Drop That Drama and Recreate the Relationship That Works (Keys to Personal Power Book 1)
Thank you Irina, for the important work you continue to do! Drop the Drama and Recreate the Relationship that Works. I must say that Irina nails it in this in depth explanation of how we truly create our own circumstances and therefor have the power to change them. I got a glimpse of what she talks about in this book when I read her Keys to Freedom book.
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At that time I began to apply the concepts she recommends and immediately saw many improvements in many of my relationships. Not only with my mother, my brother, but also with friends and love interests. In addition, people noticed the change and I noticed that many low vibrating individuals left my life and new higher vibrating ones entered it immediately.
I was reminded again by reading this book that we must stop being the victim of our pasts and must stop feeling sorry for ourselves. I even cried as some of this baggage came up and I was so gracefully able to finally release it. I came face to face with the mirror that I so cowardly did not want to face, but as I did, and continue to do so, I see how dramatically life around me changes and for that I am forever grateful to Irina. YES, things begin to happen quickly once you set your intent. I welcome everyone to experience a positive life altering change as I did, and I believe this book will help you do so.
I also recommend Irinas workshops. Those too have impacted my life dramatically in a positive way. Improving our lives lies in our hands. Let's stop ignoring ourselves and truly become who we are meant to be. I read this book in one sitting and could not put it away until I get to the last page. In fact I just bought this book today. This book is an easy read but full of insights on how "changes" should occur within oneself first before we could change our relationship with others, especially with our partners and spouses.
I like the author's examples and case studies. I specifically like the facts that she give you movie references to prove her points. If you are looking for a book that could help you improve your present situation, you should read this book and give yourself and your partner a second chance. Irina's straight forward answers to all your relationship "situations" were outlined in this book. My favorite part of the book was Chapter 9: For me this is the "heart" of the book.
From all walks of life, from all kinds of culture, from any religion, we have to forgive first ourselves and we can forgive everyone and everything else. Thank you Irina, this book helped me in so many ways. One person found this helpful. I did like the information. However it appeared as if she thinks that everyone will be willing to change easily. Her experience in her relationship was interesting and I did identify with her.
She does try to instill a positive attitude. She has the same concept as that of Louise Hate who says that we choose our parents. I can't seem to adapt to that concept or I have many lessons to learn due to their strict rules. I purchased this book because, like maybe everybody here , i am going through difficult time at my life. From the beging of reading i recognised my issue and was thinking of it and agreed with Irina. Yuo would never leave your problems if you do not know where it comes from. And who is able to show it if it is not your behalf.
Even i do not live with that persone any more, but this book also advised me how to grow my teenager son. Also it good for the future relationship if you want a healthy one. I recomend everybody to read this book. Irina also has many more, I am reading one of them. This one was so simple understandble for me, that i wanted to continue relationship with her by books. Would have liked more exercises for personal applications. Good for people who desire to grow spiritually and who wish to find true joy. Reading it reminds me of how often heaven or hell on earth is a choice and not just something that happens to us.
This book and the author really takes you through the entire process of getting conscious and creating your life from a place of conscious choice in a simple to understand format. This book is not only worth reading once - it's worth of re-reading and studying. Even though you may think you have no drama in your life, when you read it you will understand the hidden ways and forms the drama shows up. What is better - this book will help you to drop any kind of drama faster than a hot potato. See all 14 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. The subconscious mind does not evaluate or judge these perceptions; it simply accepts them as truth. Furthermore, the job of the subconscious mind is to play these perceptions out in the circumstances of our lives. Creating our perceptions is what the subconscious mind is designed to do.
Whoever you think you are as person and however you think the world operates will be reflected back to you in the events of your life. The first time I heard that, two things went off in my head: First off, it made sense. Second, it explained why my life resembled a train wreck. I felt doomed from the get-go, helpless to do anything about it. If you feel the same way, hang on a minute.
