Autodeterminación y petróleo (Spanish Edition)
Para bien o para mal, las Malvinas son las islas de la empresa. Green Patch , con el objetivo de tratar de remediar el desequilibrio propiedad de la tierra en las islas, fue la primera granja de la FIC subdivida entre y The idea of Falkland Islanders as second class citizens is now firmly established in Argentina. They are imagined as ignorant elderly serfs of the Falkland Islands Company. The word Kelper is now part of Argentine Spanish too - as a term of contempt. De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. Roger Spink, director de la FIC. Ian Jack, The Sunday Times.
Archivado desde el original el 2 de noviembre de Archivado desde el original el 6 de octubre de Ni ingleses ni argentinos: Some of the people and places involved in the cattle industry. El Diario del Fin del Mundo. Archivado desde el original el 7 de noviembre de How does the Commission view the idea of installing a modern, integrated flood early warning system which would use digital and analogue weather data, water level information, social media information and possibly also satellite data on soil moisture content to produce a Europe-wide, virtually real-time forecast of flood risk?
They should take into account areas which have the potential to retain flood water, such as natural floodplains. A natural flood risk management approach should be considered prior to infrastructure projects for flood prevention and protection. Die Verordnung EU Nr. Februar fand ein offenes Stakeholder-Treffen statt. The EU is currently working on the revision of the F-Gas regulation. The aim of both this regulation and the eco-design directive is to reduce man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The main focus appears to be on the GWP global warming potential value of the coolants used.
Unfortunately, very few of these appliances have been sold to date. Did the decision to require and promote refrigerants with less than GWP also take account of electricity consumption throughout the life-cycle of the product concerned and the limits on possible use in terms of flammability and safety? What refrigerants with less than GWP does the Commission know of which show better values than the present-day modern refrigerant R32 GWP over the entire average product life-cycle, i.
GWP of the refrigerant plus emissions from electricity consumption during operation? What is the explanation for this abbreviated calculation based on GWP alone? What undertakings or interest groups provided specific advice to the Commission in relation to the eco-design directive? What is the precise composition of the legislative footprint? The approach gives an equal treatment to both efficient appliances that use a refrigerant with higher GWP and slightly less efficient appliances using a low GWP refrigerant.
Flammability, other safety issues and the cost of different refrigerants were taken into account when developing the regulation. A different value would result in increased emissions. Refrigerants such as propane, CO 2 and HFOyf allow for products with efficiencies comparable to those of products using R The fact that most of the equivalent CO 2 emissions for air conditioners are indirect is taken into account.
The relatively small bonus given for air conditioners using a low GWP refrigerant is a result of higher indirect emissions during the use phase than direct emisions. Air Conditioners were analysed during a preparatory study which involved stakeholders and Member States. The participants in this meeting included experts from Member States, industry and environmental and consumer NGOs.
For the F-gas proposal, a preparatory study carried out by technical experts was accompanied by an expert group composed of Member States, industry and NGOs. According to the newspaper, GCHQ collected vast amounts of data from EU Member States by tapping 14 undersea communications cables, to which they were given access, voluntarily or not, by the large multinational firms that operate them. This could blow up into a scandal for the European Union, since one of its Member States has been found to be intercepting data from all the others and, what is more, passing it on to the United States.
It is a direct attack by a Member State on the principles of collaboration and cooperation on which the European Union is built and constitutes a massive violation of the fundamental rights of all the other Member States. The UK has engaged in these activities not only to further its own interests, but also to provide information to a non-Member State.
Is the Council investigating the details contained in these reports in order to verify the allegations? Does the Council see scope for locating and removing the taps installed on these undersea communications cables so as to safeguard the right to privacy in the EU? How does the Council intend to penalise the British Government for this massive violation of rights, not just those of Member States but also those of individual European citizens?
Is the Commission investigating the details contained in these reports in order to verify the allegations? Does the Commission see scope for locating and removing the taps installed on these undersea communications cables so as to safeguard the right to privacy in the EU? How does the Commission intend to penalise the British Government for this massive violation of rights, not just those of Member States but also those of individual European citizens?
The Commission also takes note that the Intelligence and Security Committee of the UK Parliament announced a review of the UK's laws governing the intelligence agencies' access to private information and an inquiry to examine the appropriate balance between privacy and security. Anteproyecto de Ley de Parques Nacionales. National parks have historically represented the highest form of environmental protection afforded by Spanish law, yet this preliminary draft bill opens the way for economic activities to take place that could destroy the natural heritage of the country.
The new bill seeks to wrest control over conservation areas from regional authorities and would give a more active role to landowners. Among the activities to be permitted are sailing and gliding, paving the way for use by tourists that could threaten habitats protected under existing national park legislation.
The flora and fauna of these areas are subject to special protection because they are rare and unique, and the impact that these kind of activities would have, however minimal, could cause irreparable losses. The activities that could be allowed are clearly at odds with the traditions of environmental protection in Europe. They would downgrade the protection normally afforded by a National Park to levels that could be in breach of certain EU directives. What action does the Commission intend to take to ensure that the Spanish Government draws up a preliminary draft bill that complies with the above directives and the principles of environmental protection in national parks?
Moreover, this bill does not transpose the Habitats and Birds Directives, but addresses the stricter status of nationally designated National Parks. In view of the information provided by the Honourable Member, the Commission has not identified any incompatibility between the preliminary draft bill on national parks and the Habitats or the Birds Directives.
