Michael Strogoff Or, The Courier of the Czar
Fergus Well, thanks, Beata! Being a fan of Jules Verne, of course I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Michael Strogoff, or the Courier of the Czar
It definitely wasn't the science fiction genre adventure such as 20, Leagues or Journey to the Centre of the Earth, but this was more one of pure adventure, determination, daring, one of those more true to life tales that you just must keep reading since you are constantly left wondering what will happen next. I'll recommend 'Michael Strogoff' to all Verne fans or anyone just looking for an old fashion adventure Enjoy the Being a fan of Jules Verne, of course I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Enjoy the Russian adventure Straight adventure novel, no science fiction. Easily one of Verne's better books, this is an underappreciated gem. Nadya, the 'damsel in distress' is a strong female character. The stalwart Michael must deliver a message from the czar to the governor of Siberia, about treachery afoot. He journeys through hostile Central Asian territory and is tortured.
Michael Strogoff; or the Courier of the Czar
This is what we used to call strictly a "boy's book" and now, would possibly be considered a Young Adult novel. I read this many, many years ago, Straight adventure novel, no science fiction. I read this many, many years ago, but the story has always stayed with me. It made such a strong impression. The Russian setting subsequently led me to explore Russian literature.
Also, I remember to this day the fantastic N. Wyeth illustrations in the copy I read. Jan 01, Mike rated it liked it Recommends it for: The review from afar — No. Since emulating a yo-yo, I continue to rely on the old-style Kindle 3G for any non-technical reading. I tip my hat to the fine folks at Project Gutenberg: Michael Strogoff Or, the Courier of the Czar is an adventure tale that has no elements of fantastic or scientific fiction.
Since my previous familiarity with Jules Verne was almost only th The review from afar — No. Since my previous familiarity with Jules Verne was almost only the books and films that are considered SF or fantastic, I chose to grab some that were new to me as I was loading up the Kindle months ago. I am glad I did. While Verne holds strictly to the technology of the time period, he makes the story interesting using natural and artificial obstacles.
And, while one will never turn to Verne for deep or compelling characterizations, the leads in this story are understandable as are their actions and reactions. While I cannot speak to the accuracy of his geography and topology, I can say that it was an exciting travelogue. He gives highly detailed examples of each region and town as if he was writing a Lonely Planet guide from Russia through Siberia. I remember liking a scene where a carriage gets stuck and disabled it echoed in my mind to a scene written by Bram Stoker and using the river as a passageway.
Nice and interesting flourishes. As for the people, whew! Our hero suffers great physical and mental trials and injuries with a stoicism and determination that makes the Terminator look like a wus. The antagonist is no Fu Manchu or Dr. As a result he commands and personally dishes out pain and suffering no matter how immoral those actions appear to those around him — including his own men. On the lighter side, the two reporters have an amusing interaction until they finally commit to helping our hero. You can get this book for free from the Gutenberg Project site. Michael Strogoff a courier in the Czar's service,is sent as an secret agent to Siberia.
He will deliver a vital message to the Emperor's brother. Hopefully the letter will prevent a rebellion from spreading in that province. Along the road he encounters two suspicious journalists French and British of course. These battling friends are always trying to sabotage each others reports.
More enjoyably a young lady in distress appears.
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Neither cold or heat or mountains or rivers,not to mention the rebe Michael Strogoff a courier in the Czar's service,is sent as an secret agent to Siberia. Neither cold or heat or mountains or rivers,not to mention the rebels, can stop Strogoff. The courier makes The Terminator look like a wimp! Tortured after being captured,half starved this human machine keeps on ticking. Nadia and Michael later discover him buried up to his neck in the ground. They continue onwards where they are delayed by fire and the frozen river. However, they eventually reach Irkutsk, and warn the Tsar's brother in time of Ivan Ogareff.
Nadia's father, who has been appointed commander of a suicide battalion, and later pardoned, joins them and Michael and Nadia are married. Exact sources of Verne's quite accurate knowledge of contemporary Eastern Siberia remain disputed.
Michael Strogoff - Wikipedia
One popular version connects it to the novelist's meetings with anarchist Peter Kropotkin ; however, Kropotkin arrived in France after Strogoff was published. Sidorov presented his collection of natural resources, including samples of oil and oil shales from Ukhta area, together with photographs of Ukhta oil wells , at the World Exhibition in Vienna , where he could have met Verne. Verne's publisher Pierre-Jules Hetzel sent the manuscript of the novel to the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev in August asking him for his comments on the accuracy of the conditions described in the book.
While the physical description of Siberia is accurate, the Tartar rebellion described is entirely fictional and rather implausible.
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- Michael Strogoff; Or, The Courier of the Czar by Jules Verne?
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- میشل استروگف!
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Wars with Tartars and Mongols were a major aspect of Medieval Russian history, but the Russians gained the upper hand long before the 19th Century, and no Tartar Khan at the time of writing was in a position to act as Feofar is described as doing; depicting late 19th Century Tartars as able to face Russians on anything resembling equal terms is a manifest anachronism. The town of Marfa , Texas was named after the character Marfa Strogoff in this novel.

In a board game was published by Devir Games, designed by Alberto Corral and developed and illustrated by Pedro Soto. Similar to the book, in the game players are couriers racing across Russia to thwart the assassination plot by Count Ivan Ogareff. Players will race one another but will also race the Count, who moves across Russia on a separate track. Along the way, players must face and overcome troubles such as bears and bad weather, avoid the spy Sangarra who tries to delay their progress, and avoid capture by the Tartar forces who conspire with Count Ogareff.
Players must balance the racing element of the game, resting enough to preserve health, and dealing with the troubles they face along the way before crisis ensues. The game usually ends when a player confronts Ogareff in Irkusk and a showdown ensues. The game is highly thematic and true to the novel, with artwork that draws on traditional Russian carving techniques from the era. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Michael Strogoff First edition, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.
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