Are Those Really Diamonds Becky? (Tuther Village Adventure Book 4)
You'd think by now he'd have phoned one in or written a clunker, but he hasn't. He's the good book factory. It's as simple as that. It would have been easy for Sandford to make Flowers a young version of Davenport, hell, I doubt any of his read John Sandford is so consistent it's just not fair to the other writers in his genre. It would have been easy for Sandford to make Flowers a young version of Davenport, hell, I doubt any of his readers would have even minded if he had, but once again in Mad River, Sandford continues to evolve the Virgil Flowers character in a similar, yet divergent path from Davenport and it just makes these "Fucking Flowers" books that much more enjoyable.
And you know this little fling with Flowers is serious now, we get to meet his parents. The action is solid, the pace--like with all of Sandford's books--is superb and the continued development of Flowers as a character is excellent and is illustrated perfectly toward the end of the book when Flowers does some very un-Davenport-like things, against the advice of Davenport himself.
And as long as I'm on the subject, I love the interaction between the two. Davenport is only a minor character in this series, but he's an important one, drawing the many contrasts between himself and Flowers. And I particularly like the way, as different as they are and think, that they get along so well and have each other's backs. There are some really subtle things in these interactions that I really enjoyed, it makes it easy to be a fan of both series.
Always good for some dry humor and another way to contrast Flowers unique style, the two characters are a welcome recurring part of these books. My only complaint is that I can't spend more than a day or two reading Sandford's books. When I'm reading one, everything else on my to-do list gets reassigned and procrastinated. If you're a fan of this series, this book will not disappoint. If you've never read one, it's time to jump in, and while this book is a perfectly acceptable place to jump in--the series is new enough that you should definitely go back and start from the beginning.
You can't go wrong reading them all. Jan 27, Michael rated it liked it Shelves: I liked this portrayal of desperate frustration among the police trying to catch a young couple on a killing spree. He is easy to like for his down home charm and humor and for his pragmatic and persistent determination to find justice. It all starts with Jimmie and Becky, a pair of aimless youth down on their luck, along with a friend Tom along for the ride, seeking to rob a household of jewelry. A killing by Jimmie during execution of the crime puts them on the run, and attempts to garner cars and hideouts leads to more killings.
As the body count rises, the massive manhunt by Virgil and local sheriff departments always seems to be one step behind. The rural Minnesota landscape is just too vast. As hopeless as their situation is, they somehow imagine a romantic future where they can live the American Dream, kids and all. Virgil tries to make sense of it all: Were they simply put here to kill people at random, because, for some people, people needed to be killed at random? Half the People Are Below Average. They were below average, and God had made them that way.
There was no way that they were ever going to be anything but that; they could watch all the above-average people they wanted, on television, driving around in big cars and making enormous amounts of money out of nothing … or just working at the post office, or going to trade school to be plumbers or carpenters. They were condemned from birth to a life of hard times and trouble.
Well sir, I guess there's just a meanness in this world. Through much of the book, Flowers is frustrated in his efforts to resolve his case on that, despite tantalizing progress in his mounting pieces of evidence against the likely culprit. View all 3 comments. Sep 01, Eleven rated it it was amazing. Dude keeps getting better with every book. His latest ten books are easily better than the first ten. I also recommend the Virgil Flowers series over the Prey novels but I like them all. I've done a few of these on audio lately and I think Sandford uses the same narrator for all his books.
The reader is excellent and consistent.
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I may stick to these in audio now since quality narrators are a somewhat rare commodity. I don't think I'll ever tire of Sandford's writing in any medium. Oct 23, Seeley James rated it it was amazing. There are only three authors whose books I will preorder, no matter what they write. All three for the same reasons: I learn a great deal about writing from them; they each have a unique talent; they never disappoint; and, despite being deep into their respective franchise formulas, every book they write is fresh.
His bad guys are perfect descriptions of the lowlifes who turn to crime to sol There are only three authors whose books I will preorder, no matter what they write. His bad guys are perfect descriptions of the lowlifes who turn to crime to solve their problems. No evil overlords with bazillions in cash and secret armies marching around in his books. His criminals are the kind you read about in the true crimes section of your local paper.
Poorly educated, abused in some way or another, and nearly-sympathetic morons who, for one reason or another make a stupid decision to start killing people. Plausibility is a key ingredient for any writer: Would a group of killers on the Orient Express really commit gross overkill when they could have just pushed the victim out the door? We generally set these cynical questions aside to enjoy the story. His gritty, realistic killers start out as simple minds executing what should be a simple plan.
Then things spiral out of control. Then you find yourself feeling sorry for them. Sorry for their stupidity. Your rational mind is torn between jailing them and just killing them. This time around, Mr. Not only does he create the excellent criminals we love to hate, but he also makes a good guy who shakes our faith in the criminal justice system and makes us examine our personal concepts of right and wrong. There is a scene in this book that blew me away. I saw it coming but refused to believe that a good guy could do something so heinous.
And he did it so well he might get away with it. Whether he should or not could keep you thinking for a long time. Personally, I have no reservations. I know exactly what should happen to this good-bad guy, but this is a book review, not a political statement. You can thank me later. In the climax, Mr. Sandford creates another situation in which we must examine right versus wrong and justice versus vigilantism.
In doing so, he leaves certain issues unresolved. Some people like iron resolutions. This is not one of them. And reality is never pretty. You will think about it long after you close the book. Somewhere in the vastness of the Internet, I found something written by Mr. Sandford about his background in journalism. I searched like the crazy to find it again for this review, but you know how fast that river flows … gone. He said he was surrounded by great writers wherever he worked in the newspaper business. He does it with ease and an honest mid-western voice.
He does it with confidence and beautifully written passages. Whatever background he had produced one of the strongest voices in fiction today. You can hear the Midwestern accents in his characters, you can feel the dusty farm roads, you can smell the tilled earth. It is a brave author who can write stories filled with real people who use real four letter words and think real thoughts about sex and religion. In these godless days, many authors leave religion, and its accompanying quagmire, out entirely.
Below is a passage from his character Virgil Flowers, who is the son of a Midwestern pastor: Was it possible that politicians and hedge-fund operators were some kind of garbled cosmic computer code? Mad River is a must-read for intelligent readers. You might like it too. It also makes a good holiday gift for that know-it-all friend of yours who always spouts left or right wing dogma.
Shut him up for a week. Peace, Seeley For more reviews, visit my website SeeleyJames. So far, so good. I have no relationship, financial or familial, with the authors. I do not expect, but would not refuse, any reciprocal reviews or recommendations.
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Dec 01, Andrew Smith rated it really liked it. My initial impression, from the first Flowers book, was that any story featuring Davenport's sidekick from the Prey series as the lead character would be be no more than a snack leaving readers hungry for another helping of the main course - the next Lucas Davenport tale.
I've since read a couple more Flowers books well what else can you do when you've already ticked off off the available adventures in the Prey series and I have to say I've become a Virgil Flowers convert. I was g I was wrong. I was gripped by this tale of a redneck chase across Southern Minnesota. The difference between Virgil and Lucas does come across strongly courtesy of the conversations the reader observes between the two. Ok, they're both good looking law enforcement officers with an eye for the ladies but increasingly it's their differences I was drawn to not their similarities.
I like the exploration of the religious tensions here as Virgil's upbringing as a preacher's son is offset against the violent, bad guy world he inhabits. In fact, tension is probably the wrong word as Virgil certainly doesn't seems uncomfortable with where he sits on religion; if it's not quite a belief then it's certainly not a denial and it does seem to give some direction to the actions our hero takes.
