Remember When
Luxury Charter yacht Remember When is a motor yacht, read our online guide for more information on motor yacht charter. There are currently no testimonials for Remember When, please provide. For your relaxation and entertainment Remember When has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker. Remember When is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:.
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View All Charter Yachts. Recreation Remember When is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities: Snorkelling Equipment adults and kids. Remember When is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities: Cruising Regions Caribbean Bahamas. Charter Remember When To charter this luxury yacht contact your charter broker , or we can help you. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed.
View all 11 comments. Oh WOW I really loved this story so much! This book was about crushes and first loves, it really made me go back to my school days where I had my first crushes thinking they wasn't interested and having your friends help you through your heart breaks! I found Remember When so realistic, I loved how Layla and Trip went through the stages of friends to first love, even though you could see from the beginning it was a love at first sight type thing! I found Layla and her best friend Lisa's friendship hilarious they went through everything most best friends at school do..
Laughs, home life problems, silly arguments that only lasted a little while, but were always their for each other. I hope to see more of Lisa in the next two books which I'm sure I will as I have a feeling she will always be by Layla's side! I fell in love with Trip pretty much right from the beginning. I got my first butterfly when he walked passed Layla's desk and tapped on it! He was so sweet towards Layla but I wanted him to tell her how he felt instead of letting her think it was just one sided..
So pleased I got recommended this series, it couldn't of come at a better time.. I needed something that would feel my tummy with butterflies and this book certainly did that! The ending wasn't left on a cliffy but it made me want to pick the second one up straight away to see what happens. I have a feeling its going to be a rollercoaster ride! View all 33 comments. I can't describe how great this book is and my review could never do it justice. Remember When is set in - and tells the tale of Layla and Trip's senior year in high school and how they become fast friends before spending a wonderful last summer together before going their separate ways.
I loved all the 90's references which reminded me of my teenage years but most of all I loved how the author really made you feel like you were right there in the story, in New Jersey. There were so many I can't describe how great this book is and my review could never do it justice. There were so many butterflies in my tummy reading this and I was bawling like a baby at the end. I've just started book 2 and that doesn't disappoint either. Remember back in school when you had your first crush?
Wow, the emotions and butterlifes in my stomach this book gave me!!! Exactly my type of book. I was expecting a completely different ending to what the blurb said. Layla has a crush on the new boy, Trip. The book spans over the whole senior years of high school and I found it very relatable and realistic.
It is a sweet book and the ending awwww!!!! Wherever you Remember back in school when you had your first crush? Wherever you wind up. And know that I'll be thinking of you, wherever I am. Im dying to find out what happened to Trip and Layla throughout the years. View all 6 comments. The ebook is currently free on Amazon! I want to thank the lovely ladies of Totallybooked for introducing me to this fabulous book!!! It had me sucked in from the first page. I love that it takes place during the time of my youth.
I found myself feeling a bit nostalgic while reading it. Remember When has it all Trip will have you hooked the minute he walks into that English Lit class!! Layla is also such a very lovable character! I loved her freaking sense of h I want to thank the lovely ladies of Totallybooked for introducing me to this fabulous book!!! I loved her freaking sense of humor. Her prayer to god after the incident in the bathroom with Trip was hysterical!!
She had a bit of a rough deal as a child but still she just manages to be this amazing person! I love how this series has been set up. Other books usually will provide short flashbacks from the past to give the reader a background into the history of the relationship between the main characters. Having an entire book based on their earlier years, I feel gives the story and characters more depth.
That letter that we finally get to read at the end of he book was just so perfect!! I literally found myself sighing It was just perfect and yet I wanted to cry as well for Layla!! The little teaser at the end for the second book was pretty fantastic as well. June can't get here soon enough!! This is definitely a 5 star read and I highly recommend it. I just finished one the my most favorite kind of love stories. I have only read one other book that had an ending that made me feel the way this one did.

I cannot believe I have not read this book earlier. I cannot believe that more people are not talking about this book. Some parts made me laugh. When I finished this book, I immediately called my friends and told them about this awesome book. The clothes, the music, the hair, the parties, and the friends. All brought back so many awesome memories. Smart, witty, feisty, and funny. Layla has had her own tragedy happen in her life, but that does not leave her bitter. You will love her! A true friendship develops and something so much more happens!
And that letter …my eyes are still watering thinking about how beautiful that letter was. I highlighted that letter and then reread it twice!!! One of my top favorites of this year. Layla and Trip are the high school graduating class of Did I feel connected to the characters? Yes to all of them. I loved them all. I did not skim. This story did not drag. The writing, the story, the characters.
