Plack Handbook (Japanese Edition)
Auf dem Markt der Wissenschaften oder: Die Sprache der Denker. The information structure of French. Semantic granularity of placement and removal expressions in Polish. Events of putting and taking: A prelinguistic gestural universal of human communication. Cognitive Science, 36 , Putting and taking events: Acquiring L2 sentence comprehension: A longitudinal study of word monitoring in noise.
Language and Cognition, 15 , Children and situation models of multiple events. Developmental Psychology, 48 , Individual differences in second language sentence processing. Language Learning, 62 Supplement S2 , Psycholinguistic techniques and resources in second language acquisition research. Sentence and discourse processing in second language comprehension. Individual differences in second language learning: The different role of additive and negative particles in the development of finiteness in early adult L2 German and L2 Dutch.
L1 Prosodic transfer and priming effects: A quantitative study on semi-spontaneous dialogues. The structural connectivity underpinning language aptitude, working memory and IQ in the perisylvian language network. Linguistic typology and first language acquisition. Bidirectional cross-linguistic influence in event conceptualization?
Expressions of Path among Japanese learners of English. Language and Cognition, 14 , 79 Crossmodal compounding in Tzeltal perception words. Everyone has to lie in Tzeltal [Reprint]. Critical concepts in language studies. Volume III Talking about language pp. The cultural organization of attention. Some universals in language usage, Japanese translation]. Some universals in language use [Reprint]. The developmental path to phonological focus-marking in Dutch. Production, perception and comprehension pp. Intonational realization of topic and focus in child Dutch. Journal of Child Language, 38 , Evidence for an off-ramp analysis of Dutch Intonation.
The role of intonation in online reference resolution in a second language. Studies presented to M. Bert Schouten on the occasion of his 65th birthday pp. Polynomial modeling of child and adult intonation in German spontaneous speech. Language and Speech, 54 , Ambiguous pronoun resolution in L1 and L2 German and Dutch. Verarbeitung und Disambiguierung pronominaler Referenz in der Fremdsprache Deutsch: The role of word-stress and intonation in word recognition in Dutch and month-olds.
Lexical interactions in non-native speech comprehension: Evidence from electro-encephalography, eye-tracking, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Language-specific encoding of placement events in gestures. Communicative difficulties and their solutions in second-language use. Language and body in the material world pp. Thinking, speaking, and gesturing about motion in more than one language. Where does the delay in L2 picture naming come from?
Psycholinguistic and neurocognitive evidence on second language word production. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26 , Spracherwerb und Kinderliteratur [Special Issue]. The role of input frequency and semantic transparency in the acquisition of verb meaning: Evidence from placement verbs in Tamil and Dutch. Plausibility and recovery from garden paths in L2 sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 32 , Intonational marking of focus in different word orders in German children.
Variable verb placement in second-language German and French: Evidence from production and elicited imitation of finite and nonfinite negated sentences. The thickness of pitch: Crossmodal metaphors in Farsi, Turkish and Zapotec. Putting things in places: Developmental consequences of linguistic typology. A quantitative investigation of the prosody of Verum Focus in Italian. Verb placement in second language acquisition: Experimental evidence for the different behavior of auxiliary and lexical verbs. Intonation of Finnish verbs. Speech Prosody , , Intonation of 'now' in resolving scope ambiguity in English and Dutch.
Journal of Phonetics, 38 , Changes in encoding of path of motion after acquisition of a second language. Cognitive Linguistics, 21 2 , Questions and their responses in Tzeltal. Journal of Pragmatics, 42 , Todo el mundo tiene que mentir en Tzeltal: Ab wann nutzen Kinder die Intonation zum Ausdruck neuer Information? Is there really an asymmetry in the acquisition of the focus-to-accentuation mapping?
Lingua, , Intonational encoding of focus in Toulousian French. Studies on intonation and information structure in child and adult German. The acquisition of negation. Given claims about new topics: How Romance and Germanic speakers link changed and maintained information in narrative discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 42 12 , Lexical competition in nonnative speech comprehension.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 , Methodological reflections on gesture analysis in second language acquisition and bilingualism research. Second Language Research, 26 1 , Gestures in language development. The earliest stages of language learning. The earliest stages of language learning [Special Issue].
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Language Learning, 60 Supplement s2. What gestures reveal about the development of semantic distinctions in Dutch children's placement verbs. Gestures and some key issues in the study of language development. Adult language learning after minimal exposure to an unknown natural language. Language Learning, 60 S2 , Do language-specific categories shape conceptual processing? Mandarin classifier distinctions influence eye gaze behavior, but only during linguistic processing.
Plack Handbook by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
Language Learning, 60 S2 , v. The earliest stages of language learning: Animacy affects the processing of subject—object ambiguities in the second language: Evidence from self-paced reading with German second language learners of Dutch. Applied Psycholinguistics, 31 4 , Real-time correlates of phonological quantity reveal unity of tonal and non-tonal languages. Plos One, 5 9 , e Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung pp. On times and arguments. Linguistics, 48 , Typen und Konzepte des Spracherwerbs.
