Jesus Didnt Fit In: Raising Nontraditional Children
And as early Christians did with Jesus, fans of Steven Universe would probably follow Rebecca Sugar and company to the ends of the Earth. There is, however, a major difference between the two stories. The sins for which Jesus died are those of the general population. The sins for which Steven was and is prepared to die are those of his mother—the God-like figure in this allegory.
Steven, on the other hand, will need to forgive his mother if he is ever to embrace himself as an independent human being. For once, he realizes how badass he is. The parallels between the two arcs are uncanny. Everything we know is a lie? So the story has to have been concocted… right? I can think of a few reasons why Yellow might have wanted to get rid of Pink, but my chief hunch is that Yellow was becoming jealous.
And should I have left? And is Jesus real? But he was good at making balloons for kids and blew them up in restaurants in exchange for tips. Once, a hostess asked him out on a date at work. She bought a balloon, gave him a kiss and her number. They went home to her roommates and talked about video games and TV shows.
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Dr Marlene Winell, a psychologist who studies religious indoctrination, says it can take a long time for former members of cults or extreme religious groups to feel comfortable in their new reality. She says it can take them a long time to leave those groups, especially if they were born into them. More than a year and a half after leaving the Family, Young joined a community college honors program, which helped students get scholarships and transfer to a four-year college.
After the Reboot, many former missionaries landed where the movement originated four decades earlier. Clusters of the Family appeared in places like Houston, Texas, and San Diego, California, according to interviews with former members. Some younger members, like Martin Merour, 28, have kept one foot in the Family. Merour was very candid about his life in the Family and their unconventional beliefs. His family had sometimes discussed the Law of Love, Merour said by phone, and read some of the literature on the subject, but people mostly kept their sex lives private. They stayed in Nigeria and continued on with their work.
But most communes collapsed. In , Martin moved to Berlin, Germany, discovering life outside the missionary world. He enrolled in a soccer club and went to school to learn German. Good luck in your journey. I think it is always important to remember that we are all one people, across the globe, under G-d. I don't know the answers but Judaism teaches me to question. In that way alone, Judaism is about freedom -- and that alone means the world to me on every level of my being. It doesn't make sense. They believe Jesus was born of a virgin. But say he wasn't from the line of David.
For the last 2 years I've been searching for the truth and in all honesty I can say that Judism is the religion that makes the most sense to me..
I don't care of I have to change my life style! I just want to be a part of G-ds people and worship only 1 diety!!! Please send me any info to my email on how I can convert xx3ddiexx thank you. Moriah , February 12, If you are serious you will have to make changes but as you will see if you do convert, every inconvenience and struggle will bring the most sublime pleasure of knowing you are worshiping the One true G-d.
It's wonderful to be a Jew and take on the yoke of heaven but it is not necessary to worship G-d correctly. Anonymous , May 15, 3: Judaism is not for everybody and, as a gentile, you are not obligated to convert, yet have the benefits of serving G-d through the noachide laws. I was born and raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, and never had any doubts about my religion. I know it to be the truth. Two years ago, I registered in a college online, because I did not have time to go to school on campus. The only college I found that had good reviews, where I can get my entire degree online, was a Christian University.
I was told that I would be required to take one class about Christianity, and I am in the middle of it right now. I was interested in the beginning to read more about what Christians think, and how their religion works, but now I cannot wait until it is over. The more I read, the less sense it makes. It boggles my mind and I am not trying to offend any Christian out there how this religion ever took off.
The only good thing I can say about how Christianity works is that Christians also believe in the Ten Commandments, and have similar morals to Jews. Anonymous , February 12, 1: The reason Christianity took off was that it was supported by military force- first the Roman empire, then various European kingdoms that succeeded the Roman empire.