Drop what you are reading and start this book. I had no idea what I was going to read when I started this book. I was hoping that there would be a decent story and what I got was an amazing story. The author gave readers the first chapter in the sequel. Cannot wait to read Remember When 2. Comes out June 20th.
Already marked my calendar. Days after finishing this one, still thinking about the characters. What a great story. Really took me back in time Brought back a lot of memories of my time in high school. I really fell in love with Trip and Layla and their story. I was a little worried at first.
It's very descriptive writing so it didn't read really quick and I was afraid it was going to drag a bit. But the more I got in to the story the more I was hooked. We begin the story, knowing that Trip is now a famous movie star, wanted and had by all of the ladie 4. We begin the story, knowing that Trip is now a famous movie star, wanted and had by all of the ladies.
But Remember When is about when Layla and Trip first meet. Layla is a senior in high school. Trip is new to her school and they meet in English class Trip sits right behind Layla. They start out passing notes when the teacher requests that they do a mind ramble. Trip writes a whole page but Layla never gets to read it. Trip and Layla first become friends, working together at the movie store and working on an English project together.
But Layla harbors a mad crush on Trip. Don't worry Layla, I did too.
Alan Jackson - Remember When - text, překlad -
But she doesn't think Trip feels the same way, so she keeps things in the friends zone. Over time, Trip gives Layla glimpses that he might look at her as more then a friend. I thought the development of their relationship was fantastic. Which I think keeps the reader even more interested in the story. Trip and Layla eventually suffer the classic mis-communication "break-up" and they don't talk for several months. It takes seeing Trip in the school play to bring them back together.
It's then that Layla sees that maybe Trip does like as her more then a friend Layla falls in love with Trip but doesn't believe that Trip could ever fall in love with her too. They spend the remainder of their senior year inseparable. Not thinking about the future and what will happen to them. The day before Layla is to leave for NY Trip plans to take a year off and travel the world , Trip gives Layla the mind ramble from that first day in English class.
As upset as I was, that Trip and Layla's story was coming to an end I aboslutely loved the ending of this book. Thank the lord the author gave us a peek at the next book Book 2 is out Thursday!!! And it takes place 9 years later.
Trip and Layla see each other for the first time since parting ways that summer. I can't wait to read more about Trip and Layla! Aug 24, TeriLyn rated it really liked it. You know the ones - they make us laugh and just feel really good while reminding us of a care free times in our lives when crushes on boys, high school parties, and the significance of our popularity were our biggest concerns. Well, Remember When hails as this kind of book.
And coming off of a highly emotional, dark read Trip Wilmington and Layla Warren were just what I needed. Remember When reminde 4 "Took you long enough to get here. Remember When reminded me a lot of my high school days and there was something really comforting in reading the thoughts of the undeniably cute and funny Layla Warren. Through the first person narrative, T. Torrest tells us a racier YA story of students attending a private school in New Jersey. Trip Wilmington moves to the area and joins Layla's "in crowd". They become fast friends as Layla quickly develops a crush on Trip.
The angst and story arc is plot device I'm not in love with, the ole' - I'm going to make an assumption and just roll with it instead of talking about it - but since I feel like it totally fits into the high school YA time in our lives it was a lot easier to swallow. Bottom line of the review is - I enjoyed the book. I enjoyed the characters both main and secondary. I absolutely loved all the 80's and 90's references this author presented as well as the creative chapter titles being 90's throwbacks as well. And while the end wasn't really a kindle-throwing-cliffie it definitely made me want more.
I can't believe I've had this book downloaded on my Kindle for months and have pushed it aside in favor of others.
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Today was just a supercalifragilistic day of reading! Torrest has given readers a meticulously well-crafted story from beginning to end. Hold on though - there's a bit of a cliffhanger. You won't have to wait long because the second installment should be released on June 20, Thanks goodness because I don't think I could wait much longer. I'm counting on it be Jeez Louise! I'm counting on it being well-worth the wait!
Remember When (Alan Jackson song)
We all can remember our final year of high school, parties, first loves, loss of innocence, and saying good-bye to friends as graduation approaches. Everyone goes their separate ways and even though you promise to stay in touch, things just happen and years go by without a word. So it goes for Layla and a boy named Trip who stole her heart. This story gripped me from the first few sentences and I knew without a doubt that I had found a true gem.
It was as if I was walking right beside Layla every step of her senior year. The dialogue is extremely realistic and true to the ages of these characters. And Trip -- well let's just say he's quite the young heart throb guaranteed to make you breathless. Both these characters, along with their friends, will steal your heart, make you sigh, and frankly, just keep you wanting more. What I thought to be a quick, light weekend read turned out to be so much more-and a lot quicker.