He's a passionate about enforcing the law but ultimately he is able to take a view and follow a path that is, shall we say, more flexible. View all 7 comments. Dec 04, Sue rated it really liked it Recommends it for: There's a lot of testosterone in Sandford's novels, lawmen in the cities and wilds of Minnesota fighting against all manner of depraved law breakers.
But there are also plots woven with some interesting details of detection, some character development that is a bit unexpected, especially with Virgil Flowers. Once again I liked this latest installment in the series t There's a lot of testosterone in Sandford's novels, lawmen in the cities and wilds of Minnesota fighting against all manner of depraved law breakers. Once again I liked this latest installment in the series the other is the Lucas Davenport series and they often appear in each other's books in cameos.
It was a bit bloodier than usual but also had a bit more complex trail to follow. Recommended for the right reader. Aug 31, Lynnski rated it really liked it Shelves: At times it kept me on the edge of my seat and other times it had me laughing out loud. He is a fantastic cop with honor, compassion and a touch of sarcasm. I will definitely be reading more of his adventures. Another fun read with Virgil Flowers and the gang. It's a good story, with a bit of meat to chew on, and the usual fun dialog and jokes. The basic story is fairly straightforward, and we know the perpetrators all along - a trio of young, very dumb losers who begin killing people, presumably over jealousy about an expensive diamond necklace worn to a reunion.
But if that were all there was, it would be pretty boring, so there's another possibility - perhaps someone paid the killer to do the deed Another fun read with Virgil Flowers and the gang. But if that were all there was, it would be pretty boring, so there's another possibility - perhaps someone paid the killer to do the deed for some reason. So, they follow the money, figure out who probably did it, but there's one problem: But with witnesses either dying or disappearing, it becomes very possible that he may just get away with it.
Jan 16, Mary rated it really liked it. Love this series from John Sandford! Sep 23, Sarescent rated it really liked it Shelves: Another solid effort from John Sandford. Mad River's villains are a misfit Bonnie and Clyde pair on a killing spree through the Minnesota countryside. It starts with what seems like a pointless murder during a house robbery and soon, Jimmy and Becky great names for this pair are killing everyone in sight, looking for money, and day-dreaming about running off to Texas, Mexico, or Australia.
Virgil Flowers the greatest of great names is chasing after them while dealing with a bloodthirsty loca Another solid effort from John Sandford. Virgil Flowers the greatest of great names is chasing after them while dealing with a bloodthirsty local sheriff and his growing suspicion that there was more to the first murder than meets the eye. This book was a non-stop thrill ride and I finished most of it in one night. I found it interesting that the reader knows who the killers are the whole time and we have to watch Virgil spinning his wheels, so to speak, trying to catch them.
There is also a great depiction of how the media's relentless coverage of horrific crimes like these affect the cops trying to solve them, and how "Have Badge, Will Travel" cops like Virgil have to figure out a way to do what they think is right while not alienating local sheriffs and cops. As always, Virgil uses his schmoozing skills to work the case. There is a great scene of a prison focus group where Virgil is trying to narrow down where Jimmy and Becky could be hiding out. I also thought the characterization of Jimmy, Becky, and their loser third-wheel friend were excellently done.
You see how the three of them were doomed early on, just fucked-up arrested development teenagers who have no life skills or realistic dreams. Sandford has created an amazing character in Virgil, and I am eagerly waiting for his next adventure.
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Another enjoyable audio listen, this time read by Eric Conger. This book is part of the Virgil Flowers series by Sandford. Flowers is a BCA Bureau of Criminal Apprehension - weird name for a state police agency if there ever was one agent working under Lucas Davenport who makes several cameo appearances. This is not an investigatory police procedural. The story alternatives between Flowers and the killers' narratives.
There's never any doubt who's guilty, the only mystery being their ultimate Another enjoyable audio listen, this time read by Eric Conger. There's never any doubt who's guilty, the only mystery being their ultimate motivation for the first killing. Mostly it's the chase of three dysfunctional kids who go on a rampage following a simplistic contract killing. They are totally sociopathic and embark on an unintentional soon becoming otherwise killing spree.
As the killing intensifies and the killers remain at large, the tension escalates into a conflict between Virgil and the local cops as to how best to deal with the miscreants. That provided one of the subtexts that I found interesting: I think I prefer the Flower series to the Davenport. Flowers just seems to be a more interesting and introspective than Lucas who often strikes me as superficial.
Jan 17, Kathy Davie rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sixth in the Virgil Flowers detective mystery thriller series and loosely affiliated with the Lucas Davenport series. This revolves around Virgil, a laidback detective who enjoys the hunt, writes outdoors articles, and loves indie bands. It takes place in Minnesota in early April. My Take It starts bad and only gets much, much worse. I may not enjoy the same types of music that Virgil does, but I do like how Sandford personalizes Virgil. His pass Sixth in the Virgil Flowers detective mystery thriller series and loosely affiliated with the Lucas Davenport series.
His passion for music, his enjoyment of ticking off fellow cops and unsettling witnesses with those T-shirts, his writing — although I do miss how Sandford used to have him writing up scenarios about his crime scenes, his wondering if "politicans and hedge-fund operators were garbled cosmic computer code" while God was writing viruses after drinking Big Gulps and Satan was running denial-of-service attacks, and he must be hell with the ladies… "'Listen, I gotta tell you. Oh the joys of small town living, lol. Geez, that Sheriff Duke…hoo, boy. Sounds like a real pisser what with that concentration camp he wanted to set up.
I did appreciate what Virgil had to say about what court orders couldn't do, lol. Just think, what if it could do that!! I hafta agree with Virgil.
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I don't like the Bare County sheriff's department either. There have been a number of good cops in this series, and the Lucas Davenport series, and then there are the idiots who don't think past their noses. Still, Virgil should have told Duke his concerns about the real reason for Ag Murphy's death. I am curious as well as to why Virgil got called in to the deaths in Shinder.
I can't imagine it was all that much different from most murders…? And I'm torn between not having to deal with the stupid schmucks and wondering about the other stupid schmucks. It was cold-blooded murder. Shrake is the one with whom I agree. Any excuse would be fine, but not what Duke and his men did. Then there are the politics afterwards… I hate politics. That they affect so many decisions about our lives. It's kind of vague, but he makes a good point about some aspect of a subject will grab your attention.
Sally's experience with her dad's business runs along this same line of attraction. We finally get some real interaction with Virgil's parents. His father cracked me up with that contrast between his obsession with Genesis and Ishmael at the start and then his willingness to take a gun and go in with Virgil. Then we swing around to that doubt Virgil has about his mother and Darrin Wanger. Certainly does provide a, hmmm, "rounded" perspective on the Flowers family. I love how tight the O'Learys are.
How concerned they are for each other. How they take each others' temperaments and abilities into account, even how Virgil takes into account the good the O'Learys provide society. For contrast, there is the stupid threesome. How they lasted long enough to become adults, or should I ask why they lasted this long? Reading of their reactions to the people they kill. The betrayal and stupid stories they come up with. Of course, then the stories wouldn't seem so possible, would they? Virgil is using a survey along the lines of what George Peck from Shock Wave , 5, suggested but with the Stillwater inmates.
It truly amazes me how Sandford keeps coming up with one story after another that is so good!! The Story Bonnie and Clyde, they thought. The Characters The laid back Agent Virgil Flowers roams a section of Minnesota and is pulled in for the really hard cases. He does, however, have a new-to-him boat, a Ranger Angler. Even the director of the BCA said it was okay.
