Plucking the Eagle: Bringing Socialism to the United States
It did outrage the American people, but it should also be noted that the ship was sunk on May 7, and America did not enter World War One until April 6, 2 years later and after the sinking of seven U. The author rightfully notes that socialism has been creeping into American culture and is a grave danger to freedom loving people. However, multiple conspiracy theories easily shown to be of questionable nature hinders the reader from absorbing the dangers of a wholly socialistic society. I came away with the impression that the author had his conclusion and then selectively sought out support for that conclusion, ignoring any historical fact to the contrary.
Also of concern to me, as I have seen in several other conspiracy theorists works, solutions to the problems they mention are either non-existent or scant. The author begins by calling attention to how expensive our prison system is, which is true. He then goes on to state they could be monitored with GPS bracelets, camera surveillance and Navy or Coast Guard ships.
We would supply them with food. For those sentenced to less that life imprisonment, once their sentence is served, they would be retrieved to reenter society. I could agree to such an arrangement for those sentenced to life, notwithstanding the expenses of monitoring by GPS, camera surveillance and Navy or Coast Guard ships. But, after 20 or 30 years living in such a Penal Colony, do you believe that criminal would return rehabilitated and remorseful?
He mentions prisoner work crews which I also agree with, to a point. Brutal chain gangs seen in the South in past years have no place, but low-risk prisoners doing physical labor by cleaning up roadways, trimming landscaping or even growing their own food would benefit all. Then again, many of these conspiracy theorists also advocate decriminalizing drugs that if done would also reduce the numbers of low-risk prisoners available to perform such public works.
Then too are all of the bleeding hearts that brought us to this point who would mount a strong offense against such measures. The author rightfully brings up the out of control expense of Illegal Aliens in the country. He also mentions the need to return to the constitution as our Founders intended it.
The problem there is that they wrote nothing into the constitution to address Illegal Immigration. That was declared to be the intent by judicial decree, the very thing constitutionalists today condemn in other decrees. Throughout the book the author brings up legitimate concerns worthy of addressing, but clouds them with conspiracy theory and at best simplistic views on solutions. It is a well-known fact today that socialistic labor unions have used the very incidents listed above to take more credit than they deserve in bringing about change that did give Americans a higher standard of living.
They ignore how Industrialists like Henry Ford instituted many changes for the worker realizing he could increase his profits by doing so. We conservatives must admit how limited socialistic policies did improve the plight of the lower income worker; increase the safety of our food and medicine supply and decrease debilitating disease epidemics. What seems to escape both the author and me is how we get those policies back in check.

Fomenting wild conspiracy theories will not accomplish that. Posted by Lew Waters at 3: Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. I stood up, I showed up, I stepped forward. I raised my right hand, I stood in the gap, I walked in the fire. I did not run, I did not hide, I did not dodge, I did not evade.
I read books, history books, books written by people who know what they are talking about. You should try it sometime. If my position has been debunked then you have to explain how this was done and with what information. So step up to the plate like the man you wish you were Mr. Come on with it. How many more times will you ignore my challenges.
Just waving your Christian magic wand at something will not make it go away. The cat is out of the bag now. What will you say to potential converts when they demand you prove Jesus actually existed? Will you make a foolish attempt at mocking them like you tried with me? Prepare to be laughed at and scoffed at loser. A man with evidence like me is never at the mercy of a man with only arguments like you. You should have investigated the religion before you let other people scare you unto believing what you now know is not true.
An evolution denier calling someone else part of the fringe! I know your beliefs about science are popular in the trailer parks in the southern United States but they are the laughingstock of the entire rest of the world.
John Calipari on Kentucky basketball: 'There is no socialism here'
Jesus existed more certainly that any other historical figure. You can decide whether he came from God or not. You might want to investigate it first hand with an open mind. Read the Bible, you might find you have a very powerful friend who created the universe and loves it completely and deeply. I have investigated the arguments that Jesus was a real person and they are absolutely ludicrous. I suggest you do this yourself as well so you can see the smoke and mirrors game your cult leaders are playing with this subject. Outside of the Bible there are no witnesses to anything Jesus supposedly said or did.
