Congo: Picture Book (Educational Childrens Books Collection) - Level 2 (Planet Collection 149)
This bill passed; however, it was gutted of the provision that would keep Joseph Kabila in power until a census took place. A census is supposed to take place, but it is no longer tied to when the elections take place. In , elections were scheduled for late and a tenuous peace held in the Congo. On 27 November Congolese foreign minister Raymond Tshibanda told the press no elections would be held in , after 20 December, the end of president Kabila's term. In a conference in Madagascar, Tshibanda said that Kabila's government had "consulted election experts" from Congo, the United Nations and elsewhere, and that "it has been decided that the voter registration operation will end on July 31, , and that elections will take place in April Across the country dozens of protesters were killed and hundreds were arrested.
According to Jan Egeland , Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council , the situation in the DRC became much worse in and and is a major moral and humanitarian challenge comparable to the wars in Syria and Yemen, which receive much more attention. Women and children are abused sexually and "abused in all possible manners".
Besides the conflict in North Kivu , violence has gone up in the Kasai region. The armed groups are after gold , diamonds , oil , and cobalt to line the pockets of rich men both in the region and internationally. There are also ethnic and cultural rivalries at play, as well as religious motives and the political crisis with postponed elections.
He says people believe the situation in the DRC is "stably bad" but in fact it has become much, much worse. Human Rights Watch said in that Joseph Kabila recruited former M23 fighters to put down country-wide protests over his refusal to step down from office at the end of his term. Fierce fighting has erupted in Masisi between government forces and a powerful local warlord, General Delta.
It straddles the Equator , with one-third to the North and two-thirds to the South. It is the second largest country in Africa by area, after Algeria. As a result of its equatorial location, the DRC experiences high precipitation and has the highest frequency of thunderstorms in the world. This massive expanse of lush jungle covers most of the vast, low-lying central basin of the river, which slopes toward the Atlantic Ocean in the west.
This area is surrounded by plateaus merging into savannas in the south and southwest, by mountainous terraces in the west, and dense grasslands extending beyond the Congo River in the north. High, glaciated mountains Rwenzori Mountains are found in the extreme eastern region. The tropical climate also produced the Congo River system which dominates the region topographically along with the rainforest it flows through, though they are not mutually exclusive.
The name for the Congo state is derived in part from the river. The river and its tributaries form the backbone of Congolese economics and transportation. The river flows generally west from Kisangani just below Boyoma Falls , then gradually bends southwest, passing by Mbandaka , joining with the Ubangi River , and running into the Pool Malebo Stanley Pool. Kinshasa and Brazzaville are on opposite sides of the river at the Pool. Then the river narrows and falls through a number of cataracts in deep canyons, collectively known as the Livingstone Falls , and runs past Boma into the Atlantic Ocean.
The river also has the second-largest flow and the second-largest watershed of any river in the world trailing the Amazon in both respects. The Albertine Rift plays a key role in shaping the Congo's geography. Not only is the northeastern section of the country much more mountainous, but due to the rift's tectonic activity, this area also experiences volcanic activity, occasionally with loss of life. The geologic activity in this area also created the African Great Lakes , three of which lie on the Congo's eastern frontier: The Rift valley has exposed an enormous amount of mineral wealth throughout the south and east of the Congo, making it accessible to mining.
Cobalt , copper, cadmium , industrial and gem-quality diamonds , gold, silver, zinc , manganese , tin , germanium , uranium , radium , bauxite , iron ore, and coal are all found in plentiful supply, especially in the Congo's southeastern Katanga region. One of the three streams of extremely fluid lava flowed through the nearby city of Goma , killing 45 and leaving , homeless. Four hundred thousand people were evacuated from the city during the eruption.
The lava poisoned the water of Lake Kivu , killing fish. Only two planes left the local airport because of the possibility of the explosion of stored petrol. The lava passed the airport but ruined the runway, trapping several airplanes. Six months after the eruption, nearby Mount Nyamuragira also erupted.
Mount Nyamuragira then erupted in and again in January World Wide Fund for Nature ecoregions located in the Congo include:. The country is currently divided into the city-province of Kinshasa and 25 other provinces. The provinces are subdivided into districts which are divided into territories. The rainforests of the Democratic Republic of the Congo contain great biodiversity , including many rare and endemic species, such as the common chimpanzee and the bonobo , the African forest elephant , the mountain gorilla , the okapi and the white rhino. Five of the country's national parks are listed as World Heritage Sites: The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the most biodiverse African country.
