Gentlemen Preferred Dry Flies: The Dry Fly and the Nymph, Evolution and Conflict
As the name implies, this book is mostly about the aquatic insects— mayflies , caddisflies and stoneflies —that trout and grayling feed on and their counterpart artificial imitations. Less than half the book chapters I—III is devoted to observations of trout, their behaviour, and the methods and techniques used to catch them. Most of this information, although enhanced by Ronalds' experiences and observations, was merely an enhancement of Charles Bowlker's Art of Angling first published in but still in print in Ronalds introduced several new ideas, however, in Chapter I.

His experiments and observations led him to describe and illustrate the trout's Window of vision, a concept an understanding of which is still essential today. Vincent Marinaro, in his classic work In the Ring of the Rise , credits Ronalds with discovering and documenting this window and includes a reproduction of plate II—Optical diagrams in his book. The real meat of Ronalds' book was Chapter IV: Here, for the first time, the author discussed specific artificial fly imitations by name, associated with the corresponding natural insect. Organized by their month of appearance, Ronalds was the first author to begin the standardization of angler names for artificial flies.
Prior to The Fly-fisher's Entomology , anglers had been given suggestions for artificial flies to be used on a particular river or at a particular time of the year, but those suggestions were never matched to specific natural insects the angler might encounter on the water. Alfred Ronalds was born in Highbury, London in , the 11th of 12 children.
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His father was a successful merchant and his eldest brother, Sir Francis Ronalds , became famous for pioneering the electric telegraph. In at the age of 15, Ronalds took an apprenticeship as an engraver, lithographer and copper-plate printer. This has to rate as one of the best books on the subject of small stream fly fishing I have read to date.
For once the author is authoritative and comprehensive without becoming boringly didactic.
Gentlemen preferred dry flies: The dry fly and the nymph, evolution and conflict, WC Black
He covers it all and yet the book is written in a way that pleases the ear and is simple to follow. One of my best reads on the subject. Again try Craig Thom of NetBooks for a copy. Fishing the dainty, heavily treed and bushed-in Kraalstroom for Andrew Ingram who was behind a movie camera.
Apply one or two drops, allow 24 hours to cure and your flies will float like corks! Watershed will not affect colour or softness and is odourless once it has cured. Contact Tom at This email address is being protected from spambots.
THE BEST OF THISWEBSITE FOR - TomSutcliffe - The Spirit of Fly Fishing
Interesting, but of all the themed galleries the one on the chalk streams of Hampshire was the most popular easily won with hits! I was introduced to a number of websites during the year but here are my three favourites for a regular visit, each for a different reason or purpose, as will become evident when you have a look at them yourself. Gentlemen only fished for rising fish lured by a fleeting food source.
Marinaro's modern dry fly code Lee Wulff, bigger than life The emergence. Notes Includes bibliographical references and index. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Related resource Contributor biographical information at http: None of your libraries hold this item.
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