months before he died, a story inspired by an experience in the forest surrounding the airbase perimeter. Only through deciding to finish what her brother started does Hedy begin to piece together what happened to her family.
But would she have continued if she'd known then what she knows now? Sometimes, it's safer not to finish what you've started Praise for Saskia Sarginson: While Billy is obviously mentally distressed, and cannot remember many concrete details, there is something sincere about him and his story. But before Strike can question him further, Billy bolts from his office in a panic.
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- Secrets in Prior's Ford (Prior's Ford, #1) by Eve Houston.
Trying to get to the bottom of Billy's story, Strike and Robin Ellacott - once his assistant, now a partner in the agency - set off on a twisting trail that leads them through the backstreets of London, into a secretive inner sanctum within Parliament, and to a beautiful but sinister manor house deep in the countryside. And during this labyrinthine investigation, Strike's own life is far from straightforward: Plus, his relationship with his former assistant is more fraught than it ever has been - Robin is now invaluable to Strike in the business, but their personal relationship is much, much more tricky than that.
What would you do to protect your family? When Paul Rogan sets off a bomb at his office, killing eleven people, no one can understand why. He was a loving husband and father, with everything to live for. Then his wife and daughter are found chained up in the family home, and everything becomes clear. Rogan had been given a horrifying choice - set off the bomb, or see his loved ones suffer and die. Lieutenant Eve Dallas knows the violence won't end here.
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The men behind the attack are determined, organised and utterly ruthless. In this shocking and challenging case, both Eve and husband Roarke are heading into serious danger. Why people love This Child of Ours The "Common Knowledge" section now includes a "Series" field. Enter the name of the series to add the book to it.
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Prior's Ford Series by Eve Houston
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Series: Priors Ford
It will be disruptive, noisy, and dusty, despite bringing in some new jobs. Publican Glen organizes a protest group, but when the local newspaper takes an interest in him and the story, he starts to feel nervous. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Secrets in Prior's Ford , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Secrets in Prior's Ford. Lists with This Book.
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Sep 01, Spuddie rated it it was amazing. First in the Prior's Ford series, featuring the cast of the village of that same name in the Scottish lowlands. Not sure exactly how to classify this--not mystery, I guess general fiction, rather cozy, with a cast of motley characters each with their own hopes, dreams and problems, and some mutual issues affecting the village--the potential reopening of a granite quarry for one.
Perhaps a written soap opera would be the way to describe this--though it's much less sordid than the soaps on TV--at First in the Prior's Ford series, featuring the cast of the village of that same name in the Scottish lowlands. Perhaps a written soap opera would be the way to describe this--though it's much less sordid than the soaps on TV--at least from the last time I watched one years ago!
It's surprising that I liked this, really, but I did, very much. It tells the story of Glen and Libby, owners of the local pub The Neurotic Cuckoo who have an old secret in their past that they want kept quiet. Libby worries it will be brought to the fore when Glen heads up a committee working against the quarry re-opening. There's Jenny, Helen and Ingrid, local village women with younger children who together run a seasonal craft shop. There's Clarissa, recently widowed and a village outsider as she and her husband had only moved to Prior's Ford a few months before he died.
And there's the Ralston-Kerrs, owners of Linn Manor and the land the quarry is on! All in all, an enjoyable story with a lovely sense of place and atmosphere and some diverse, well-drawn and interesting characters. I closed the book feeling very satisfied and wanting to go back for another visit soon. Jan 08, June Louise rated it it was amazing Shelves: It is very Rebecca Shaw-esque in nature in that it features a small community, this time in the hilly Scottish Borderland. This community is not what it seems though, there appear to be several residents who have some secrets What is Clarissa's discovery?
What is Jenny's shady past and just why do the pub landlord and landlady shun publicity. All this among tears, mirth and summer fayres no not just normal fairs, fayres.