
The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do

I read this one ages ago but just stumbled upon it again. It's sort of nice to find a possible explanation and possible validation for some of my quirkier personality traits. It's also interesting and humbling to see how letting a couple of traits go too far might push one over the edge into a disordered state.

Maybe it's a good thing my 1 and 2 scores appeared to be in direct opposition to each other. Nov 11, Pam rated it really liked it Shelves: I've taken a few personality tests, but never one so detailed. I found the information useful and the layout of the book makes it very reader friendly. It's an interesting and informative peek into why we behave the we do. Jul 24, Kayla rated it it was amazing. This is a "self help" book that my therapist wanted me to read.

The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do

I do, however, think everyone should read it. I agree that "You cannot read this book without attaining a deeper and clearer understanding of yourself and the people you care about. Feb 12, Nancy rated it liked it Shelves: This description of multiple personality traits and their associated disorders described so many people I know.. I was disappointed that I couldn't figure out how to take the test for myself on the Kindle version of the book.

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Apr 03, Kevin rated it really liked it. Based on the DSM IV, good to be more aware of how our 'normal' is the shallow side of different disorders.

Dec 29, Trudi rated it liked it Shelves: I think I've landed firmly in the "Leisurely" personality type I can live with that: Jul 21, Jordan Coch rated it liked it. Aug 18, Kiara rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this one. It surprised me how on target the personalit test seemed. It helped me view some of my personality traints more positively. Jun 07, Nor Sofiah rated it it was amazing.

Aug 17, Carroll rated it really liked it. Recommended by my counselor. Sep 30, Nicole rated it it was amazing. Insightful, well written, and accurate. Brenna Marie Lee Spoehr rated it it was amazing Nov 25, Julie Fann rated it it was amazing Jun 12, Dia Kristy rated it it was amazing Jun 06, Paarth rated it it was amazing Sep 17, Mark Collins rated it liked it Dec 26, Liora rated it really liked it Apr 20, Yvonne rated it liked it Mar 04, Christopher rated it really liked it Nov 24, Sonya rated it really liked it May 24, Natasha De rated it it was amazing Sep 25, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Books by John M. Trivia About The New Personali No trivia or quizzes yet. Quotes from The New Personali Emotions, urges, whims, or hungers do not often get the best of them. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I mean," she said, looking down at the napkin she was twisting in her hands, "I seriously considered killing myself.

He reassured her that she was a terrific, worthwhile, beautiful, and gifted woman. Someday soon she would meet a wonderful man who''d really appreciate her and want to marry her. They''d have a fine marriage, Alexander told her, and at that Katy looked up and grinned. He was living with a woman he loved and probably would get married soon. In addition, his father was turning the reins of the family accounting firm over to him.

So why wasn''t he happy? He blamed it all on age. He was about to turn forty and thought he was having a midlife crisis. Everything he''d worked for in his relationship and in his career was coming to fruition. But he''d lost a sense of meaning in his life, especially in his work. Aren''t you supposed to feel fulfilled and happy? I''m stepping into the prime of my life, and all I can think is, Is this all there is? She couldn''t imagine being without a meaning or a purpose, a structure to her days, to her life. True, she''d had a rough go the first couple of months after she''d lost her job.

She hadn''t known what to do with her days. So she joined a health club and gave herself a daily workout schedule. That was enough to get her back to being organized again, she said.

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I have short-term goals and long-term goals. I have a schedule for myself every day. I work out every morning from six to seven. Then I shower and dress and start making phone calls to headhunters and calling around for job leads. I''m on boards and committees and I''m using those contacts.

I''m meeting with my lawyer next week to talk about starting my own consulting firm. It matters to me, but what matters most is that I''m working, doing, staying organized. Taking responsibility, that''s what life is to me. Yes, I wish there were a man in my life," she said directly to Katy, "but work is where it''s at for me. I''m sorry, Alexander, I don''t understand your experience.

They tend to question common beliefs and expectations. They are highly spiritual and do not close their minds to any possibility, always asking "what if? They tend to have a deep inner life, act eccentrically, and live in their own world. They may be interested in the occult or the supernatural and are drawn to abstract and speculative thinking.

Fitting into everyday, conventional life can be difficult for Idiosyncratic people. Others may view them as strange, which can be a problem in jobs and relationships. They must live life their own way and sometimes regret they cannot do things in the orthodox fashion. The pressure to conform presents intolerable stress for them. Two key factors affect the quality of Idiosyncratic lives: Few work settings tolerate eccentricities of behavior, unless the individual has a great deal to offer by way of intelligence or talent. Some Idiosyncratics do well with one ear tuned in to their own personal worlds and one outward to what the boss expects of them.