And what really sinks your boat is that not one of the supposed apostles is mentioned by any secular writers contemporary or otherwise. No mention of Paul preaching on Mars Hill or anywhere else. No mention of Peter bringing new doctrine to Rome. No mention of any apostles being martyred or doing anything else. They were commanded to make themselves known to the world and no one ever heard of any of them.
What a gigantic fail! They are all sun gods and all with twelve disciples which quite clearly represent the twelve constellations in these solar myths. Check out what I said and welcome to the Age of Enlightenment. I had a long round with Boris recently and soon found such concepts as coherent, cogent and logical are totally foreign to him.
With Boris it is as you say, mumble-jumble, hate-spewing and rambling nonsense. I would not bother wasting my time if I were you. Talking with Boris is the very definition of casting pearls before swine. Actually Christians do get to define what is sin. The Christian religion is partly based on the belief in good and evil. At best you can be agnostic. But then how would you explain good and evil?
However the existence of things like the Ice Capades, Limp Bizkit and Donald Trump to my thinking make it highly unlikely. We can be sure the God of the Bible does not exist for many reasons. The claims about this God in the Bible are easily refuted by scientific data. You are partly right. Marx was anti-Christian, along with all the other Socialists. Marxists still want to get rid of God and replace Him with atheism. Secular humanism, materialism, and in your face sexual sin is what Marxists want for the West.
You can easily access Marxist websites and see for yourself what they believe. Has anyone or does anyone even want to eat the Sociaistic or Communistic omelette? So far the objective unanimous assessment of most people is that this omelette tastes of death, doom, and ash. Would you say Utopia is just another word for Heaven to those who deny God as the necessary means to be God?
No, it was not! It was political satire. It can be read on line for free. Actually, in the context of this essay, it was more like a socialist hell. The streets are twenty feet broad; there lie gardens behind all their houses. These are large, but enclosed with buildings, that on all hands face the streets, so that every house has both a door to the street and a back door to the garden.
Their doors have all two leaves, which, as they are easily opened, so they shut of their own accord; and, there being no property among them, every man may freely enter into any house whatsoever. He that knows one of their towns knows them all—they are so like one another…. Any thoughts on US democracy established on the horrors of genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, and imperialism? Marxists have been in America since before spreading those lies. That was all Marxists propaganda? White people did not steal Indian lands. They did not annihilate Indians.
Some whites enslaved Africans and then a war was fought over that enslavement, and slavery was stopped at a great loss of life. Marxist revisionist history Howard Zinn comes to mind is taught in schools today and tells a different story. You need to read real history in order to become less prejudiced. Even Reconstruction was hellish for Black people. Republicans sold out Black people in which led directly to more slave-like conditions under nearly a century of Jim Crow.
Would you care to name all the mainstream historians? And, reconstruction was hellish for all people in the South. After slavery many people both black and white were reduced to subsistence farming. And many people were forced to go West for better jobs. Crime, including bootlegging became prevalent.
But, the government started both agricultural colleges and black colleges and schools. The government printing office has books on the subject of education of people in America including Indians and Blacks. Blacks in America were better educated in the worst areas of the country than whites in eastern Europe. No serious historian denies that Reconstruction was far more oppressive for Black people. Black people were routinely brutalized and terrorized by white people.
This is an obvious and indisputable fact. And which political party ran the South during this time period? And which political party runs Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Chicago these days? History is a cruel sometimes. Drop the Dems and get off their plantation. Today, in , the GOP is defending the racist symbols of the Confederacy.
The GOP is not racist, openly or otherwise. It is complete insanity to project invented motivations on to other people, and then punish them for guilt which is not theirs. You are not credible. African Americans, who have been the victims of state-sactioned white racial terror for most of Americas existence, vote overwhelmingly Dem, a flawed party but superior to the GOP. It should be obvious that Black people know racism when they see it.
Most white Americans are in deep denial about racism in America. No, you are foolishly bought off by dems trinkets. How is your free cell phone obamaphone? Grow up, get a job other than this. You are going nowhere because you want to. You prefer to be stabbed in the back by the Dems?
