Lucas: The Legacy Screenplay
There his experimental short subject THX won a number of awards and helped earn him an internship at Warner Bros.
Gloria Katz (1942 - 2018), “American Graffiti” screenwriter
The end result, starring Robert Duvall, won rave reviews, and swiftly established itself as a major cult favorite. The success of THX brought Lucas to the attention of Universal Studios, which agreed to finance 's nostalgic American Graffiti, a superb reminiscence on early-'60s America which launched the motion-picture careers of talents including Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, and Harrison Ford.
Shot on a miniscule budget, American Graffiti grossed over million dollars, and earned a number of Academy Award nominations including nods for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay. Suddenly, Lucas was a major Hollywood player, and he was given much greater latitude and support in developing his next project.
That next project proved to be 's Star Wars, one of the most important and successful films in Hollywood history. A space opera inspired by the writings of Joseph Campbell as well as, in no small part, Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress , it incorporated elements of mythology and religion to create a self-contained universe populated by larger-than-life characters in extraordinary situations, all achieved with the latest in cutting-edge technology. Made for just under ten million dollars, Star Wars grossed over million dollars globally on just its initial run alone, creating a cottage industry of toys, comic books, and other collectibles and establishing science fiction as Hollywood's dominant genre.

The overwhelming success of Star Wars did more than simply alter the kinds of films the studios looked to produce, however; it also forever changed the way films were made. The most notable aspect of the picture's storytelling was its breakneck pacing, edited by Lucas himself in tandem with his wife. Seemingly no film had ever moved so quickly, and its overwhelming success proved not only that a generation weaned on the rapid pace of television could easily absorb such an onslaught of image and sound, but that this was the kind of narrative they wanted to see on a regular basis.
View All Photos The Art of Motion Picture Editing. A Man and His Car 1: View All George Lucas News.
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- Gloria Katz ( - ), “American Graffiti” screenwriter |
- George Lucas.
The Haunting of Hill House. A Star Wars Story. The Man Behind The Poster. Playboy, Activist and Rebel.
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Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. Oct 29, See Article History. George Walton Lucas, Jr.
George Lucas
Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The youth cult and other trends of the late s. In this environment, it was not uncommon for the major companies to invest their working capital in the production of only five or six films a year, hoping that…. Others, notably Albert Whitlock, have revived the old practice of making matte effects on the camera negative. In the silent film days, this was achieved using a glass shot in which the actors….
R.I.P. Gloria Katz, Indiana Jones and Star Wars Screenwriter Dead at 76 | Consequence of Sound
THX , directed by his friend George Lucas. In the meantime, Coppola won an Academy Award for his collaboration with Franklin Schaffner on the screenplay for Patton More About George Lucas 11 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References creation of motion-picture special effects In motion-picture technology: Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Help us improve this article! Contact our editors with your feedback. You may find it helpful to search within the site to see how similar or related subjects are covered. Reformatted editions that were used through marketing and moviemaking processes during production phases.
Some drafts may not be the final drafts of the screenplays; since they are production drafts. Many elements have been revised throughout different drafts and during the filmmaking process. Scripts may not have consistent style, font, etc, given the nearly 50 year progression of processor and tool standards. Each screenplay is brass-binded as set by studio-standards. Photos number one is a stock photo and intended for reference and resource only. If interested in custom art poster covers, please see individual listing for those versions or inquire about customization.
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