Energy Portfolios
By using an asset-specific paradigm, the analysis limited the possible savings from economies of scope that are possible with integrated system-level planning.
Energy Portfolios
We also assigned zero value to existing incentives e. RMI examined a scenario where more than half of retiring thermal capacity through was replaced by portfolios of resources that can provide the same energy, peak capacity, and flexibility to the grid, using conservative assumptions of both renewable and DER adoption. In addition to suggesting a clear cost-saving opportunity to reshape investment in the US power sector, the analysis also suggests that existing gas plants, and any built in the future, could face profitability threats in the near term. In other words, within the next 10—20 years, it will likely be less expensive to build entirely new clean energy portfolios that can perform the same grid services as a gas plant than it will be to run existing gas plants.
The result of this will be fewer operating hours and eroded revenue for owners of gas-fired power plants in the US.
Energy Portfolios
Investors in new gas-fired generation should carefully consider this emerging dynamic as they evaluate making multibillion-dollar bets on new projects. Regulators, market operators, utilities, and technology providers all have a role to play in realizing this opportunity:. If the opportunity afforded by the current investment cycle is missed, the United States risks locking in costs and carbon emissions for generations to come.
Insights Blog Electricity Report Release: The Economics of Clean Energy Portfolios.
Energy Portfolios: 1st Edition (Hardback) - Routledge
Caps gross RPS procurement costs. The state also has separate goals for wind energy: The state has a credit multiplier for community-based renewable energy. Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard. Public Utilities Code Ann. Class I resources are new sources. Class II resources in operation by requirement includes 2.
Investor-owned utility, municipal utilities, cooperative utilities. Xcel Energy has a separate requirement of The state has a credit multiplier for photovoltaics and on peak energy savings. Electric Renewable Portfolio Standard.
Investor-owned utility, cooperative utilities, retail supplier. Requires at least 15 percent of requirement to be met with new renewables. Investor-owned utility, cooperative utilities. Other renewables including geothermal, biomass and certain hydro facilities: The state has a credit multiplier for solar energy that was operational before The state offers credit multipliers for biomass facilities located in cleanfields renewable energy demonstration parks.

Renewable and Recycled Energy Objective. Alternative Energy Resource Standard. The freeze was not extended in The state has a credit multiplier for photovoltaics installed before The state's two investor-owned utilities must phase out coal generation by Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard. Tier II includes waste coal, distributed generation, large-scale hydropower and municipal solid waste, among other technologies: The state has a separate long-term contracting standard for renewable energy, which requires electric distribution companies to establish long-term contracts with new renewable energy facilities.
Systems less than 1 MW: Renewable, Recycled and Conserved Energy Objective. Voluntary Renewable Energy Portfolio Goal. Standard is applicable to all utilities that serve more than 25, customers.
1st Edition
Requirement also includes all cost-effective conservation. The state has a credit multiplier for distributed generation. Goal is applicable to IOUs that serve more than 30, residential customers. Standard varies by utility.
Utilities may not decrease their renewable energy percentage after Renewable Energy Portfolio Goal. Goal applies to net electricity sales. Northern Mariana Islands Title: Requirement applies to net electricity sales. Requirement allows for non-compliance if it is not cost-effective.
- ARVO 2010 Abstracts - Genetics Group.
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Requirement does not take effect until