International annual for lexicography pp. Activation and persistence of implicit causality information in spoken language comprehension. Experimental Psychology, 57 , Three-year-olds are sensitive to semantic prominence during online spoken language comprehension: A visual world study of pronoun resolution. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25 , Parsing the L2 input, an overview: Sprachen der Kinder - Sprachen im Klassenzimmer 2. Phonetic tone signals phonological quantity and word structure.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, , Formation of category representations in superior temporal sulcus. Functional connectivity between brain regions involved in learning words of a new language. Brain and Language, , Universals and typological comparisons. Research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin pp. Language as mind tools: Learning how to think through speaking. Research in the traditions of Dan Slobin pp. Some universals in language usage [chapter 1, reprint].
Intonation and reference maintenance in Turkish learners of Dutch: Perception of paralinguistic intonational meaning in a second language. Language Learning, 59 2 , The phonetics of sentence-initial topic and focus in adult and child Dutch. Interactions and interrelations pp. An event-related potential study on changes of violation and error responses during morphosyntactic learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21 3 , Plasticity of grammatical recursion in German learners of Dutch. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24 , The prosodic marking of topical referents in the German "Vorfeld" by children and adults.
The Linguistic Review, 26 , Stepping stones and stumbling blocks: Why negation accelerates and additive particles delay the acquisition of finiteness in German. Functional categories in learner language. Accessibility and topicality in children's use of word order. Factoring out the parallelism effect in VP-ellipsis: Second Language Research, 25 , Why some spatial semantic categories are harder to learn than others: The typological prevalence hypothesis. Gestures and the development of semantic representations in first and second language acquisition.
Reconstructing verb meaning in a second language: How English speakers of L2 Dutch talk and gesture about placement. Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 7 , Why gestures are relevant to the bilingual mental lexicon. Attention to speech-accompanying gestures: Eye movements and information uptake. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 33 4 , Research techniques for the study of code-switching.
Inflectional entropy in Slovak. Slovak Academy of Sciences. Processing subject-object ambiguities in L2 Dutch: A self-paced reading study with German L2 learners of Dutch. Language Learning, 59 1 , Finiteness in children with SLI: The acquisition of functional categories in child L1 and adult L2 acquisition. Exploiting degrees of inflectional ambiguity: Stem form and the time course of morphological processing.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35 1 , Finiteness, universal grammar, and the language faculty. How time is encoded. Untutored second language acquisition. The expression of time. Getting the inside story: Learning to talk about containment in Tzeltal and Hindi. Studies in honor of Melissa Bowerman pp. Paradigmatic and extraparadigmatic morphology in the mental lexicon: Experimental evidence for a dissociation. The mental lexicon, 4 1 , Gaze, questioning and culture.
The origins of syntax in discourse: A case study of Tok Pisin relatives [reprint of article in Language]. Does finiteness mark assertion? A picture selection study with Turkish learners and native speakers of German. The acquisition of finiteness by Turkish learners of German and Turkish learners of French: Investigating knowledge of forms and functions in production and comprehension.
Universals and cultural variation in turn-taking in conversation. New method for delexicalization and its application to prosodic tagging for text-to-speech synthesis. Finiteness in Dutch as a second language.
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Light verbs and the acquisition of finiteness and negation in Dutch as a second language. Temporal adverbials, negation and finiteness in Dutch as a second language: IRAL, 47 2 , Differences or fundamental differences? New perspectives in analyzing aspectual distinctions across languages. Syntactic priming in German—English bilinguals during sentence comprehension. Neuroimage, 46 , The development of facial expressions of emotion in Indian culture [meeting abstract].
Empirische Forschung und Theoriebildung: Mixed-effects modeling with crossed random effects for subjects and items. Journal of Memory and Language, 59 4 , Crosslinguistic perspectives on argument structure: Implications for learnability pp. The acquisition of the English causative alternation. Now move X into cell Y: Gesture viewpoint in Japanese and English: Cross-linguistic interactions between two languages in one speaker. Gesture, 8 2 , Bidirectional crosslinguistic influence in L1-L2 encoding of manner in speech and gesture. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 30 2 , Up, down, and across the land: Landscape terms and place names in Tzeltal.
Verb specificity and argument realization in Tzeltal child language. Online evidence from discourse processing. Two types of definites: Evidence for presupposition cost. What inferences can tell us about the given-new distinction. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Linguists pp. Slower-than-normal syntactic processing in agrammatic Broca's aphasia: Journal of Neurolinguistics, 21 2 , Encoding interrogativity intonationally in a second language.
The acquisition of verb compounding in Mandarin Chinese. Morphological paradigms in language processing and language disorders. Transactions of the Philological Society, 99 2 , Words that second language learners are likely to hear, read, and use. Language and Cognition, 11 1 , How useful are polynomials for analyzing intonation?
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The cross-linguistic encoding of placement events. Position and motion in Tzeltal frog stories: The acquisition of narrative style. Typological and contextual perspectives pp. Frames of spatial reference and their acquisition in Tenejapan Tzeltal. Plack Handbook by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa. Plack handbook has 24 useful short articles explaining the concept of PSGI and tutorials how to adapt Plack to the existing web applications.
Plack Handbook
Written by the author of PSGI specification and Plack himself, this book has been considered a canonical reference for many beginners trying to learn Plack and also web framework authors trying to adapt PSGI. Kindle Edition , 58 pages. Published October 30th first published October 29th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Plack Handbook , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 25, Ashraf Bashir rated it did not like it Shelves: Should be a blog, not a book. It does not provide enough details about the topic, and it does not explain the why and how.
The book contains some code samples with brief explanation. Unfortunately, it is the only resource about the topic. Ivan Rocha rated it really liked it Apr 04, Curt Langston rated it it was ok Aug 02,