I picked this up Friday night hoping to spread this throughout the weekend and found that I was able to finish that night. I realized I didn't want to have power over Trip. The only thing I ever wanted was him. There were so many things that happened that I can't quite wrap my head around, and then even more that I actually resonated with It reminded me so much of what went on in HS for me, so these things brought both good and bad memories up i.
So I don't know if I loved or hated bringing up old feelings from my High School days-I guess it depends on how I'm feeling in that particular moment. No, this wasn't the most angst-ridden book I've ever read, but it did have way more problems and prolonged gratification than I was prepared for, despite my great friend's warnings. I like conflict in a story, but the conflict in this book broke my heart because things could have been I think that was probably my biggest problem throughout the series by series I mean book one and two.
I just wanted so much more for these two and it broke my heart every time something horrible happened to them or misunderstandings occured between them I had purged Trip Wilmington out of my system and gone on with my life. After all that, would I really even consider putting myself in a position to go down that same road all over again?
You'd better fucking believe it.
I guess my only other complaint was the writing You know, that overly cutesy writing with lots of exclamation points?!!! That's just me being picky, though, so ignore annoying 'ol me. Trip dropped the handful of pebbles he was still holding into the shrubs and wiped his hands off on his pants. I thought that one was your room. One minute I was so excited and giddy and then the next I just got so sad that they couldn't figure things out. I know this is literally the definition of angst, but on top of the writing it just bothered me and effected my mood negatively.
In a nut shell I clearly read it very fast and found Trip to be extremely fun to swoon over in the areas where he got a chance to shine. I immediately started book two and finished that Saturday night late-I know, I'm so awesome right? So obviously there was something about this that spoke to me enough to make me pursue book two to find out what happens to these guys despite my reservations concerning book one It ain't all sunshine and rainbows.
For more of my reviews visit View all 22 comments. Sep 26, AJ rated it really liked it Shelves: This is one of those books that reminds me of why I love to read YA. It also has a great sense of nostalgia and a beautiful story of first love that had me grinning like a fool the whole time I was reading. Part of the popular crowd, she is a good student, has a close group of friends, This is one of those books that reminds me of why I love to read YA. Part of the popular crowd, she is a good student, has a close group of friends, a BFF that lives three houses down from her, and despite the fact her mother took off some years ago, she is living a happy life.
And then Terrance C. Wilmington III walks into her English class and turns her life upside down. Trip, as he likes to be known as, is the most gorgeous guy she has ever known, but he is also kind, funny, and all of those things that make him teenage heart-throb perfection! And they do manage to sort themselves out in time to have one glorious summer before life pulls Layla and her friends in all different directions.
Alan Jackson - Remember When Lyrics
And her storytelling cleverly captures that spirit of what are at the age of 17, at least lifelong friendships, as well as the anguish and excitement of first love, and the trauma of everything changing. I loved this book! A copy of this book was generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. View all 7 comments. I hope you love the next two books as much. I'm into it right now Loz wrote: I'm into it right now and waiting desperately for Trip to show up. Dec 06, And that's exactly how I felt reading Remember When.
This book was a very happy and fun read, but not to be mistaken by fluff, it had a healthy dose of drama and tension and it was written in a witty and sentimental way. So ladies please dust off your New Kids On The Block cassettes, the hair spray and neon color attire because we are going to the Garden State to meet a group of friends and most importantly the super cute Terrence C. Layla is fun, smart and very loyal to her friends, who are all in their senior year of high school. On their first day walks in the super Hot new kid, Trip Wilmington, and so happens that he's sitting right behind her and the attraction was instant.
They become really close friends, and Trip is a wonderful new addition to the already awesome group of friends. What I loved about this story is that it wasn't just about the romance between Trip and Layla, but about this group of kids and what is like to be in high school and how confusing those years can be when you are not longer a child but not yet and adult either. Every single character plays an interesting part in the development of this story, and it made feel so nostalgic of my own experiences.
The author was very good at describing all the different aspects of her beloved New Jersey and it made me fall in love with the place. Every detail of this story was brilliantly crafted to take you a place where friendship, love, and family play an important part in the decisions made for the future of this kids, and haven't we all been there? Trip and Layla's love is about the one got away, that first experience that you never forget, they were best friends and partners in crime, and I have to admit I got a little teary eye in the end.
The ending doesn't have a cliffhanger, we get a emotional conclusion and a look into the future of this two people and the endless possibilities, and I can't wait for the next book. Remember When was lovely and I will recommend this book to absolutely everyone. View all 4 comments. Update Still one of my faves. But after years of Kellan Kyle being my main "man" I finally have a new favorite book. Jun 09, Cath rated it it was amazing. I can't wait for book Totally surprised how much I fell in love with Trip and Layla. I was crying buckets at the end!! I'm so glad I picked this up.
