Close Encounters With God and Others
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Duplantis uses is actually of Jesus Who is the only image of God not made by human hands but by the "hand" of God. He tells us to believe his supposedly literal material experiences in heaven -- of God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Heaven itself -- rather than the Truth which God reveals by His Holy Spirit and Word to those who have been born again.
As all false religions are a literal material misinterpretation of God's word, so is Mr.
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For we know we can come boldly before God's throne of grace and need no created being to mediate between us and God Hebrews 4: Before I proceed to touch on each of the above four points Mr. In both his DVD's he says he spoke to the Apostle Paul and told him he preached all he wrote in the Bible and that as such he is guilty of copyright infringement.
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Duplantis has said very explicitly that Paul's writings on suffering are tradition and not God's word. And that he, Mr. Duplantis, rejects all Paul's teachings on suffering and only looks for the positive parts of Paul's teachings. However, the Bible clearly tells us we must share in Christ's sufferings in order to share in His glory in resurrection. No suffering, no glory in heaven with Christ Jesus Philippians 3: Here he is calling God's word tradition and his own words about his experience in heaven as truth.
Close Encounter With God Sermon by C. Philip Green, Genesis -
Duplantis reversed what God said making Truth a lie, and lies truth Romans 1: Duplantis' second point of untruth involves his question to an angel. He asked where the Holy Spirit was. The angel told him the Holy Spirit was on the earth. The implication being the Holy Spirit is somehow corporeal or limited in that He can only be in one place at a time, or some such unbiblical thing, instead of the Truth the Holy Spirit is omnipresent--as are the Father and the Son since there is but One Spirit in All, and all who believe Psalm Therefore, He and the Holy Spirit are invisible, regardless of the literal material notion Mr.
Duplantis presents of God as some sort of energy -- with at least hands, arms, feet, and legs -- instead of a Divine Person Colossians 1: This and much more that I will not attempt to cover in this brief letter, clearly reveal Mr. Duplantis did not experience the God, nor the Son, nor the Holy Spirit of God in his professed trip to heaven--whether he was in his body or not 2 Timothy 4: For "Blessed are the pure in heart: Duplantis' third point of untruth involves his vague reference to other worlds of apparently inhabited planets.
He also calls the heaven he went to a planet. He suggests that some of us who did not learn enough on earth during our lives must learn of those things we lack before we can reach the city and the throne of god 2 Corinthians 5: Those who eventually learn all they must learn, will train for their "ministries" on other worlds.
Close Encounters With God
With respect to Mr. Duplantis' four points at the beginning of his DVD Do you honestly welcome the Lord into your house? Into your life to change what he wants to change?
If not, we might as well just quit right now and go home because worship and prayer is useless. He wants in to your heart — into your personal life and what you do the rest of the day outside of this worship service. Notice what Abraham does next as we read verses … Abraham very quickly mobilizes his wife to bake some cake or bread.
He slaughters a calf and roasts it. He serves them milk and cheese. Serving the Lord means to agree to his rules.
Serving the Lord means to be under his authority. But serving also means to worship his name, to honor him and bless him. A face to face meeting with God is not only once-in-a- lifetime experience, but is to be part of our daily life. Key parts of a meeting with God include welcome, worship, pouring out your heart, and listening to Gd. Welcome Him The first crucial part of an encounter with God is welcoming Him just like Abraham did.
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