According to a recent report by the British Daily Mail newspaper, secret airlifts of funds to Greece and Cyprus have been taking place on the instructions of the European Central Bank and the Troika. Have similar clandestine consignments been received by other EU Member States struggling to ensure the continued survival of the euro area and the common currency? The Eurosystem is responsible for ensuring a smooth supply of banknotes to the euro area. In this regard, could the Commission report on whether the abovementioned report will include:. In order to have best available and up-to-date information on the state of play of implementation of all aspects of the IUU Regulation by various stakeholders, and in particular Member States, the Commission has also launched a study.
The study will analyse available trade and statistical data, including data submitted or made available by Member States. It should be noted that the IUU Regulation does not create additional or specific requirements for the collection of data for imports of fisheries products; such data is collected by Eurostat. Based on the outcome of this study and all other available information, the Commission will draw up its report and outline what follow-up may be appropriate. This could include as appropriate actions to strengthen the implementation of the regulation.
In , two Irish nationals having successfully passed a competition were recruited by the Commission. In , one Irish national having successfully passed a competition was recruited by the Commission. In , four Irish nationals having successfully passed a competition were recruited by the Commission. The first relates to animal welfare: Furthermore, a large number of animals are needed in order to carry out tests and these animals are often kept in deplorable conditions.
There is also an ethical issue about changing the genetic makeup of species and mixing genes from different species. Huge problems could also occur if GM animals are allowed to breed with non-GM animals. Finally, there is a risk to human health. These results showed that GMOs caused the rats to develop large tumours. Does the Commission agree that there are many issues surrounding GM animals, such as animal welfare and ethical issues? EFSA finds there is no need to re-examine its previous safety evaluations of the GM maize NK or to consider these findings in the ongoing assessment of glyphosate.
Il tema dell'educazione ambientale andrebbe affrontato con un approccio integrato ed europeo, coinvolgendo maggiormente tutti gli attori interessati, in primis le famiglie e in particolare i bambini. Tuttavia, la raccomandazione relativa a competenze chiave per l'apprendimento permanente Gazzetta ufficiale L del Essa aiuta inoltre gli Stati membri a prendere in carico tutte le competenze chiave.
Tuttavia, l'elaborazione di linee guida specifiche, quali suggerite nell'interrogazione dell'onorevole deputato, esulerebbe dalle competenze della Commissione statuite nel trattato. Teaching children as young as primary school age to interact sustainably with the environment is a new challenge for Member States and Europe as a whole. Incorporating environmental education into environmental programmes and partnership agreements with Member States could raise environmental awareness and make environmental policies more effective.
Environmental education had already been the subject of debate at the University of Michigan before it was officially established as an educational discipline by Unesco at the Tbilisi Conference. Although the environment and smart city technologies are now highly topical issues, environmental education in general remains very patchy. Does the Commission intend to draw up guidelines promoting environmental education through the appointment of environmental educators who will use bespoke teaching methods to address real issues, such as environmental sustainability, which schools are often unable to cover themselves, and implement campaigns which seek to make green topics such as lifestyles, sustainability and closeness to nature part of the standard curriculum?
The Commission, through the open method for coordination OMC , helps Member States to identify best practices in science education and promotes the inclusion of environmental knowledge, skills and attitudes within the overall goals of science education. It also supports Member States in addressing all key competences. However, drafting specific guidelines as suggested in the Honourable Member's question would fall outside the Commission's competence as foreseen in the Treaty.
I media mostrano l'azione delle milizie irachene e gli iraniani feriti, che verranno poi trovati morti, giustiziati con un colpo alla testa. Da ormai troppo tempo numerose associazioni umanitarie denunciano le stragi compiute ai danni di questi oppositori al regime iraniano, tuttavia le loro denunce rimangono inascoltate. Camp Ashraf ospitava un centinaio di persone dopo che negli ultimi anni la maggior parte dei residenti era stata trasferita a Camp Liberty, a nordest della capitale Baghdad. An unprecedented level of violence was used in the attack, which was carried out by masked gunmen in the camp's streets and hospital.
Media reports show images of the acts committed by the Iraqi militia men and of wounded Iranians, who were later finished off with a bullet to the head. Although numerous humanitarian organisations have long condemned the attacks on these opponents of the Iranian regime, their calls for action continue to fall on deaf ears. The Iraqi authorities, however, maintain that the deaths were caused by fighting inside the camp.
EUR-Lex Access to European Union law
Following previous attacks, the Iraqi authorities have failed to conduct effective, transparent investigations, leaving camp residents in a permanent state of fear. The attacks on Camp Ashraf and the previous on Camp Hurriya, remind us of the urgency to accelerate this process, with the cooperation of both the residents and third countries that are ready to receive them.
Entnehmbarkeit von Altbatterien und -akkumulatoren. However, products that do not meet this requirement continue to be placed on the market. In the case of devices like mobile phones or GPS navigation systems, it is doubtful whether there are any reasons that would justify the absence of waste batteries or accumulators that can be readily removed, such as the need for continuity of power supply or a permanent connection between the device and the battery or accumulator.
What information does the Commission have concerning the implementation of a ready removability obligation for appliances into which batteries and accumulators are incorporated in the Member States? How can the placing on the market of products manufactured within the internal market without readily removable batteries or accumulators be justified? What steps does the Commission intend to take if the Member States do not take adequate measures to meet the objective of both consumer and environmental policy alike of readily removable waste batteries and accumulators?
