NET Practice Questions (First Set): NET Practice Test & Exam Review for the Nursing Entrance Test
Nclex questions are usually very tricky and it is crucial to understand exactly what the question is asking? The right kind of preparation and practice of the NCLEX style questiions is what any good review course should help you with.
Taking the Nursing Entrance Test (NET)?
And if its only questions that intimidate you then Board Vitals can be of great help for you. This one is for people who do not need much help with the content. Do not use this resource if you are weak in your content. It is a very well acclaimed and popular tool that has some good things to offer but it is not complete in itself! It has been used by most students as an additional resource, or it has been used by those who are retaking the NCLEX exam and are very well versed with their content. Moreover, you can use it if you really cannot find time for rigorous study.
Updated and Sound Content: Develop both Critical and Clinical thinking: NCLEX, comprises of awide array of questions. They focus on providing you questions based on practical situations, various case stidies, situation based discussions, making you learn how a clinical situation unfolds, and collaborative learning that will make you ready to handle qustions yourself. This course does not impose on you a set of rules, rather leavse you free to think being guided by your previously learnt knowledeg and practice, not leaving you confused nad boggled in the midst of the test.
Access to Content via Mobile: To save your time, and help you study as week as take tests while commuting, they provide tis facility too. They also help you to address all type of questions asked in the NCLEX exam, like they need to be, with a unique approach for each one of them. Nurses are an important part of the health care team as they play a major role in the rehabilitation of patients. In most cases they are the ones providing most of the direct care that is given to patients. The duties that are conducted by a nurse heavily depend on the position that they hold.
Apart from this, we also categorise nurses based on their area of work or where their duties are assigned. Whether you undertake an accredited nursing program at a nursing school or online, you will also be required to complete clinical internships that provide you with the practical skills to become a good nurse. As a fully qualified RN, you will be able to work in a hospital or health clinic while completing your more advanced nursing education. For being an LPN Licensed Practical Nurse, you should have passed high school and then obtain a one-year certificate program in nursing.
The responsibilities of a nurse at core are the same, but have slight limitations fro an LPN. In most hospitals the nurses are also expected to accompany the doctors in the ward rounds. If there are changes with the patient, then the doctor is updated, these include discussing developments that have taken place since the patient was put under their care.
The daily activities of these qualified practitioners include:. To sum up their role we can say that apart from what has been mentioned above, patient care also includes supervision of rehabilitation procedures and therapies. Nurses must at all times ensure that patients are in the best comfort possible within the confines of the hospital and also to assist patients access specialized health care like counselling should the patient request such help. When it comes to patients, due diligence must observed to avoid lawsuits that can arise from negligent actions of the service providers.
In the disbursement of their duties, the nurses also ensure that drug therapy is administered to the patients. This may include patiently explaining to the patient what they are doing and why they are doing it. Related to these duties is the collection of accurate data from patients and in the event that a nurse has just been allocated a new patient, such a nurse should take time to study the file presented to them.
This allows for optimal delivery of services. They also coordinate the running of most hospitals by forwarding and receiving laboratory results that had been ordered. They also coordinate tasks of the various doctors in the health facilities and enforce some of their decisions or recommendations. They also delegate tasks to their assistants and orderlies. The nurses thereby take part in the administration of the facility. Administrative services taking care of the inventory, ensuring machines like the MRIs under their department are working, ensuring that high standards of cleanliness are maintained as well as to keep records of drugs that are used in the hospital with the help of the pharmacists.
Being a qualified practitioner, one is required to be competent in delivering excellent health care to patients of all ages. What exactly do licensed practical nurses do and where can they work?
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As a nurse, those are usually the questions that you may be asked by some people. So here are some of the answers you might be looking for. A licensed practical nurse is also called a license vocational nurse and a registered practical nurse. The names may vary depending on the state or country you are in.
Generally, license practical nurses are those who have undergone training and have obtained a license that allows them to provide routine care to the sick.
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LPNs report to a registered nurse or a physician. They work under their supervision. LPNs are also tasked to oversee and supervise nursing assistants in some medical facilities. They also help in extending help and perform comforting functions like bathing the patient, helping to reposition them in bed.
Often the LPN will help the patient to dress or eat, even helping the patient to stand or walk. RNs have a longer educational curriculum and program. They can initiate IV starts, administer medications with an IV push, as well as maintain central lines. While there may be differences between licensed practical nurses and registered nurses, they also have their own similarities.