The civil war and resulting poor economic conditions have endangered much of this biodiversity. Many park wardens were either killed or could not afford to continue their work. Conservationists have particularly worried about primates. The Congo is inhabited by several great ape species: Much concern has been raised about great ape extinction. Because of hunting and habitat destruction, the chimpanzee, the bonobo and the gorilla, each of whose populations once numbered in the millions, have now dwindled down to only about , [85] gorillas, , [86] chimpanzees and possibly only about 10, [86] bonobos.
Gorillas, chimpanzees, and bonobos are all classified as endangered by the World Conservation Union , as well as the okapi , which is also native to the area. Poaching for the exotic animal or ivory trade has been a persistent problem for species loss in the DRC, it has been made a necessity for some trying to escape poverty and a means of continuing the civil war for some rebel groups including the Lords Resistance army LRA. The main way this poaching for ivory can be reduced is through the hampering of the international demand for ivory as this drives the trade [88].
However, the study indicated that poaching is still an existing problem with researchers finding snares and park guards continually being ambushed and killed by poachers [89]. After a four-year interlude between two constitutions, with new political institutions established at the various levels of government, as well as new administrative divisions for the provinces throughout the country, a new constitution came into effect in and politics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo finally settled into a stable presidential democratic republic.
The transitional constitution [90] had established a parliament with a bicameral legislature, consisting of a Senate and a National Assembly. The Senate had, among other things, the charge of drafting the new constitution of the country. The executive branch was vested in a member cabinet, headed by a President and four vice presidents. The President was also the Commander-in Chief of the armed forces. The transitional constitution also established a relatively independent judiciary, headed by a Supreme Court with constitutional interpretation powers. The constitution, also known as the Constitution of the Third Republic, came into effect in February It had concurrent authority, however, with the transitional constitution until the inauguration of the elected officials who emerged from the July elections.
Under the new constitution, the legislature remained bicameral; the executive was concomitantly undertaken by a President and the government, led by a Prime Minister, appointed from the party able to secure a majority in the National Assembly. The new constitution also granted new powers to the provincial governments, creating provincial parliaments which have oversight of the Governor and the head of the provincial government, whom they elect. The new constitution also saw the disappearance of the Supreme Court, which was divided into three new institutions.
The constitutional interpretation prerogative of the Supreme Court is now held by the Constitutional Court. A relative explained how the government illicitly collected revenue: We'd go to an intermediary and tell him to get five million. He would go to the bank with Mobutu's authority, and take out ten. Mobutu got one, and we took the other nine. President Joseph Kabila established the Commission of Repression of Economic Crimes upon his ascension to power in The international Criminal Court prosecutor opened the case in June Child soldiers have been used on a large scale in DRC, and in it was estimated that 30, children were still operating with armed groups.
Instances of child labor and forced labor have been observed and reported in the U. Violence against women seems to be perceived by large sectors of society to be normal. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in expressed concern that in the post-war transition period, the promotion of women's human rights and gender equality is not seen as a priority. In June , Oxfam reported a dramatic increase in the number of rapes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and researchers from Harvard discovered that rapes committed by civilians had increased seventeenfold.
In , figures both inside and outside of the country, such as Filimbi and Emmanuel Weyi , spoke out about the need to curb violence and instability as the elections approached. The global growth in demand for scarce raw materials and the industrial surges in China, India, Russia, Brazil and other developing countries require that developed countries employ new, integrated and responsive strategies for identifying and ensuring, on a continual basis, an adequate supply of strategic and critical materials required for their security needs.
Highlighting the DR Congo's importance to United States national security, the effort to establish an elite Congolese unit is the latest push by the U. There are economic and strategic incentives to bring more security to the Congo, which is rich in natural resources such as cobalt , a strategic and critical metal used in many industrial and military applications. The largest use of cobalt is in superalloys , used to make jet engine parts. Cobalt is also used in magnetic alloys and in cutting and wear-resistant materials such as cemented carbides. The chemical industry consumes significant quantities of cobalt in a variety of applications including catalysts for petroleum and chemical processing; drying agents for paints and inks; ground coats for porcelain enamels; decolourisers for ceramics and glass; and pigments for ceramics, paints, and plastics.