Trey Haydon , April 20, 2: I would disagree that "the reason Christianity took off was that it was supported by military force. Anonymous , July 30, 6: Your whole articles were offensive to me. Stop spreading lies like a plague. Don't lead more people to hell behind you!!! Anonymous , August 9, 8: I grew up Christian and yes it is very confusing even to Christians. There are many aspects of the Bible that contradicts itself and yes we do notice that. Even to the Priests and Pastors it's confusing and questioning them makes them very defensive and I must say a little angry. If you have questions that they can't answer they immediately tell you that Satan is the one putting these evil thoughts of doubt in our heads.
We're told to forget those questions and pray. I'm no longer Christian now that I know that Christianity says that to be a true Christian you must believe that Jesus was born of a virgin and rose from the dead and accepting Jesus as the son of God is the only way into the Kingdom of Heaven when we die. That no matter the sins you committed or the way you live your entire life as long as you accept Jesus as the Messiah and son of God before you die then your soul will be saved. They say that Jesus will be the first we'll meet when we die and basically if we deny him he'll deny us to the Father.
To me that puts Jesus before God which is against our very first commandment. It does not feel right. I have never had any christian be able to help me this question. That's why I'm seeking knowledge of another faith. I know that Christianity was derived from Judaism. They openly teach that Jesus was Jewish himself. I absolutely love the fact that Judaism teaches to ask questions.
Where would we be as a human race if we didn't question to find truth? Don't feel alone in your confusion we're all confused to, and ask your instructor anything you may be confused about. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in that conversation. Coming from a family background of preachers three generations , I was raised with a very, very strong Christian background. The turning point for me was to learn that the all that was written about Jesus was done no less than 75 to years after He died.
That made me question the accuracy of what was written about Jesus. How could the quotes attributed to Jesus be accurate if the authors of "His words" were not present when he spoke?! Thus, how accurate is the New Testament? Realizing that we, as Christians, are taking one person's word Jesus' on what revelations were said to Him shatters the foundation of the Christian "faith.
I'll take a National revelation Judaism over one person's revelation for the truth! I was raised Catholic and always wondered about the question we're all here wondering about. This page made so much sense its rattled me a lot! If there is anymore information I can get that is this straight forward please let me know. I think I should be a Jew! Seriously this has made me open my eyes to the world. I will no longer be led blindly and believe what I'm told to just because I'm told to!!!
Steph-M , December 30, 6: Talk to a rabbi if you want guidance. I was raised Christian too, but I left because I am tired of getting the wool pulled over my eyes by people who can't even read the Jewish bible. Pieter , January 6, 2: I agree , it is the best to see a Rav. You can also visit Rabbi Tovia Singer. My wife and I dared to stand back and question the christion religion we were brought up in 66yrs.
We are now converting to Judaism. Hans Schmidt , July 30, 6: The Jews murdered Jesus is that ok? For all you confused people out there don't listen to this propaganda! They made a mistake and crucified Gods earthly form! That is why they denounce Him! To the people writing this article million will wake up in hell because of false teachings!
Shoshana-Jerusalem , August 16, 3: The Romans murdered J. The present pope as well as the previous one, acknowledged this and removed the claim of "diocide" from the Jews. Anyway, G-d is eternal, so how could he be killed? I grew up in a seventh day adventist house hold. My parents always lead me to follow all of Gods 10 commandments. Because they are His will and if we love God with all our hearts than we should keep His commandments. I have always struggled with the idea of jesus. And have always thought to myself We have all been in anticipation for the "return" of Gods son, but in fact he was really just a false prophet.
With all good intentions like he seemed to have all the people followed. And now we've all been decieved. We are all awaiting an apocalypse We are allowing them to enslave us. I took the best lessons from their teachings as in loving everyone, no matter what they believe or what their social status and i also have read about muslim, jewish, and morman beliefs. I had a lot of questions going into this page. It is very well written and easy for anyone who reads it to grasp.

