Aldo Moro. Il seme amaro della speranza (Italian Edition)
Upon return he had such a dark face and ugly appearance, that though he once was easily recognized by his wife and children, he became so dif- ferent after he returned from hell — so horrible in both his face and his whole body — that they could hardly believe he was the same man. And seeing him so horribly disigured, his relatives and as- sociates would speak to him with tears in their eyes. He barely had any time to put his things in order and provide for his children and descendents before his death, which followed very quickly. They did not see any houses or villas or any kind of dwellings at all, but just woods, cliffs, and ravines, where the great solitude was in itself enough to frighten them.
Successe a Gregorio quinto. Costui hebbe prima nome Gilberto Francese e fu incantatore. In the distance, though, they seemed to hear a human voice, so they went toward the sound, believing that they might meet up with someone who could help them ind their way again. Suddenly on a nearby knoll they saw the likenesses of three men, terrifying and much larger than normal with long black clothes like scoundrels, very long hair and beards, and vicious faces.
These igures called to the two men with words and gestures, and when the men were about to approach them, they showed themselves to be even larger than was natural. Beyond them, the men also saw another one with the same look, except that he was entirely naked. He jumped around and made a thousand frightening gestures, seeming about to jump on the two travelers and strangle them. Out of fear, the two terriied men led, taking off along a path that was steep and uneven. He was an enchanter. Their pact was that after his death he would belong entirely to the devil, whose tricks had helped him to acquire a dignity so lofty.
When he was still hoping to rule, Gilberto had asked the devil how much time he would live as Pope, and the enemy of humanity answered him ambiguously as is his wont: He was moved to repent and there before all the people, confessing his error, he encouraged them irst to set aside ambition and the tricks of the devil and live good and holy lives. Dicesi, che dopo la sua morte apparve in una solitudine a un certo vescovo, sopra un caval nero.
Tenne il Papato due anni e sette mesi. They say that by the will and providence of God so that the wicked understand that God will pardon them every time they seek pen- ance during their lives , the horses of their own accord went to St. John Lateran, and there his body was buried. It is said that after his death, he appeared on a black horse to a certain bishop who was alone. That bishop asked him why he was riding that black horse, since he was dead. He told him where he had buried a treasure and begged him to go get that money and dispense it in his name to the poor out of love of God.
He said this because the alms that he had given when he could do so were to no avail because that money was gained by stealing. Gregory VI held the Papacy two years and seven months. Hav- ing been called a simoniac, a bloodthirsty man, and a murderer by some people, and even by cardinals, he was so offended that he fell gravely ill.
On the point of death, he summoned the cardinals to him and upbraided them with sharp words, saying that they were wrong for slandering him out of envy, because what he did was just and holy. If the doors God-willing should open, then you should bury me as beits a Christian. If not, then you will cast my body — damned together with my soul — wherever you please.
So his body was taken inside the church and was held in saintly reverence. Because while he lived he always won in battle, after his death on various occasions he continued to intervene in the victories and triumphs of his soldiers. They continued to erect his pavilion as if he were still alive and arrayed his insignias around him. Then they would look for a sign.
In this way, taking their advice from a dead man, they happily conducted their mili- tary actions. He has published a number of trans- lations and his own poetry through Guernica Editions and other presses. His most recent book is Looters, Photographers, and Thieves: Verdicchio has taught literature, ilm and writing at the University of California, San Diego, since Began her writing career early, publishing a collection of poems, Ginestra in iore, at the age of Modena, Tipograia Modenese, Roma, Cultura sociale, Bologna, Tecnograia emiliana, Una storia di ragazze.
Milano, Del Duca, Mia madre era secca come la canna, mio padre tremava per le terzane. Quando piangevo, la ninna nanna me la cantavano le rane. Risaia amara, risaia ingrate: Terra amata, fatica dura, tu ci portasti a sepoltura. Cantata di una giovane mondina viva Mondine, mondine, cuore della risaia. My mother was as thin as a reed, my father shivered from malaria. When I cried the frogs sang my lullabies. Bitter rice paddy, thankless paddy: The paddy was that way through the door: The sun shone broken on the dead water enriched the living plant.
They cheated me in my salary, they cheated me when counting my hours: Loved land, hard labor, you led us to our burial. My father fell one morning in the yard, and he did not believe in heaven. And I never had the chance to see the lag that is changing our fortunes. My dear father, my dear mother I am down here for thirty days. Just arrived and I am already tired: Si mangia male, si beve a stento: Eppure, mamma sono tanto contenta di essere andata per questa strada. Mondine, mondine, amore della risaia.