A symbol itself is not racist. My ancestors were mostly Irish and Italian and were not exactly treated with dignity and respect. We assimilated and got over it! Most African Americans know this. However, I also understand why the vast majority of African Americans vote Dem. The Dems, at least, acknowledge that racism is a problem and make some small gestures to address it.
I think their efforts are generally feeble. Italians were gradually accepted into to white category and, like all ethnic groups in America, they learned to discriminate against African Americans.
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White people freed and fought to free the slaves and gave tons of money in reparations. Blacks today, still sell black slaves. They still are and why are you blaming whites?
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Whites were lynched and enslaved as were blacks. You are just racist. Genocide happens every day to blacks in this country. It is called abortion. Well, yes, white people sure did steal Indian lands and it was done very efficiently by the State and Federal governments passing new laws that made it illegal for Indians to own the same lands that they had owned and lived on for thousands of years but the influx of new white pioneer settlers could own that very same land.
After years of warring with the French and English, who had guns, the population of most of the tribes were cut in half and some much worse. Then, in , Andrew Jackson was elected president and he passed the Indian Removal Act, which forcibly relocated tens of thousands of Native Americans from their ancestral homes and land to reservations in Oklahoma and Nebraska. This was done by making them walk from their lands in the South to the new reservations during the cold harsh wintertime.
Thousands and thousands of them died along the way. This opened up the new Mississippi territory that included Alabama and white settlers flooded into this territory primarily from North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. They were offered the land that was taken from the Indians extremely cheap and on very liberal credit terms that eventually bankrupted some of the local banks including some banks in England. And, that is just a brief summary of what really happened to the Native Americans.
Americans fought over the land and won it fair and square. Here are two authors from back when real history was taught in school which you can look up on the net: Francis Parkman and Arthur Butler Hulbert. And the Government Printing Office has printed books over the years regarding the treatment of Indians. By the time the Pilgrims arrived the Indians were in bad shape as far as food sources and diseases went and they had a war culture.
They fought each other and also the white man. Read some books by the authors above and find out the real truth. No Rebecca, I am not cherry picking and actually what you are referring to is just what I was telling you happened years before the Indian Removal Act passed by Pres. I may go and read those authors works later but I know my history for the most part of the Southeast and what you are referring to all happened during the centuries before all the settlers move in and bought what was the remaining lands of the Native Americans.
But, DeSoto finally wore out his welcome here with the Chickasaw and they ran him away and across the Mississippi River on throughout his expedition. The Spanish landed first, then the French landed and had settlements around New Orleans, and settling Natchez MS, although this is not in chronological order as they might have settled Natchez first before New Orleans.
I am just going from my memory. The English settled the original 13 colonies of course and over time they migrated west exploring this region. Well, yes, for centuries there was war between all Indian tribes but they were healthy and then the later one tribe or two sided with the French and another tribe or two sided with the English and these wars lasted for decades and maybe centuries. All of this had already taken place before the period that I explained to you mostly.
So, some tribes were weakened and some, like the Chickasaw were still very strong, but they weakened over time. So, I am not going to teach you years of history when you should already know this or you can go read it your own self.
Plucking the Eagle: Bringing Socialism to the United States
I may read the articles that you suggest but I already know that they are talking about the years prior to the ones that I was mainly talking about. I know all of this to be true because of my love of History, local history, and I currently still live on land that was was taken from the Chickasaw Indians and sold to my pioneer settler ancestors. One ancestor owned a acre cotton plantation on the land that I still live on. And, it also depends on exactly which tribe and where they were located also as there were numerous tribes on the eastern side of the Mississippi River alone but not including the tribes on the Eastern part of the country.
There were hundreds of tribes indigenous to the US. The ones around the original 13 colonies had been at war for centuries and were almost wiped out, next were the tribes around Kentucky. But, the main French and Indian war was a hundred years before when I am talking about. It was between If you are referring to all of those tribes up there, yes, I suppose so. But, if you actually read what I wrote, the area that I described, the dates that I described to you then you would have seen the difference.