Johnson Johnson is an old friend of Virgil's. Beatrice Sawyer is a crime scene tech along with Don Baldwin. Jenkins and Shrake are a couple of agents whom Davenport sends along when thugs are needed. Cletus Boykin is a highway patrolman and a friend of Shrake's. Henry Sands is the BCA director. Rose Marie Roux is the overall boss. Ruffe Ignace is a reporter with the Star Tribune in Minneapolis who has helped the police in the past. Sandy Hunstad and Brett Thomas are special prosecutors. Bare County is run by… … Sheriff Lewis Duke , a.
Bob Drake is their crime-scene guy. Dave Jennings is the duty officer that day. Ross Price is investigating the Bigham murders. Mickey Burden is a public defender. Josh Meadows is the county attorney. Margery Garfield was their neighbor. Mickey Berenson keeps track of everybody. Jolene O'Hara was Jimmy's mother who took off. Ralph was one of the teachers. Harvey , Earl , and Sue are some of the townspeople. John O'Leary , a doctor, is her husband. Mary Hogan is Marsha's mother. Emmett Williams was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Virginia McCall is Tom's mother and doesn't deny a thing.
Robert Frett is the assistant principal in charge of discipline. George is a young teller. Bud Wright is an editor at the Bigham Gazette willing to put in Virgil's request. Marshall, Minneosta is… …in Lyon County and the town where Virgil grew up. Flowers , Virgil's father, is with the Lutheran church.
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Darrin and Marcia Wanger he's president of a local bank in Marshall are friends of the Flowerses. Father Paul Berry is a Catholic priest at St. Mary's and one of Rev. Carew lives next door to the Boxes; his wife, Viv , wants to know about the Buds. Barbara is a student who rents a garage loft from Sally. Dick Murphy is Agatha's estranged husband. Stan Murphy is his jerk of a father who always swings towards the money. Randy White is a friend of Dick Murphy's, and he works for the county road department.
Stan is Randy's supervisor. I can't help but like his reactions, lol. Donny Morton shoots pool with Dick. Marjorie Kay talked to Becky at the pool parlor. George Petersen is an over-the-road trucker. Martha Atkins is Royce's mother. Honor Roberts , a fence, is one of the people in Lucas' database. Clarence and Edie Towne lived in a farmhouse. Dale Jones works a gas station by the Mad River.
Arnie Schmidt and his wife foster four kids who are all mentally challenged. Gates lives alone on his farm. Jimmy Sharp is the leader of this stupid pack. And I do mean stupid, lordy. Becky Welsh was pretty enough to think she should go to Hollywood, but what she learns in the old guy's house…yep, she's gotta be stupid not to have figured this out. The useless Tom McCall was in high school with them and has been hot for Becky since 9th grade.
Mankato, Minnesota, is… …where Virgil lives. Cornelius Cooper owns the Rooster Coop in Mankato. Bob "Bob-Bob" Roberts is a cop there. I think Georgina is the police dispatcher. Ronald Deutch is Tom's landlord in St. Daisy Jones is an on-camera reporter. Doctors Rogers and Wu treat Virgil. Mary Lawson and that Momentus golf club of hers went to town on Rolf. The Cover and Title The cover is in the style of a classic painting with a less than classic landscape: The painting at the bottom of the cover takes up less than half with a brief notation of the series information.
Above is a deep burgundy background with the author's name in an embossed gold and white. The title is the ultimate meet-up at the Mad River bridge. Flowers is quite the character. His idea this time was a real hoot, but makes sense. I'm not so sure I buy the ultimate disposition of one criminal, but thought it was well done even so. On to the next Prey book. Nov 24, Tom Swift rated it really liked it. The Compound by S. Bodeen Ages 12—up Ellis, the year old son of a billionaire, has spent the last six years in the massive underground shelter his father built to shelter the family from the nuclear war that destroyed the world above.
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker Ages 15—up Elizabeth 16 and her best friend Caleb hunt witches for the Inquisitor, Lord Blackwell, in an alternative medieval England where witchcraft of any kind is banned. Elizabeth firmly believes that witches are evil and deserve to be burnt at the stake, until her own innocent possession of herbs causes Lord Blackwell to arrest her and sentences her to death. Elizabeth is rescued by Nicholas Perevil, a wizard who hopes Elizabeth can rescue him from a deadly curse.
The Journeys of 16 Extraordinary Black Souls by Tonya Bolden Ages 10—14 The 16 short biographical stories are presented in chronological order, beginning with Venture Smith, the son of a West Aftican prince who was sold into slavery, freed himself and his family, and fought in the Revolutionary War. An badly injured French woman gave Gloria her baby to care for. Her classmates teased her unmercifully, and the Parvi Pennati a Small Person with Wings who hates to be called a fairy moved out.
Now 13, Mellie and her family move into an inn inherited from her grandfather. Before long Mellie finds that she has not left her problems behind. The inn is infested with Parvi, and Mellie learns that her family must honor a thousand-year old agreement to provide a home for the Parvi. Themes of bullying and alcoholism are explored in this clever and humorous fairy story. Saving Hamlet by Molly Booth Ages 12—up Emma is excited about the start of her high school sophomore year.
She has joined the drama club and is given the job of assistant stage manager for the production of Hamlet. But everything goes wrong very quickly: Then Emma falls through a trapdoor and comes out in the Globe Theater in With her short hair everyone, including Will Shakespeare, thinks she is a boy and she struggles to understand Elizabethan English while learning the job of backstage assistant in the premiere of Hamlet. When he discovered that the image was being used as Holocaust-denying propaganda, he decided to share his memories.
Assisted by his daughter Debbie, he learned that of the 3, Jews living in Zarki, Poland before the Holocaust, fewer than 30 survived. This moving memoir gives a very human face to the horrors of the Holocaust. The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow Ages 14—up Four centuries after an AI known as Talis took over the world to prevent humanity from destroying itself, peace is maintained by keeping one child of each world leader hostage.
If a war is started, the child of that leader will be killed. Greta is used to her role, but the arrival of Elian, a new hostage from the American Alliance who has no intention of playing by the rules, changes everything. Then the American Alliance declares war on the Pan Polar Confederacy, putting both of their lives at risk. When she returns for the start of the next school year, she is worried that everyone will find out.
Marianna, the new girl in town, wants Amber for her best friend, and Wren is compromised by the secret she is hiding. Then Wren learns that Marianna had to ask the same questions that Wren is worrying about now. He is attacked by a gang and fleeing a group of armed men when he stumbles across a toddler, Jen, and her teen-aged mother, Becky. Blade becomes their unwilling protector as he tries to elude his pursuers, unsure if they are after him or Becky. This intense and bleak thriller ends with a cliff-hanger. Disguised as a boy, Kate 18 sets off west in search of vengeance. She is joined by Jesse and Will Colton, brothers in search of gold, and guided by Liluye, an Apache girl.
Young Jack is rescued by a powerful Samurai who adopts him and trains him to join the warrior class. Since he is a foreigner, Jack is treated as an outcast at Samurai school and must use all his wit and skill to survive and succeed. First in a projected trilogy, this fast-paced adventure set in medieval Japan is full of spellbinding bits of history, culture, and martial arts. On alternating weeks, Ray and Sascha, who he has never met, stay in the same bedroom at the summerhouse. One summer Emma gets engaged, Mattie discovers a family secret, and Ray finally gets to meet Sascha.
This funny and tragic novel explores the long-held grudges of split families. Going Bovine by Libba Bray Ages 14—up Cameron Smith 16 is coasting through high school in the shadow of his perfect sister. In the hospital he is visited by Dulcie, a neon pink angel who just may be a hallucination. Dulcie convinces Cameron to go on a quest to find a cure and save the world with the help of Gonzo, a neurotic dwarf, and Balder, a Norse god who is trapped in the form of a garden elf. Merrow by Ananda Braxton-Smith Ages 14—up Neen Marrey 12 has been raised by her aunt Ushag since she was a toddler, her father downed while out fishing, and her mother disappeared soon afterward.
