Poésie et réalité (Critiques Littéraires) (French Edition)
The past catches up with him, exploding with the images of one man's life kaleidoscope: In that dense and haunting atmosphere he will meet young Israelis, a Palestinian and a German professor, the nephew of a Nazi soldier who died during WWII. Will Alexis finally reconcile himself with the conflicting parts of his identity?
Such is Albert Russo's I-sraeli Syndrome. I-sraeli Syndrome is very much a biography of the soul, and as much as that of any latter-day Harry Haller, and Russo seems to have dredged in its pages the depths of his own being in order to have written it. Excerpt from James Baldwin 's letter to the author, penned the year of his death: It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man. Some of my photos were exhibited at the. African novels set in. Parie la Grosse Pomme. Both books lauded by the Mayor of New York City.
Les vieux brisquards : Fernando d’Alméida et Paul Dakeyo
New York at heart. New York au coeur. We thought your image was perfect.
Your selected photo is:. Visit his literary websites, describing his odd books of fiction and poetry in his two mother-tongues, English and French, which include 25 photobooks. It has a very gentle surface and a savage undertow. You are saying something which no one particularly wants to hear and saying it, furthermore from a particularly intimidating point of view.
Much imagination, sensitivity and quality of style About "Eclats de malachite" "Splinters of malachite": Largely autobiographical, this work is written in the manner of an exorcism, it is engrossing and reveals a very real talent. His prose is that of a poet wounded by the claws of a ferocious society. He speaks as a poet when describing the beauty of Africa. From this eminent polyglot such forays are not surprising. But above all, this is South Africa depicted by someone who knows it intimately well.
And Albert Russo succeeds in giving us a lesson in ethnology with a verve few masters could possibly match. Prudence is raised as a poor white Afrikaner, but one day, the apartheid witch sneaks into her new school under the guise of a freckled classmate, then, brutally, the little girl will be wrenched from her roots and thrust amid the Colored community of District Six, compelled to share henceforth the fate of the underdog.
Here, the absurdity of apartheid is scanned by a writer whose style is the reflection of his soul, in which language and culture constantly crossfertilize. And, ultimately, he leads us to believe in a Cape of hope. Le Nouvel Athanor, Paris: Within these inner confines, Russo invites us to penetrate his densely imaged cosmic verse. Russo is an unforgettable poet who, time and time again, compels the reader to that ever fertile, elusive, and mysterious land of the creative artist. This review was signed by Bettina Knapp who has authored more than 45 books.
Mathieu Brosseau — Wikipédia
Albert speaks seven languages and loves to interact with people of different cultures and horizons. He has lived in three different continents, which opened his mind to the world's variety of cultures and ways of thinking. Albert abhors any type of violence and especially those incited by the so-called 'men of god' whose sole preoccupation is power, revenge and murder, in other words terrorism, which is the plague of our century.
Albert Russo is well-known for his excellent books. He released his first book in called Zapinette Video through Xlibris. We invite you to look at his more than 20 trade and picture books, including 'The benevolent American in the heart of darkness', 'The crowded world of solitude', volumes 1 stories and 2 poetry , as well as his photo books, 'Mexicana', 'Sri Lanka' and 'Italia Nostra', among others.
With his intense interest in African life, the young Russo also engaged with knowledge beyond narrow stratifications of colonial custom. Studies film versions of Kamouraska and Les Fous de Bassan. Associated University Presses, Gunter Narr Verlag Kamouraska and Hiroshima mon amour. V, n o 1, automne , p. XXXVI, n o , mai , p. LVI, mai , p. Essays on Her Works. Fairleigh Dickinson UP, Franco-Canadian Women Writers of the s. Roseanna Dufault and Paula Gilbert.
Actes du colloque de la Sorbonne. Jacques Dubois, Surcodage et protocole de lecture ,. Pierre Tranouez, La narration neutralisante ,. Jean Gaudon, Staccato, legato ,. Tzvetan Todorov, Recherches sur le symbolisme linguistique ,. Pierre Smith, Des genres et des hommes ,. Pierre Pachet, Baudelaire et le sacrifice ,. Michel Deguy, Encore une lecture des "Colchiques" ,. Philippe Lejeune, Bref sur Biffures,. Michel Deguy, Certitude et fiction ,. Jean-Luc Nancy, Logodaedalus ,. Jean Ricardou, La population des miroirs ,.
Armand Strubel, "Allegoria in factis" et "allegoria in verbis" ,. Tzvetan Todorov, La lecture comme construction ,. Eric Gans, Hyperbole et ironie ,. Jean Rosasco, Aux sources de la Vivonne ,. Michael Danahy, Le roman est-il chose femelle? Jean-Paul Martin, La condensation ,. Michael Beausang, Vivre en marge ,.
Albert RUSSO
Daniel Ferrer, Hissheory, ou le plaisir en trop ,. Bibliographie sur Finnegans Wake. Jean Verrier, Segalen lecteur de Segalen ,. Youri Tynianov, Les traits flottants de la signification dans le vers ,. Geoffrey Hartman, La voix de la navette ,. Claudine Giordan, Ponge et la nomination ,. Joseph Kestner, Les trois Don Quichotte ,. Alain Bony, Terminologie chez Sterne ,. Mieke Bal, Narration et focalisation. Nicole Gueunier, Enseignants du secondaire et nouvelles recherches ,. Jean Verrier, La ficelle ,.