I definitely have a lot to think over now. But i was always worried about the jesus question. Lets say he is the son of god.. But if not, and he is a false prophet.. Would i be damned to hell for following something i have been taught since birth? As i only want to please god. This page was an eye opener. But it raised a lot of questions for me. I am terrified i will be punished for making the wrong choice. I always held god on top in my beliefs.. But i dont know when or if i can return to this page.
Somebody please help me out. I just want to do what i should be doing. Thank you for reading this long comment. And i hope to get an educated individual on the subject to bombard with questions.
Life after a sex cult: 'If I’m not a member of this religion any more, then who am I?'
As if i feel by the end of it that jewish beliefs are the right way to go.. If not, then i suppose i will continue my search for "my" truth. Patience would be appreciated. And no, i am not the biased, finger pointing christian archetype. I am very open to new ideas. Dvirah , December 23, 5: There is another very fundamental reason why Jews don't "believe in" Jesus.
This is because at the heart of Judaism lies our relationship with G-d, and how can one have a relationship with an entity that one never directly confronts? Now along someone comes and tells you that for whatever reason, you can no longer speak directly to your parent but must approach your parent only via a third party intermediary - even as that very morning you and your parent spoke as usual.
Surely your reaction would be to laugh in that someone's face at such a ridiculous contention? Direct relationship is what it's all about. Anonymous , January 13, 4: It is important to note I think, that Moses, the greatest prophet of all, never told the Jews to follow him or to pray to him, but only to G-d. He never portrayed himself as a god. On the contrary, the Torah calls him 'servant of G-d' the greatest of compliments as well as 'the humblest man that ever lived'. Troy , January 18, 2: God loves all of us. Does it really matter which road you take to be with him? No i dont t think so.
Love each other love GOD He loves you. Lawrence , October 6, 3: That really does put a whole new light on what I've been taught as a Christian. I shall continue to search for the real truth: I am grateful for a succinct and forceful exposition. It will indeed be helpful to answer my Christian friends with courtesy. I reposted this article to my Facebook wall, where I have a wide group of friends, from evangelical Christians to Jews who reject religion and adopt a secular humanist approach.
This article sparked a really interesting conversation. I am a "reform" Jew by political leaning, although more traditional in my ritual leanings e. I don't think it matters very much whether you can or cannot prove any religion is "true. We are a varied people living on this planet, and we all need some moral rod to grasp. Wherever you find it, there you are!
Any of these paths is better than being morally path-less. I have to say though, my grandparents were from a place and time where they did not question their Judaism because culture isolated them for it politically, and there was no denying it or getting away from it. Because of that, they did not realize they would need to teach their children "why" Judaism matters. Still not sure how all that will play out for them, but at least I made the effort. Thank you for this explanation which has helped me understand many questions I have had mainly due to my curiosity of belief systems.
I was raised as a very strict catholic but at the age of 35 became a Buddhist. I am very interested in people in general and believe that basicly it does not matter what your belief system is as long as you live a "clean" life. Not hurting, harming your fellow man and treating everyone as equal. All good religions are right in their own way.
Anywhere a group of people can live freely and as one without hatred and sin, I feel that this is right. No-one should be condemned by others if their existance is peaceful and their actions harmless. We should all be working towards world peace for all living beings no matter what their orientation. Each person has to deal with their consciousness, and if they are happy with themselves so let it be. It is not up to us to judge another persons "soul". This is great information and has answered my questions fully. I was raised a Christian, and this question has at times entered my mind; not because I think it's odd that Jews don't believe in Jesus, but it had always perked my curiosity considered Jesus was present there.
The reasons in this article make a lot of sense, and I'd like to think these reasons would make sense to all other Christians, too. I've always loved branching out to learn and understand the many religious views present in the world. Being single minded and ignoring all but your own seems like a sad way to be. Just because you understand another religion or culture doesn't mean you have to believe and follow it, after all. Why Jews shouldn't believe in Jesus? Why no one should believe in Jesus! There's sufficient doubt, as reflected by our Talmudic era Rabbis, that Jesus never existed, so what is evident, is that hundreds of millions of people believe in smoke and mirrors; a religion created hundreds of years after Jesus purportedly lived and died, but witnessed by no one.