Sono, al tramonto, una bestia stracca che si butta dove le tocca. Paglia nuda e itti respire nel camerone con tante zanzare: Mondine, mondine, dolore della risaia. Essi hanno in terra il paradise, noi camminiamo per bruschi sentieri. Essi son pochi e noi siamo tanti. Non molto giova sentirsi padroni. Mondine, mondine, iore della risaia. Mio caro padre, mia cara madre: Mondine, mondine, onore della risaia.
The food is bad, we hardly drink: Even so, dear mother, I am so happy to have taken this road. Rice gatherers, rice gatherers, love of the paddies. At sundown, I am a tired beast who goes where she is asked. Naked hay and heavy breath in the large room full of mosquitos: Rice gatherers, rice gatherers, pain of the paddies. Mother, picking rice is wonderful; rice is white and the gentlemen black. Their paradise is here on earth, we walk along rugged paths. But our paths take us forward toward a sweeter season.
They are few and we are many. Being masters cannot be a good feeling. Rice gatherers, rice gatherers, lower of the paddies. I watch the blue of the plain when the stars open on high. It is not work that frightens, of that I am sister and daughter. My dear father, my dear mother: I thank you for your strength. We walk along the only possible road with the dead carrying the lag.
Rice gatherers, rice gatherers, honor of the paddies. He is currently at work on a noir novel set in s Los Angeles. She is the author of Io era una bella igura una volta. Viaggio nella poesia di ricerca del secondo Novecento Scritture Alda Merini was born in Milan on March 21, Her irst works were published in in Antologia della poesia italiana con- temporanea dal al , edited by Giacinto Spagnoletti, who had discovered her talent when she was only Her numerous books are interspersed with long periods of silence as, starting as early as , the poet suffered from numerous bouts of mental illness and was institutionalized several times, spending many years in mental institutions.
Her irst poetry collection, La presenza di Orfeo, was published by Schwarz in During her lifetime, Alda Merini was twice nominated for a Nobel Prize.
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She died in Milan in Prendi me donna e fanne il tuo ascolto, prendi me pavida e rendimi giusta, prendi me gambo e rendimi iore, per la carezza lieve del dipinto di Apollo che genera Aretusa. Beyond the tree tops unfolded like a lily is the song of the poet; a irely traversing evil like the shadow of a dormant stream. Take this woman and make me your ear, take this scared woman and make me just, take this stalk and make me a lower, for the soft caress of the painting of Apollo generating Arethusa.
The night is that distant pleasure that makes the peaceful sleep of seaweed tremble, that puts to sleep our vital impulse to die. The night is the extreme suffering if you are not here to sow eternal adolescence in my enchantment, in my defeated body. I thirst for the irst blood of a dificult rhyme, a virginity of love letters and monstrous ties with the devil because I live with angels, and with angels I want to retrieve the earth, to touch it, to ind it mine and scriptural.
Mi sento, amore, inseguita da tutti come se queste persone, queste bocche volessero mangiare la mia carne che soffre spasimi di amore e di attesa. Nulla che possa compararsi a un uomo che ti lascia supina con il seme di Bacco nella testa. Love, I feel pursued by all, as if these people, these mouths were to eat my lesh spasmodic with love and desire.
All that is now part of my face, all that clung to my long womanly shape so rounded, demonic, white, repeats in your face the soft cry of these lines, now sickly and now full of health, that health which, self-assured and happy, at last wants to die in your memory. Nothing can be compared to a man who leaves you recumbent, the seed of Bacchus in your head. Invisible beings make love die false infulas shoot upon you: Il giallo Il giallo, una bionda fanciulla, il giallo della menzogna, colore di gelosia, la rabbia dei potenti e la stagione del cuore.
There were no gods yet, but dreaming of the temple of Vesta I recognized you. Yellow Yellow, a blond maiden, the yellow of lies a color of jealousy the rage of the powerful and the season of the heart There are many reasons, friend, still one dies from love. Dimly he saw, still far away, a man coming towards him, looking tough and grim. Morgante looked him over once and twice, and then twice more, from head to toes, and all and queer and ugly his limbs looked to him. But tell me more: And often I believe in butter, too, in beer and—every time I ind it—must, which should be strong and genuine, not weak; yes, above all, in good wine I believe, for those who drink eternal life achieve.