Philippe Lejeune, Les carafes de la Vivonne ,. Michel Beaujour, Autobiographie et autoportrait ,. Robert Scholes, Les modes de la fiction. Marc Angenot, Le paradigme absent ,. Ian Watt, Le premier paragraphe des "Ambassadeurs" ,. Michael Riffaterre, Le tissu du texte ,. Jean-Pierre Richard, Connaissance du "Riz" ,. Tzvetan Todorov, Une complication de texte: Roger Pensom, Organisation formelle de la Chanson de Roland ,.
Dan Sperber et Deirdre Wilson, Les ironies comme mentions ,. Groupe Mu, Ironique et iconique ,. Linda Hutcheon, Ironie et parodie: Jean Pellegrin, Les Ineffables ,.
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Serge Doubrovsky, Faire catleya ,. Wolfgang Iser, La fiction en effet ,. Rainer Warning, Pour une pragmatique du discours fictionnel ,. Harald Weinrich, Les temps et les personnes ,.
Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Persuader ceux qui pensent comme vous. Jean-Pierre Richard, Le sang de la complainte ,. Michael Riffaterre, La syllepse intertextuelle ,. Ross Chambers, La narration dans "Sylvie" ,. Michel Zink, Froissart et la nuit du chasseur ,. Mireille Calle-Gruber, Anamorphoses textuelles ,. Denis Ferraris, Quaestio de legibilibus aut legendis scriptis ,.
Raymonde Debray-Genette, La pierre descriptive ,. Peter Brooks, Un rapport illisible: Daniel Ferrer, In omnis jam vocabuli mortem ,. Claude Bremond, Pourquoi le poisson a ri ,. Jean-Pierre Mourey, Le texte et sa fiction chez Borges ,. Pierre Yves Bourdil, Entre chien et chat ,. Alexandre Leupin, Le sexe dans la langue: Jean-Jacques Thomas, Le coq et la perle. Eric Gans, Naissance du Moi lyrique ,. Linda Hutcheon, Ironie, Satire, parodie ,.
Ora Avni, Et la chose fut ,. Yves Lelong, Marcel Proust: Francis Goyet, La preuve par l'anagramme ,. Jacques Derrida, Les morts de Roland Barthes p. Tzvetan Todorov, Le dernier Barthes p. Jean-Claude Bonnet, La harangue sadienne ,. Pierre Vitoux, Le jeu de la focalisation ,. Monson, Autopsie des dames du temps jadis ,. Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Du texte au genre ,. Jean-Claude Berchet, Un voyage vers soi ,.
Mercedes Blanco, La parabole et les paradoxes ,. Marc Angnot, Lecture intertextuelle d'un texte de Freud ,. Jean Rousset, Le journal intime, texte sans destinataire? Antonio Gomez-Moriana, Autobiographie et discours rituel ,. Tzvetan Todorov, Benjamin Constant, politique et amour. Puis Bernard Meyer, Synecdoques du genre? Dominique Billy, La nomenclature des rimes ,. Halsall, Le roman historico-didactique ,. Paul Bleton, Ils ne font pas de sentiment ,. Michel Deguy, Le Grand-dire ,. Enfin, Michel Picard, La lecture comme jeu. Catherine Lowe, Le mirage de ptyx: Brigitte Cazelles, Souvenez-vous ,.
Anne-Marie Franc, "Voyelles", un adieu aux vers latins ,. Pedro Cordoba, La Revenance ,. Michel Stanesco, Sous le masque de Lancelot ,. Peter Brooks, Constructions psychanalytiques et narratives ,. Paul de Man, Anthropomorphisme et trope ,. Louis Hay, Le texte n'existe pas ,. Bernard Vouilloux, La Venelle du Sourd ,. Ora Avni, Ils courent, ils courent les ferret ,. Jean-Pierre Mourey, "Borges" chez Borges ,. Albert Nozal, Je suis inquiet ,. Jean-Marie Schaeffer, Aesopus auctor inventus ,. Jeannine Jallat, Lieux balzaciens ,.
Susan Rubin Suleiman, La pornographie de Bataille ,. Bernard Vouilloux, Le tableau: Description et peinture ,. Pierre Campion, Diderot et le conatus de la narration ,. Dominique Tassel, En lisant Une lettre,. Jean-Pierre Bobillot, Rimbaud et le vers libre ,. Pierre Missac, Aphorisme et paragramme ,. Paul Sporn, Physique moderne et critique contemporaine ,. Brigitte Cazelles, La rose et la violette ,. Randa Sabry, Quand le texte parle de son paratexte ,. Peter Por, Schiller, le jeu du destin et de la raison ,. Pierre Laszlo, La fabrique du texte chez Michelet ,.
Danielle Trudeau, La fortune d'un pot au lait ,.
- Branegate?
- Die Seelen der Nacht: Roman (Diana & Matthew Trilogie 1) (German Edition).
- www.newyorkethnicfood.com - Poétique ( [en cours] ).
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Pierre Tranouez, Cave filium! Claudie Bernard, Balzac et le roman historique ,. Jean-Louis Siran, Signification, sens, valeur ,. Philippe Hamon, Texte et architecture ,.