Hitler and the Nazi Cult of Celebrity
Just another biography of Hitler with the author's idea that Hitler was more interested in being famous than a serious interest in politics.
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- E in mezzo il fiume: A piedi nei due centri di Roma (Contromano) (Italian Edition).
He mentions briefly some nazi movie stars I wanted more info on, so I googled them. What I saw was word for word what the author wrote. He didn't even bother to paraphrase! Feb 12, Ashley rated it really liked it.
Hitler and the Nazi Cult of Celebrity by Michael Munn – review
This just backs up what has long been said that Hitler didn't know enough about or care enough about the policies, he was just the front man filled with hate. As long as the job got done and he continued to look good, then what odds? This wasn't as in depth as I would have liked, it really just name dropped a bit!
Aug 12, False rated it it was ok Shelves: An interesting, but not thorough, book about the cult of Nazism and the propaganda of their film industry. The book was full of typos, wrong names I had to pause at one point and check the publishing company, wondering who would release a book in this condition.
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Jan 15, Alberto rated it liked it. Inbetween rated it it was amazing Jun 20, Jun 18, Emma added it. Gave up at Chapter 5.
Repetitive and just opinion. Steven Hartman rated it liked it Jul 14, Michael rated it liked it Dec 15, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Nov 22, Chris rated it liked it Mar 25, Paul Fox rated it it was amazing Nov 01, Lee rated it liked it Jan 26, Jesse rated it really liked it Dec 01, Jacob rated it liked it Jul 12, Julie rated it liked it Jan 06, Rhys Johnson rated it liked it Jul 23, Abby marked it as to-read Jun 09, Lindsay marked it as to-read Aug 03, Dan Schindel marked it as to-read May 08, Aaron marked it as to-read Sep 17, Jessica marked it as to-read Dec 22, Conrad Akunga marked it as to-read Mar 04, Corvinus Maximilus marked it as to-read Mar 04, Amy marked it as to-read Jun 03, Mary marked it as to-read Jun 21, Catherine marked it as to-read Jun 25, Paul Medew added it Jul 08, Ain Mahalludin added it Jul 18, Amanda Miller marked it as to-read Aug 09, Emily Matta added it Oct 15, Eli Krutko added it Dec 26, Lisa marked it as to-read Jan 03, Kate marked it as to-read Jan 23, Diane added it May 04, MsJulianaZee marked it as to-read May 05, Then David Niven summoned Munn to his deathbed and blabbed about his sexual infractions; Munn, a confessor who keeps no secrets, promptly published the poor fellow's delirious maunderings, along with Laurence Olivier's intimations of childhood abuse and the incredible tale of his spare-time job as an MI6 agent.
Among Munn's dozens of star-struck biographies is a volume entitled X-rated: Checking his revelations against the facts, or against the indignant denials of survivors, it seems that he, too, operates in the ether, taking dictation from deep-throated sources who are unverifiably located in the gaseous beyond.
Hitler and the Nazi cult of celebrity in SearchWorks catalog
Having consorted with so many mythomaniacs, he has ended as an incorrigible fantasist. Munn now adds the ultimate luminary to his constellation of spangled monsters. Forget about Hitler the political nihilist and despot, the warmonger and mass-murderer.

According to Munn, Hitler was a politician by default, and grudgingly settled for absolute power only after his dreams of being a painter, architect, writer, composer and actor came to nought. You wonder, reading Munn, how Hitler managed to gain control of a nation, mobilise and tyrannise its populace, and plan the conquest of the world.
See a Problem?
A totalitarian ruler is only satisfied if, like Big Brother, he is able to scrutinise and manipulate every aspect of a society's life, including its dreams. But Munn views Hitler as a lazy slugabed, who passed the time listening to opera he was "simply wild about Wagner", Munn gushes while strutting and ranting in front of a mirror as he rehearsed his own operatic tirades.
When in need of relaxation, he solaced himself with starlets, who were asked to kick him while he grovelled at their feet; he limply avoided intercourse, though he liked to boast that he could sustain a Nazi salute for an hour and a half. His right arm, evidently, was his only erectile appendage.
Lacking an argument, Munn relies, as Hitler did in his rants, on the repetition of catchphrases. He then considers "one final objective: All this, the merest sample of Munn's style, comes from a couple of pages: Worse, Munn betrays his utter incomprehension of the Third Reich and its crimes.