The villagers of Carrick whisper unkind speculations, but Neen, who loves the tales of blind fiddler Skully Slevin of merrow mermaids , selkies, krakens, and changelings, secretly believes that her mother returned to her merrow family to live below the sea. Poppy is a troubled teen, causing trouble wherever she goes. Ember is a young witch, struggling to make a place for herself within the coven. After a chance meeting in the woods they become friends, they share knowledge of their different worlds and discover the reason for their uneasiness — the evil witch Raven Hawkweed switched the babies at birth.
A homeless boy named Leo captures both of their hearts and drives them apart, just as they are trying to come to terms with their true identities. The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough Ages 12—up Flora is black and Henry is white, and the odds of them becoming a couple in depression-era Seattle are slight. But their similarities outweigh their differences: And they are the current pawns of Love Henry who plays bass and baseball and Death Flora who sings and wants to be a pilot.
Airplanes and music bring the two together with surprising results. Black Rabbit Summer by Kevin Brooks Ages 12—up Five teens, formerly close friends and now acquaintances, visit their long-abandoned hideout. The next morning Raymond, who believes his black rabbit can talk, and a young starlet who was taunting him the evening before are missing. As the police hunt for the celebrity, Pete searches for Raymond.
This brooding thriller explores teenaged alienation and the nature of relationships. Touching portrayal of tough issues with an empathetic narrator who introduces shades of gray into the usual black and white view of sexuality and gender. Stories of selflessness and courage are balanced against examples of racism, incompetence, and criminality.
Marking the ten year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina,a portion of the proceeds from this book has been donated to Habitat for Humanity New Orleans. As a graduation present, her best friends Bethany and Zack have the road trip all planned. Then Alex falls for Cole, a new senior who she feels truly loves and understands her. But Cole is jealous of her friendship with Zack, and prone to violent rages. When Nick brings a shotgun to school and begins shooting people on the list before killing himself, Val is wounded trying to stop him.
Their family life centers around establishing routines to make Grayson feel comfortable, so Kendra compensates by trying to be perfect academically and personally. When a cheating scandal threatens to destroy her academic success, Kendra snaps and drags Grayson off on a road trip from Missouri to California, hoping to find a way to fix both their lives. The bond and rivalry between siblings is sensitively explored in this road trip novel.
In , Mary and her family left Illinois to settle in California. Mary cares for her younger siblings, helps move rocks and trees blocking the wagons, and endures thirst in the desert. The worst is the final ordeal when they become trapped in the ice and snow at Donnor Pass, resorting to cannibalism in order to survive. Spark is horrified to discover that Stowney House has no modern conveniences, not even a telephone or electricity.
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The handwritten notebooks begin in the court of Louis XIV in Versailles and continue to the present, all written in the same handwriting. John Stone is a year-old semperviven, both blessed and cursed with very long life, who hopes that Spark will help him and the other sempervivens hide their true nature. At the age of three Felix was accidentally fused with Zyx, a hyper-intelligent being from the fourth dimension. A risky procedure to separate them is scheduled in 29 days. Luckily Felix is supported by his loving parents, his piano prodigy older sister, and his gender-fluid grandparent who alternates between Vera and Vern.
Laughing at My Nightmare by Shane Burcaw Ages 14—up This frank and funny autobiography describes what it is like to grow up dependent on other people for nearly everything. Shane Burcaw was born with spinal muscular atrophy SMA leaving him confined to a wheelchair and unable to care for himself. Now 21, Shane has blogged about his disability and launched a nonprofit to spread his message of using humor to deal with adversity.
Now 12, and living with his loving adoptive American family, Matt is still haunted by memories of the family he left behind. The Hit by Melvin Burgess Ages 14—up Everyone is talking about the expensive new drug is called Death, which gives the ultimate high for a week and then kills you. When Adam learns that his brother Jess is also dead, taking Death himself sounds like the perfect escape from his dead-end life in Manchester. Jessie is beginning her junior year at Wood Valley High, an exclusive prep school, and feels totally unprepared for fitting in at her new school.
Jessie comes to depend on the emails from SN, but is not sure how far she can trust the advice, and is constantly wondering who SN really is. He forages for food in dumpsters or steals, protected by his well-trained dog and his own courage. Inside the card he discovers a lottery ticket he had forgotten about, containing the winning numbers. Bully has only five days to find an adult he can trust to help him claim his prize. Janks, a pit bull breeder who runs dog fights, learns of the ticket and pursues Bully. Sometimes crude but always funny, this book will appeal to teenaged male readers.
While swimming in Lake Union she discovers the body of Anna Youngwolf Floyd, who jumped off a bridge. Mads tows the body ashore and becomes obsessed by the dead woman and her grieving son, Billy, who frees dogs from owners he considers unfit. When Mads and Billy meet they connect through the book he always carries in his pocket: The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Tess tries to keep the plant alive and make a new life for herself with the help of a boy she meets at the library. Each chapter begins with information about a seed, underscoring the theme of rebirth and growth.
When her own romance also disintegrates, Quinn wonders if there are any good men out there. Then she discovers that her womanizing father, Prince Charming, may have stolen more than the hearts of the women he charmed. She is stunned and delighted to be offered the role of Echo, and when the world-famous director asks Zara to promise she will have no outside commitments to distract her from the play, she is eager to comply. Zara finds a dead body during her first visit to the theater, a second death occurs during rehearsals, and Zara receives ominous warnings.
Entangled by Amy Rose Capetta Ages 14—up The scattered remains of the human race live as second-class citizens on alien worlds, weakened by a sickness brought on by space travel. When the Noise suddenly stops, Cade learns she is the product of an experiment and has been entangled since birth with a boy named Xan, now held captive in an area of space infested with black holes. With the help of a human smuggler, an alien captain, and his sentient ship, Cade sets out to rescue Xan. Rigg 13 lives a quiet life with his father in the backwoods, using his ability to see the trails left by animals and people anywhere from minutes to thousands of years earlier.
The second story is that of starship captain Ram Odin, whose interspacial jump to a new colony planet causes a paradox with far-reaching consequences. The twin stories stretch across centuries in this fascinating series opener. Heap House by Edward Carey Ages 10—up The Iremonger family of Filching has made a fortune from junk, and the extensive family lives in a mansion constructed from salvaged materials. Each Iremonger possesses a birth object like a sink plug or mustache cup that they must always keep close or face death or transformation.
Clod is considered strange because he can hear the birth objects speak. Orphaned Lucy Pennant comes to Heap House as a servant, and Clod finds himself falling in love as he and Lucy uncover dark Iremonger family secrets. Carleson Ages 12—up Laila 15 grew up believing she was a princess.
When her father is killed in a coup and Laila and her mother escape from the war-torn middle east to the United States, she learns the rest of the world viewed her father as a cruel dictator. But Sophronia quickly realizes that the school, a giant dirigible floating above the moors, is not quite what her mother envisioned. Along with the other young ladies, Sophronia learns the skills of deceit, espionage, and assissination along with etiquette. This skillful blend of paranormal and steampunk is the first in the Finishing School series.
The floating school travels to London to witness a technological breakthrough: She is plain, overweight, and has never done anything remarkable, though she does hold the rare and mysterious Godstone embedded in her stomach. Offered a safe marriage with a handsome neighboring king, Elisa agrees, but is surprised when she arrives to her new home and discovers that her husband wants to keep their marriage a secret.