The Central Bank of the Congo is responsible for developing and maintaining the Congolese franc , which serves as the primary form of currency in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Despite such vast mineral wealth, the economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo has declined drastically since the mids. The Democratic Republic of the Congo DRC is the world's largest producer of cobalt ore, [] and a major producer of copper and diamonds. The latter come from Kasai province in the west.
By far the largest mines in the DRC are located in southern Katanga province formerly Shaba , and are highly mechanized, with a capacity of several million tons per year of copper and cobalt ore, and refining capability for metal ore. The DRC is the second-largest diamond-producing nation in the world, [] and artisanal and small-scale miners account for most of its production. At independence in , DRC was the second-most industrialized country in Africa after South Africa; it boasted a thriving mining sector and a relatively productive agriculture sector.
These conflicts have dramatically reduced national output and government revenue, increased external debt, and resulted in deaths of more than five million people from war and associated famine and disease. Malnutrition affects approximately two thirds of the country's population. Foreign businesses have curtailed operations due to uncertainty about the outcome of the conflict, lack of infrastructure, and the difficult operating environment.
The war intensified the impact of such basic problems as an uncertain legal framework, corruption, inflation, and lack of openness in government economic policy and financial operations. Conditions improved in late , when a large portion of the invading foreign troops withdrew. A number of International Monetary Fund and World Bank missions met with the government to help it develop a coherent economic plan, and President Joseph Kabila began implementing reforms.
Much economic activity still lies outside the GDP data. It ranked lower than Niger , despite a higher margin of improvement than the latter country over 's numbers. The economy of DRC, the second largest country in Africa, relies heavily on mining. However, the smaller-scale economic activity from artisanal mining occurs in the informal sector and is not reflected in GDP data.
The deal was ratified by presidential decree. In , a World Bank report reviewed DR Congo's three biggest mining contracts, finding that the deals, including one with Global Enterprises Company, were approved with "a complete lack of transparency" Mahtani, 3 January Tremalt had a half share in the Mukondo Mine. Boss Mining had rented and operated Bredenkamp's half of Mukondo. Gertler terminated this arrangement.
Katanga Mining Limited , a Swiss-owned company, owns the Luilu Metallurgical Plant, which has a capacity of , tonnes of copper and 8, tonnes of cobalt per year, making it the largest cobalt refinery in the world. After a major rehabilitation program, the company resumed copper production operations in December and cobalt production in May The missing funds date from and tax bodies should have paid them into the central bank.
In February , global asset management firm AllianceBernstein [] defined the DRC as economically "the Saudi Arabia of the electric vehicle age," due to its cobalt resources, as essential to the lithium-ion batteries that drive electric vehicles. Ground transport in the Democratic Republic of Congo has always been difficult. The terrain and climate of the Congo Basin present serious barriers to road and rail construction, and the distances are enormous across this vast country.
The DRC has more navigable rivers and moves more passengers and goods by boat and ferry than any other country in Africa, but air transport remains the only effective means of moving goods and people between many places within the country, especially in rural areas. Chronic economic mismanagement, political corruption and internal conflicts have led to long-term under-investment of infastructure. Like much of the infrastructure in the Congo, the railways are poorly maintained, dirty, crowded and dangerous.
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The Democratic Republic of Congo has thousands of kilometres of navigable waterways. Traditionally water transport has been the dominant means of moving around in approximately two-thirds of the country. Congo Airways was based at Kinshasa's international airport. All air carriers certified by the DRC have been banned from European Union airports by the European Commission, due to inadequate safety standards.
Several international airlines service Kinshasa's international airport and a few also offer international flights to Lubumbashi International Airport. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, there are both coal and crude oil resources that were mainly used domestically in Because of abundant sunlight, potential for solar development is very high in the DRC.
Also, the Caritas network system has a total power of 6. In , the literacy rate for the population between the ages of 15 and 49 was estimated to be Primary education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is not free or compulsory, [ citation needed ] even though the Congolese constitution says it should be Article 43 of the Congolese Constitution.
As a result of the 6-year civil war in the late s-early s, over 5. Actual school attendance has also improved greatly in recent years, with primary school net attendance estimated to be DRC has the world's second-highest rate of infant mortality after Chad. In April , through aid from Global Alliance for Vaccines , a new vaccine to prevent pneumococcal disease was introduced around Kinshasa.