No one knows for certain his day of birth and no one knows exactly when he died. Early Christians mixed their fading Judaism with Paganism and by the time they arrived in Rome, the center of Paganism, Constantine, the sentry of Paganism, had his own ideas of how to meld Christianity into his own image of Catholicism. I'm not really sure why AISH is spending so much time and effort explaining away a religion based on Pagan followings and a trivial amount of Torah, manipulated and changed to satisfy their confused hearts?
Ya'akov , October 2, 5: Regardless of whether or not Jesus existed, we do know the approximate dates of the NT books being written. Christianity was definitely well underway in the 1st century CE. The author states that this is one of the most common question Aish receives. That's why they "spend the tome and effort" explaining it. This is a great compilation of information.
However, this will tend to inflame those whose beliefs may be challenged. Why should a religion that preaches love produce such hate for all those who do not bow to its tenets? Our people have not suffered because they did not accept Jesus--they suffered from those who did. I recently was working at a place where two of my fellow employees referenced the Bible and Jesus. During a break and in front of others.. All I could say is.. I responded that not only do Jews not share this lack of evidence, but a large number of other religions too!
Wher are they headed? Thanks for the facts to help in my claim that Jesus is Not Lord. He was just as compassionate as you and I should be during a time in our world when men lacked the knowledge of the world around them and the universe beyond. I have never read anything like this before. I have to study the claims especially from Scripture. Thanks for sending this article along. I am going to print it in order to study and follow the scripture claims. Many of the anti-semetic rhetoric says: Their religion hates Jews because the Jews killed their "G-d".
If their G-d died - isn't it obvious he is not G-d.
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Abraham taught us that anything that has a weakness cannot be G-d. A man dies - thus he cannot be G-d. You don't need to know bible to figure this out. After all the Pogroms, Inquisiton, auto-dafe, holocaust, blood-libels, terrorism, spewing-of-hate that the other religions -that believe in him - did against innocent people and Jews, how can any self-respecting Jew "convert" out of Judaism or marry someone that refuses to disown their non-jewish faith. I'm just learning about this and it has me torn. But how can I not believe it. When it makes all the sense in the world thanks for the knowledge.
The other day someone asked me why Jews didn't believe in Jesus, and when I couldn't answer that question, I felt that as a Jew I should research. So I looked up 'why Jews don't believe in Jesus' and this was the first option that came up and I'm glad i did. I was able to share the article with the non-jew and myself. The writing was insightful and sourced well! Thanks for the clarification on the importance of national revelation.
I'm not Jewish but this made sense. Dear Rabbi Simmons, I occasionall have discussions with very knowledgable Christians who seem to be honestly seeking truth. I state what Israels Moshiach will accomplish, as you lead your article with, as pre-requesets to knowing who he is. Please clarify two other points that come up in these discussions: Also there are the angles spritual beings who took human form with Avraham Avinu and Simshon's parents. Thanks for this spiritually educative article. As a Christian from birth, as i grew up, i began to question many Christian doctrines especially the one that uphold Jesus Christ as God.
I don't believe that God would allow him be tempted and finally killed his creation. Christ never made this claim.
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus, why Jews reject Jesus
I have been longing for true worship of God and thats why i stopped going to church to this day. Thanks for this eye opener. I have always understood that Jesus was, first and foremost, a Jew. Far from his being non-observant, he made it clear he had not come to bypass the law and the prophets. After his death, the first Christian church was based in Jerusalem under his brother James, and all its members were observant Jews. They only dispersed after AD It was Paul who introduced all the nonsense about Jesus being God, one third of a Trinity, being resurrected and so on.