Whether you are an LPN or an RN, it is essential to remember that despite the different labels, both nurses have to work together for the benefit of the patients and the facilities you are working in. Opt for the best review course for NCLEX that will bring together both theoretical and practical aspects of nursing so that you not only pass the NCLEX but also excel in your professional life!
Pharmacology is the study of action of drugs. This study involves knowledge from various subjects on pharmacology to make a nurse understand how drugs work, their intended effects, and also help them to anticipate and recognise potential side effects. So, of course you know that this is a vital part of your Nursing content and crucial for your unerring profession! Thus, having an in depth and sound knowledge about medications and their expected responses is indispensable for you. Who can understand better than nursing student himself that pharmacology can be really tough if you do not learn it with the right approach.
Only cramming does not help, coz you are bound to mix the information as well as sometimes forget what you had learnt. Go through essential things that you must know in this course. The nurse is expected to use the seven rights when administering medications to the client. Nurses are responsible for administering as well monitoring the theraputitic and unknown effects. Knowing the complete medical history and regular assesment helps in proper medical care. Find more knowledge about Pharmacology for NCLEX and the relevant study material to crack the licensure exam and kick start your career!
The course is intense. It is a comprehensive subject and so it may intimidate you in the first instance.

So, you must devise some strategy to handle it! It is the duty of the nurses to keep track of the administered drugs. The tasks need to be done with expertise because a small mistake can be detrimental to victims.
Therefore nurses must have solid understanding on drugs so that the nurse can perform the job proficiently. Pharmacology classes teach how drugs act in a human system and on how medication is classified.
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Many subjects are touched in these training including different physiological systems and the effect of drugs on them. In addition, there is an emphasis on terminology and vocabulary of medications. Pharmacology for nurses entails a lot of information being absorbed. A nurse with this course is able to understand the internal and external effect of medications and can recognize symptoms of adverse effects or an overdose. The nusring profession is a challenging one! Nurses often face complicated situations where they have to take decisions and sometimes address multiple issues at a time.
Their job is not limited to providing help that heals a patient physically but sometimes they also have to pacify the perturbed minds of the patients as well as their families. When you have lots of jobs at hand, how should you be handling them? The answer in in setting priorities and accomplishing the most important first and so on and so forth. Now, the question arises as to how a nurse should be setting priorities? Psychologist Abraham Maslow defined basic human needs as a hierarchy showing how human needs progress from the most basic needs to complex ones!
Progressing upwards in the pyramid, the degree of importance of the needs keeps decreasing. After the physiological need we have needs for safety and security which include shelter. Henceforth are social needs, esteem needs and self actualisation needs.
A need is defined as that which, in its absence breeds illness, when present prevents illness and if restored, cures illness. Maslow also felt that the need is inactive, at a low ebb, or functionally absent in a healthy person. But, needs exist in a hierarchy and so when one need is satisfied the person becomes aware of another need. For example, the basic physiological needs have a greater priority over those higher on the pyramid. They must be met before the person can move on to higher level needs. In other words, a person who is starving will not be concentrating on building his self-esteem.
A patient in severe pain will not be concerned with improving his interpersonal relationships. Whenever they will face a situation that demands them to prioritise they will easily be able to decide that physiological needs hold the most importance and need to be fulfilled first, then the others may be taken care of. A research paper published by NCBI: They include basic concerns by family members if sometimes patients are unaware of their condition.
It may include providing support for failing organs, pain and symptom management, taking care of nutrition etc. Concerns about emotional well-being in the context of frequent nightmares and delusions as well as with whether the ICU team can prevent their conditions from worsening. This can be taken care of by preventing errors, delirium management and monitoring, taking care of hospital acquired infections etc. Concerns about how much support they will receive if their critical illness persists e. Hospitals should allow open visitation of family and friends and post ICU support should be given by nurses.
Concerns about whether they can reach recovery-related goals — e. For re establishing this need, incorporation of spiritual values into patient acre, acceptance of new limitations, reconciliation of new identity etc can be of some help. Here, comes in the need for a Well Grounded Strategy. Of course it is a tough battle, for which you will need support and guidance.