However, there is no detailed overview of measures taken at national level in this respect. The Commission will monitor the implementation of the revised directive by Member States. They include Greece 6. However, Cyprus is the only country on which serious penalties have been imposed for the above activities on wholly untenable and unsubstantiated grounds. Is it aware of the above figures and the actual situation in the various Member States as regards money laundering and the risk of financing of terrorism?
What measures does it intend to take against high-risk countries in order to minimise the risk of such illegal activities? Why is Cyprus the only country to have been on the receiving end of this strict approach and why do no measures appear to have been taken against other Member States, many of which present a greater risk of illegal activities?
Does the Council understand that the application of double standards is putting the very cohesion of the Union at risk and giving rising to anti-European sentiment among the citizens of the Member States which are being made into the butt of this discrimination? In both cases the identification of beneficial ownership in respect of, for instance, companies, trusts and foundations, is essential. The Troika institutions have reported the key findings to the Eurogroup, and recommendations to rectify deficiencies were integrated in the anti-money laundering action plan agreed between the Troika institutions and the Cyprus authorities.
Does the Commission understand that the application of double standards is putting the very cohesion of the Union at risk and giving rising to anti-European sentiment among the citizens of the Member States which are being made into the butt of this discrimination? The Commission, therefore, considers it more relevant to look at the overall picture, rather than a ranking.
The Commission does not consider the action taken in relation to Cyprus as imposing double standards. The circumstances in Cyprus were unprecedented, and thus two focused audits were carried out in agreement with the Cypriot authorities. As has been widely recognised, also by the Cypriot authorities themselves, the financial situation in Cyprus was unsustainable and needed to be corrected.
The Commission is aware of the hardship the adjustments entail for the population at large. However, the Commission also notes that at least some of the burden is also shared by non-residents. Moreover, the Commission has accelerated and increased the payment of EU Structural Funds to Cyprus and stands ready to support the Cypriot population in any way it can in these difficult times.
Subject to what public health requirements:.
Últimas Noticias
The Commission is not aware of the existence of similar framework rules in other Member States. If the debt of the other institutional units is added, this suggests that general government public debt is much higher. What measures does the European Commission intend to propose to the Eurogroup in order to bridge that gap? Historically, central government debt is higher than general government debt because of the consolidation that takes place as other government sectors hold part of the debt of central government. It is therefore not correct to use the central government debt figure for the first six months to infer the general government debt developments.
In the context of the second Economic Adjustment Programme, significant progress is being made towards securing the sustainability of the Greek debt. An updated assessment of Greece's financing needs is being prepared during the ongoing review and will be communicated in the related programme documents. Speculation at this stage about the size of the gap and possible ways to cover it is not warranted. The recession which is now in its fifth consecutive year has brought Greece to the brink of economic and social collapse. Typical examples are the regions of Thessaly, with unemployment at Given the above, and the fact that the utilisation or better use of EU funds, in particular the Regional Operational Programmes, could help check the economic collapse of the Greek regions, will the Commission say:.
Which of these axes faces the greatest problems and delays and why? Does it have any tables on this matter? What, in the Commission's opinion, are the most important projects facing delays and what measures does it propose to increase the take-up rate for this specific ROP?
Have any changes been initiated in the structure and orientation of this programme in order to reflect the new economic and social needs of specific regions? Even though the absorption rate of the programme is satisfactory, some projects face delays due to financial difficulties the final beneficiaries are facing, the tendering procedure for contracts and the lengthy expropriation procedures or various needs of licensing.
With the view to boosting, mainly, the accessibility priority for Thessaly, the Greek authorities have submitted a further revision of the programme to the Commission and it is currently under assessment. Real Madrid heeft de afgelopen jaren een aanzienlijke schuldenberg opgebouwd. De aankoop van Bale wordt voor een groot deel gefinancierd door de Spaanse regionale bank Caja de Madrid, die nu deel uitmaakt van Bankia.
Keurt de Commissie de betrokkenheid goed van een door het Europees stabiliteitsmechanisme gesteunde bank bij dergelijke buitensporige recordtransfer, met de Europese belastingbetaler als uiteindelijk vangnet? De Commissie heeft geen standpunt ingenomen over de voetbaltransfer waarnaar het geachte Parlementslid verwijst. Zij houdt daarentegen toezicht op de uitvoering van het in door de Commissie goedgekeurde herstructureringsplan en de daarin aangegane verbintenissen.
Real Madrid has built up a considerable amount of debt in recent years. The acquisition of Bale is in large part financed by the Spanish regional bank Caja de Madrid, which is now part of Bankia. Therefore, it appears that European funds are being used as a backstop for unsustainable practices in Spanish football. Does the Commission regard these financial arrangements as a distortion of competition between clubs competing on a Europe-wide level? Does the Commission approve of the involvement of an ESM-backed bank in such an extravagant record deal with the European taxpayer as its ultimate backstop?
The Commission has not taken a view on the football player transfer referred to by the Honourable Member. Provedba Uredbe EU br. The Roaming Regulation applies directly and national regulatory authorities NRA in Member States play the primary supervision and enforcement role to ensure compliance of telecoms operators with the regulation within their jurisdictions. Unfortunately for the employees of large multinationals, factory closures and layoffs are now one of the preferred means of increasing the profits of these big companies, who are turning to outsourcing for the sole purpose of increasing dividends.