Then Elisa is kidnapped by an invading army and realizes she is also being hunted by dark magicians. Instead of crumbling in the face of danger, Elisa grows in strength and resourcefulness. This engaging fantasy is the first in a planned trilogy. The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Queen Elisa 17 fears there is a possible traitor in her palace and is being pressured by her council to either marry or give up her power to a regent.
Evading assassination and kidnapping, Elisa is guided by the mysterious Godstone embedded in her navel to search for the zafira — the soul of the world and the source of all magic. This gripping romantic novel is the sequel to The Girl of Fire and Thorns. The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Queen Elisa 17 heads off to enemy territory with her companions to rescue the man she loves. Meanwhile, a traitor at home plots to overthrow her.
The journey takes the young sorcerer queen through the bitterly cold land of Invierne, where she she hopes to destroy the source of their magic and win peace, and to the Basajuan desert where peace will be even more difficult to attain. Walk on Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson Ages 13—up Leah 15 lives in an isolated part of Georgia with her ailing parents in the early s. Leah has the ability to know when gold is near, and uses her talent to support her parents. When a gold rush hits Dahlonega, her parents are murdered, and Leah flees her uncle who wants to utilize her talents. Disguised as a boy, Leah joins a wagon train headed to California with her friend Jefferson, who is half-white and half-Cherokee.
This exciting adventure is the first in the Gold Seer trilogy. Graceling by Kristin Cashore Ages 14—up People with special talents, called Gracelings, are identified by their unusual eyes. Katsa has one green and one blue eye, but it is not until she is eight that her special talent is discovered—killing. By age 18 she is henchwoman to the king. Hating her job, Katsa creates a secret council to work against corrupt power.
Teens and adults struggling to put their own talents to good use will enjoy this riveting novel. Fire by Kristin Cashore Ages 14—up Fire, an orphan with hair as red as her name, can control the minds of everyone around her. Young King Nash is barely holding on to his throne, while rebel lords in the north and south build armies in hopes of taking over the throne.
This suspenseful and romantic companion volume prequel to Graceling , shares one pivotal character. The house is build into a green hillside, and has a yew tree as one wall. Clare discovers that the tree has a door, and Finn, a sort-of-human boy, lives on the other side. This luminous fantasy is often quite scary. She is invisible and helpless. Then Anke makes the volleyball team at school and her confidence builds until she begins to hope that her voice will soon be loud enough to rescue everyone at home, including herself. This powerful novel in poems is devastating yet offers empowerment and hope.
Narrated by the nameless elderly author, this engaging examination of love and the art of storytelling is intricately told. The Testing is an intensive mental and physical trials to choose the best and the brightest youth to attend the university and work to repair the damage to their world by the Seven Stages of War. Fat Angie by E. Charlton-Trujillo Ages 14—up Angie, a high school freshman, is bullied at school and belittled by her mother and adopted brother. When KC Romance, a beautiful new transfer student dressed in bad girl clothes arrives in Dryfalls, Ohio, the unlikely pair bonds over shared broken homes, troubled pasts, and love for classic TV shows.
The friendship blooms into romance between the two girls who have learned to look beneath the surface to the true person hidden inside. When We Was Fierce by E. Charlton-Trujillo Ages 14—up Theo 15 lives in a bad neighborhood full of drugs and rival gangs. When he witnesses the brutal attack on a mentally-impaired young man he tries to help and is badly beaten up.
Along with his friends, T is in the spotlight of both the police and the gangs. This unflinching novel of survival is narrated mainly in street dialect. When Sefia is 15, Nin is kidnapped, leaving her completely alone. None of her survival skills help her discover where Nin has been taken. The only clue is the strange rectangular object her father left behind. She learns that the strange object, bound paper covered with symbols, is called a book. Reading and writing are unheard of in the land of Kelanna, but Sefia is determined to decipher the hidden secrets of the book.
He sets off with Carl Sagan to the Southwest High-Altitude Rocket Festival in New Mexico, where he meets other space fanatics and persuades two new adult friends to take him to Las Vegas in search of his perhaps-dead father, where he learns the truth about his family. Ror never attended high school, but she learned about art and literature from her father and longs to be an artist. When her father burns down their home and himself in , Ror and her mother are left homeless and nearly penniless. Ror meets Trey, a street artist, and becomes fascinated with graffiti.
She finds the art form a perfect channel for expressing her grief, but worries about being caught. With the help of classmate Clancy Crew, Ruby ventures out to prevent the theft of a priceless jade Buddha. This clever novel packed with puzzles is the first in a new adventure series.
- Les Yeux de Leïlan: Leïlan, T1 (POCHE) (French Edition).
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- Morte in una villa in stile Liberty (Enigmi in giallo) (Italian Edition)!
- Touching Ghost (SEALs On Fire Book 6).
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Ruby Redfort is the fictional heroine of Clarice Bean. The twist is that the school caters to the descendents of the Greek gods and goddesses, cleverly mixing mythology into the usual high school cliques. Stolen by Lucy Christopher Ages 14—up This intense psychological thriller begins when Gemma 16 , steps away from her British parents for a moment at a layover in the Bangkok Airport, to get a cup of coffee. Ty, the handsome young Australian who pays for her coffee seems oddly familiar. After drugging the coffee, Ty whisks Gemma away to the home he has built in the isolated Australian outback, believing he is rescuing her from her shallow parents and a city life in London where she could never be happy.
At first repelled by both her kidnapper and her new environment, Gemma slowly warms to both as she realizes she must either come to terms with her new reality or die trying to fight it. The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco Ages 12—up When Tea accidentally resurrects her brother from the dead, Tea learns she is a bone witch, able to raise and control the dead. Her fearful power cause her to be ostracized by her community.
An older bone witch takes Tea and her brother to another land for training. This dark fantasy is the first in the Bone Witch series. The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco Ages 14—up Okiku, a vengeful spirit, wanders the world in search of those who abuse and murder children, killing them in order to free the souls of the tormented children. Okiku discovers that Tark Halloway 15 is possessed by a violent spirit. Okiku feels an unexpected fondness for Tark and his cousin Callie, and their journey to Japan allows Okiku to confront her own tragic origin.
This scary tale is based on a Japanese legend. But Brendan secretly struggles with his desire to sometimes be a girl. Then Brendan meets transgendered Angel, who introduces Brendan to terms like gender identity. As the two grow older, Clementine feels guilty about her own luck and financial security. Clementine goes to university while the ever more depressed Fan suffers through an unhappy teenaged marriage and children before she is ready for them. This heart-felt novel captures the powerlessness of children to change their circumstances while celebrating the power of friendship illustrated by the bond between the cousins despite their different situations.
Delilah Dirk and the Turkish Lieutenant by Tony Cliff Ages 12—up Delilah Dirk abandons proper court life to become a globe-trotting soldier of fortune. Captured and held prisoner in s Constantinople, the swash-buckling Delilah escapes with mild-mannered Turkish Lieutenant Erdemogul Selim, whose quite life revolves around a perfect cup of tea. The funny adventures of the two mis-matched companions come to vivid life in this beautifully illustrated graphic novel.
His mother, a lapsed witch, had mocked the power of the coven, and Ryder is pretty sure she was right. But a terrifying new magic threatens the village and the coven, and Ryder must confront all his beliefs, even his hatred of the Baen.

Frank depictions of violence are set in a dark fairy tale world. Pointe by Brandy Colbert Ages 14—up Theo Cartwright 17 , from one of the few black families in her Chicago suburb, is a gifted and driven ballet dancer. Theo is also working hard to control an eating disorder and hiding secrets about her best friend Donovan, who disappeared when they were When Donovan returns home after enduring four long years with his kidnapper, he refuses to talk about what happened.