You are cherry picking. And after years of the Indians taking sides with the French and English over the Americans in wars, the Americans used certain means of getting them to stop the fighting. Every president including those today have had dealings with the Indians. Cherry picking means taking something like the Jackson I. The word half-breed is in the deed.
She owned a rather large tract of forest land. Andrew Jackson fought the Indians during the War of and had first hand experience with them and the English who got them to kill Americans. My ancestors were pioneers West and most of them had good relations with the Indians. One ancestor helped keep two tribes from taking the other side in the Texas Revolution.
The Battle of Horseshoe Bend, fought on March 27, effectively ended Creek resistance to American advances into the southeast, opening up the Mississippi Territory for pioneer settlement. Then the Mississippi territory passed laws making it illegal for native americans to own or possess land, which was the very land that they had lived own for centuries, making it easier for the white settlers to buy the land out from under the Chickasaws, here where I live.
So, how do you possibly say that the Indians were never wronged or cheated out of any land. My last reply even told you that this is precisely the period that I was speaking about and not any of the wars, treaties, allies, or anything at all that happened in the same period , hundreds of years prior, or even later. I know American history starts first with meeting with the Indians and then is very long and confusing over the next few centuries which involve numerous different tribes of Indians, the French, English and Spanish too.
But like I said, all of that does not apply to this period of which I am referring to. Now, if you deny that the white man gave out blankets that had been exposed to viruses like the measles, chicken pox, etc. So, I enjoyed our debate and we will just agree to disagree. I became aware that we have not taught real American history in the schools for generations, after I became interested in genealogy and started running across all sorts of books on real history. In we were at war, do you understand that?
Cherry picking is a concept you cannot grasp. The Indians were starving and suffering due to their continual warfare with each other and the white man. Warfare was their way of life. They lived from one day to the next and did not store reasonable amounts of food. Tools bought from the white man, which would help with survival in the wilderness were used instead for war. And you have expanded the small pox blanket fable to include chicken pox, etc. We have all sorts of documents related to the settling of the land West of the Mississippi which you obviously have never heard of.
I guess you like your version of history better than the real version. And there is a huge book on Indian depredations in Texas, with an edited version available online. It is impossible for me or anyone to lose any argument when presenting the facts.
Your suggestions of you having such a vast knowledge about American History is so inaccurate it is ridiculous and now, I am finding you and your convoluted ramblings rather idiotic and narcissistic. How could you possibly know what my background is? You are a lazy thinker. And, you have resorted to name calling because of your puffed up self-image. HaHa, now that is funny. You really did get a good laugh out of me with this comment! The only names that I have called you fit!
Come on girl, I really thought you could do better than this. Ha ha, describing just how really misguided you are including the fact that you are somewhat crazy is propaganda? Well, I learn something everyday then. Oh, you so enjoy the attention and that is why you are all over the place just commenting your little butt off. Any more personal comments? So, you just very briefly and quickly scan their comments and not even enough to understand what they are saying to you so your next reply to them is so off the wall and usually has nothing at all to do with what they were trying to tell you.
Why, I bet you have never been wrong so keep up the good work. No, just kidding around with you but I do admire your thirst for knowledge and having so many different and varying interest and hobbies to, I am sure. Oh, now you have to know that because I am never wrong. Go pester your husband for all that attention you require and say that you get from him. Poor guy, bless his heart. Well, go ahead and take your daily valium and settled down. Butler wrote about one of my favorite frontiersman and a great explorer Daniel Boone.
I read his biography and it is still one of my favorite reads. Anyway, both of them should know their history but I will be shocked, amazed and will kiss your butt if either one of them express the same beliefs that you have expressed here. Now, if you could only dare to try and make any sense at all in anything you have written, that would be newsworthy. Have you caught me in a typo error which you would love to equate with my intelligence.