Does the Commission have reliable data on the profits generated by the large industrial groups who are announcing closures in a number of EU countries? What measures does the Commission envisage to protect workers from job losses of this kind where there are no economic reasons? Does the Commission not think these closures and layoffs should be considered as defrauding the entire EU economy? The Commission has no information on profits generated by companies that engage in restructuring and has no power to interfere in specific company decisions. It urges them, however, to follow good practice in the anticipation of human capital needs and socially responsible management of restructuring.
The Commission would also point out that workers affected by restructuring may qualify for support from the European Social Fund and, provided the relevant conditions are met, from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund. The stakeholders and authorities should assess each restructuring operation on its own merits and in the light of the special circumstances of each case. The violence occurred during an early morning raid by Israeli border police who entered the camp to arrest an alleged activist who had just been released.
This is the same scenario that we saw in the Jenin refugee camp, where a young man was gunned down last week during an army raid. Both raids took place in zone A, yet another breach of the Oslo Accords.
¿Qué implica la venta de crudo venezolano en otras monedas distintas al dólar? | Misión Verdad
This number is three times greater than over the same period last year. What role does the Commission intend to play, as treaty negotiator, with regard to Israel, which continues to step up the violence and has no intention of entering into dialogue with the Palestinian Authority? She commends and supports the United States diplomatic initiative to facilitate this process. If an agreement is reached, the door would open to deepened and enhanced cooperation between the European Union and all the countries of the region.
She recognises the gravity of the situation in the occupied West Bank in breach of the international humanitarian law and human rights law. Current momentum in the Middle East peace process demands the EU's full support for courageous political commitments by both President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu to resumption of direct negotiations leading to a two-state solution and for their efforts to overcome all political, economic and security related obstacles and forms of incitement.
Cette forme de tuberculose peut affecter les bovins mais aussi nombre d'autres animaux sauvages ou domestiques. Traceability is obviously not ensured, as the batches are being shipped to Europe without any specific reference. French farmers are rightly worried by this because, although France is free of bovine tuberculosis, it has hit England hard.
Controls on a number of cattle herds in France, Belgium and Spain have confirmed the outbreak of Mycobacterium bovis , causing great alarm among farmers who have had to have their infected animals slaughtered. This form of TB can affect cattle but also many other wild or domestic animals. Is the Commission taking action to help farms affected by the Mycobacterium bovis bacillus?
What measures are being taken to contain and prevent the spread of the disease across the EU? What measures does the Commission intend to take to review its policies on meat product labelling and traceability, and monitoring of the food supply chain? How will the Commission ensure that more stringent checks are carried out at every stage in the meat production chain, including in the country of origin?
Furthermore, all bTB outbreaks occurring in officially bTB-free Member States or regions thereof must be notified to the Commisison within one week of its confirmation. Therefore, the Commission is fully and timely aware of these outbreaks. Meat is placed on the market only after stringent controls at the slaughterhouse which includes both health checks of the live animal and checks following the slaughter. In addition, stringent rules on traceability are applied to all food, in particular bovine meat. De derde aanbeveling betrof het loonvormingsmechanisme. De Commissie raadde aan om de loonindexering te hervormen om zo het concurrentievermogen te herstellen.
Welke andere maatregelen acht de Commissie noodzakelijk om loonvorming te laten aansluiten bij de productiviteitsontwikkelingen? Het zal duidelijk zijn dat de Commissie nooit heeft opgeroepen tot de afschaffing van de Belgische praktijk van automatische loonindexering. Het loonvormingsmechanisme zou echter wel kunnen worden hervormd om het doel ervan bescherming van de koopkracht beter te laten aansluiten op de noodzaak om werkgelegenheid te beschermen en zelfs te doen groeien. Verbeteringen kunnen worden overwogen in de wijze waarop het loonvormingsmechanisme op veranderingen van de productiviteit reageert, subregionale en lokale verschillen in productiviteit en arbeidsmarktvoorwaarden weerspiegelt, en automatische correcties toepast wanneer de loonontwikkelingen het kostenconcurrentievermogen dreigen te ondermijnen.
Loonindexeringssystemen kunnen de ontwikkeling van het concurrentievermogen van een land schaden indien daardoor de ontwikkelingen van lonen niet in overeenstemming zijn met de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit. Tegelijkertijd dragen zij bij tot de bescherming van de koopkracht van de werknemers, die op haar beurt de economische activiteit en de werkgelegenheid tijdens ernstige neergang ondersteunt. Het is niet aan de Commissie om aanbevelingen te doen voor gedetailleerde maatregelen om loonvorming op een lijn te brengen met de ontwikkeling van de productiviteit. Dergelijke maatregelen dienen te worden vastgesteld in overleg met de sociale partners en in overeenstemming met de nationale praktijk.
The third recommendation related to the wage-setting mechanism. The Commission recommended reforming wage indexation in order to restore competitiveness. Does the Commission feel that wage indexation, as currently applied in Belgium, should be abolished or might reform be sufficient to boost competitiveness? What other measures does the Commission feel are necessary to align wage setting with productivity trends?
The issue is Belgium's long-term loss of competitiveness, which is due to several factors, including the wage-setting mechanism but also inefficient product markets and non-cost competitiveness issues. It should be clear that the Commission has never called for the abolition of the Belgian practice of automatic wage indexation. Nevertheless, the wage-setting mechanism could be reformed in order to better reconcile its goal of purchasing power protection more aptly with the vital need to safeguard and even enhance employment.
Improvements could be considered in the way the wage setting mechanism responds to productivity developments, reflects sub-regional and local differences in productivity and labour-market conditions, and applies automatic corrections when wage developments threaten to undermine cost-competitiveness.
