Primal Passion (Trinity Masters Book 2)
Their unique personalities compliment the other, and the men really need to think and keep on their feet with Denise. Overall, a fun and sexy read that I ate up in one setting! Jun 06, Daria rated it really liked it Shelves: I love the whole intrigue of secret organizations. Can you even imagine a group of people preset to be together for the rest of their lives.
You dont have to think or date, mostly its all set up for you. Trinity Master a group of like minded people with the same goal, to make a significant impact on the world. A menage that will spend the rest of their lives together. Each of the three brings something to the table. Price is pretty rigid, Gunner pretty laid back and deni is pretty flighty.
The two males will have to come with their A game, not only are they battling Deni and her need to discover cures but to keep her alive as well. Deni being book smart from the age of 6, isnt very social she has her work cut out for her, as she learns how to deal with her two alpha type men. In a menage relationship you would think their would be some jealousy, but the men seem to feed into each other and the care, love and passion for Deni. Voyourism at its finest.. It touched on a lil bit of BDSM, more alpha personalities than anything else.
The writers showed some awesome talent in mixing science, danger and passion into a story that will keep you reading This story picks up where book one left off. Another trinity, being introduced by the Grand Master, ready to begin their lives together. However, as in book 1, they also have trouble following the beginning of their relationship. Deni is a scientist, trying to cure diseases that wreck lives.
Seems a noble mission, right? Some don't seem to think so, and others try to cause trouble for her, try to stop her work. As intelligent and driven as Deni is, she also seems to be very naive in certain aspe This story picks up where book one left off. As intelligent and driven as Deni is, she also seems to be very naive in certain aspects. She isn't like most heroines you find in a secret society, she isn't polished and sophisticated.
Underneath all of the experiments, and test tubes, she is just your average awkward nerdy girl, who happens to have a little something up her sleeve! Gunner is a friend of Deni's, and she's always been attracted to him, but there has always been something that's held them both back from pursuing more. Price, on the other hand, is a stranger to Deni, who shows up in her lab, and gruffly begins making demands.
What, at first, seems to be an impossible situation, slowly begins to become more.
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As awkward as this relationship started out I mean, really, they seem so different when everything started going awry, this trinity really seemed to gel together. Everyone had their place, and it all just seemed so I loved how real Deni seemed. I loved how protective the guys were of Deni. I really loved the danger, and the secret society aspect of it all.
The mystery and intrigue really kept me interested, and held my attention. I'm already looking forward to diving into the next book in the series! May 20, April rated it it was ok Shelves: The first two books of this series have definitely had some sort of weird, stilted relationship that reads less like a partnership and more like two dudes passing one woman back and forth, to be quite honest.
The relationship in this one was slightly less awkward than in Book 1, but only slightly with the caveat that it would be hard to be more awkward. Also there were some formatting issues with my Kindle edition, where the first letter of a new chapter would appear on a page all on its own. Thr The first two books of this series have definitely had some sort of weird, stilted relationship that reads less like a partnership and more like two dudes passing one woman back and forth, to be quite honest.
Threw me for a loop the first time I saw it for sure. The writing itself is serviceable if not spectacular. The plot is overblown as one would expect in cookie cutter romance, even the poly-v kind. Feb 10, Margo rated it it was ok. Another of the Trinity Master's triads. Fored into a menage relationship by their allegiance to the Trinity Masters Society, Price, Denise and Gunner don't believe they have much in common. The honeymoon is a little problematic since Denise has never had a lover, but soon their passion for each other overcomes any obstacles in the bedroom.
Of course there must always be some kind of problem and in this case Denise's life is in danger due to her work on stem cell research. To me, it was a predict Another of the Trinity Master's triads. To me, it was a predictable book. Not much heat for a book named Primal Passion. Nov 10, lovestoread rated it it was amazing. The Grand Master is incredible in the matches he makes. This triad, Denise, Price and Gunnar is intriguing.
