Rurouni Kenshin, Vol. 4: Dual Conclusions
I got a little worried at one point. One of the villains was very fascinating though, I hope to see more of him. Apr 09, Afifah Widya rated it liked it. Mar 01, Ridvan rated it it was amazing. A must read for those that enjoyed the tv series like I have. Rurouni Kenshin's adventures are getting more dangerous, and exciting, in volume four of the titular series. The story picks up directly off of the end of volume three, wherein Kenshin, his friend Sanosuke, and Kaoru's student, Yahiko, have gone to rescue a female doctor named Megumi from the drug cartel that is holding her hostage and forcing her to make opium for them.
The interesting part about this volume was the greater insight into the characters.
Yahiko is brave and has learned some skill Rurouni Kenshin's adventures are getting more dangerous, and exciting, in volume four of the titular series. Yahiko is brave and has learned some skill under Kaoru's tutelage, and Sanosuke has learned some real humility. Plus, he also is showing more of his good side and less of his ruthless side. This is because, despite being quite angry with Megumi due to the fact that the opium she was forced to make has lead to many deaths, including that of a friend of his, he still rescues her out of loyalty to Kenshin and Yahiko.
Perhaps the greatest insight the reader has gotten from this volume is that about Kenshin. We learn two things about him. The first is that he sees his desire to help others and not kill as much more than merely a way to avoid bad or hard things he is tired of doing, but as a direct way to atone for past sins. Of course, he IS that, but he is someone who feels guilt over something horrible he feels he must atone for.
The other insight into Kenshin is that he is not invulnerable. We have seen, up to this point, our heroic Rurouni never lose. He still wins here, but it is different now. Kenshin is fast, and tough, but he is not Sanosuke. Wounds that are inflicted on him can hurt and slow him down much more quickly than some of his larger friends. We also learn that his martial prowess is entirely due to his sword-fighting skills.
He is not very good at hand-to-hand combat. So if an opponent can get within the range of his weapon and strike him, he is in trouble. This can be quite unsettling to see our hero get hurt, but it does make the story more interesting. The only thing I really didn't like about this volume was the way that, due to the emphasis on finishing the story begun in the last volume, there was very little of Kaoru.
She is a really awesome character, because although her sword-fighting skills are vastly eclipsed by Kenshin like, say, almost everyone else in the story, ever , she is quite good. In fact, just evaluating everyone but Kenshin, she is one of the best around, plus she can fight hand-to-hand engagements quite well.
She is also smart and sassy, and I just hope they use her more. Overall, this volume gave us glimpses into the characters of Kenshin, Sano, and Yahiko, and I really can't want to read the next volume to see what adventure they have next. Jun 29, Lynn rated it it was amazing Shelves: Today's post is on Rurouni Kenshin volume 4 by Nobuhiro Watsuki. It is pages long and is published by Shonen Jump.
The cover has Kenshin and company on it. It is the fourth volume in the long running series.
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You have to have read the three first in the series to understand the story. The intended reader is someone who likes historical stories, manga, and interesting characters. There is no foul language, no sex, but some violence in this series. The story is told from third person close foll Today's post is on Rurouni Kenshin volume 4 by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The story is told from third person close following different characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
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From the back of the book- Dual Conclusions. Shinomiro Aoshi was once the leader Edo Castle's elite guard, the Oniwabanshu. But with the fighting at an end and the shogunate overthrown, the brilliant Aoshi and his four most loyal onmitsu, or spies, find themselves without a home or a purpoise. But Megumi's life is at stake, and however sympathetic Kenshin may feel, he will fight on, to the last man is necessary Review- Not much character development in this one just some fun fights.
But we do get to understand Aoshi more as the plot does unfold. His character is based on the second commander of the Shinsengumi Hijikata Toushizo. Watsuki does interesting things with the base characteristics of these historical people. Aoshi is interesting and very mysterious. The fights are fast and fun with Kenshin and company having some learning moments.
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But the real villain comes forward to kill everyone with a gatling gun because nothing else can stop these heroes. In the end bad guy is jailed, Kenshin still has his vow, and Megumi is going to help others to pay back the lives she took. More fight and drama ahead.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money. Nov 09, Jess Neuner rated it really liked it Shelves: We're in a race against time as Kenshin, Sano, and Yahiko but not Kaoru, since waiting at home for the boys to come back while the ten year old goes to fight is apparently a good idea fight their way through Kanryuu's guards. Aoshi, the spy, has given Megumi a knife and gave her the option to end things herself, as she's burdened by a lot of guilt for the pain and deaths she caused through her manufacture of opium, even though she'd been forced into it by Kanryuu and it wasn't her fault.