Wage-indexation systems may be detrimental to the development of a country's competitiveness if they result in wage developments that are not in line with developments in productivity. At the same time they help to protect workers' purchasing power, which in turn supports economic activity and employment during severe downturns. It is not for the Commission to recommend a detailed set of measures necessary to bring wage-setting into line with productivity developments. Such measures should be identified in consultation with the social partners and in accordance with national practice.
The European Union has 24 official and working languages: However, important information and documents on the websites of the Commission and other European institutions are not available in all these languages. With the aim of increasing the level of awareness and knowledge about the rights and responsibilities associated with EU citizenship, was designated as the European Year of Citizens. Therefore, can the Commission tell me what measures it intends to take to ensure that the important information and documents found on the websites of the Commission and the other EU institutions, mainly in English, can be made available to European citizens in all 24 official languages of the European Union?
The Commission puts considerable effort into providing as much information as possible in all EU languages on its websites. However, in its translation policy, the Commission has a duty to respect a number of legal obligations. Once it has fulfilled its legal obligations, the Commission then continues to prioritise its translation activity so as to make best use of remaining resources. In doing so, the Commission needs to reconcile competing demands, the translation of web-pages being one such demand.
Therefore, for reasons of cost-effectiveness, Commission websites of general and direct interest to citizens are provided in as many official EU languages as possible, while more specialised websites, targeting a more specific public, are provided in a limited number of languages, that the readership of the pages can be expected to understand.
The Commission is currently rationalising of its websites to make its presence more focused and relevant. In this context, sustainable solutions are being sought to ensure a more coherent language coverage of websites, taking into account the user's needs. Furthermore, the sites of Commission Representations in Member States always offer information on EU matters in the national language s. This is a targeted and cost-effective way to reach out to citizens in their own language on issues that may be of particular interest to them.
The Commission has no power over the language policies that other EU institutions apply to their respective websites. By taking this action, the Commission was intending to assess the implementation and outcomes of the current policies on air quality and air pollution and to include legislative proposals for reviewing the National Emission Ceilings Directive and other air quality legislation, if appropriate, in order to provide increased protection against the impact of air pollution on human health and the natural environment, while also contributing to the Europe strategy.
Can the Commission tell me when it is going to present this review of the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution and associated legislation? The Commission is in the process of finalising the review of the current EU policy on air and plans to come forward with proposals before the end of the year. Can the Commission tell me what stage this preparatory action has reached and what results have been achieved so far? On the basis of the preparatory action referred to by the Honourable Member, four projects were launched by the Commission. This report is based on examples taken from more than 30 cities around the world, to show how to improve transport efficiency through better urban planning and to manage transport demand.
The additional benefits of this include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving quality of life. The Commission is well aware of the potential of urban transport to improve energy efficiency and energy independence. Inter alia the site provides searchable and consise information about hundreds of useful case studies on urban mobility, as well as contact details for those who wish to find out more. Almost all the examples given contribute to improving the energy efficiency of urban transport systems.
However to create the necessary frameworks and incentives to catalyse the takeup of the many best practices already available more effort is required, in particular by the Member States, to stimulate and support intergrated urban mobility at the local level. Die Einhaltung der Norm ist jedoch nicht verpflichtend. More and more accidents in swimming pools are being reported. How much does the Commission know about accidents in swimming pools? What is its assessment of the inadequate implementation of the EN standard, which has been in force since ? What measures will the Commission take to ensure that public swimming pools and hotel pools are made safer and that suction systems no longer pose a threat?
What measures will the Commission take to encourage European tour operators to guarantee that European safety standards apply to the swimming pools used in the holidays which they organise? The Commission has no own statistics about accidents or injuries related to swimming pools. However, there is no obligation to comply with the standard.
The safety of swimming pools including hotel pools remains a responsibility of constructors and operators which is to be enforced by national authorities. The Commission is also, at present, gathering information from swimming pool safety experts.
The Commission encourages action by stakeholders with the aim to prevent future accidents. Tour-operators are reminded that they must inform the competent national authorities of any safety issues so that they can be remedied. The River Nestos is one of the most important fresh waterways in the Balkans, bringing life to the areas which it crosses in both southern Bulgaria and northern Greece. It is still being polluted to by landfills in Bulgaria, to the point at which the situation cannot be reversed. This issue has been addressed by numerous authorities, from local government through to the European Commission.
The cross-border cooperation programme between Bulgaria and Greece also contains specific provisions for the River Nestos. The European Commission promised to ask for information from the Bulgarian authorities on the possible causes of pollution and on the application of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, the Landfill Directive and the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive, to verify its level of compliance in terms of legislative implementation of the Water Framework Directive and to take the necessary measures in the event of non-compliance.
In view of the above, and based on the relevant legislation, will the Commission say:. What conclusions have been drawn from the information received from the Bulgarian authorities on these issues? What stage in the transitional period for the application of the directives has Bulgaria reached?
Given that the cross-border cooperation programme is drawing to a close, what stage has been reached in plans to protect the River Nestos? What measures does the Commission intend to take to protect the river which, despite administrative action over recent years, is still being polluted by Bulgaria? The Commission has assessed the River Basin Plans submitted by Bulgaria in and the assessment is available at http: The WFD requires the river Basin Management Plans to include measures to protect water resources from pollution as well as international collaboration, especially with other Member States.
These issues will be discussed in the bilateral meeting with Bulgarian authorities and will be followed up by the Commission. However, the purpose of the Written Question was to invite the Commission to clarify the effects of the standards on the market once they are in place, not to explain its approach to the standardisation process.