Understood properly, Jesus plays an important role in 2nd-temple Judaism, while the larger role is based on a fiction that became Christianity. While everything that the good Rabbi is true, he as many rabbi's always seem to fall into the Missionary trap and that is to debate if Jesus was the Messiah or not. Judaism believes in a non-corporeal non divisible, Divine Being, Christianity does not, plain and simple case closed. Who needs to debate them on their out of context, false quotation "proofs" when all we need to know is that the Jewish tradition has always taught of an invisible and undivisible God.
Even jesus believed it. Pagan Christianity adopted the "politically correct" Belief of the day and they have been trying to justify it for the past years. We should not make their lives easier but remind them that our Hebrew Bible has not have ANY Belief of that sort nor ever will. Any honest Christian reading the Bible will tell you the same thing. So the next time you come across someone interested in a religious "dialog", bring this point up and let THEM justify their pagan beliefs from some other religion and not Judaism. It is my feeling as a orthodox layjew, so to speak, is that there is no real need other than to maintain Jewish identity to anticipate the coming of mashiach.
Our responsibility as Jews is to bring the world closer to the messianic ideal. Regardless of the metaphysical reality of mashiach himself, the messianic age will not come about unless we Jews and righteous gentiles do our part to bring G-d's light into the world. Put in plain English, this means that we should observe Torah and attempt to emulate the chesed shebechesed lovingkindness of G-d by doing good deeds, like helping the poor or disenfranchised Revelation of the actual mashiach, to respond to one commentor, will naturally and nationally follow when he shows up.
For, his showing up is really just a marker for olam haba, when all will know G-d and we will all be one people. I grew up in a practicing Jew, but never fully understood Easter. Now that I live in the Bible belt it wasn't getting any easier to understand. This article put it in such an easy and simple way and cleared up a lot for me.
Thank you for this wonderful summation. Everyone should read this. Really should be taught in all religious schools. I can't believe I never heard this before! One of the basic tenants that I have read is that the Mesiah will be a direct descendant of David. When that person, who is not devine i. Thank you for the information. It broadened by understanding greatly. Simple and easy to understand. I Wld ask but, never could get clear concise answers! Thanks so much for all of this info! I'm actually going to bookmark this pg on my phone to refer back to! I'm trying to find a pathway to God..
Now, maybe I can: Sarah , April 5, 4: I'm not Jewish but I think this is a great article. I wish every Christian became aware of the reasons why Jesus couldn'tt possibly have been the Jewish Messiah.
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Maybe they would start rethinking their beliefs. Everything i read just gave me a clear understaning about why we did not except JC as messiah bcause of the way we read the sedra if u dont read the whole old Testament u miss think. Now i converted to Judizum about 6 years ago but i converted from Islam so i have never thought of JC as A massiah. And because im African American Most Jews dont except us but truth be told im pretty sure the Israel Lites looked more like me so i pray that more calcation jews start to reconize that.
My entire congrecation is African Americanhas been around for more then 50 years. Thank you so much for this concise yet clear explanation, and the reading list. I am studying with the intention of converting in the future , and this helps to solidify my understanding of Judaism. I especially appreciated the clarification with regards to Isaiah 53, and how Christians misinterpret this to be a prediction about the coming of "the messiah" i.
I always thought the theory was strange to say the least even though I come from a Christian background. Something about the Christian theory about Isaiah 53 just did not resonate with my own personal beliefs. Now I know why. Prior to reading this article I was ignorant of Jewish beliefs.
Thank you the article is very clear and informative. Joyce Shulman , March 15, 5: I am Jewish and, I am ashamed to say,don't know very much about my own religion Your articles are a real treasure for me-and I thank you for them! I was a Christian,but have been thinking a lot, I have many questions and seem to be agnostic at this time thank you for the information to help with some of those questions. Jews believe in things. I recently corresponded with a Mennonite Minister it's a Christian sect on the meaning of the talmud and oral law.