Yes, I accidentally left off Hulbert so you got me there. But, I was thinking something, are you a big Howard Zinn fan? Do you understand that you are a complete idiot conspiracy theorist fool that falls for the crap you read somewhere believing every word of it and then you manufacture the rest in your feeble brain. You are just too stupid to bother with and a complete waste of time for anyone discussing history as it truly happened. My encyclopedias are full of conspiracies regarding the Indians? You are the one with the conspiracy theories. Most of it can be looked up in an encyclopedia.
You sure are touchy about this subject. No, not touchy about this subject, just very tired of arguing with a narcissist with such incredibly incorrect beliefs. My beliefs are based on history written from first hand information by people far more intelligent than you. So who are they Einstein? I need to know these people that were there during all of these different events we talked about that can give first hand information!!
Do you even know what first hand information is? That means they had to be present at that event and witness it with their own eyes to give first hand information. Archer Butler Hulbert and Francis Parkman. Both authors can be looked up on the net. Both base their books on first hand information and records. Have you ever read a history book? Ha ha, is that the best insult you can come up with? I am actually quite a bit disappointed as I was beginning to think that you just might be a little witty, crazy as crap, but possibly able to do better than that.
Well, keep working on it. You keep bringing up Andrew Jackson as if there was no reason for him to have a problem with the Indians. I mentioned Andrew Jackson once or twice because of how his policies affecting the indians were severly detrimental to them. You are the one that keeps bringing him up and the War or I will ask you again, what is your point? Your ramblings on and on about things that you insist are factual when it is well known that they are not surely did go over my head and I let it! People can look you up.
It could be bad for business. OH I think that it is you that should be worried about how you are perceived when you are putting your wild and crazy rambling comments on display for everyone to see. Did your mother ever drop you on your head? If not, I understand but I am just curious of course. I am in the extreme NE part of the state. And what has any of that got to do with anything? Ok, if that number is correct, yippee! You simply fail to make any sense once again. What is your point exactly?
The War of has not been a part of this conversation and so why would you even bring it up? And to further prove your ignorance about your knowledge of history that you have decided to believe, incorrectly, I might add, the Choctaw, Cherokee, Creeks and Seneca Indians sided with the United States in the War of There were at least a dozen or more tribes, mostly from the northeast, that did side with the British.
You act as if the Indians were innocent victims, not people with a war culture who carried on war with each other and had practically wiped each other out before white people even showed up. And Andrew Jackson had the Indians removed because of his experiences with them, especially during the War of I never said that the Indians were not a warrior culture fighting each other for territory, enslaving each other, and some were just downright mean natured.
They were far from being decimated in numbers, weak, sick and almost extinct as you suggest. But, they were no match for the white man when he arrived and some tried their damndest to annihilate them but a few thousand were rounded up and put on reservations. Andrew Jackson absolutely hated the Indians and would have killed them all if he would have had permission from the president. He made his name and reputation mainly fighting Indians and in the War of I have said this repeatedly, so why do you keep saying that I must believe that he liked them or something. Please tell me the name of this wonderful encyclopedia that is so full of the true history of America and that you keep referring to and saying that the rest of American history that we have been thought is all wrong.
Sure, a lot of it is, but not what we are talking about. You have referred to this book again and again without giving its name? Why are you badgering me? Now it is starting to show and come out! You are like an internet troll that has been busted and now you try to backpedal and being the narcissist that you are, you try to blame me for badgering you.
You hang out here and on other sites, making as many false, half truths and inaccurate comments as you can regardless of the facts, just to hopefully appear intelligent and draw the much coveted attention that you so desperately need. You should see a psychologist or a psychiatrist, either one, and you should do it now. Hanging out on a site is not trolling. Going to sites and starting arguments is trolling. Once again, you make absolutely no sense at all with your comment.
What am I supposed to be selling? The article is about the truth of communism and you seem to have a problem with that and so you attack me. I can deal with it. The truth is coming out about you. I founded several companies over the years but made a killing restoring historic architectural properties and have been retired 15 years already and I am Not meaning to toot my own horn, just showing an example of what you can do in a country that has a capitalistic economy. So, for some reason, you really misjudged me about as bad as humanly possible and just like you have in all of our conversations.
