Maggie on the Bounty (Maggie MacKay Magical Tracker Book 3)
The Ghost and Ms. MacKay by Kate Danley. Shelve The Ghost and Ms. Nightshade by Donna Augustine. Maggie on the Bounty by Kate Danley. New business partners, Maggie and Killian, are lo… More. Shelve Maggie on the Bounty. The M-Team by Kate Danley. Maggie Goes to Hollywood by Kate Danley. Maggie's on the run.
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What better place to hide th… More. Shelve Maggie Goes to Hollywood. Maggie Reloaded by Kate Danley. Maggie pissed off the wrong people and now she's… More. Maggie Goes Medieval by Kate Danley. Just when things couldn't get worse, the fate of… More.
Maggie on the Bounty by Kate Danley
Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Maggie on the Bounty by Kate Danley. New business partners, Maggie and Killian, are looking forward to their latest gig: But Maggie and Killian find themselves trapped in the past, caught in a time rift with only a ghost of a chance of escaping. This ain't no pleasure cruise. Published July 15th first published July 12th Maggie MacKay, Magical Tracker 3. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Maggie on the Bounty , please sign up.
- Maggie on the Bounty.
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Lists with This Book. Jan 31, Thenia rated it really liked it Shelves: Another adventure for Maggie, who has to save the world once again with the help of her new partner, Killian. This time they are hired to bring back the ghosts that are disappearing from a famous attraction ghost ship. Action, ghosts and an irreverent sense of humor that I'm thoroughly enjoying! Aug 03, Goosegirl rated it liked it Shelves: They are somehow magical together. But alas aside from the first one they are three star books that really want to be four but just can't quite get there.
Maybe it's some of the concepts of the Otherworld that are confusing, and never adequately explained and leave me always going "okay? It just needs a little more something, but I don't know what that something is, since I LOVE these books and thoroughly enjoy them. Feb 19, Meigan rated it really liked it Shelves: Best of the series so far. Much more ass-kicking and definitely more Killian: I really liked the whole time travel aspect of this one.
Maggie and Killian are trying to recover ghosts that have disappeared from an old steamer ship and throughout the course, they find themselves plopped down in different historical periods, mainly the 's and 40's. Granted, the whole historical atmosphere was fleeting, more like a token mention, but it was still fun. Killian and Maggie also meet some interesti Best of the series so far. Killian and Maggie also meet some interesting historical figures that they desperately need to save, lest Maggie's existence be dramatically altered.
What I absolutely love about this series is that it's a brainless escape. I don't need to think, there isn't anything major to "figure out". It's just a fun, quirky ride not to be taken seriously. It's a new guilty pleasure, a fun and fluffy pleasure, spending a few hours with a quirky heroine and an hysterical elf. Definitely looking forward to the fourth installment which hopefully maybe possibly will propel Killian and Maggie in a more romantic direction.

Killian definitely needs to get his noodle wet, if only Maggie would finally succumb. Maggie and Pretzel Brain This novel had some wonderful new characters and moments, particularly those with the girl Jackie. It has the trademark Danley witty dialogue. Unfortunately it has some downsides. One is despite being shorter in length, or maybe because of it, the pace is frenetic and repetitive. Even vampire killing gets old when our heroes are fighting through hoards of them every few pages. Two, the plot too often pushed me beyond my necessary willingness to suspend disbelief, from Mag Maggie and Pretzel Brain This novel had some wonderful new characters and moments, particularly those with the girl Jackie.
Two, the plot too often pushed me beyond my necessary willingness to suspend disbelief, from Maggie walking around with a bullet gut wound to the too complex for my poor brain to follow crash course on dimensions in time and space, portals, and time and ghost bubbles. More cerebral readers could maybe follow the latter but spending all my time trying to figure out if it made sense at least in the context of the internal rules of this fictional world was not my idea of fun.