At the end of the correspondence he remarked that based on all the things that Jews believed, he felt that his own faith narrative was lacking. I wasn't trying to convert the man, and I am assured that I did not. What I think he meant was that while his religion focuses almost entirely on their messiah and the afterlife he provides, messiah is in my opinion a very small part of Judaism. Moschiac will come when he comes and that will be a good thing. We do mitzvot and make the world a more godly through those actions.
Moschiac will simply be a force multiplier for those efforts. I find it sad that when we need to prepare some sort of responsa to Christian missionaries we start with what we don't believe in. What's wrong with their religion. That's not the issue. It's just not Jewish and we are Jews. We should focus on what we do believe in. What we are taught to value. And on that basis, the faiths are incompatible.
After all, we don't proselytize. We're not winning souls for Judaism. We're simply trying to provide support for Jews that are targeted by missionaries and such. We'll be more effective if we focus on the positive aspects of our faith than the negative aspects of another. If we focus on involving our people in Jewish life then all other faiths become irrelevant. They're not Jewish and we're Jews.
Sienna Jae Fein , February 14, 6: Scott makes an important point -- that Jewish-Christian dialogue often begins with what Jews don't believe. Both religions have the same ethical base, so the divinity of Jesus is the most obvious and most dramatic place to start pinpointing differences. In Christian terms, accepting Jesus as Lord is the pathway to eternal life, and reward in the afterlife is the foremost goal of the Christian. It is difficult for a Christian to imagine how a Jew can risk being denied entry to what Christians call heaven and Jews call olam ha ba.
Jews need to cultivate language and vocabulary to describe their beliefs in positive terms -- language that is neither adversarial or defensive, but full of the joy of accomplishment here on earth -- prayer, learning, community, family, mitzvot, tikun olam. Like Donna, I consider myself to be a Christian but I have trouble with the new testament, especially Paul's writings. I am uncomfortable with some of the contradictions and cannot ignore them, as I have a very enquiring mind. I feel the need to question what I believe and you have provided a great starting point! Shmuley Anderson , February 6, 3: I was raised a dubious Christian.
I am currently converting to Judaism. Still,I have never heard such a marvelously cogent explanation for why Yeshua cannot be the Moshiach. Thank you, thank you! I used to have a lot of concerns about Jesus as a meassiah, i went over and over the whole new testament , nothing can prove to me that he was and deep down into my heart i feel the need to wait for the real one.
That why i decided to leave Christianity and to go home to judaism where my soul belong. Im haitian some people of birth land do a lot of miracles works as well using magik so that give me another good reason not to believe on them but HasHem the powerfull G-D. I consider myself a christian, but have never been reluctant to question things!
I do not believe in 'blind faith' and to be honest I have struggled with the new testament for a while. This piece is informative and interesting and will certainly encourage me to research more. Chris , March 16, Like you, I like to questions things, and it led me to quit believing in Jesus even though I was raised Christian.
Something just didn't seem right or believable about him to me I am going to try to find out more on here as I read all the articles and replies.. Sure makes sense to me. We have a blessed history. What is going on withthe rest of the world? I've been a lifelong nonbeliever of any faith, but reading this article has turned me on to further looking into Judaism. I've never been so sure about the big man in the sky, but this makes sense if there were one.
Why would he not expose himself to all of his people instead of just a few "prophets", that never made sense to me about Christianity. Thank you for this great article and I look forward to learning more. I am always amazed that otherwise intelligent and reasonable people can stare the truth in the face and still cling to their mistaken beliefs. Nothing in the Torah describes a virgin birth of the Messiah. Behold, the young woman will become pregnant and bear a son, and you will name him Immanuel.
King Ahaz would have to be resurrected in order to name the child. And, Mary and Joseph named their first born son Yehoshua, not Immanuel. Further, the prophecy would do King Ahaz no good if he were dead before it came true. New American Bible Revised Edition This woman and child cannot be Mary and Jesus because this scene occurred more than years before Mary and Jesus lived.
So I say to you, send out My son that he may serve Me. On the second coming? Did not your Jesus come a second time when he was supposedly resurrected and appeared to his followers?