Vuoi tu veder che fede sia la mia? Non credo, se durassi il mondo etterno, si potessi commetter tanti mali quanti ho commessi io solo alla mia vita; ed ho per alfabeto ogni partita. Faith does to men what tickling does to one: Now do you care to know what faith is mine? I was, in Turkey, born of a Greek nun and of a holy pope from Bursia. I learned to play the rebec as a child, for I was dreaming that I would someday Troy, Hector, and Achilles sing in rhyme, and, oh, not once but many a thousand time.
One day, after a quarrel in a mosque wherein my own dear aged pope I slew, across my back I laid this scimitar and took a stroll around the whole wide world: My mortal sins are seventy and seven, which—winter, summer—never leave my sight. You count them if you can! If even this our world should endless be, no one, I swear, commits as many sins as I did in this life of mine commit: I know my trade just like the alphabet.
While I have money and I am at play, whoever wants to join me is my friend. E forse al camuffar ne incaco o bado o non so far la berta o la bertuccia, o in furba o in calca o in bestrica mi lodo? Io so di questo ogni malizia e frodo. La gola ne vien poi drieto a questa arte.
Del fegatello non ti dico niente: In this I am the shrewdest specialist. Here your discernment you must use: Of a blood pudding every stage I know: Five stages you can count them it requires: Quanti segreti insino a domattina ti potrei di questa arte rivelare! Io fui ostiere alcun tempo in Egina, e volli queste cose disputare. Hundreds of perfect recipes I know, but the most subtle art—believe you me— is how to bake a cake and cook ish tarts.
All those who hear admit that I am right: Not even God can later right your wrong. I in Aegina was innkeeper once, and many a lecture gave about these things. I can plow with camels and with donkeys and with oxen, and have deserved, for this and now for that, dungeon and stake a thousand times and more. I am presumptuous, demanding, bold, and relatives and strangers I love not.
Long have I parted company with shame, and, chased away, I like a dog come back. I magnify my actions seven times, to which I add a thousand extra rhymes. If I should say a thousand more or less, be sure I would not be far from the mark. If I by chance into a convent go, out of ive nuns I can drag six outside: What these my hands can reach, you can be sure, needs no support of ladders or of hooks.
Several times, with papal miters crowned and brooms upon my back I walked around. But my irst light is to the sacristy: I cherish the cross and chalice I can ind, and all the cruciixes I strip clean, with all the saints and Marys I have seen. Sempre le brighe compero a contanti. The virtues of theology. God knows if I can forge an entire book! I tear all pages out, and each of them with letters and with rubrics then I match, and I can change—and you could never tell— title and jacket, marks and name as well.
And never, ever think that I may care whose toes I step on: As for blaspheming, no dividing line I make between a human or a saint, and on my calendar I mark them all. For telling lies, let no one boast as much: Not to seem stubborn, every man I beg, and always say the things that hurt one most. Del resto, come vuoi te ne governa: Io so per ogni parte le vie tutte. Besides, if I start now, I will stop winding this thread at the beginning ofJuly.
But let me tell you at the very end: As far as treason, though, watch out or soon in this my clapper—see? I know how to tame beasts inside a fence. As for the rest, just be as you have been: I know the way to every place on earth. Dunque, Morgante, a tua posta camina. Dicea Morgante quando gli vedea: Tu hai gli spron di drieto! Therefore, Morgante, take me where you wish! For, look, your feet have spurs! Qui si conviene avere altre vivande: Io vidi dianzi un bufol drento entrare: Lascia ordinare a me, se vuoi, il convito.
Can you not see how huge my friend is here? Where do I go for something else? Morgante lost his patience all at once. His clapper he began to use on him, and the innkeeper did not like it much. I will go through the house and search each room. A buffalo I saw as I came in: Margutte tore a beam of the roof down, and to the mumbling host had this to say: And do you think he bothered skinning it?
He only split its body right in two. Like an old broom he made himself at home: Somewhere he found a rather lengthy board, and there the table instantly was set. Io fo per casa come il topolino: And so they ate the buffalo entire, three basketfuls of bread and even more, and drank enormously. All this has been too little for two men. Well, something else will do Stay here a tiny bit till I come back. Meanwhile, you wait on him most generously! See that this giant never asks for wine, or he will straighten up your crooked bones.
