Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5
From Me to You, Vol. Koichiro Kensho Nishimura Translator. Sawako finally realizes that her feelings for Kazehaya are more than just admiration. But this novice in love has a lot to learn about romance. Not that Chizu can help her out any--she's got enough worries of her own to deal with! Can either of these shy girls take the next step toward a real relationship?
Paperback , pages. Kimi ni Todoke 5.
- How To Be Free: A Practical Guide To Positive Living;
- Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5 by Karuho Shiina.
- Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5 : Karuho Shiina : .
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Aug 05, Devin Mostly Manga rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really like all of the characters, so I'm glad that this manga focuses on their relationships as well. Oct 03, Cecelia rated it really liked it Shelves: I'm really enjoying the development and subplots surrounding the side characters!
Oct 19, Miriam rated it really liked it Shelves: These kids have such interesting, non-stereotyped personalities! Even Ume isn't just a manipulative, selfish pretty girl and I hope she makes some real friends. I'm feeling sorry for Ryu right now. Dec 30, Maya rated it it was ok. Review for volumes 5 - 6 Sawako's rival got taken care of and Sawako realized her feelings for Kazehaya - so how can you avoid having her confess and instead drag out the story some more?
Right, switch focus on one of Sawako's best friends tragic love story. And to be save, make her just as oblivious as Sawako. To be fair, at least Chizuru knows about her feelings, they're just for the wrong person. She's however completely oblivious to Ryu's feelings.
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And while volumes 5 and 6 deal with Chizuru's Review for volumes 5 - 6 Sawako's rival got taken care of and Sawako realized her feelings for Kazehaya - so how can you avoid having her confess and instead drag out the story some more? And while volumes 5 and 6 deal with Chizuru's one-sided love, there's pretty much no development in her relationship with Ryu. The author is surely going to come back to this later on. What is starting to annoy me about Kimi ni todoke is actually not the pacing anymore, but the fact that Sawako cries all the time.
Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5
The first time when she realized Kurumi's true intentions back in one of the earlier volumes it's touching and it makes sense. But in these last chapters, Sawako cries all the time and instead of touching, it's becoming just cheesy. She cries on the phone hearing the voices of her friends having a christmas party while she's stuck at home with her parents, because pure and innocent as she is, she wasn't able to selfishly tell her big baby father that she'd like to go to a christmas party with said friends.
The christmas chapter was in general one of the more annoying ones, because it prominently features the biggest problem I have with this series. Shiina manages to keep the plot from advancing with either the most stupid misunderstandings or Sawako being so pure and selfless it hurts like unable to tell daddy about the party, because it would hurt him and then being herself so sad that she can't be with her friends that she almost ends up having an emotional breakdown.
I have to admit though, these things were a lot worse in the TV adaption. And I also know why now. The TV series drags things out so much worse than the manga. Each volume of From Me to You has little content and can be read within 30 minutes. The TV series actually adapts 4 of these light volumes into 15 episodes, which simply is way too long.
Similarly, the christmas chapter which can be read in 5 - 10 minutes got a whole episode, leaving plenty of time to get annoying. So, actually, I'm finding Kimi ni todoke a lot more enjoyable in written form. It continues to be a completely innocent love story and it does have some really cute scenes. Sawako and Kazehaya are both thoroughly good people who are easy to root for and the other main characters are also likable.
And as exaggerated as Sawako's lack of common sense is, her feelings aren't unrealistic. There are times when you're interested in someone, but you're fine just watching and have absolutely no intention of confessing. I also continue to enjoy the humorous scenes. The reason I'm reading this series is because I really want to see how far Shiina is going to let Sawako develop. She starts out as the girl oblivious to love, then realizes her feelings, but has no desire to confess them let alone think about dating or anything after that.
At this point Sawako probably doesn't even know what a kiss is. So, yes, I want to see how she's going to change and how much of their relationship we're going to see. And maybe the series might just reach 3 stars at some point? Mar 07, Farhin rated it it was amazing. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
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To view it, click here. If you like being spoiled, read this review. Kurumi becomes Sawako's "official" rival: This was a good volume, particularly the chapters about Chizu. I love learning about secondary characters when they've been fleshed out properly from the beginning. Looking forward to the next one. Aug 16, Nicole rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm sure I've said it before I can't get enough of this series!
So sweet; young love at its best. This volume is great because it shifts focus a bit to the relationship between Chizuru and Ryu. As we learned recently in the story, Ryu has feelings for Chizuru that go beyond "childhood friend. Am I alone in hoping that Chizuru and Ryu find their own love connection in the same way I'm sure I've said it before Am I alone in hoping that Chizuru and Ryu find their own love connection in the same way that Sawako and Kazehaya absolutely must? Oct 21, Holly Letson rated it really liked it Shelves: This series is always fun to read.
I don't really like Kurumi much, but I do like how she came across more realistically in this volume than the others.
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5
It's cool how her and Sawako both keep feeling like they could have been friends, had they met under different circumstances. Yeah, love triangles probably don't make for the best friendships. Also, I kinda wanted to see Sawako and Kazahaya kiss. They came so close to it. Oct 01, Joy rated it really liked it Shelves: Such a consistently enjoyable comfort read. While the two leads are very appealing, it's the supporting characters who help create the humorous and dramatic moments that make make this story stand out from the shojo crowd.
The insight we get into Yoshida and Ryu in this volume is especially lovely. Mar 14, Douglas Cootey rated it liked it Shelves: This was a good volume. I did, however, feel that the introduction of Ryu's brother was artfully done. Dec 13, Lupita Rodriguez rated it really liked it. Conocemos otra historia de amor En definitiva un tomo lleno de sorpresas algo obvias, pero hermosas con respecto a algunos personajes. May 03, Elspeth rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love when Sawako and meets Pin in the movie rental store.
Feb 16, Amanda [Novel Addiction] rated it liked it Shelves: Still don't like Ume. Oct 05, Mariana rated it really liked it. This manga series follows a girl called Sawako Kuronuma and she has the looks that would be perfect for a ghost in a horror movie, but everyone has her misunderstood. Through her friendship with the popular boy in class, Kazehaya, her classmates start to realise that she's not this feared figure that she is thought to be.
Kuronuma has just realised her feelings for Kazehaya and is learning to adjust to them. This volume primarily focuses on the side characters of Kurumi, Chizu, Ryu and Ayane. Kur This manga series follows a girl called Sawako Kuronuma and she has the looks that would be perfect for a ghost in a horror movie, but everyone has her misunderstood. Kuronuma acts as the audience's guide in the volume, finding out things as we do, which is why I liked this volume slightly less than the rest.
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Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 5 by Karuho Shiina on Apple Books
Other books in this series. Kimi ni Todoke Karuho Shiina. Though Kimi ni Todoke is only her second series following many one-shot stories, it has already racked up accolades from various "Best Manga of the Year" lists.
An animated TV series debuted in October in Japan. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.