In , it was estimated that about 1. Maternal health is poor in DRC. According to estimates, DRC has the 17th highest maternal mortality rate in the world. Over ethnic groups populate the Democratic Republic of the Congo, of which the majority are Bantu peoples.
The Kongo people are the largest ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In , the United Nations estimated the country's population to be 79 million people, [3] a rapid increase from The most numerous people are the Kongo , Luba , and Mongo. About , Pygmies are the aboriginal people of the DR Congo. Given the situation in the country and the condition of state structures, it is extremely difficult to obtain reliable migration data. However, evidence suggests that DRC continues to be a destination country for immigrants, in spite of recent declines in their numbers.
Additionally, the country's large mine operations attract migrant workers from Africa and beyond. There is also considerable migration for commercial activities from other African countries and the rest of the world, but these movements are not well studied. Immigration to the DRC has decreased steadily over the past two decades, most likely as a result of the armed violence that the country has experienced.
According to the International Organization for Migration , the number of immigrants in the DRC has fallen from just over 1 million in , to , in , to , in , to an estimated , in Official figures are unavailable, partly due to the predominance of the informal economy in the DRC. Data are also lacking on irregular immigrants, however given neighbouring countries' ethnic links to DRC nationals, irregular migration is assumed to be a significant phenomenon. Figures for Congolese nationals abroad vary greatly depending on the source, from 3 to 6 million.
This discrepancy is due to a lack of official, reliable data. Emigrants from the DRC are above all long-term emigrants, the majority of whom live in Africa and to a lesser extent in Europe; New destination countries include South Africa and various points en route to Europe. The DRC has produced a considerable number of refugees and asylum-seekers located in the region and beyond. Since , more than , Congolese migrants have been expelled from Angola.
Christianity is the majority religion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The most recent survey, conducted by the Demographic and Health Surveys Program in indicated that Christians constituted An indigenous religion, Kimbanguism , has the adherence of only 2. There are about 35 million Catholics in the country [2] with six archdioceses and 41 dioceses. Schatzberg has called it the country's "only truly national institution apart from the state. The church owns and manages an extensive network of hospitals, schools, and clinics, as well as many diocesan economic enterprises, including farms, ranches, stores, and artisans' shops.
Kimbanguism was seen as a threat to the colonial regime and was banned by the Belgians. Kimbanguism, officially "the church of Christ on Earth by the prophet Simon Kimbangu", now has about three million members, [] primarily among the Bakongo of Bas-Congo and Kinshasa. Sixty-two Protestant denominations are federated under the umbrella of the Church of Christ in Congo.
With more than 25 million members, it constitutes one of the largest Protestant bodies in the world. The first members of the Baha'i Faith to live in the country came from Uganda in Four years later the first local administrative council was elected. In the National Spiritual Assembly national administrative council was first elected. Though the religion was banned in the s and s, due to misrepresentations of foreign governments, the ban was lifted by the end of the s. In plans were announced to build a national Baha'i House of Worship in the country. Traditional religions embody such concepts as monotheism , animism , vitalism , spirit and ancestor worship , witchcraft , and sorcery and vary widely among ethnic groups.
The syncretic sects often merge elements of Christianity with traditional beliefs and rituals and are not recognized by mainstream churches as part of Christianity. New variants of ancient beliefs have become widespread, led by US-inspired Pentecostal churches which have been in the forefront of witchcraft accusations, particularly against children and the elderly.
Non-denominational church organizations have been formed to capitalize on this belief by charging exorbitant fees for exorcisms. Though recently outlawed, children have been subjected in these exorcisms to often-violent abuse at the hands of self-proclaimed prophets and priests. French is the official language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It is culturally accepted as the lingua franca facilitating communication among the many different ethnic groups of the Congo. Approximately languages are spoken in the country, but only four have the status of national languages: Kituba "Kikongo ya leta" , Lingala , Tshiluba , and Swahili.
Although some people speak these regional, or trade languages as first languages, most of the population speak them as a second language after their own tribal language. Lingala was the official language of the colonial army, the " Force Publique ", under Belgian colonial rule, and remains to this day the predominant language in the armed forces. Since the recent rebellions, a good part of the army in the East also uses Swahili where it is prevalent. When the country was a Belgian colony, the Belgian colonizers instituted teaching and use of the four national languages in primary schools, making it one of the few African nations to have had literacy in local languages during the European colonial period.