So let me now be like a little mouse: Of cheese and fruit he a big bundle found, and brought them to Morgante in a sack: Morgante went to ind a rick of straw, and leaned against it like an elephant. Nature, I so believe, made only one. The host replied that not for thirty miles around would they see any house or manger— a three-day journey not devoid of danger. Margutte was not deaf and, hearing this, thought out a plan of wickedness at once.
But now, to bed! If I am not mistaken, I saw one, but with no saddle and no yoke, it seemed. I know you do not have a bed for me where I may it and stretch out comfortably. Come arai tu moneta da cambiarci qualche dobbra da spender per la via? And would you have enough to change for us some doubles we may spend along the road?
Someone may steal it. Say, would you, for another coin or two, bring me some butter? As ointment it would do. Io sono ito e tornato, e tu il vedrai. Tu hai pur fatto, per Dio, netto e presto. And I will warn this entire family to save themselves from such calamity. Now learn this newest Greek deceit!
Alone, Margutte, by the candlelight, pretended, then, to tie himself most tight, and Mr. Sleep bade inally good night. Margutte, hearing everybody snore, took everything he found around the house: I have been there and back, as you will see. You have been faster than I thought, God knows. Morgante le mascella ha sgangherate per le risa talvolta che gli abbonda, e dicea pure: Costui pur mena almen la mazza tonda. People began to come from everywhere: By God, his noose has waited long enough.
This is an art I always knew. Sleep had wanted to retire, doubtless by now awakened by the ire. Splitting his sides with laughter at his words and how he laughed when some details he heard! Be patient if some more you have to wait. At least this rogue spares no one as he works. Orlando will be pleased to meet this man— if ever I will see him once again. Or mi piacesti tu, Margutte mio! Non vedi tu, babbion, che si tramuta e sgombera qua presso a un castello?
Vedi che mancan qui le cose tutte. If steal you must, no predatory hawk or gypsy or Arab you need, other than me.
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For all you ever steal, be grateful never! For the irst time you see me, man, so clever. There is no malice that is not my mate. I do my very best to shun a bruise, and then the red with yellow I confuse. Sleep of the inn. You are a bigger animal than this. Because of the long journey they were very hungry, but neither wine nor bread had they. You see, Margutte, nothing is in view. My words do not come out as quick and clear unless I wet my mouth a little bit.
It seems a place where water can be found. Quando Margutte il vide sfavillare, disse: From far away a unicorn appeared, in search of rills to slake his thirst. I think that unicorn is coming here to drink. Hide and stay hidden till he gets down here and quenches with his thirst our hunger, too. How handy is that lame! I always use my weapons as I choose. Allor Morgante ridendo favella: Cosse la bestia, e pongonsi poi a cena: Per Dio, tu mangeresti una balena! Io rido che tu vai leccando il legno. Set was the table long live the innkeeper!
The beast was cooked, and they sat down to sup. Morgante gulped down nearly all of it, so that Margutte hardly tasted it. By God, you could devour an entire whale! This throat of yours is never sated, eh? In everything I want you as a mate except when we sit down before a plate. E la cammella si pasceva intorno. So let me tell you now, once and for all: I want my share, down to a fennel stalk, even if I have to split a ig with you, or but a chestnut or a mouse or frog!
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But now just poke the ire, which is dead. Now since each song contests a previous one, what followed next will be in my next rhyme: Our Father we shall praise in the meantime. He briely attended Harvard University in the early s, then published three books of verse the irst two at his own expense and the third subsidized by friends between and As a result, Robinson gained fame and a government sinecure and thereafter wrote copiously and published frequently, winning an unprecedented three Pulitzer Prizes in the s.
His hard-edged style was a major step toward the Modernist turn against the sentimentality of much nineteenth- century verse. Several of his book-length narrative poems were popular in their time, but it is on his shorter works—precisely written, psychologically acute, and sensitively sympathetic to the outcast and downtrodden—that his permanent reputation rests. Terence Hegarty was born in Dublin, Ireland, in and spent his childhood and early teenage years there.
In he moved with his family to New York. A proliic songwriter and singer and musician as well as a poet, he performs frequently and has issued twelve CDs of his own music, the most recent of which are Reimagine and Demon Lover Working for many years as a writer, editor, and proofreader for publications in the social sciences, he has lived in New York both the city and upstate and Washington, D. He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and imperially slim. And he was rich—yes, richer than a king— And admirably schooled in every grace: In ine, we thought that he was everything To make us wish that we were in his place.