Theo can no longer suppress her memories of the past, and begins to relive the abduction. This blend of horror, humor, and science fiction is the first in the W. Every year 24 teenagers are chosen by lottery to fight in the Hunger Games, a reality TV show where the only rule is that you cannot eat the dead contestants. Katniss takes the place of her younger sister and is soon being groomed for maximum camera appeal.
As Katniss struggles to win both the Games and audience approval, the reader is forced to confront the question: What happens if we choose entertainment over humanity? Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins Ages 12—up Katniss Everdeen and won the annual Hunger Games against all odds and should be enjoying the new prosperity their win brought to their district.
And the upcoming Hunger games will be the 75th anniversary so there are sure to be some extra-special challenges for the next round of Hunger Game contestants. A Banquet for Hungry Ghosts: A Collection of Deliciously Frightening Tales by Ying Chang Compestine, Coleman Polhemus Ages 12—up This collection of eight gruesomely delightful tales feature hungry ghosts—the spirits of those who died hungry or unjustly and have returned to seek vengeance.
The chilling tales are illustrated with lurid images of the ghosts and their victims. When Cassia turns 17 she is Matched with her best friend Xander. But her neighbor Ky also shows up on her Match disk. She is amazed to find that Ky has a unique secret—creativity. As Cassia begins to understand that their are options other than being controlled by the Society, things get uncomfortable. Reached by Ally Condie Ages 12—up Cassia, Ky, and Xander are separated, each doing their part as agents of the Rising rebellion, working against the repressive Society.
An introduced plague saps the resources of the Society, allowing the Rising to step in with a cure and prove itself the better choice for the people. But the plague mutates out of control, and the trio work together to fight it. This finale in the Matched trilogy follows Matched and Crossed.
Cedar 12 , her mother, and her brother Miles move to Iron Creek, Utah for the summer.
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When Leo, wearing a costume, rides by on his bike, Cedar follows him to the Summerlost Shakespeare festival. She gets a job working concessions with Leo and learning about the ghost of the Hollywood actress who haunts the halls of Summerlost. No Such Person by Caroline B. Cooney Ages 12—up Miranda 15 and her college-bound sister Lander are spending the summer with their parents on the Connecticut River.
The two sisters see a water-skiing accident, but only Miranda notices that the motorboat driver intentionally steers the skier in front of a barge. Lander begins dating the motorboat driver though Miranda urges her not to trust him. A week later Lander is found on a boat carrying drugs with a gun in her hand and a dead body next to her. Lander is charged with murder, but Miranda is sure her boyfriend is the real culprit. Experimenting with one of the spells in a old book, Mrs.
Abernathy inadvertently opens the Gates of Hell and allows a powerful demon through. During the summer after her sophomore year, her strict father unexpectedly allows her to date basketball star, Brady Cullen. After a painful experience she meets a kindly car mechanic she calls Cowboy, who challenges her to focus on her own interest in art. Bettina knows her father would never approve of her relationship with an older man, even through makes her happy. Ghost Hawk by Susan Cooper Ages 10—14 Returning from his three-month test of solitude, Little Hawk returns to his Pokanoket village to discover that diseases brought by the Pilgrims in nearby Plymouth have killed everyone except his grandmother.
But when he wakes up the first morning of school, Ethan discovers he is now a girl. His parents reveal that Ethan is a Changer, a race that changes gender each year for four years before finally settling on a permanent gender. So Ethan begins freshman year as Drew Bohner, adapting to life from a female perspective while understanding that everything will change again in a year. This first in a four book series will strike a chord with teens questioning their sense of self or gender as well as those seeking to understand gender identity. This haunting thriller explores the dynamics of the relationship between the two girls as Finn struggles to come to terms with guilt and remorse.
Unfortunately, she is already betrothed to Prince Thandilimon of neighboring Mynaria, where the practice of magic is banned. While some Believers follow instructions for preparing for the Rapture, others, like Vivian Apple 16 and her best friend Harpreet Janda have Rapture Eve parties.
Returning home from a party, Vivian finds her parents missing, and two person-sized holes in the roof. All the Major Constellations by Pratima Cranse Ages 14—up A tragedy just before graduation leaves Andrew without the support of his two best friends the summer before college. This often hilarious first person narrative will engage and amuse male teenaged readers. Her new friend Phoebe is also 13 and also has a mother who vanished. Sal convinces her grandparents to drive to Idaho in search of her mother while telling the story of Phoebe.
Now 16 Stephen is alone in his Manhattan apartment, his father long gone and his mother dead. Then Elizabeth 16 and her family move into the building, having left Minnesota after her younger brother Laurie was badly beaten for being gay. Amazingly Elizabeth can see Stephen. After the Snow by S. Crockett Ages 12—up Willo 15 lives in the barren snow-covered mountains of northern Wales and has never known anything but cold. His father tells stories of warm times before global warming destroyed the North Atlantic Current, dooming the UK and most of the US to a new ice age. One day Willo returns home to find that his family has been taken away by government men.
Setting off in search of his family, Willo discovers two abandoned children. At first tempted not to burden himself with caring for others, Willo finds himself unable to leave them to starve, and takes them with him on the journey to the city he has always avoided. Eero Johnson Ages 12—up Frankie Neumann 17 feels like a misfit in his flamboyant family. His theater obsessed sister Lou wears a tutu, and his parents impersonate Frank Sinatra and Dr.
When his girlfriend Rory and her cousin ask Frankie to help their mysterious Uncle Epic, an anonymous street artist, with a new project, Frankie eagerly agrees. But his desire to participate in a risky form of art threaten his relationship with his family. One by Sarah Crossan Ages 13—up Tippi and Grace 16 are conjoined twins, with separate heads, arms, and torsos, but joined from the belly down. Since birth they have happily done everything as a unit, choosing not to chance the dangerous separation surgery.
Previously home-schooled, the twins are now in a private school, where they are befriended by Yasmeen and Jon, two other outcasts who treat the twins as equals. Tippy warns Grace that they can never fall in love, but Grace finds herself attracted to Jon just as the twins learn that a shared illness threatens them both. Their doctor recommends separation as the only chance for survival, despite the dangers of the surgery.
The Weight of Water by Sarah Crossan Ages 10—14 Kasienka 12 and her broken-hearted mother leave Poland for England, searching for the father and husband that left them a few years earlier. Bullied at her new school Kasienka is only happy when she is swimming in the pool. This emotionally powerful novel is written in verse. Light-skinned people can get good jobs working in places like banks while dark-skinned people work in the fields and the mines.
Francisco is somewhere in the middle, more interested in playing soccer than school. When his father is arrested on false charges, Francisco and his sister have no choice but to move into the prison with their father. Francisco realizes that education is the only opportunity to rescue his family from the unjust political system that that targets the uneducated, the poor, and the indigenous majority.
Then the first-ever interspecies transfer student arrives. Pyke is a pterodactyl, and has a very powerful effect on the other students. He is asked to join a band, and sends everyone into a frenzy while playing at the Autumn Whirl dance. Shiels has only a foggy memory of the dance, but when she wakes up the next morning her nose is purple and she thinks she danced far too long with Pyke and did something crazy with her boyfriend. This very funny book shows that not being in control at all times is sometimes a good thing.