This trend was reversed after independence, when French became the sole language of education at all levels. Since the late 19th century, traditional ways of life have undergone changes brought about by colonialism , the struggle for independence, the stagnation of the Mobutu era, and most recently, the First and Second Congo Wars. Despite these pressures, the customs and cultures of the Congo have retained much of their individuality. The country's 81 million inhabitants at close of are mainly rural. Another feature in Congo culture is its music. The DRC has blended its ethnic musical sources with Cuban rumba , and merengue to give birth to soukous.
The same Congolese soukous, under the guidance of "le sapeur", Papa Wemba , have set the tone for a generation of young men always dressed up in expensive designer clothes. Many sports are played in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including football , basketball, and rugby. The sports are played in numerous stadiums throughout the country, including the Stade Frederic Kibassa Maliba.
Internationally, the country is especially famous for its professional basketball NBA and football players. Dikembe Mutombo is one of the best African basketball players to ever play the game. Mutombo is well known for humanitarian projects in his home country. Serge Ibaka , Bismack Biyombo , Christian Eyenga , and Emmanuel Mudiay are others who gained significant international attention in basketball.
Several Congolese players and players of Congolese descent—including strikers Romelu Lukaku , Yannick Bolasie , and Dieumerci Mbokani —have gain prominence in world football. Congolese cuisine is based on maiz, a mixture of maiz with boiling water and sometimes flour. This mixture is called "fufu" in Lingala, "bukali" in Swahili, and "tshibele" in Tshiluba. It's an important meal in DRC, the most important meal.
Everybody can eat it with fish, chicken, or as a meal. It depends on your choice. CD , [] a web-based daily. Congolese authors use literature as a way to develop a sense of national consciousness amongst the Congo people. The tragic history of colonialism and war lead the Congolese people to settle in a place of complacency, accepting the culture that was forced upon them by the Belgium.
The Belgian attitude was paternalism, training and treating Africans as if they were children. Belgian parliament replaced the privately owned free state. This acceptance led to a diffusion of language, and many Congolese people spoke, and wrote in French. Modern Congolese literature began to emerge in the late s. There are a few rare pieces of literature dated back to before WWI , but it was not until about that literature written in French made its appearance in the Congo.
After gaining their independence from Belgium in the s [] , new authors, such as Guy Menga and Jean Pierre Makouta-Mboukou, were inspired by older authors, such as Jean Malonga , and used writing to bring attention to new issues affecting the Congo. The rise of female authors began in the s introducing diversity to Congolese literature and support for gender empowerment. Many authors who have contributed to the success of Congolese literature are now living abroad due to economic and political issues.
Frederick Kambemba Yamusangie writes literature for the between generations of those who grew up in the Congo, during the time when they were colonised, fighting for independence and after. Yamusangie in an interview [] said he felt the distance in literature and wanted to remedy that he wrote the novel, Full Circle, which is a story of a boy named Emanuel who in the beginning of the book feels a difference in culture among the different groups in the Congo and elsewhere.
Rais Neza Boneza , an author from the Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, wrote novels and poems to promote artistic expressions as a way to address and deal with conflicts. Born in , Jean Molonga , was a novelist and storyteller, who sat in parliament from to He was noted for his original work, Coeur d'Aryenne , Heart of Aryenne, consisting of controversial themes; cultural identity, national unity, and reformation of the oppressed.
These authors, along with others, used their platforms to bring awareness to the crises and conflicts that took place in the Congo. A dense tropical rainforest in the DRC's central river basin and eastern highlands is bordered on the east by the Albertine Rift the western branch of Africa's Great Rift System. It includes several of Africa's Great Lakes. Displaced refugees cause or are otherwise responsible for significant deforestation, soil erosion and wildlife poaching.
Another significant issue is environmental damage from mining of minerals, especially diamonds, gold, and coltan — a mineral used to manufacture capacitors. The DRC has the worlds second largest contiguous rain forest after the Amazon as well as other ecosystems including Savanna, swamps and flood plains. According to the World Wildlife Fund , these unique habitats and species make the DRC one of the most valuable yet vulnerable areas in the world for biodiversity, wildlife protection and rainforest sustainability.
Species loss has been cited as a problem in the DRC, brought about or exacerbated by reasons that include deforestation for mining, wood fuel, infrastructure or agriculture, war, illegal poaching and increased consumption of bush meat due to overpopulation and lack of food security. All of these parks have been put on the World Heritage in Danger List.
Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia
The move would open Between and the DRC lost an average of , hectares 0. To mitigate this aid agencies have tried to promote agro-forestry with fast growing trees to avoid over exploitation of the rainforests. However, conversely conflict reduced deforestation for large scale mining due to security instability. One policy being attempted to reduce the deforestation and increase biodiversity in the DRC is the UN-REDD program, which uses emissions trading system so that developed nations can off set their carbon emissions by paying developing nations with rainforest to manage and conserve their forest.
Bush meat refers to any meat which is procured from the wild, as overpopulation and continual conflicts in the DRC has led to food shortages this has therefore increased the use of bush meat. Although, data on bush meat use is not extensive, studies estimate 6 million tonnes of animals are taken for bush meat globally each year. Recently the prevalence of hunting for bush meat has declined because of the risk to hunters and butchers from the Ebola virus from specifically ape and bat meat. There has been a war in the DRC in different levels of intensity since when the country was called Zaire [].
Although what was known as Africas World War had ended in the Eastern part of the country still has on-going skirmishes between rebel groups and government forces []. No other method has reduced species population so dramatically than conflict, when a militia reached the Garamba National Park in with in 3 months, half of the parks elephants two thirds of the buffalos and three quarters of its hippos vanished [].
The reason conflict is so damaging to wildlife is the increased use of bushmeat to feed soldiers, the prevalence of weapons, the lucrative industry of selling exotic animals and ivory as well as the general failure of law and order. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Not to be confused with the neighbouring Republic of the Congo. For other uses, see DRC. Lingala Kikongo Swahili Tshiluba. Congo River and Kongo people. This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.
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Colonisation of the Congo and Congo Free State. June Learn how and when to remove this template message. Administrative divisions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Wildlife of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Politics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Corruption in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Transport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rail transport in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Energy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Renewable energy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Law enforcement in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Demographics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Poverty in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Largest cities or towns in the Democratic Republic of the Congo []. Religion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Languages of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Culture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Media of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Democratic Republic of the Congo portal French language and French-speaking world portal.
Retrieved 7 October Retrieved 29 April Retrieved 10 September Retrieved 30 July United Nations Development Programme. In addition to the manuscript, several watercolour illustrations by the author are also held by the museum. They were not part of the first edition. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux "One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye" was reworded and rewritten some 15 times before achieving its final phrasing. Multiple versions of its many pages were created and its prose then polished over several drafts, with the author occasionally telephoning friends at 2: Many pages and illustrations were cut from the finished work as he sought to maintain a sense of ambiguity to the story's theme and messages.
Included among the deletions in its 17th chapter were references to locales in New York, such as the Rockefeller Center and Long Island. Other deleted pages described the prince's vegetarian diet and the garden on his home asteroid that included beans, radishes, potatoes and tomatoes, but which lacked fruit trees that might have overwhelmed the prince's planetoid. Deleted chapters discussed visits to other asteroids occupied by a retailer brimming with marketing phrases, and an inventor whose creation could produce any object desired at a touch of its controls.
For him, the night is hopeless. And for me, his friend, the night is also hopeless. In April a Parisian auction house announced the discovery of two previously unknown draft manuscript pages that included new text.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The person he meets is an "ambassador of the human spirit". The novella thus takes a more politicized tack with an anti-war sentiment, as 'to gargle' in French is an informal reference to 'honour', which the author may have viewed as a key factor in military confrontations between nations. Werth soon became Saint-Exupery's closest friend outside of his Aeropostale associates. Werth spent the war unobtrusively in Saint-Amour , his village in the Jura , a mountainous region near Switzerland where he was "alone, cold and hungry", a place that had few polite words for French refugees.
I ask children to forgive me for dedicating this book to a grown-up. I have a serious excuse: I have another excuse: I have a third excuse: He needs to be comforted. If all these excuses are not enough then I want to dedicate this book to the child whom this grown-up once was. All grown-ups were children first. But few of them remember it. So I correct my dedication:. The following month, Werth learned of his friend's disappearance from a radio broadcast.
Werth died in Paris in He had studied architecture as a young adult but nevertheless could not be considered an artist — which he self-mockingly alluded to in the novella's introduction. Several of his illustrations were painted on the wrong side of the delicate onion skin paper that he used, his medium of choice. Some appeared as doll-like figures, baby puffins, angels with wings, and even a figure similar to that in Robert Crumb 's later famous Keep on Truckin' of In a letter to a friend he sketched a character with his own thinning hair, sporting a bow tie, viewed as a boyish alter-ego, and he later gave a similar doodle to Elizabeth Reynal at his New York publisher's office.
