WINGS IN THE CORPORATE WORLD - A Guardian Angels Performance Evaluation
This conversation between Gerontius and the Angel is nothing short of sublime and raises some interesting questions. Elgar, great composer that he is, has thought of everything: Gerontius is different from the Angel: The two singers have to make this clear. It is done for us in the music, each character having a personal tempo, and the conversation works as long as Elgar's instructions are scrupulously observed. It quite often happens in performance that Gerontius invades the time-space of the Angel and vice versa, in which case the exchange between them loses some of its magic and shape.
Gerontius feels himself "changed": The Angel is unchanging. The important difference for her is that at last she can communicate with Gerontius directly in a way which has not been possible during his earthly life, and is able to answer the questions he wishes to ask her.
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She has a stillness about her and radiates joy because she knows the truth of her very first words - "My work is done, my task is o'er" - and she is taking him home. She says he is both her child and her brother; perhaps in some far off past she has herself been human and has now attained the exalted purpose of being responsible for the welfare of another soul. There is something very beautiful in Newman's teaching that we all have a guardian angel who is within us or beside us every step of the way.
The bond between the Angel and Gerontius is significant, and the thought of some force in our lives which can make us feel valued and loved is a tremendously comforting one. Gerontius is asking many questions.
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The whole piece has moments which I found so affecting they are almost impossible to sing. Two pages later, there is another, this time on the words, "It is because then thou didst fear, that now, thou dost not fear.

But both Joe Pitt, a married Mormon, and his Valium-addicted wife are unable to openly acknowledge the fact that Joe is gay. Louis, a word-processing Jewish clerk, also flees in terror when he believes his lover, Prior Walter, to be dying of Aids.
Guardian angel
Almost the only character who is fully honest about his sexuality is Prior himself, confronting mortality with whatever courage he can muster. Prejudice and homophobia still exist but, watching the first play, one is reminded how much has changed since it was written in terms of gay rights, sexual openness and HIV-testing. The end of New Deal socialism. The end of ipso facto secular humanism.
The dawning of a genuinely American political personality. Lane, seen previously on the London stage as Max Bialystock in The Producers , is magnetic as Cohn, creating a figure who is part predator, part patriarch but, above all, a victim of his own sad delusions about the significance of power. Meanwhile, Garfield as Prior excellently combines a head-tossing, period-style camp with the desperate anguish of a man craving love in his hour of need. The humans' is in color and they interact with one another, but in the angels' they can hear the people's thoughts.
Wings of Desire () - Rotten Tomatoes
Oftentimes these thoughts are philosophical and heavy-handed, exactly what a person would think if they were alone. These thoughts are oftentimes sprawling narratives about their lives, their strife and worries about the future. The angels whisper into their ears, picking up their moods by implanting thoughts. One of these angels is named Damiel, who floats around a huge library where other angels nest, and also around the massive city of Berlin. He and his friend Cassiel remark on the virtues of being alive, and all the small things that we never notice in our daily lives.
While at a circus Damiel sees a trapeze performer named Marion and follows her around, listening to her dense inner thoughts. She gives these long soliloquies about the state of the world and how she fits into it, which are charming and introspective.
In pursuit of Goldenballs
Between the amazing visuals, the bleak and yet interesting soliloquies from the people that the angels are listening to, the amazing cinematography, the great performance from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and the bleak Cold War landscape of Berlin, this film is unparalleled in beauty or simplicity. Peter Falk is also a great addition in a strange cameo where he plays himself, with a fictitious background as a fallen angel. Knowing someone is listening to your thoughts may seem terrifying, but when it comes to these guardians and their empathy towards humans, even in their times of need, it's an angelic effort all around.
Daniel and Cassiel are two angels who are assigned to watch over the city of Berlin. It is their job to monitor people and take note of all that occurs, and to help out those in need. Daniel Bruno Ganz eventually grows tired of this, and decides to give up immortality to become human so that, no only can he experience life to the fullest, but just life in general, including finding love with a profoundly lonely trapeze artist.
Hollywood bastardized this film as City of Angels with Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan, but even then, that doesn't take away from the fact that this is one of the most beautiful, poetic, and profoundly moving films ever made. It is, basically, Wim Wenders's masterpiece. It is a heavy film, with lots of spiritual and philosophical subtext, but despite being an art film, this deals with things that everyone can relate to, mostly, just trying to escape from an isolated life and make meaningful connections with others.
The film is heavily stylized, using both criso momochromatic black and white and bright colors to represent the angelic and human worlds, respectively. The fact that it was also shot in Berlin while the Wall was still up also reinforces the divide between the humans and angels, and it is interesting to see the city from this perspective. My only real complaint is that the film is kinda slow, and maybe a bit ponderous here and there, but overall, this is just a marvelous film, and I'm glad I finally saw it because I really feel like it truly is one of the best films ever made.
A beautiful, haunting, atmospheric drama concerning two angels Bruno Ganz and Otto Sandler who wander amongst the streets of Berlin undetected, and how one of them Ganz falls in love with a trapeze artist Solveig Dommartin and starts to ponder about the opportunity of becoming human in order to be with her. This is simply a stunning piece of work by director Wim Wenders, as he creates a movie so full of life and mystery but is also able to show the flip-side of these moments of excitement by setting it in the bleak, depressed city of Berlin with the Wall still standing - another layer of dread and sadness added in to the equation.
While it is part social commentary on the state of Germany after WW2, it's actually more important a love story, and one that has a lot of weight to it surprisingly. Peter Falk's character is also a rarity - and the man nails it.
While the movie really gets interesting in the last half hour, it is still intriguing during its first hour and thirty minutes, as Wenders seamlessly goes between a black-and-white scope with brief instances of color. A definite must-see just for the sheer atmosphere this movie possesses alone.
Without question one of the best dramas ever created, with dialogue so rich it is impossible not to be in awe of it. More Top Movies Trailers Forums. Season 7 Black Lightning: Season 2 DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4 Doctor Who: Season 11 The Flash: Season 5 This Is Us: Season 3 Saturday Night Live: Season 4 The Walking Dead: Renewed and Cancelled TV Shows Wings of Desire View All Photos 4.