It should be self-evident that the entities involved in the standard discussions in the World Wide Web Consortium W3C are undertakings within the meaning of competition law. The use case in question is highly likely to discourage other business models, and the standardisation process used to push it will almost certainly be adopted by all major browser vendors, thereby affecting virtually all European actors on the content distribution markets, upstream as well as downstream, including end-consumers. The standardisation procedure could also have negative implications for those small browser vendors that are presently excluded from the W3C, thereby forcing those who wish to be interoperable or standard-compliant to implement features that restrict competition.
The Commission is following the standardisation process with respect to HTML 5 so as to ensure that EU competition rules are fully complied with. Artikel 2 des Beschlusses des Rates vom Warum hat die Kommission innerhalb von drei Jahren keinen solchen Fortschrittbericht vorgelegt?
The Commission is specifically requested to answer each of the following questions separately:. Why has the Commission not presented such a report of progress within three years? Will the Commission submit a legal proposal on the establishment of a framework for the extraction of data on EU territory? The results of these consultations may also have an impact on the decision concerning an EU equivalent system.
The Commission has therefore decided to present its conclusions in this regard only once this can be done in the light of the outcome of the consultation. Trifft es zu, dass alle nicht extrahierten Daten, die am Trifft es zu, dass die Daten, die zwischen dem Juli und dem Oktober beim US-Finanzministerium eingegangen sind, in Wirklichkeit nicht vor dem Is it correct that since the entry into force of the TFTP Agreement, the rectification of data in the strict sense has, in fact, not been technically feasible?
Is it correct that since the entry into force of the TFTP Agreement, none of the joint reviews has paid particular attention to the number of communications accessed which relate to financial payment? With regard to the issue of data deletion: How will the Commission respond to these tensions — which concern the Serbian minority in Croatia — and guarantee that the rights of minorities are respected throughout the whole region? The Commission condemns any form of violence against minorities or against any other group.
However, as explained e. In particular, the Commission has no competence over the definition and recognition of national minorities, their self-determination and autonomy or the use of regional or minority languages, which fall under the responsibility of the Member States. The Commission is aware of the continued efforts of Croatia aimed at protecting the rights of and raising awareness for persons belonging to minorities in order to ensure the exercise of their rights.

Within the scope of European Union law, the Commission ensures that Member States, when implementing this law, respect fundamental rights laid down in the Charter. How will the Commission ensure that pre-accession funds to each of the following countries for Transition Assistance and Institution Building are properly spent? How will the Commission ensure that pre-accession funds to each of the following countries for Cross-Border Cooperation are properly spent?
How will the Commission ensure that pre-accession funds to each of the following countries for Regional Development, Rural Development and Human Resource Development are properly spent? However, because of time constraints, he did not adequately address four questions. Could the Commission respond to the following questions? How does the Commission provide representation to customs union countries during its trade negotiations with other countries?
It has been brought to my attention by a London constituent that the Pakistani Government has decided to downsize the Federal Ministry of Human Rights and merge it with the Ministry of Law and Justice. It is premature to assess the impact of the merger. Issues of minorities including those of Christians and Ahmadis are addressed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Inter-faith Harmony. The recent attack on a church in Peshawar has reinvigorated debate in Pakistan on the failures of government to protect minorities adequately.
The Council of Islamic Ideology debated the need to prevent abuse of the blasphemy laws. In that case, the Human Rights department would be uniquely placed to influence the process. The EU regularly raises concerns about the situation of minorities and abuse of the blasphemy laws in its political dialogue with Pakistan. The support will address all aspects of discrimination in Pakistan, with a focus on women, children and religious minorities.
This will help inform dialogue with the Government of Pakistan on the promotion and protection of human rights. Kann die Kommission in diesem Zusammenhang folgende Fragen beantworten:. Falls ja, welche Fragen waren dies? What stage has the procedure reached and when does the Commission expect its examination to have reached a conclusion? Does or did the Commission see the need for any additional clarification and has it put questions to the State Government in this regard?
If so, what were these questions? Nevertheless, Member States have the possibility to enter into contact with the Commission services and ask for guidance about compliance with these conditions. However, due to the confidentiality of these contacts, the Commission cannot further develop on the nature and detail thereof.
Kann die Kommission weitere Informationen zu folgenden Fragen liefern. In accordance with Art. In conformity with the principle of subsidiarity, the Member States' competent authorities are responsible for examining alternative solutions. All aspects relevant to the conservation and maintenance of integrity of the site and of its ecological functions should be assessed.
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According to the notification provided pursuant to Art. According to the Art. Possibili finanziamenti per la risoluzione di danni causati all'agricoltura dalla fauna selvatica o inselvatichita. La salvaguardia e la tutela della fauna selvatica e inselvatichita deve conciliarsi con la difesa e la salvaguardia degli allevatori e delle imprese operanti in queste terre spesso piccole aziende a conduzione familiare , che fanno della conservazione e valorizzazione del territorio in cui vivono e lavorano un'eccellenza riconosciuta a livello europeo e nazionale.
Inoltre, i cani selvatici, spesso responsabili di danni al bestiame, non sono coperti dalla normativa UE per la protezione della natura e la loro gestione rientra pienamente nell'ambito della legislazione nazionale. This is causing significant direct and indirect economic damage as well as damage in terms of animal husbandry, resulting in many farms in the sector going out of business, as well as posing serious risks to the safety of farmers and their families.