Jan 04, Susanne rated it it was amazing Shelves: Fabilicious - loved it! There are so many things I loved about this sweet and funny book. The writing was flawless, the story was addictive; I cried, I laughed out loud and I swooned. I am NOT telling you how old I was haha! What a different and delightful read this was Gitte. I loved everything about it. I read it with a huge grin on my face, I laughed out loud at times and I finished it with tears streaming down my cheeks…. Yep, this book ticked all the boxes for me.
It was funny, very funny in fact, great characters…all of them! I certainly did press pause on life with this one and it was exactly what I needed at the time. Layla was a great heroine. She was adorable, funny, sweet but feisty and so down to earth and real. The whole tomboy image and hanging out playing sports with boys…yeah that was me too, as I said; I completely got this girl!
Growing up amongst boys really does give you thicker skin and less prone to dramatics. Oh and she is a big reader too! Two or three entire novels over a weekend. Bleary eyed and exhausted, bypassing sleep in order to just finish one more chapter, and then break down and read just one more after that. And Layla, missing out on that important person in her life to experience her ever milestones with, she really was an inspiration. I loved the friendship between Layla and Lisa. It was funny and real. All friendships go through ups and downs but a true friend knows how to protect, love and admit when they are in the wrong.
As for Trip, no wonder Layla started crushing on him the minute he walked into class as the new boy in senior year. It all started with the passing of notes…the mind ramble that both Layla and I were dying to read…and when we did…my heart both melted and broke…. Oh and who can forget the importance of that first song hey Jenny, so funny?! You just made me giggle again thinking of that first song? Layla was a crack up. I adored this girl. She was ballsy, funny, beautiful, sweet and one of the boys, yet gentle and loyal as well.
Yep, totally adored this girl! She was completely awesome! No hysterics from Layla. She said what she felt, but she was also soft underneath — she had a big heart and she stole mine! I loved her voice, her take on life was refreshing to say the least and there were so many scenes I highlighted while reading this book because I wanted to remember them all.
You know how I felt about that. The friendship between Layla and Lisa was real. Everything about them took you back. The first loves, the ups the downs. It was all there. Two best friends going through so much together. These girls really did look out for one another. These two bounced off each other so well and provided many lighthearted, wonderful moments. Their friendship and relationship was a slow burner and so very believable, so entertaining and gave the reader so much insight into the pair and allowed you to go along with them at a steady pace and learn right along with them.
The whole array of characters was spot on in this story of adolescents joining adulthood on the edge of having to grow up and begin a new era in their lives. This huge step that is both an exciting new adventure but also an emotional change tinged with sadness of what is left behind quickly becoming memories. The memory of that first love; you never forget. What makes this even more special is that we join them 9 years later in book 2, yet we have the sweet memories from Remember When.
What I loved about this story was that we knew eight years on that Trip Wiley had become a very successful movie star, a hot Hollywood commodity. An insanely gorgeous, talented and handsome man, he was always slated for something special. A perfect combination for a movie star. And I loved it. We went back to the time when Trip was in high school with Layla. Through first love, through friendships, growing up, cutting ties and moving on.
To a carefree time when the biggest decision you made was what to wear to a party. You partied with these characters, you laughed with them, you loved with them and you felt the emotion of having to grow up and make adult decisions, but all the way through it was handled with so much love and a huge dash of humor. You felt it all and it was such a wonderful experience.
Songs of Love and Heartache
I have to say that the next book in this series is up there as one of my most anticipated sequels this year. Remember When was fun, it was sexy, it was a giggle a minute, it was beautiful…. This is a book for everyone who grew up in the 80's and even if you didn't, you will still enjoy this book. We know from the prologue that Trip is now a famous actor, and Layla narrates at the beginning of the book, explaining her history with Trip is similar to imagining what would it have been like to have gone to school with a young Brad Pitt or George Clooney and known th This is a book for everyone who grew up in the 80's and even if you didn't, you will still enjoy this book.
We know from the prologue that Trip is now a famous actor, and Layla narrates at the beginning of the book, explaining her history with Trip is similar to imagining what would it have been like to have gone to school with a young Brad Pitt or George Clooney and known them before they were famous?
They meet when Trip is assigned to the seat behind Layla in English class on his first day at her school. I was the one who was heartbroken at the end of this book. When the group of friends start breaking up at the end of summer to go off to college, it was gut wrenching. Remembering what its like to feel your childhood officially come to an end as you move off in to the unknown.
It seemed very apt!