Usually the boy had a puzzled expression Most of the time he was alone, sometimes walking up a path. Sometimes there was a single flower on the planet. One "most striking" illustration depicted the pilot-narrator asleep beside his stranded plane prior to the prince's arrival. One major source was an intimate friend of his in New York City, Silvia Hamilton later, Reinhardt , to whom the author gave his working manuscript just prior to returning to Algiers to resume his work as a Free French Air Force pilot. Seven unpublished drawings for the book were also displayed at the museum's exhibit, including fearsome looking baobab trees ready to destroy the prince's home asteroid, as well as a picture of the story's narrator, the forlorn pilot, sleeping next to his aircraft.
That image was likely omitted to avoid giving the story a 'literalness' that would distract its readers, according to one of the Morgan Library's staff. You can almost imagine him wandering without much food and water and conjuring up the character of the Little Prince. He would remain immensely proud of The Little Prince , and almost always kept a personal copy with him which he often read to others during the war.
As part of a 32 ship military convoy he voyaged to North Africa where he rejoined his old squadron to fight with the Allies, resuming his work as a reconnaissance pilot despite the best efforts of his friends, colleagues and fellow airmen who could not prevent him from flying. Many of the book's initial reviewers were flummoxed by the fable's multi-layered story line and its morals, [12] perhaps expecting a significantly more conventional story from one of France's leading writers.
Its publisher had anticipated such reactions to a work that fell neither exclusively into a children's nor adult's literature classification. The New York Times wrote shortly before its release "What makes a good children's book? The Little Prince , which is a fascinating fable for grown-ups [is] of conjectural value for boys and girls of 6, 8 and Others were not shy in offering their praise.
In a way it's a sort of credo. Travers , author of the Mary Poppins series of children books, wrote in a Herald Tribune review: The Little Prince will shine upon children with a sidewise gleam. It will strike them in some place that is not the mind and glow there until the time comes for them to comprehend it. The book enjoyed modest initial success, residing on The New York Times Best Seller list for only two weeks, [58] as opposed to his earlier English translation, Wind, Sand and Stars which remained on the same list for nearly five months. As of April , [76] The Little Prince became the world's most translated book into languages together with Italian novel The Adventures of Pinocchio , excluding religious works.
Katherine Woods — [77] produced the classic English translation of , which was later joined by several other English translations. Her original version contained some errors. Each translation approaches the essence of the original with an individual style and focus. Le Petit Prince is often used as a beginner's book for French-language students, and several bilingual and trilingual translations have been published.
As of , it has been translated into more than languages and dialects, including Sardinian , [85] the constructed international languages of Esperanto and Klingon , and the Congolese language Alur , as well as being printed in Braille for blind readers. It is also often used as an introduction into endangered varieties with very few speakers like Maya , Aromanian or Banat Bulgarian It is one of the few modern books to have been translated into Latin , as Regulus, vel Pueri soli sapiunt [86] [87] in by Auguste Haury — and as Regulus in by Alexander Winkler.
In , the book was also translated into Toba Qom , an indigenous language of northern Argentina , as So Shiyaxauolec Nta'a. It was the first book translated into that language since the New Testament. It was also translated to a northern Italian dialect, Vogherese.
- Un piccolo grande amore (Parole) (Italian Edition).
- Choosing the Scope and Structure of Your Blog (ABCs Plus Basics for Websites and Blogs)?
- The Rabbit & The Mouse.
- Luke 11-17 MacArthur New Testament Commentary (MacArthur New Testament Commentary Series);
- ?
Anthropologist Florence Tola, commenting on the suitability of the work for Toban translation, said there is "nothing strange [when] the Little Prince speaks with a snake or a fox and travels among the stars, it fits perfectly into the Toba mythology". Linguists have compared the many translations and even editions of the same translation for style, composition, titles, wordings and genealogy. Many of them are titled Prince From a Star , while others carry the book title that is a direct translation of The Little Prince.
The book in its final form has also been republished in 70th anniversary editions by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in English and by Gallimard in French. Chile had its first translation in ; Peru in February ; Venezuela in , and Uruguay in The argentine writers Julia Bucci and Malena Gagliesi rewrote the story with gender neutrality and switched many characters to the female gender, including the protagonist. The book is titled "La Principesa" "The little princess" , and it was published by Espejos Literarios in The Little Prince is one of the most popular and beloved foreign works of literature in China.