The ghost bubble particularly threw me for a loop without including spoilers that's all I can say. Finally, after three novels binge read in this series, Maggie and Killian, as engaging as they are to spend time with, don't seem to be deepening much. What development is happening is so incrementally slow and almost subatomic that I am losing interest. Some of this is the nature of the characters, Maggie's discomfort with any softer emotion and favorite defensive armor denial, and Killian's willingness to let her, but I need a few interludes here and there of getting some honesty and substance individually and relationally and an actual kiss or two if I'm going to invest reading this series beyond the next novel.
We like what we like for better or worse. And the best authors write the stories they like to read. Danley is a gifted writer, but unless the next novel or two give a little more character along with the ass-whupping, we are likely parting ways. Sep 08, Henriette rated it liked it. The book started out well enough. Maggie and Killian met her family for a Sunday brunch atop an old cruise ship from the s that amongst other things served as a crew transporter during the war. The conversation leading to and during the brunch was hilarious, there was a ghost and an ominous warning.
But then the main storyline started. It involves a turned world wanderer like Maggie trying to take a vampire army through three different time periods with the help of a male siren play The book started out well enough. It involves a turned world wanderer like Maggie trying to take a vampire army through three different time periods with the help of a male siren playing a blood organ. The book is only pages long, so the author doesn't go into an awful lot of detail on how this all works. But you still get the impression that the whole time travel shenanigans are used to cover up the fact that not a lot is happening in this book.
I also found it kind of irritating that Maggie upon meeting the vampire wanderer for the first time made fun of her skill and professes that she is far superior being the second best wanderer in the world, I take it after her father , but she is completely powerless to stop her.
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Also, she massacres vampires in the hundreds, but can't overpower her. Because of the banter between Killian and her, and meeting amusing new characters like Jackie, George and even Mortimer, I still liked it, but since the series improved with the second book, it was kind of disappointing that the quality fell again. It is just down right hilarious at times! I wasn't as in love with the story line in book 3. Dimensional shifting and time warps are not my favorite places to read about.
I get as lost in them as Maggie did! I think Killian and Maggie continue to make a great team and I like that they are warming up to each, as each new story is told. I love Maggie's relatives and the priest too. Once again this story is about vampires trying to screw up the world only this time it takes place on an old cruise ship, dry docked in CA.
The new characters were very interesting and fun, except for the vamp's of course. I found some of the fighting scenes boring and drawn out. I would love for the author to bring back some of the magic from her first book of the series. Jul 11, Patty Ram rated it it was amazing. Family is complicated and I love how real Maggie's family is. No perfect princess in this series which makes it all the more interesting. May 23, Renetta DeBoer rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Maggie and Killian as they kill monsters together. Not to mention the sassy kick-awesome partnership.
This series is so much fun to read. Maggie is so witty and the back and forth with Killian is hilarious. Good I am really enjoying this series. The characters are engaging and the world building is very good. I will read more. Nov 17, Beth rated it really liked it Shelves: They soon discover they been swept into a much more nefarious plot.
What I enjoy most about Maggie on the Bounty is the fun, easy, highly entertaining read Kate Danley always seems to provide. Its not a mind twisting story that takes lots of concentrations but a completely enjoyable quick read.
Sometimes you just need the straight out entertainment a book can provide and Maggie on the Bounty hit that spot perfectly. We are giving an action, adventure with just enough mystery and unconventional characters that provide humor to keep you tied till the end.
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Of course, I will be reading on in this series. How could you not enjoy a book that has a warning in the synopsis: This book contains cussing, brawling, and unladylike behavior. Proceed at your own risk.
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July 15, Rating: Paranormal Urban Fantasy Find this book on: Feb 20, Marianne rated it really liked it Shelves: Now that Maggie and Killan have survived their first mission together as real partners, it's time for their personal relationship to move forward as well. I for one would love to see Killan introduce Maggie to some elvish culture, whether he's bare as a young elf at his first midsummer eve or just introducing her to his family.
I wonder if they'll be as happy with the match as Maggie's entire maternal family line is? Or, since there is time travel involved; was. But I'm getting ahead of myself Now that Maggie and Killan have survived their first mission together as real partners, it's time for their personal relationship to move forward as well. But I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?
Liked the time travel aspect. Those pesky vamps just keep popping up everywhere, don't they?