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A scientist, a security expert and an FBI agent seemingly have nothing to pull them together, but their sexual attraction eases the way. When a crazy Reverend takes an unhealthy interest in Deni, things go from bad to worse very quickly. Jun 26, Maureen Ames rated it it was amazing Shelves: Each book in this series just keeps on getting better. The Triad of Deni, Price and Gunner is absolutely explosive. The three blend so perfectly that it's hard to believe that they were put together by one person and they didn't know each other all their lives.
I can not wait to read the rest of the books in this series! Tricky Tricky Grand Master.. I could totally see Gunner and Deni together but Price was definitely a scary wild card. Until their guards came down and they came together to find why they were chosen Dec 05, Katherine rated it it was amazing. Apr 17, Pam rated it really liked it. Oct 30, Michelle the Romance Witch rated it really liked it Shelves: Aug 25, Jayda H rated it really liked it.
This was a good story even if it was a bit on the short side. I love this series. Erotic, romantic and plenty of suspense. Flowed quickly and easily.
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Unique concept with characters you can really sink your teeth in. Dec 06, Kate rated it really liked it. These are fairly formulaic, but quirky and fun at the same time. Nov 04, Rhianna Miller rated it it was amazing. Awesome and I love the menage between these three.
- Primal Passion?
- Che tua madre - From Madama Butterfly.
- Series: Trinity Masters.
Feb 25, P rated it it was amazing. Sweet and steamy with a good story line! The Trinity triad is steamy, and the characters well developed. Oct 06, Roberta added it Shelves: If you read the first book you will want to read this one. This is the marriage of Deni, Gunner and Price.
Primal Passion (Trinity Masters #2) by Mari Carr
Their marriage will have to survive someone trying to stop Deni's work with serious and deadly consequences. If you like book 1 you will love book 2.

May 12, Gigi staub rated it really liked it. First can I say this book kept me under its spell from the very beginning to the very end.
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- Primal Passion Trinity Masters Volume 2.
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The action and suspense was riveting, but the coming together of these three opposite people are what really draws you in and keeps you rooting for them. The chemistry and sexy scenes that develop between these three were hot and makes us wish we were in Deni's shoes ; I would love to see more of these characters down the road, I think there is so much more that can be gotten out of their story.
Excellent and highly recommended book! Thank you Mari and Lila and keep them coming! May 08, AnnaBanana rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ooh la la, this book is HOTT!!! And when I say hot, I mean so hot my husband asked me why I was blushing while I was reading! LOL This is a great read, especially if you like those sweet but also very dominant males!
These two guys knocked my socks off! Then she gets her letter early and is placed with two equally dominant and powerful men. Men she has absolutely no idea how to handle! Price and Gunner are the ultimate alpha males. Together they must come together to build a strong lasting relationship and along the way they must each learn their roles in that relationship. Not only are they demanding in a good way and totally dominating but they are sweet and caring and totally taken with Denise. And I really enjoyed Deni!
She's no pushover so it was fun seeing her challenge her men. She really had them wrapped around her little finger! This was a great read! I recommend this to ALL erotica lovers! You haven't read erotica until you've read these two ladies! This series is unique and so so sexy and seriously, the characters are fantastic! This one hints at it but not very much! I just think it would take it to a whole new level! I'm looking forward to reading more ladies, now hurry and get the next one done Oct 05, Leanne rated it it was amazing Shelves: Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
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Yes No Thanks for your feedback! Well written and enticing story! I can't wait to read the next in the series. It's getting better and better.
This was a great menage romance, with a twist. We have all the makings, the best friend, the absent minded-intellectual, the gruff, reclusive, mysterious, billionaire. Their Trinity is formed, from what they figure, for Denise to complete her research, and her men to look after her Lots of sparks bounce off these three, and when they are together, it is electric. Their unique personalities compliment the other, and the men really need to think and keep on their feet with Denise. Overall, a fun and sexy read that I ate up in one setting! Good storyline and character development. Waiting for next book.
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