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Because the subconscious mind is such a continuously creative machine and the conscious mind is limited in its scope, this puts us all in a very vulnerable situation. If every subconscious perception we experienced were to be acted out in our daily lives, we would be living nothing but the Chaos Theory in motion! Just like traffic in India! Therefore, somewhere in the wisdom of creating the human experience, the critical faculty of the human mind was established to prevent us all from going absolutely nuts.
The critical faculty of the human mind is an invisible, protective barrier living somewhere between the conscious and subconscious minds. Its function is to constantly evaluate perceptions that are projected in our direction: As perceptions are aimed our way, the critical faculty will judge it as yes or no. Yes means the projection is in harmony with what lives in the subconscious mind.
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When a yes perception arrives, the critical faculty will open up and allow the perception in, thereby allowing the existing perception to grow. When a no perception shows up, the critical faculty will remain up, rejecting the perception as an untruth. Let me give you an example: It simply does not fit my perception of myself or how I view the world. The first time I read that, I almost broke down and cried. And the shaping of us poor little human beings is totally at the mercy of our immediate families and environment?
For some reason, who knows why, our immediate environment is the integral foundation of our human experience. I prefer the Oneness term because it most accurately fits the healing work I have done. She gets to drink milk out of a real glass—not one of those little-kid plastic sippy cups, but a real glass container. As she cooks dinner, low and behold, Suzie drops her glass. Milk and shattered glass go everywhere. The critical faculty has also built a wall around that perception to protect it. Does that mean Suzie will grow up to be worthless? However, if she continues to receive the same message over and over again as she grows up in thought, word, or action , the critical faculty will continue to let down, allowing that charged emotion to grow—to the point where it will eventually begin to appear in the events of her daily life.
So you may be thinking, What, exactly, is an emotional charge? Subconscious emotional charges are un-experienced, subconsciously repressed feelings that produce pain. Examples include hurt, rage, anxiety , rejection, shame, unworthiness, fear, depression, and abandonment, and the list goes on and on. Is freedom from suffering the end of pain, anger, and unpleasant emotion, replaced by everlasting bliss?
Suffering is not pain, but the avoidance of it. Let me say that again: The definition of suffering is the avoidance of pain. Pain demands attention, and when it is avoided, it repeats itself over and over again. Suffering is the experience of the same repeating pain. Herein resides the grand paradox.
In order to overcome suffering, you must experience your pain fully. Human beings are designed for growth and experiencing life to the fullest. That includes all of our emotions. Pain, jealousy, anger, enthusiasm, joy, contentment, etc. A few moments of intense agony are guaranteed. However, in just a few minutes, after the emotion has been experienced, the tears dry, and the child is back to experiencing life in the moment. When emotions are experienced fully, they dissipate. The problem arises when we avoid experiencing unpleasant emotions. We essentially put them in the closet to reemerge at a later date…and they do.
How many of us know someone who has gone from relationship to relationship, experiencing the same problems? How about the person who avoids conflict with authority to the point of becoming seriously ill? They are just avoiding unpleasant feelings. Unpleasant emotions tend to get repressed into the subconscious mind without conscious knowledge or intention on our part.
When that happens, they get stuck in the subconscious. The subconscious mind then continues to recreate uncomfortable circumstances in our lives so that the repressed emotions can be experienced. Without awareness, this saga can last a lifetime. I have emotions running through me all the time. When I first became aware of my internal process, my big question was: How do I know if I have an emotional charge or just a random feeling?
The answer is simple: The combinations and possibilities are endless. It takes a certain commitment to honest self-reflection to discover that your repeating patterns are actually your own subconscious invention! Emotional charges are never about the other person. They are your creation and experience only. Other people who trigger your emotional charges are only props in your own one-person drama. What about suffering caused by birth defects, starvation, tsunamis, landslides, earthquakes, and disease?
How does this nifty little subconscious mind and suffering theory explain random cataclysmic events of tragedy? Remember, for some reason, pain is part of the human experience. However, learning to experience pain prevents it from recurring over and over again. We have a winner. Suffering is from the past. You do the math. The problem is that those images and feelings can be extremely strong. In fact, I was guilty of it myself throughout my twenties. He was a recent transplant from Florida to my little town in the Pacific Northwest.