He leaves for Flint hoping to find another job, leaving his wife, son Jimmy, and daughter Deza 12 behind. Deza and her mother find a new home and cling to the hope that they will find her father. Deza makes an appearance as a minor character in Bud, Not Buddy. First known as Beetle, since she was found living in a dung heap, the girl struggles to learn the skills of her new profession. As she grows in knowledge and self-confidence, the girl finally respects herself enough to choose a real name: Running away from the inn, Will sets out on the open road, trying to outsmart the thieves, tricksters, and con artists, and repeatedly being taken advantage of.
Will finally ends up with Master Tidball and his caravan of oddities, befriending Grace, a girl billed as a monster because of the silky hair growing on her face. Elizabethan England comes to vivid life in this lively and amusing tale. Cherry Money Baby by John M. Cusick Ages 14—up Cherry Kerrigan is content with her simple life living in a trailer, preparing to marry her sweetheart who lives next door, and working in the Burrito Barn.
When she rescues visiting movie star Ardelia Deen from choking, Ardelia is so grateful she presents Cherry with the Alfa Romeo. Cherry is a refreshing down-to-earth heroine in this realistic fiction. The Year We Were Famous by Carole Estby Dagg Ages 12—up Clara 17 , who dreads settling down with the boring young farmer who wants to marry her, is convinced by her mother to take a 4, mile walk to save their farm from foreclosure.
So they start the Flirt Club, an after school support group for friends who share their affliction. Told through notes, journal entries, and minutes from the Flirt Club, this funny and endearing story is a refreshing change from the mean girl middle school storyline. Danforth Ages 14—up Cameron Post is just beginning to come to terms with the realization that she might be a lesbian when her parents suddenly die in a car accident.
Cameron is sent to live with her conservative Aunt Ruth in rural Montana and Cam tries to keep a low profile and fit in. Then Coley Taylor moves to town and the two girls form an intense friendship. This funny and heart-breaking coming of age story is beautifully written. The twins are trying to deal with the recent separation of their parents, when the SUV carrying the whole family is in a terrible accident. Giselle is the only surviver, though in a coma.
Her Aunt Leslie calls her Isabelle, and Giselle is unable to respond and correct the error. The Awesome by Eva Darrows Ages 15—up Maggie Cunningham 17 has been raised by her monster-hunting single mother to be skilled in the art of combat, but not so good at social relationships. Maggie has successfully battled ghosts and goblins, but finding herself a boyfriend may just be a task beyond her skills. Trying to fit in with normal girls, Maggie discovers that cleaning a gun blindfolded is not a valued attribute, but she is unprepared for long conversations about shoes.
Dingo by Charles De Lint Ages 12—up Incorporating Australian folklore, this fantasy tells the tale of Michael Schreiber who discovers that his new girlfriend is something other than human. A mixture of darkness and hope, humor and mystery, and the friendship within love. Fictional characters supplement the recollections of actual survivors, presented in the pages of a fictional magazine. Period photographs add to the dramatic effect. Safiya is a Truthwitch, able to distinguish truth from lies, and Iseult, is a Threadwitch, able to see the invisible ties that connect the people around her.
Safiya is born to the nobility while Iseult comes from the despised outcasts. Safiya hides her gift, aware that if revealed she would be pressed into service by those seeking power. The two become friends, Threadsisters bound by their shared experiences. The Twenty Year Truce is coming to an end, and the renegotiation threatens to end in war. Prince Merik, a Windwitch, joins forces with the Threadsisters, determined to fight for freedom against those who would do just about anything to capture a Truthwitch. This exciting novel is the first in the Witchlands series.
Her only joy was the picture of a ballerina en pointe on a wall. At the age of four, Michaela was adopted by an American family who encouraged her love of dancing. She was accepted at the American School of Ballet and is now the youngest principal dancer with the Dance Theatre of Harlem. This moving memoir is written by Michaela and her adoptive mother. But Ruby is a reluctant Cinderella, suspicious of her own good fortune.
Emaline has been dating Luke for four years, and they plan to attend East U in the fall. Another complication is Theo, an ambitious outsider from New York, in town as part of the crew working on a documentary film about a reclusive local artist. Emaline finds Theo exciting, and he tries to convince her that neither Luke nor the town of Colby are good enough for a girl like her.
Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen Ages 12—up Sydney has always felt invisible since her parents lavish all their attention on her older brother Peyton. When Peyton is arrested injuring another boy while drunk driving and sent to jail, her parents throw themselves into supporting Peyton.
Wither by Lauren DeStefano Ages 14—up War has destroyed most of the continents, and a virus has killed all females by age 20 and males by age 25 for generations. Healthy teenaged girls are prized as breeding stock, and Rhine is kidnapped and forced into a polygamous marriage in a lavish Florida home where Gabriel is a servant. Though pampered in her luxurious prison, Rhine wants to get back to her twin brother Rowan, and infects Gabriel with her dreams of escape. A year later she is still struggling to find her way around her large school and finds it difficult to deal with everyday life.
When a squirrel is swallowed whole by a Ulysses Super-Suction Multi-Terrain X vacuum cleaner, Flora rescues him and names him after the machine. This clever novel is a wonderful combination of realistic sadness and comedy. She decides that if she can win the Little Miss Central Florida Tire competition and get her picture in the paper, her father will see it and come home. To win, Raymie has to learn to twirl a baton and to do good deeds. Her competition is Louisiana Elefante, a wispy orphan who claims to be the daughter of the famous Flying Elefantes, and Beverly Tapinski, a fierce girl who vows to sabotage the contest.
Tragedies have influenced all three girls, and as the contest grows closer they gradually begin to trust and rely on each other. Entwined by Heather Dixon Ages 12—up Azela, the heir to the throne, and her 11 sisters live in the half-magical world of Eathesbury. When their mother dies after a long illness, their father the King banishes the girls from his sight and goes off to war without even saying good-bye.
The sisters find a secret passageway to an enchanted pavilion under the castle, where they dance all night, breaking the rules of mourning. Illusionarium by Heather Dixon Ages 13—up Jonathan Gouden is the son and apprentice to the second-best scientist in the empire. The king demands that Dr. Gouden find a cure for the Venen plague, mysterious illness that kills women six days after being exposed. Fantillium, a new drug that allows illusionists to create a reality that others can share, offers a hope of discovering a cure before the Queen dies of the plague.
This suspenseful and humorous steampunk adventure is set in an alternate London. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow Ages 13—up Set in near-future San Francisco after a terrorist attack, year-old Marcus and his friends guilty only of cutting school are arrested and interrogated by the Department of Homeland Security. Released, techno-geek Marcus and his crew fight against the oppressive police state. Annexed by Sharon Dogar Ages 12—up On July 13, , year-old Peter van Pels and his family entered the attic that would be their home for two years.
Written from the viewpoint of year-old Peter van Pels, this captivating historical novel presents a boy struggling to understand himself, religion, and the members of the Frank family who share the small living space. Ending with reports from the death camps of Auschwitz and Mauthausen, Peter struggles to maintain his sense of identity to the very end. Secretly, Jo dreams of becoming a newspaper reported like Nellie Bly. The road trip is full of disasters, but the two girls discover that the bonds that connect them as sisters cannot be severed by a court decision.
Archaeologists suspect the body is ancient and arrive in droves to study the find. Trying to earn entrance to medical school year-old Fergus is haunted by his find and confused by the hunger strike his imprisoned IRA brother has joined. This compelling book raises questions about moral choices and highlights the impact of political conflict on innocent bystanders. Arie Mae begins writing letters to a distant cousin she has never met, hoping she might be the friend she needs. Then a visiting boy named Tom catches her interest. Fell of Dark by Patrick Downes Ages 14—up Erik suffers severe headaches and stigmata-like bleeding and is haunted by the loss of his father.
