Sulla servitù delle donne (Italian Edition)
Please enter the following letters in the text field below to unlock your IP: Look up in Linguee Suggest as a translation of "accattonaggio" Copy. Exploitation shall include, as a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to.
L'Unione europea dovrebbe esortare i paesi del partenariato orientale che non lo hanno ancora fatto a ratificare il protocollo delle Nazioni Unite sulla tratta di persone protocollo di Palermo e la Convenzione del Consiglio d'Europa sulla lotta contro la tratta di esseri umani, e a sfruttare al meglio gli strumenti internazionali di lotta contro questo fenomeno nelle sue varie forme, quali la.
The EU should encourage the EaP countries who have not yet done so to ratify the UN Palermo Trafficking in Persons Protocol and the Council of Europe Convention on Actions against Trafficking in Human Beings and to make optimum use of international instruments in combating all the various forms of human.

Le vittime sono spesso reclutate, trasportate o alloggiate con la forza, la coercizione o la frode a fini di. Victims are often recruited, transported or harboured by force, coercion or fraud in exploitative. Nel il Parlamento europeo con la prima strategia europea sui diritti dei minori aveva denunciato che la tratta dei bambini ha numerosi obiettivi criminali: In , with the first European strategy on the rights of children, the European Parliament stated that trafficking in children has many criminal aims: The cottagers and labourers keep their children at home, their business being only to till and cultivate the earth, and therefore their education is of little consequence to the.
Le accuse sono pesanti quanto assurde: The charges are as grave as they are absurd: Although there has been considerable progress made following the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Inter-Country Adoption, precarious childhood, violations of the rights of children, violence against them and child trafficking for. The definition covers the different types of victim — not only women, but also children and men, together with the various forms of. It involves practices such as coercive sexual exploitation, labour.
La tratta di esseri umani riguarda nei tre quarti dei casi registrati lo sfruttamento sessuale in aumento: Three quarters of registered victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation an increase from 70 per cent in to 76 per cent in and the rest for labour exploitation a. Article quinquies of the Decree lists certain offences against individuals set out in the Criminal Code in order to forcefully combat new forms of slavery such as prostitution,.
Campeggi estivi e assistenza scolastica contribuiscono a. Initiatives such as summer camps and school visits are. Within the context of. Reports have been prepared by the institution, analysing respectively the state of the. Police Administration's premises used for detainees, the protection from. Stai commentando usando il tuo account Facebook.
Notificami nuovi commenti via e-mail. Notificami nuovi post via e-mail. L'origine del male - Andrea Spinosa. Cancella Risposta Scrivi qui il tuo commento Inserisci i tuoi dati qui sotto o clicca su un'icona per effettuare l'accesso: Notificami nuovi commenti via e-mail Notificami nuovi post via e-mail.
Invia a indirizzo e-mail Il tuo nome Il tuo indirizzo e-mail. Verifica dell'e-mail non riuscita. La riflessione etica nel teatro contemporaneo italiano Organizer: Si accettano contributi in italiano o in inglese. More specifically, it seeks to explore how autobiographical sources such as memoirs, diaries, blogs and letters reflect upon the experience of war.
We welcome methodological, ethical, aesthetic and interdisciplinary approaches, as well as analyses of archival documents and oral history. Papers may be in Italian, English or French.
Please submit a word abstract for a minute paper, plus a one-page CV to giancin77 yahoo. Please be sure to include your institutional contact information. Submissions are expected no later than January 10th, Si prega di inviare un abstract di circa parole e un breve CV mezza pagina a vincenzo. Nel labirinto delle voci.
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La forma dialogica nel Cinquecento. La sessione intende analizzare la fortuna del genere dialogico nel corso del XVI secolo. Konrad Eisenbichler University of Toronto. Although early modern Italian theatre has been richly studied for its themes, structures, traditions, and sources, little work has been done on its underlying assumptions about human sexuality or its covert commentary on contemporary sexual mores. How and why was the Prodigal Son so easily seduced, and by whom was he really seduced?
These and similar questions will help to shed light on our understanding not only of early modern Italian society, but also of its medical and moral understanding of human sexuality. Proposals for papers to be delivered should be submitted by email attachment to Prof. Konrad Eisenbichler at konrad. Folk Culture in contemporary Italian literature. The literary representation of folkloric world aims to create an effect of reality, to revival ancient traditions or, on the contrary, to establish a cultural distance between the reader and the story.
Folkloric details, indeed, sometimes can be the key to interpret a whole novel, as well as they always show a dialogical connection between hegemonic and subaltern cultures. Interdisciplinary contributes dealing with folklore as a source for writers, with folkloric rhetorical and ideological issues within literature, or with structural and functional homology between folklore and literature are welcome.