The safeguarding and protection of wild and feral animals has to be reconciled with the protection and safeguarding of farmers and businesses in these areas often small, family-run farms , whose conservation and promotion of the land on which they live and work is recognised in Italy and across Europe as second to none.
Is the Commission aware of the situation in the Province of Siena and has it been ascertained whether wolves are actually present in that province, in what numbers and in which areas? Has the Commission considered the possibility of extending monitoring to the entire region of Tuscany? What steps have been taken in other EU countries to prevent such attacks, with reference to Spain, France, Germany and countries in northern Europe? What applicable legislation can protect people and businesses affected by these attacks?
What steps and measures can be taken with regard to good land management that can reconcile the requirements of environmental protection with those relating to running a business, including forms of support for direct and indirect damage such as compensation for the destruction of carcasses, the restoration of flock sizes, the reduced production of milk after the attacks, and other related damage? What support is available for farms that intend to develop systems to prevent damage caused by wild animals? It is possible, under the current and future rules governing the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EAFRD , to offer support for investments in equipment to protect livestock against attacks by wild animals.
However, compensation for damage suffered is not covered by current EAFRD rules and there are no plans to cover it during the next programming period. In the context of the revision of the Community Guidelines for agriculture and forestry , the possibility is being considered to include specific provisions on state aid for damages caused by predatory animals. But no decision has yet been made. Moreover, feral dogs, often responsible for damage to livestock, are not covered by EU nature protection legislation and their management falls entirely under national legislation. Mimica je v imenu Komisije 8.
V preiskavi Ministrstva za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo MGRT je bilo ugotovljeno, da se je gostiteljska organizacija za leto prijavila na razpis Agencije brez predhodne nominacije in preglednega postopka s strani MGRT, kar je Agencija glede na predhodno pisno komunikacijo med MGRT in Agencijo vedela.
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Evropskemu uradu za boj proti goljufijam sta ponudili polno sodelovanje pri preiskavi, ki je v teku. The documentation submitted in response to the call for tender by The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers the Agency shows that the tenderer was required to enclose with the tender a document proving nomination by the home country. Is it customary for the Agency to re-select and fund a host organisation whose legal representative has been suspected of corruption and fraud before a final decision on this possible corruption or fraudulent activity has been made?
Has the Commission decided what further action to take on the basis of the findings so far? The Commission pays utmost attention to sound financial management and strict compliance with the relevant rules. Together with the Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, the Commission is currently analysing in detail the case raised by the Honourable Member.
This analysis also covers the calls for proposals for the ECC in Slovenia for the years Both the Commission and the Agency are extremely sensitive to detect any case of corruption and fraud, and to inquire on any allegations of such practices, with a view to rapidly establishing whether they are founded. They have offered full cooperation to OLAF for the ongoing investigation. In light of the ongoing investigation by OLAF and its in-depth analysis of the case together with the Agency, the Commission will take all necessary measures in order to ensure full compliance with the relevant financial rules.
Acuerdo por el trabajo digno de Inditex. No obstante, el citado acuerdo fue firmado en y los hechos de esclavismo denunciados en mi anterior pregunta datan de However, this multimillion-euro agreement has not made the slightest difference to the slave labour systems used by subcontractors working with the Spanish multinational. The cases reported in the past and those that came to light in Argentina and Brazil in , four years after the project was launched, are enough to show that this agreement is barely effective, if at all. What does the Commission think of this contract in the light of the abovementioned slave labour practices?
Does the Commission believe that this is convincing proof that this kind of agreement is largely ineffective and does it therefore plan to set about drafting binding legislation for multinationals? The Commission has set up an online searchable database containing all transnational company agreements and texts it has identified. The objective is to provide information on the existence and substance of transnational company agreements and thus to support discussion under way on the opportunities and challenges arising from such agreements. The Commission does not comment on or in any way endorse the substance or implementation of the agreements in the database.
The collection of global agreements is currently being updated in cooperation with the International Labour Organisation. Neither the agreement nor the agreement should be deleted from the database as they contribute information for the debate on transnational company agreements. The Commission follows generally a non-prescriptive approach in the area of Corporate Social Responsibility and aims at encouraging enterprises to adhere to international guidelines.
Still, the Commission proposed legislation in a related area non-financial information disclosure. In addition, the new public procurement Directives approved recently provide for the public authorities to take certain social considerations into account when making purchases from the private sector. Review websites are one of the most important marketing tools for the modern tourism industry. Despite the fact that review websites are an important channel for promoting and establishing hotels, they also raise a number of questions for businesses in the sector, especially small and medium-sized enterprises SMEs , such as: Does it have statistics on the penetration and impact of review websites on the European tourism market and on cases of unfair practices by such websites or tourist businesses?
This problem, which essentially pertains to information from consumers to other consumers, will not be addressed, for the time being, within the ICT and Tourism Business Initiative. Furthermore, an EU-wide awareness raising campaign is currently being prepared in order to increase the overall knowledge of both consumer rights and enforcement options in various areas. The abovementioned regulations were agreed by Member States in the Council. A sound management of public finances is necessary for ensuring the sustainability of the European social model, to the benefit of the people of Europe.
As Israel participates in the framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, can the Commission clarify whether these guidelines will apply to the Horizon Programme? Has the Commission taken any steps to encourage individual Member States to apply the principles enshrined in the guidelines to any bilateral agreements with Israel or with Israeli organisations? The guidelines are applicable to financial support from the Union budget and do not apply to funding opportunities under the national budgets of Member States.