Others, however, have a hard time understanding or accepting authority. Idiosyncratic people do not need other people to give their lives direction or meaning. If they can't find partners who accept their unconventionality, they usually do well on their own. Some are content to experience several relationships in their lives without necessarily finding their one and only.

Personality influences six key areas of life: These six domains are fundamental in assessing personality patterns. Although each of the 14 personality styles is associated with a "normal" pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving in each of the six domains, certain domains dominate each style and influence functioning in the other domains as well. For example, since Work dominates the Conscientious style, the Work domain strongly influences the functioning of the Conscientious individual in the other five domains-Self, Relationships, Emotions, Self-Control, and Real World perceptions.

For instance, self-esteem and self-image the Self Domain would be strongly influenced by success or failure in jobs, tasks, and assignments the Work Domain. The Domain of Work One of your top three Personality Styles influence "Work", indicating that this domain will have an influence on the way that you lead your life. This domain encompasses our style of "doing"-in play, school, career, housework, child care, chores, and hobbies. Personality style is revealed through how we complete tasks, take and give orders, make decisions, plan, handle external and internal demands, take and give criticism, obey rules, and cooperate with others.

The Work domain is key to Conscientious, Aggressive, and Serious style individuals. What we choose to do in our lives and how we deal with Work domain difficulties including being out of work or having to work two jobs reveals something about our personality style. Work and the Conscientious Style. For the Conscientious person, Work is the ruling domain. These individuals are always busy doing something, even in their leisure time. Their work defines them and makes them comfortable in life. They are competent, organized, thorough, and determined.

They try hard at everything they do. They particularly enjoy intense, focused, detailed activity. Conscientious individuals set very high standards for themselves and need the challenge of working to perfection, no matter how much time a task takes. Because they are willing to devote so much time and hard work, Conscientious individuals tend to move toward the top of many professions.

They are loyal and respect authority but sometimes lack skills required for top managerial positions such as making quick decisions, setting priorities, and delegating responsibility. This is why they make good behind-the- scenes individuals who can be counted on to do the detail work. One of their pitfalls is that they expect the same thoroughness and devotion from others, which may not always be appropriate.

Career-wise, their mind for facts, categories, and technical detail makes them ideal for work in science, medicine, research, business, accounting, law, engineering, and computers, as well as many skilled crafts or in the technical side of any profession. Your Conscientious personality style makes you a great organizer and diligent worker, but you need to concentrate on relaxing and enhancing your leisure time. Make a list of leisure activities and pursue them on weekends. When you have difficulty making a decision, always keep in mind that it often makes no difference which decision you make, as long as you do something.

To manage your time more efficiently at work, aim for results that are good enough and not necessarily perfect. Occasionally, take time out-turn off your brain and imagine your mind as a calm, blank screen. Allow yourself to make mistakes and make an effort to compliment friends, family, and coworkers whenever possible. This domain includes our sense of self, self-esteem, and self-image-the way we see, think, and feel about ourselves, our place in the universe, and how we think others see us.

The New Personality Self-Portrait by John Oldham, Lois B. Morris | www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books

This domain has the greatest impact on individuals whose personality is characterized by the Self-Confident, Solitary, Leisurely, Idiosyncratic, and Adventurous styles. Self and the Adventurous Style. Self and Self-Control dominate the Adventurous life. Adventurers are action-oriented extroverts. If their Adventurous style is coupled with the Self-Confident style, they are ambitious to break records and make a name for themselves; otherwise, the rush of adrenaline that results from triumphing over danger may suffice.

As an Adventurer, your strong points include your spontaneity, your ability to act, your fearlessness, your ability to experience pleasure, and your tendency to live life to the fullest. Occasionally, make a point of worrying about others, and observe your interactions with them, noting all the possible ways in which your behavior or decisions put them at risk. Safeguard them from the risks of your behavior.

Self and the Idiosyncratic Style. Idiosyncratic types are sustained by their rich inner worlds. Their self-esteem is not based on following protocol or being correct. They can break with tradition without worrying what others might think and they tend to lead eccentric lifestyles. The degree to which their Idiosyncratic nature will be a problem for them depends on the setting, the prevailing culture, their successes or talents, and the degree of support and acceptance they need from others during times of extreme stress e.

The Idiosyncratic tendency to continually reinvent the universe can lead to crises of doubt and disillusionment. Because of your uniqueness as an Idiosyncratic type, you may pay a price in both your personal and professional relationships.