It is reported that there are more than 70 Chinese translations of the novella. Died for France , which was applied by the French government in Additionally, the title character himself has been adapted in a number of promotional roles, including as a symbol of environmental protection , by the Toshiba Group. The multi-layered fable, styled as a children's story with its philosophical elements of irony and paradox directed towards adults, allowed The Little Prince to be transferred into various other art forms and media, including:.
The exhibition displayed the original manuscript, translated by the museum's art historian Ruth Kraemer, [] as well as a number of the story's watercolours drawn from the Morgan's permanent collection. In January , the museum mounted a third, significantly larger, exhibition centered on the novella's creative origins and its history.
The major showing of The Little Prince: A New York Story celebrated the story's 70th anniversary. It was if visitors were able to look over his shoulder as he worked, according to curator Christine Nelson. The new, more comprehensive exhibits included 35 watercolor paintings and 25 of the work's original handwritten manuscript pages, [] with his almost illegible handwriting penciled onto 'Fidelity' watermarked onion skin paper.
The autograph manuscript pages included struck-through content that was not published in the novella's first edition. As well, some 43 preparatory pencil drawings that evolved into the story's illustrations accompanied the manuscript, many of them dampened by moisture that rippled its onion skin media. He presented his working manuscript and its preliminary drawings in a "rumpled paper bag", placed onto her home's entryway table, offering, "I'd like to give you something splendid, but this is all I have".
One of the "story playgrounds" — a series of playgrounds themed after famous children's stories in Holon , Israel — is themed after The Little Prince. It features sculptures and play structures depicting scenes and characters from the book. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the novella. For the animated film, see The Little Prince film. For other uses, see Little Prince. List of The Little Prince adaptations. Other sources, such as LePetitPrince. A Memoir , published in Taking off with an open book balanced on his leg, his ground crew would fear his mission would quickly end after contacting something "very hard".
On one flight, to the chagrin of colleagues awaiting his arrival, he circled the Tunis airport for an hour so that he could finish reading a novel. Their discussions, passed through Anne's meager French, were somewhat muted.

However, the excited conversation between Antoine and Anne soon blossomed "like monster flowers", with each finishing the other's sentences. The meeting between the two future P war pilots was termed "less than a rousing success". Moreover, Charles later became unhappy about his wife's vast esteem for the French adventurer.
He originally wrote the story with 43 sunsets, but posthumous editions often quote '44 sunsets', possibly in tribute. He utilized all his contacts and powers of persuasion to overcome his age and physical handicap barriers, which would have completely barred an ordinary patriot from serving as a war pilot. He volunteered for almost every such proposed mission submitted to his squadron, and protested fiercely after being grounded following his second sortie which ended with a demolished P His connections in high places, plus a publishing agreement with Life Magazine , were instrumental in having the grounding order against him lifted.
In response, de Gaulle struck back at the author by implying that the author was a German supporter, and then had all his literary works banned in France's North African colonies. Retrieved 26 October Archived 2 May at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 6 January Johnston Press Digital Publishing. Retrieved 4 August Retrieved 26 October subscription. Archived from the original on 7 June Retrieved 5 February Retrieved 5 May The Little Prince Tone , Shmoop. Retrieved 7 April Retrieved 6 April A Biography , New York: Linking Nuclear Science and Diplomacy".
La Presse , 13 September Retrieved 16 October Retrieved 19 May Retrieved 25 March Saint-Exupery in New York". The New York Times. Retrieved 22 October Retrieved 24 January Retrieved 10 August Visions of a Little Prince. Archived from the original documentary research on 9 November Retrieved 30 October Le blog des amis de Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Retrieved 29 September Made in the U. Archived 28 March at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 26 February C25 New York edition. La Presse , 27 January Retrieved 12 February Retrieved 4 May Archived from the original on 11 May Retrieved 3 May Retrieved 4 December Archived 11 August at the Wayback Machine.
Retrieved 3 September Retrieved 21 April Archived from the original on 25 January Archived from the original on 20 April Retrieved 14 April Retrieved 5 April It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. Archived 18 February at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 21 July Retrieved 16 January Retrieved 16 September Retrieved 23 October Retrieved 22 April Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved 15 April