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I thought that must be the reason that we were completely unable to agree or understand each other. I think that you just love to argue and are addicted to it just like a gambler or addict. Ha ha, now that does sound like a narcissist! But, I am just kidding around with you now and was just trying to get you all hot and bothered again because it really is kind of easy to do.
Peace, and you just try and have a good afternoon and quit all of this running around all over the place picking on people and just outright aggravating them in every way possible and that you know how. You can be quite good at it but do work on getting your facts right and you will do much better in playing your favorite little game of internet troll. Ok, just kidding around again. Did that ruffle a feather at all? You do try and take care because I am really worried about you and your skyrocketing blood pressure because you are just going to stroke out one day.
Nearly all trolls are men and seem to have real problems with women. And, I looked you up on the net and know you are full of yourself… I do work on the net anyway, and when I have time I make it a point to answer jerks like you…. Well, I wrote you a reply that was not insulting in anyway and was asking questions mostly but they have it on hold so you probably will never see it and there really is no reason to write another one. Oh Becky, you know you love arguing with me. You went and checked me out on my profile and home page and you said you were very impressed and loved everything that you saw.
Send me a photo of you sugar britches! You know that you really want to so just give in and talk to me some more honey bunch. The article is about communism, which you think is a big joke. You seem to be one sick and desperate dude with a real big problem with women. Get a life troll. You are truly pathetic in every way that is conceivably possible. What you really are, is dumb as a rock and you just hate it that I saw through you from your first incorrect post to me and you got hysterical immediately because you were found out and your game had been exposed.
You need to stay away from these websites with your rude and obnoxious behavior and comments and quit coming here just to bother and pester everyone else that is here for intelligent discussions. I have seen you all over the comments and you are rude to everyone you reply to leaving comments that you are reading straight out of some book that you are holding and you are to stupid to even realize that everything you are saying is completely wrong.
All you are trying to do is fool people into thinking you are smart because you are so insecure about being a stupid, ignorant, hysterical narcissist that you are a miserable moron. Africans did and still are enslaving Africans. Your chip is really big. From the moment that independence was won, it began the process of abolishing it.
With half the fragile and precariously established new country based on a slave-holding economy, abolition of slavery was not something that could happen overnight. As the new country became more securely established and secure, the level of importance to that grew more urgent. Finally, after less than 75 years since enacting the U.
Constitution, there was no choice but the worst to accomplish that, war. And to war the country went and sacrificed the lives of more than a million Americans to free men from the bondage of slavery. It did not create the system, but inherited the burden of it from the English who did. It was the deepest conflict of ideology confronting the new nation that would have split it apart before it could defend itself fro the European powers eager to take pieces of it. No, America has nothing to apologize for. Instead each and every American of every race should get down on their knees and thank God that we did achieve the independence that was the only way slavery could have been ended.
You skipped over Jim Crow an extension of slavery and genocide. America has much to apologize for. The apology much be followed up by reparative justice. It takes generations to change the mindset of the people of a conquered society, and ever more especially difficult when they were yanked down from their positions of power and wealth to be lower than the Negroes they once considered to be their property. And what would you consider to be reparative justice?
Or should they be given their share of all the money of anyone without a slave ancestor.
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Certainly the beneficiaries would argue it was not. They would say it should be double or triple or even more. My ancestors came to America from Europe penniless in I do not see why I can possibly be expected to apologize for something I have no responsibility or obligation to compensate for, especially since slavery was created by England. If you want to attribute liability and get reparative, hire a London solicitor and file a lawsuit in the U. White Americans created a system of racial oppression that whites as a group benefit from. Your parents arrived in America during Jim Crow so they were upwardly mobile in ways that was denied Black people.
Those disparities persist precisely because most Americans are ignorant of race-based structural oppression of Black people. As for reparations, institutional reform is most needed. We could start with quality free public schools in Black ghettoes. You should go out and do it. If nothing happens, then you can call everybody racist and feel good about yourself that you are more enlightened and better than them. As for my grandparents, they settled into a small mill town in Connecticut. No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel.