He is obsessed by his beautiful mother and dreams of his future wife. Thorn has lost his sister, hears voices, and is drawn to violence. The two disturbed young men meet only at the end of the book, when Erik is drawn to prevent Thorn from doing something terrible. This dark and intricate book exploring mental illness is difficult to read but thought-provoking.
The more she learns about her grandmother, the more she understands about her mother, and her own fears about her sexuality and her future subside. Details of the English legal and school system are explained in this powerful novel that explores universal themes of loyalty to family, class, gender, and power. On the way home from school she meets Tansey, a mysterious young woman who seems familiar though she is dressed in old-fashioned clothes.
Tansey has come to help her daughter say good-bye and guide her safely out of this world. The comforting ghost helps Emer, Mary, and her mother Scarlett overcome their fear of death. The Letter for the King by Tonke Dragt Ages 12—up Tiuri 16 is about to earn his knighthood when he takes on the task of delivering a vitally important letter to King Unauwen of the neighboring kingdom.
His trek is long and dangerous, and he meets both friends and foes along the way. This exciting adventure is the first US publication of the Dutch classic. Stella by Starlight by Sharon M. But one night Stella and her little brother are out late at night and witness a meeting of the Klan, a signal of trouble to come to the black community of Bumblebee.
Stella envies the fine school buildings for the white children and dreams of becoming a writer. Her father is equally determined to vote. They meet a strange grounds keeper named Morgan who takes them into a cave to view ancient Aboriginal paintings. The 11 girls exit the cave, but Miss Renshaw and Morgan never reappear. The girls are questioned about the disappearance, but band together to keep part of the day secret. This chilling novel is told from multiple perspectives.
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis Ages 14—up The doctors treating Nolan Santiago, a high school student in Arizona, believe he is suffering from epilepsy and hallucinations. The truth is that for the past few years whenever Nolan closes his eyes he is transported into the mind of Amara, a mute servant girl with healing powers living in the magical realm of Dunelands.
Amara was chosen as a child by a mage to protect Cilla, a princess in exile after a violent revolution. Finally able to communicate, Nolan and Amara to work together to find the truth behind the revolution. At first Carol avoids the prickly grandfather she never met, but his questions about why she chose to abandon her real name Carolina for the Anglicized Carol makes her reflect on her heritage. Bernardo Bembo, the new ambassador from Venice, introduces Ginevra to a stimulating group of artists and philosophers and their patrons. Bembo chooses Ginevra as his Platonic muse and commissions her portrait by the young Leonardo da Vinci.
During the long sessions posing for the portrait, Ginevra bonds with the talented painter. Happyface by Stephen Emond Ages 12—up Our narrator, an introverted and artistically talented high school sophomore, decides to try out a new happy-go-lucky persona at his new school, and quickly earns the nickname Happyface.
The plan works, and Happyface soon has a new collection of friends who accept him at face value. But his sketchbook reveals the truth: Forest World by Margarita Engle Ages 10—up Edver 11 has lived with his cryptozoologist mother in Miami for most of his life. Sent to visit his father, who patrols the forest for poachers, in the Cuban village of La Selva, Edver is surprised to discover that he has a sister his mother left behind when she fled to America ten years earlier.
The two sibling have conflicted feelings about the mother that separated them and left Luza behind, but find a connection in their love for the natural world that both their parents protect. The two come up with a plan to lure their mother back to Cuba, accidentally creating a dangerous situation they must work together to resolve. Boy on the Edge by Fridrik Erlings Ages 14—up Henry has a clubfoot and is the target of relentless bullying. In a fit of despair and anger he lashes out at his mother and is sent to the Home of Lesser Brethren, an isolated farm on the Icelandic coast that takes in troubled boys.
Henry finds some peace among the cows, and begins to feel at home until another boy arrives. This novel is quietly powerful. She hates recess with all the noise and confusion, and meets with her counselor, Mrs. Without him, Caitlin struggles more than ever. The Transatlantic Conspiracy by G. Cecily and her brother Charles offer to accompany her to New York, but Charles disappears and Cecily and her maid are found stabbed to death in their train stateroom.
Millie is determined to scoop her rival Viv Fitch, while also clearing the name of her father, the assistant football coach and prime suspect in the murder of the detested coach. The off-beat Millie is assisted by quarterback Chase Albright, whose good looks and astounding vocabulary mask a secretive past.
When her adoptive parents confirm that her real parents claimed to be vampires, Jessica is stunned. But Lucius is attractive, and armed with Growing Up Undead: Funny, satirical, and suspenseful, this vampire novel is a cut above the competition. As an Iranian-American Leila feels different enough without suffering that sort of drama.
Then Saskia, a beautiful new girl, arrives, and Leila is confused by the attraction between them. This sequel to The House of the Scorpion is best understood if the previous volume is read first. The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer Ages 9—up Jack 11 is a scrawny medieval Saxon boy who has never been much good at anything until the Bard of his village makes him an apprentice. Jack is slowly learning to call on magical powers when the Bard realizes that Viking berserkers are about to attack the village.
They raise a fog to hide the village, but Jack and his sister Lucy 5 are kidnapped by by Ivan One-Brow and his crew. This skillful amalgam of history, myth, and humor will appeal to fantasy lovers of all ages. When her behavior grows too bad to ignore, the family takes her to a monastery for an exorcism. Assisted by Pega, a slave girl, and Thorgil, the ex-berserker, Jack journeys through the lands of hobgoblins, kelpies, yarthkins, and elves in this thoroughly satisfying sequel to The Sea of Trolls.
Louis, Missouri, at the turn of the 20th century. A widow with four children to support, Fannie successfully united her fellow garment workers and fought for better wages and working conditions. She expanded her fight to workers in other industries and was killed by coal company guards on a picket line in Brackenridge, Pennsylvania in This accessible biography of a little-known union activist is a great introduction to the history of US labor rights. His best friend Libby is the only other person in their hometown of Jankburg, Pennsylvania, who even appreciates a good show tune.
An open casting call for E. Five, Six, Seven, Nate! Nate finds Broadway thrilling, but is terrified by the rehearsals. The child stars are unfriendly, and the understudies are worse. And worst of all Nate discovers that he is not the understudy for E. This funny coming-of-age story is the sequel to Better Nate than Ever. The Big Splash by Jack D. Ferraiolo Ages 10—14 Seventh grader Matt Stevens walks the mean hallways of Franklin Middle School in this clever and funny middle school noir.
Tough guy Vinny Biggio and his gang of trigger girls and boys armed with squirt guns rule the campus until Matt decides to figure out who took down Nikki Fingers in this exciting mystery. Sidekicks by Jack D. Though the superheroes they support are arch-enemies, the two sidekicks realize that they have much in common. When Scott realizes that Phantom Justice may not be the good guy he pretends to be, Scott is forced to make a choice about which side to support. The Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde Ages 12—up The bottom has fallen out of the magic market — drain cleaner is cheaper than a spell and magic carpets are used for pizza delivery.
Jennifer, year-old foundling, has taken over Kazam Mystical Arts Management, an employment agency for wizards and magicians, since the Great Zambini disappeared six months earlier. This comedic adventure is the first in the Chronicles of Kazam. This funny book filled with witty wordplay is the sequel to The Last Dragonslayer. Miss Etta and Dr. Claribel Cone were two unmarried sisters from Baltimore who fell in love with modern art in Paris. The two sisters, encouraged Leo Stein, supported beginning artists like Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso, bought their paintings, and brought them back to America.
Without professional advice or counsel, trusting their eyes and instincts, the two sisters concentrate on the avant-garde. This touching story is lavishly illustrated with reproductions of the Cone Collection and the colorful Matisse-inspired paintings by the author.