You may choose Brilliant Nurse and relieve your pressure while getting unparalleled support as well as guidance from expert faculty. Understand test format and the demand of the exam: How do you get mentally prepared? Even before that, as a pre requisite to making up your mind for the NCLEX, you need to know well about the test itself!
What is the pattern of the test? The style of questions? The hurdles that people face? Why have people failed? What is it that you dread or your weak area? A good analysis of all the stuff will help you prepare yourself mentally to beginning your preparation with the right approach, convince yourself for the much needed hard work and get through in your first attempt!
Nursing content is lengthy and tough. It is of course an uphill task to remember it all! A good review provider will cut down the irrelevant part of your nursing syllabus and focus more on the important areas. Certain tricks and short cuts should be used to remember the stuff so that you do not keep on lingering with content and focus on other aspects of the exam too.
You should try to analyse all types of questions and practice them enough develop the clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills that you need. Each new question will help you revise some important fact and will help to develop your thinking in a way that you can apply your learnt knowledge! If you get the question correct, the following question will be more difficult.
If you get this question correct, the following question will be even more difficult. As you are going through the exam, every answer you get correct will cause you to receive a more difficult question afterwards. However, if you get a question incorrect, then the following question will be slightly easier.
Nurse Entrance Test (NET )
And so this assumes that as you go through the exam getting some questions correct, some questions incorrect, the test will constantly adapt to your testing style so that you are given questions that are fair to you and that you have the relative ability to answer. Devise a study schedule: A good study plan comprises of a balanced distribution of your entire syllabus according to the number of days you have dedicated for your preparation.
This means that test taking strategies can indeed improve your test accuracy and get higher scores. Strategise and train yourself before you enter the examination hall. What to do during the test? If you feel that you need support check out for the best Review Course that will help you in all aspects! Apart from all that has been mentioned, you must not forget that: Consequently, this will help you to answer questions as if you were facing a real medical situation.
While shopping at the mall with her daughter, she saw a health fair being advertised; it had healthy snacks available and free blood pressure BP screening. This was the first time Ruth Marie was told that her BP was elevated. Which statement made by Ruth Marie indicates an understanding of the low-sodium diet? Case studies that mimic real scenarios, help students to develop better decision making abilities and learn how to answer them by correctly interpreting them.
Have a look at how they have categorised the variety of questions asked in the NCLEX exam and how you need to handle them: So many books like Prioritisation, Delegation and assignment by LaCharity do not focus on providing you extensive content but they take care to provide you strategies and tips to develop analytical and clinical judgement skills to help you handle the questions. Many assume that practice is the key to success, they aim at providing you zillions of NCLEX style questions such that you practice them and hence revise your concepts and build a good understanding.
Do you need a quick recap to the nursing concepts or an in depth and detailed study is needed Are you still a student or have passed long back from the nursing school? Do you retain enough of what you had learnt? Decide on how much time you can spend on studying.
Important nursing concepts are included, by providing tips and short cuts to remember them. They offer over questions for practice. Some nursing schools conduct NET themselves and they do not accept scores of the NET that has been taken at another nursing school or university. You will have to check from the nursing school of your choice whether it is mandatory to take the NET being conducted by them or not.
The NET is designed to test your mathematical abilities in addition to your skills in reading, writing, reasoning and critical thinking. It is a computer-based test and all the questions asked are multiple-choice questions in which the test-taker has to choose the correct answer from the given options. Although all test sections are important, the most crucial ones are the Essential Math Skills, Reading Comprehension and Writing Expression test sections.
Your NET preparation should concentrate more on these three sections which will count towards your composite NET score. The other test sections in NET are related to application of knowledge in everyday living and are used for a general assessment of the candidate. These test sections are not scored and your performance in these test sections may be considered differently by different nursing schools.
It is mandatory to score at least 50 in the Essential Math Skills section and at least 60 in the Reading Comprehension section in order to be considered by most nursing schools for admission to the nursing programs being conducted by them. Some nursing schools will consider your scores in the Written Expression grammar section also, the passing score for which is July 16, Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. There are a few typos in the book, but overall, I found it to be a very good review book for the NET….
It helped me get into Nursing School. Five Stars Customer August 15, 6 For mat: Like that it takes you to each and every other step for you to learn and study. August 24, Format: September 25th, September 25th, Published: Your email address will not be published.