They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device. True, but you see they were morally superior in some impossible-to-define way. Or something like that. Go to school, study, get a job, get married, and struggle like the rest of us! Stop all the victimhood crap. If you live in the Chicago ghetto, move! This is America, you can move and start over. You have all the laws you will ever need to protect you from racism. Hard study and hard work are the tickets to success.
Slavery was alive and well long before any white person profited and long after. No someone must sacrifice for quality. My husband and I sacrifice both huge sums of money and time for our five children to have a quality education. No pain, no gain whether you are playing basketball or raising a family. Europeans were not the first by far, nor the last people in human history to practice slavery. American Indians had slaves long before Europeans arrived.
Do you know what we were the first people in history to do, though? Our Christian values tell us so. We should put an end to this. Not everyone agreed, of course, and it presented a lot of practical problems in a society and economy that had made itself dependent on slavery, so it took time, persuasion, and perseverance. Oh, and brothers taking up arms against each other, not to mention nearly tearing our country apart when it had barely even gotten started.
Black tribes in Africa sold their captives from rival tribes to the slave traders. I suppose that point is to be ignored. The fact that islam was involved is also to be ignored. In Nature there is competition for everything: Man is a part of Nature, therefore man competes for these same things, only man has a larger brain and opposing thumbs — man can create things like weapons and machines, and organize himself to use these things to compete against others. Within the Human Race there is competition which can lead to conquest and dominance.
It is unfortunate that some groups do not have the technical or organizational means to prevent their being dominated by others. Nature can be cruel. America and in the past, Europe seems to have the right combination of strength, intelligence, technology, and ideology to survive in Nature. The word slave itself come from Slav as in Slavic people who were taken as slaves by Muslims in the 9th century but slavery clearly goes back to the beginning of time. Stop being a victim and honor your ancestors by fighting for those estimated 20 million who are enslaved today.
No, no, Islam did not invent the slave trade. You were going so well until the very last statement. England and most other European countries abolished slavery in their colonies decades before the USA did. In fact 20 years before your Civil War, England had a fleet of ships sailing round the world to stamp out slavery even in places it did not possess.
If the USA had not become independent, slavery in that part of the world would have ended much sooner. Ove that past yeats America lost tons of own blood to abolish slavery and imperialism of Japan, Germany, China and Soviet Union. Having defeated imperial Japan, US helped it rebuild and become one of the most robust democracies in the world. America has spilled lots of blood imposing its racist imperial interests.
And even as black soldiers were fighting abroad, they returned home to Jim Crow. Some of them were lynched in their uniforms. You did know that the GOP now defends the symbols of the Confederates, right? Thousands of white boys died for the black boys to have freedom. My thought is that you are completely delusional to suggest such idiocy. If this were not the case, then why does everyone lie, cheat and beg to be here to this day?
Everyone that knows anything of history can see the terrible evils and suffering that communism has inflicted on billions of people over the last century. They consider history to be dry and lifeless recounting of the racist and genocidal predations of dead white men. They have so little understanding of history, that they cannot see that all of the success in elevating an extraordinary percentage of a vastly increased number of all people of all races of all inhabited continents to a vastly improved quality of life for substantially longer lifespans; that this unbelievable accomplishment is solely attributed to capitalism which can only exist through democracy.
Bourbon, that is not by accident—it is by design. Reading through these goals in must have been laughable as nobody likely thought them possible. In fact Stalin also killed millions of Russians to establish communism. It happens in other regimes who practice it. Should you give your free choice to somebody else to say what you Must do? A very important article. Longevity of Communism, which made it much more deadly from Nazism, resulted in its very effective manipulation of human minds.
It is a huge irony that, 40 years later, I still hear and read the same argument in the US and Western Europe. Political conservative and psychiatrist Charles Krathammer has said that Barack Obama was and is narcissistic. Lyle Rossiter has written a book about how the political left is mentally ill, that his diagnosis includes Barack Obama. America in the history of western civilization has become a societal success story that the left has tried in the past and is trying in the present to hijack for theft sake.