Silvia Ross University College Cork. A variety of theoretical approaches are welcome, including for example those stemming from cultural geography, sociology, architecture, narratology, emotional geographies, migration studies, feminist geographies, nomadic thought, philosophy of place, among others.
Please send an abstract of words and a brief bio to Silvia Ross s. Literary theory often points out that narrative stems from conflict. Themes addressed could include: Motherhood between the local and the global: Motherhood has been one of the main topics of post feminist inquiry. Research on the Italian transnational context sees mothers as privileged sites of mediation of private and public narratives, negotiation of family practices and re-elaboration of Italian traditions and cultural heritage s.
This panel invites papers on narratives by women which explore motherhood inside and outside the Italian national borders and which contribute to answering one or more of the following questions: What happens to mothers, motherhood, and generations when families are subjected to processes of re-location across borders, languages and cultures?
How does Italian mothering withstand mobility between local and global realities? How do mothers contribute to the memory and the re-elaboration of national identity? We particularly welcome proposals that engage with representations of motherhood as a complex site of understanding and formation of female subjectivities within multicultural societies and of mothers as empowered agents of tradition and innovation.
Please email a word abstract and a short bio-bibliography to include your name, academic affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address for a minute paper to Adalgisa Giorgio a. Italian Studies in the Digital Age Organizer: Bowen University of Toronto Scarborough. This roundtable will feature brief presentations 10 minutes each on research and teaching in Italian Studies that are facilitated by the use of new technologies.
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Through the presentations and ensuing discussion, the session will help to identify exemplary projects and practices that serve the best interests and needs of the community. Constructions of Chinese identity in contemporary Italian culture Organizer: Mark Chu University College Cork. Coupled with the increasing global importance of the Chinese economy, the highly visible presence of Chinese in Italy has resulted in increased attention to the country and its people in the Italian media and in Italian literature and film. This panel welcomes analyses of Italian representations of China and Chinese identity since Please send an abstract of words and a brief bio to Mark Chu m.
Canadian Association for Italian Studies - Session Proposals
Making and Unmaking the New Italian City: Davida Gavioli Bowdoin College This session welcomes submissions that document and analyze how contemporary Italian literary and filmic texts represent the new urban settings in the wake of the waves of migration that have changed their cultural and social landscapes. How is the urban space reinterpreted in migrant and non-migrant texts? How are public and private spaces deconstructed and reconfigured, and how are identities managed and renegotiated in these spaces?
Please send a word abstract a short bio to Davida Gavioli, dgavioli bowdoin. Il panel si propone di raccogliere contributi sia teorici che empirici sulle forme di narrazione a cavallo tra cinema e letteratura. Si accettano contributi in italiano, inglese e francese. Gli interessati sono invitati ad inviare un abstract max.
The new technologies of communication and information, fast news, ebooks, social media: What will be the role of Narrative Journalism in light of the digital revolution? The session will accept contributions of theoretical, analytical or empirical nature that face new perspectives and approaches in writing and publishing. Contributions in Italian, English and French will be accepted. Please send a word abstract and a short bio to Paola Bernardini paola. Psychology and Psychiatric Disciplines in Italian Literature Gabriele Scalessa University of Warwick.
Psychology and early psychiatric issues, acculturated from Northern-European treatises or the subject of authentic analyses, played a crucial role in the Italian cultural scene of the last thirty-forty years of the nineteenth century, witnessing a new interest in the mind mechanisms that reverberated in literature too. However, analyses of works published beyond this period e.
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- Fuel the Spark: 5 Guiding Values for Success in Law & Life.
- accattonaggio - English translation – Linguee.
Please send a word abstract and a short CV to gabriele. This panel seeks to explore the capacity of women to acquire virtue, and to engage in friendship with other women and with men , and the political implications of such a capacity, as represented in Renaissance and Early Modern works on women.
Papers could focus on the following themes and questions, but we invite you to propose other related topics as well: Does friendship require virtue?
Can one be friends with a vicious person? Are all citizens friends in some sense? Is friendship only possible in the context of political participation? Please submit a word abstract and a one-page CV to Marguerite Deslauriers at marguerite. From the second half of the XIV century onwards Dante found readers and followers amongst writers i. Boccaccio , commentators, theologians and religious teachers, preachers as well as artists. The panel will assess how each of these readers or typology of readers brought different subject specific sensibilities and interests to the study or reading of Dante which led to the creation of complex and yet often sectorial interpretation s of Dante.