I met Hugo through my circle of paddling pals, so we went out a few times and hit the river together. Getting to know him, I discovered he came from an extremely abusive past. He hated his old man and, as far as I could figure, with good reason. I also heard Hugo talking about his employer. Last I heard, Hugo was in Australia, still fighting the same issues with authority figures i. This is a case of repeating patterns caused by a powerful subconscious emotional charge created in the past. The most effective way for Hugo to break his repeating pattern of misery is to go into the subconscious mind and heal his emotional world.
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Emotional vulnerability is at its peak before the critical faculty of the mind is developed. As you may recall,that takes place in very early childhood, when the subconscious mind is completely exposed. We enter this world as pure vessels, wide open and absorbing life like a sponge. This includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Hey, nobody said life was fair. The stork settles a few of our darlings into lovely, cushy feather beds. Others get dumped into this world under absolutely horrendous circumstances. Wherever we land is where our journey begins, like it or not, and our emotional charges develop at the whim of our surroundings.
Your suffering is not your fault. You did not create your problems, dysfunction, or disease. You are only responding to circumstances at your given level of awareness. They were also responding to their charges at their given level of awareness. Take it as far back as you need to go. Who is ultimately responsible? You may not believe it now, but suffering is actually what paves the road to the Divine. We inherit all sorts of stuff from out family: We never asked for any of it. We also inherit from our ancestry through the subconscious mind, including emotional charges.
She later married a guy named Smythe, who ironically or maybe not so ironically resembled her dad. Her mother had three kids, all girls. She had three kids, all boys. Listing the similarities between those two would take all day. For some, inherited ancestral traits can skip a generation. I have an acquaintance whose grandfather was a bit of a bigwig powerbroker, married three times. My acquaintance never met him and resented growing up in his shadow. His level of influence was born into him.
Drop That Drama & Recreate Your Relationship That Works
The more he has accepted himself and his pedigree, the more his destiny of success has unfolded. We inherit traits from our families. And what does that mean? It means we also inherit suffering. Some of our suffering is caused by an unusual subconscious connection to our heritage. Understanding this possibility opens the potential for subconscious healing to a whole new level. A young woman came to see me for recurring anxiety attacks that were happening at an accelerated and stronger rate.
They exploded into her life whenever she crossed some ambiguous line of going from a romantic to a committed relationship. It had ruined several previous relationships. She was now involved with a man she genuinely loved. The attacks were becoming so frequent and so strong that she could barely function. This was in the early days of my practice, back when I took more of an analytical approach to subconscious healing.
Over the course of a few sessions, we probed into the events of her childhood and had some initial satisfactory success. However, the anxiety attacks still came back, albeit with less frequency and intensity. In conversation, I asked about her parents, and that led to the topic of their divorce. The split happened rather abruptly, and it was rather grueling on her mother. Maybe she picked up emotional charges from her mom while she was pregnant.
By the next session, her anxiety attacks gone… permanently. This creates internal conflict and puts us at odds with ourselves and our world, which is — you guessed it —a powerful subconscious emotional charge. We go back generations.
Drop That Drama & Recreate Your Relationship That Works - RADIANT MASTERY ACADEMY
I need to beat to my own free-spirited drum. For me, becoming a lawyer would be a straight shot to hell. Families can be blown apart by adherence to family conditioning, especially if it supersedes genuine needs. How many of us know someone who has gone into the family business and hated every minute of it? How many of us have been crushed by family disapproval over something we were genuinely passionate about? If we are to grow and mature into the people we are meant to be in this life, we need to listen to the voice within.
It may or may not be in accordance with family approval. Blind adherence to family conditioning, at the expense of yourself, can produce a lifetime of suffering. Because each of us projects the circumstances of emotional charges into our lives, many societal values are tainted with the spewing of these charges. It can be a vicious cycle that propagates even more suffering. Collective values get filtered through the charges and chattering minds of millions.
Ideals behind a societal system can easily be polluted into the perpetuation of things like needless war and excessive corporate greed.