If political philosophy has shown any identifiable historical traits communism and socialism French Revolution philosophies have shown the mental illness of theft and violence. Absolutely, I have argued that point with my family. The European Union is falling apart, those that want to subjugate others are not getting their way. Civil war in Europe? Leftism is a European disease, Donald Trump and his allies in Europe may be or even are the cure. Bandy Lee of Yale University is the one who is mentally disturbed.
Eternal Damnation is certainly a cure for such a disease. Huh, our definition of socialism is wrong. The nations that provide universal health care, improved government care for the needy, etc. And a government providing these services is not socialist after all.
As long as in a society private business flourishes, that society is not socialist. I learned something new today. Use government schools and count on social security and Medicare to your own peril. China is a Communist country. We are not paying attention to what is happening there. There used to be a one child policy there. Now there is a two child policy. There are government forced abortions. Christians are being forced to go underground. Crosses are being removed from churches now. This Pope has turned his back on Catholics there—he is allowing the Communist atheist government to appoint their own bishops.
Several true bishops have been arrested for no reason. The government is telling Google what it can and cannot allow the people to have access to and Google is fine with that. The biggest problem today would be the colleges and universities that try to indoctrinate Young Minds to socialism and communism. There should be an ethical code that prevents these radical professors from indoctrinating our youth. The students are there for an education not to be brainwashed with corrupt thoughts. It brings satirical light to the subject of Socialism.
We did the work and this POS took the credit! A copy machine would be a better replacement! Yea know, this is just an argument from semantics. However, when our society speaks of socialism, we mean a society where government offers significant supports: So, how is the government to continually offer all these supports?
And does it happen? Mostly from taxing the super rich. This essentially means that no one is allowed to trade anything with them. An academic bubble, where you define things however you want? As the article points out: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
Then the tanks rolled in. No state laws, courts, judges is anarchy which would just lead to power hungry individuals controlling and fighting for power. In fact no matter what power hungry individuals always fight for power whether you have socialism, monarchy, democracy, theocracy, or a republic. The only way to manage this is a very limited state ruled by a republic.
Plucking the Eagle: Bringing Socialism to the United States
Mao was leading a revolution and killing his peoples oppressors. Our president regularly commits genocide in middle eastern countries using chemical weapons like white phosphorous supposedly to protect Americans from chemical weapons. China is one of the most capitalistic countries in the world. Your list of what communists are in favor of is utterly laughable. New housing became non-existent in the USSR, bigotry was reserved for anyone not sufficiently enthusiastic about the state, police brutality was all pervasive. Wage gaps do not cause poverty. Try living in any of the countries on your list.
People have been fleeing from these horrible states for so long and they still are. You go live in Venezuela. You must be a graduate of an American university. And you apparently are not reading the news about Venezuela. Likewise Cuba is not a workers paradise. Your tired spew is based on socialist brain washing. Someone bought your soul. You know, you seem to understand a great deal about the Communists but did you know that as an America you are FREE to leave it at any time and go live in one of your perceived paradises.
Where do YOU live? If it is terrible…then do move away.. Once again, Americans prove themselves to be the dumbest in the world, still looking for reds under the bed. True, Mao was a dictator but since then china has lifted more than million people out of poverty. The ones that have survived float on a sea of capitalism, like China. It works so well that the people under it are willing to risk their lives to escape its clutches! It works so well that the socialist government has to make the whole country into a huge prison camp!
Have you stood on the border to East Germany with the Vopos pointing machine guns at you and asking if you have any western publications that they then confiscate! Ideas are dangerous contraband in socialist countries. Google is allowing the Communist Chinese Government to tell them what they can and cannot allow the Chinese pdople to see —so they can have access to that huge market. Communism cannot allow free speech.
The average cost of living is around dollars per month. One thing for sure though they are NOT fleeing Cuba because of the lack of healthcare or going bankrupt paying for healthcare like people do in the States. Why prevent anyone from leaving? If they are successful here, where do we flee to? As Stalin said a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths a statistic…obviously YOU would agree.
God help us all. I spent my first 31years in the cold war era. The horrors of socialism were on daily display in the news media. Sadly propaganda from centers of influence convinced the young that socialism is a free lunch.