Team K We're in a race against time as Kenshin, Sano, and Yahiko but not Kaoru, since waiting at home for the boys to come back while the ten year old goes to fight is apparently a good idea fight their way through Kanryuu's guards. Team Kenshin has yet to fail at saving anyone, and while this time they're trying to save someone from herself, I didn't doubt they'd succeed. Hopefully Megumi can realise that a what happened wasn't her fault - she was forced into it and b that there are better ways to make up for it, especially since she's got medical skills, than killing herself.
She's got something worth living for; she just needs to realise it. This extended fight was interesting because none of the opponents were portrayed as evil, or as nasty thugs like many others have been, they were fighting because they were loyal, strong, and devoted to Aoshi - they were also highly skilled and were the toughest opponents Team Kenshin has faced yet.
Rurouni Kenshin, Vol. 4: Dual Conclusions - Nobuhiro Watsuki - Google Книги
They were worthy of respect. Aoshi himself is an interesting villain, as he doesn't agree with Kanryuu - he just wants a worthy opponent, which he sees in Kenshin. Aug 21, Starbubbles rated it really liked it Shelves: Aug 18, Christina rated it liked it Shelves: To rescue Megumi, Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko have stormed Kanryuu's mansion, and Sanosuke and Kenshin face off against their almost dopple-gangers in skill, the Oniwabanshu.
But even if Kenshin manages to win by a hair in this intense battle, will the cards Kanryuu pulls from his sleeve be the end of them all? So I guess for every character it's like a face off against their other self, in a way. That's kind of sad.
Rurouni Kenshin, Volume 04
But I really am getting quite bored with Rurouni Kenshin, because it has no To rescue Megumi, Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yahiko have stormed Kanryuu's mansion, and Sanosuke and Kenshin face off against their almost dopple-gangers in skill, the Oniwabanshu. But I really am getting quite bored with Rurouni Kenshin, because it has no depth to it, and it has no goal. It's not even historically accurate in many parts. I think I might take a break from it for a long while after I read a few more volumes so that I can return them to my library.
There were some parts in this volume where I laughed, or it made me go "aww All in all, this really wasn't worth my time. If you're reading reviews, trying to figure out if Rurouni Kenshin is worth a read or not, just pass. May 21, Robin rated it really liked it Shelves: This story literally has everything I love in a manga. I adore this story. I adore it with every fiber of my being.
It's a must-read for any shounen fan, for any history fan, and, hell, I'd say for any manga fan. Sempat lupa sama kekerenan dia, dan sekarang jadi inget lagi. Hahaha Oh iya, lihat Megumi di sini jadi ngebandingin sama Megumi di live actionnya deh. Aoi Yuu tuh nggak cocok buat jadi Megumi. Megumi tuh orang yang punya sexual appeal tinggi, sementara dia kurang. Imejnya terlalu polos soalnya. Cuman lipstiknya aja ditebelin Si Satou Takeru lumayan oke sih jadi Kenshin, Kaorunya juga cocok. Tapi yg lainnya nggak.
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Untuk kakak Aoshi nggak nongol. Ah, anata to mata deaeru hi wo tanoshimi ni shiteimasu: Feb 25, Chelsea Gouin rated it liked it Shelves: The Megumi arc comes to a bloody close.
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This volume was mainly sword fights as Kenshin and Co battle through the mansion to rescue Megumi. It was fast paced and I don't see why all the backstories were included for characters that are clearly not a part of the bigger plot I don't know where the story is going and it's starting to get frustrating. So, if you're into the series so far No real revelations, though Yahiko continu The Megumi arc comes to a bloody close. No real revelations, though Yahiko continues to try and shine. Aug 05, Jeffrey rated it really liked it Shelves: I keep flipping between three and four stars on this one.
Nobuhiro Watsuki continues our voyage through Meiji era Japan, exploring the cast-offs and other losers of the revolutionary war.
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With soldiers who never got the chance to fight and generals who fought only for their own self interest, Watsuki makes no side a hero in this tumultuous time for the Japanese empire. It's good, if not always emotionally deep. It has the potential to be excellent. Jul 25, Cathy rated it really liked it Shelves: Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Unavailable in Russia This item can't be purchased in Russia.
Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! In this series View all Book 5. Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet 0. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.
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