Member States such as the United Kingdom have legislation the Companies Directors Disqualifications Act that sets out under what circumstances company directors can be disqualified for certain types of misconduct. For instance, unfitness to be a company director can be established before a court where the directors have failed to prepare or approve the annual accounts. What rules exist to determine the fitness of company directors across the European Union? There are currently no other specific harmonised rules at EU level as regards disqualification of directors.
They shall act with honesty, integrity and independence of mind. There are currently no plans to propose EU-wide legislation for the non-financial sector on this issue. The Gibraltar authorities are concerned with protecting the reputation and integrity of Gibraltar as a financial centre, and are cognizant of the importance of adopting and applying international regulatory standards and best supervisory practices.
Gibraltar has a good reputation internationally for cooperation and information sharing. Can the Commission state whether it has ever received a well-founded complaint regarding an alleged failure by the Government of Gibraltar to provide or exchange information or failure to collaborate generally on tax, financial services or money laundering matters? To date the Commission has not received complaints meeting the description given by the Honourable Member. Confirm that there are no directives on financial services outstanding for transposition in Gibraltar?
Confirm that there are no directives on the exchange of information or mutual assistance on tax matters outstanding for transposition in Gibraltar? Say what directives to combat money laundering have been transposed in Gibraltar and whether any remain outstanding? Confirm, based on more general legislation, that all EU directives, the transposition deadline of which has passed, have been transposed in Gibraltar?
Misión Verdad
Currently there are no infringement proceedings pending against the United Kingdom concerning the non-transposition of Directives on financial services in Gibraltar. As regards all Directives, the Commission points out that, pursuant to the Treaties, it initiates infringement proceedings only against Member States. The report also highlights the fact that with mercury disappearing from use in other industries dentistry will soon become the largest mercury user in Europe. Has it decided to move forward with any recommendations from the study, and if so, how is this progressing?
The Commission is awaiting the outcome of this process, as well as a corresponding opinion by the Scientific Committee for Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks SCENIHR focusing on effects of dental amalgam on human health before concluding on the appropriateness of any next steps. Also, what action will the European Aviation Safety Agency take following its recent emergency directive calling for accelerated inspections to detect potential corrosion on AS and ECC models? The Commission agrees that the highest level of safety in travel to and from offshore installations is an issue of key importance as referred to by the Honourable Member.
In this context EASA issued an Emergency AD EAD E to account for the effect of salt laden atmosphere for offshore operating helicopters and to address an error in a modification installation procedure. Current Commission proposals on biofuels with regard to their adverse effects on food security in developing countries have been the subject of much controversy recently. Also many voluntary schemes recognised by the European Commission for demonstrating compliance with the EU sustainability criteria do require respect of additional environmental and social requirements from their members.
Biofuels consumed in the EU must be compliant with these criteria to be eligible for final support and to measure compliance towards targets and obligations specified under the Renewable Energy and Fuel Quality Directives. Voluntary schemes are free to choose their scope and geographical coverage. Technologies with relevance to GHG emission savings in transport may additionally be covered by various sectoral and horizontal measures in the EU, as well as by bilateral and international cooperation instruments of the EU and its Member States with third countries and international institutions.
All these elements apply to biofuels that have been developed in the UK. The Commission is currently analysing the sustainability issues associated with increased use of solid and gaseous biomass for electricity, heating and cooling in the EU in order to determine whether additional action is needed and if so, under which form it would be appropriate. Some Member States, being energy islands, are still totally isolated from the European gas and electricity networks and continue to pay higher prices for energy resources, which affect their competitiveness.
Does the Commission believe that, without substantial infrastructure investment, those Member States will not be able to achieve the commitment reiterated by the Council by ? Should not the Commission, at the request of those Member States, take part in negotiations with non-EU energy suppliers on the subject of energy prices, for instance where the purchase of gas is concerned? The Commission believes that in order to meet the objectives set by the European Council, i.
The Commission, upon request of a Member State, may assist in its negotiations with gas suppliers. The Commission's assistance should focus on issues falling within its competence, such as the compliance with internal market and competition legislation. In addition, the Council can adopt Decisions authorising the European Commission to conduct negotiations related to Inter-Governmental Agreements IGAs for energy infrastructure projects of strategic importance on behalf of the European Union. Achieving tangible solidarity between Member States in the field of energy is one of the main underlying themes of EU energy policy.
It is pursued through provisions in many pieces of EU legislation e. The main prerequisite for solidarity to work well in the area of energy is the existence of a well-functioning internal energy market, the completion of which is a key priority of the Commission. An open and transparent internal market, where all EU and third-country companies respect the acquis communautaire in the field of energy, can help strengthen the negotiating position of EU energy suppliers with regard to external competitors, which is particularly important for the potential of further coordinating external energy purchasing at EU level.
Does the Commission agree that the establishment of a joint gas purchase agency, and the mechanisms needed for this, in order to counterbalance the monopolistic position of dominant external suppliers would be beneficial? The Commission does not agree with the Honourable Member's proposal. Joint purchasing is no solution to ensure that all market operators respect the rules of the internal market or that consumer prices remain under control.
Furthermore, the trend in global gas supply is into more diversity and away from a monopolistic supply. The Commission agrees that negotiation directives granted by the Council to the European Commission in order to conduct negotiations related to Inter-Governmental Agreements IGAs for energy infrastructure projects of strategic importance can strengthen Member States' negotiating position and ensure full compliance of the IGAs with EU acquis.