Mit der Angst im Nacken (German Edition)
The original English version is shown in Table 1 and the final German version is available as supplementary data at Rheumatology Online.
Context sentences for "Nacken"
Most of the discrepancies in the forward and back translations stages I—III concerned synonyms for particular expressions. The percentages in parentheses indicate the frequencies of floor and ceiling values see text. Strictly speaking, this translation is not incorrect, and probably arose as a result of the back-translators being unaware of the purpose of the questionnaire.
Pretesting of the pre-final German version stage V revealed no further difficulties with the questionnaire in nine patients randomly selected from the hospital waiting room, five health professionals and 42 participants in an earlier, related study [ 21 ]. The cross-cultural adaptation process and the final version were approved by K. Of the patients examined, 23 On checking the missing data items, no special preference was detected which could hint, for example, that an item is specially difficult to understand.
This resulted in patients with complete test and retest data resulting in questionnaire sets because seven patients had been operated bilaterally , examined 1. Their ages ranged from Twenty out of The items showed relatively high ceiling effects i. Consequently, none of the items or scores was normally distributed Komolgorov—Smirnov test.
Of all possible items, The item ICCs ranged from 0. Of the 13 items, eight showed ICCs greater than 0. The ICCs of the scales were 0. Internal consistency as measured by the CA was 0.
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Table 2 shows the results describing the precision of measurement. The values for the typical error TE indicate that when a given patient is tested and retested, a change of t ,0. Because of the relatively large ceiling effects, post hoc analysis was performed for all single items and scores that did not represent the minimum and maximum score possible data not shown in detail.
The items revealed ICCs from 0. The ICC was 0. The Spearman rank correlation coefficients describing the extent of the correlation between the SPADI scores and those of the comparison questionnaires i. Spearman rank correlation coefficients showing the strength of the correlation between SPADI English and German versions and other instruments. The German SPADI proved to be a reliable and valid measure of shoulder pain and function that was feasible to implement in clinical practice. The reliability and internal consistency were excellent for both the subscores and the total score. The reliability was also good for the individual items, with the exception of item 9 difficulty in putting on a shirt that buttons down the front , for which it was still moderate.
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The same is true for the subscores: According to Bot et al. This figure was reached for the total score and the function subscore, and was almost reached by the pain subscore. CA values greater than 0. SPADI total score, 4. The reliability was still acceptable reducing by just 0. To our knowledge, this post hoc analysis is not usually performed in most studies examining the psychometric properties of questionnaires, but we recommend that it be done in order to assess the stability of the reliability data. As expected, because of the differences in the constructs, the correlations between the scores for the condition-specific SPADI and those of the generic SF were low to moderate proving discriminant validity , whereas the correlations between the SPADI scores and those of the condition-specific instruments DASH, ASES were very high proving convergent validity [ 16 ].
"Nacken" English translation
The study's strengths include the standardized methods used for all procedures, especially for the cross-cultural adaptation, and the large sample size. Assessment of cross-cultural adaptation by reliability and validity does not depend on specific diagnoses of shoulder affections and by that it does not depend on a specific patient selection since all comparisons are made within the same patient s within-patient data comparisons and not between different patients.
Relevant limitations in relation to the generalizability of the results include the fact that the study was performed only in the German-speaking part of Switzerland and only in shoulder arthroplasty patients. In Germany and Austria, the same written German is used as in Switzerland, and language differences between the countries relate only to the spoken dialects.
Hence, we expect the questionnaire to perform just as well in these German-speaking countries, although this would have to be verified in further studies. However, this did not appear to have any notable influence on the results, as post hoc analysis detected no large bias, and other studies that could also be expected to have been affected by similarly high ceiling effects showed comparable results e.
From a clinical perspective, ceiling effects reveal important limitations of an assessment. Two patients with ceiling scores cannot be further differentiated or individually characterized by the instrument.
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This is not a problem in pain if both do not have pain, but one patient could have better function e. Additionally, a patient with a ceiling score at baseline cannot improve but only remain stable or worsen at the follow-up. This phenomenon is mainly responsible for the regression-to-the-mean effect of effects measured by closed scales.

Previous studies have shown that, in assessing clinical change in shoulder patients, the English SPADI is more responsive than the SF, the modified ASES for the shoulder and four other shoulder-specific instruments [ 12 ]. Our future prospective studies will examine the sensitivity to change responsiveness and the minimal clinically important perceptible difference for the German SPADI, in order to complete the assessment of its clinimetric properties.
We gratefully thank Astrid Junge, Geoffrey Klein and Vivien Robinson for their help with the cross-cultural adaptation, Gordana Balaban and Katrin Knecht for their help with the data collection, and all the patients who participated in the study. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Close mobile search navigation Article navigation.
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Rheumatology , Volume 46, Issue 1, 1 January , Pages 87—92, https: American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. A standardized method for the assessment of the shoulder function. Clinimetric evaluation of shoulder disability questionnaires: Measuring function of the shoulder. A cross-sectional comparison of five questionnaires. Assessing the reliability and responsiveness of 5 shoulder questionnaires. Measuring the whole or parts? Validity, reliability, and responsiveness of the Disabilities of the Arm Shoulder and Hand outcome measure in different regions of the upper extremity.
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