So on we worked, and waited for the light, And went without the meat, and cursed the bread; And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, Went home and put a bullet through his head. Cliff Klingenhagen Cliff Klingenhagen had me in to dine With him one day; and after soup and meat, And all the other things there were to eat, Cliff took two glasses and illed one with wine And one with wormwood. Then, without a sign For me to choose at all, he took the draught Of bitterness himself, and lightly quaffed It off, and said the other one was mine.
And when I asked him what the deuce he meant By doing that, he only looked at me And smiled, and said it was a way of his. Insomma, per noi era tutto quello che Volevamo per essere al suo posto. Let the man go: The road was his with not a native near; And Eben, having leisure, said aloud, For no man else in Tilbury Town to hear: Flood, we have the harvest moon Again, and we may not have many more; The bird is on the wing, the poet says, And you and I have said it here before. Drink to the bird. Flood, Since you propose it, I believe I will.
La strada era deserta, nessun paesano in giro. E Eben, avendo tempo, disse forte, Ora che nessun altro in Tilbury era a tiro: Then, as a mother lays her sleeping child Down tenderly, fearing it may awake, He set the jug down slowly at his feet With trembling care, knowing that most things break; And only when assured that on irm earth It stood, as the uncertain lives of men Assuredly did not, he paced away, And with his hand extended paused again: Flood, we have not met like this In a long time; and many a change has come To both of us, I fear, since last it was We had a drop together.
Flood, if you insist, I might. Flood— For auld lang syne. No more, sir; that will do. He raised again the jug regretfully And shook his head, and was again alone. There was not much that was ahead of him, And there was nothing in the town below— Where strangers would have shut the many doors That many friends had opened long ago.
Later that momentous night, In the dark hotel room, Valerie asked Why he had chosen to act. From the edge Of sleep he gave her a smart answer. Richard Ordway was asleep. How very modish this all is, she thought. His highly skilled bid for blind Stumbling freedom; what an eficient use Of lovely, intelligent me. He must have had his anxious moments As he tested her caliber and stability, Gradually informing her by various levities And conidences what he needed her for. He had delayed to let the truth sink in; She saw that now. She saw how much more This all might have hurt had he acted too soon.
Al limite Del sonno, le diede una risposta intelligente. Ma forse che non aveva funzionato? Adesso Si riposa dal suo sforzo, la ine del viaggio Dopo un anno di complotti, un anno Che per lei era stato decisamente piacevole E spesso entusiasmante, un anno di maree Calde, inevitabili, che andavano e venivano. Adam and Eve He left them alone for just an hour and he was imprisoned by his dark deed. What could they liberated do? Invite him to dinner? At least tell him and let the dark in this white room where no one had ever been.
Precipice She picks with her ingers, feeling for fences, furtively she dabs at her forbidden fruit. Late I walked by the walnut tree, and the full moon was mother and light. Oh souls in misery, oh saved and mistreated, would she release me? Cosa potevano fare loro che erano stati liberati?
Andare in prigione con lui? Precipizio Li raccoglie con le dita, stando attenta ai recinti, furtivamente siora il suo frutto proibito. The irst fell off a tree, the second peaceably Sought out another life. And all alone the third My next of kin among them drank without a word Each time he fell in water. After rangers came And found my coz there where he lay as hot as lame, Spread like a pentagram, his penis pointing south, They pried sand crystals from his gem-encrusted mouth.
Some other three relived the centuries of rain Before their local railway conveyed them all to pain. Then was there water only lowing down their throats, And food abundant then as long as men had boats. Those days were seven hundred miles behind, alas, And, dry as always, three just made it to the pass And laid their bundles down before the gates of Flush.
The bardo proved intractable, and made them mush. The three I knew the least stayed by me to the maze. Invariable they remained their lease of days. Where that voracious vine of glass and mirrors grows Their contract shattered like a cryogenic rose. Altri tre hanno rivissuto i secoli di pioggia Prima che la ferrovia locale li portasse tutti verso il dolore.
I tre che conoscevo di meno erano rimasti con me al labirinto. Non cambiarono minimamente, per il resto dei loro giorni. Faceva un freddo pungente, e in una nuvola di vapore gelato Sparirono tutti e si trasferirono in un sogno, Mi abbandonarono ai ghiaccioli che mi bruciavano il volto, Tutti scomparsi e mi hanno rinchiuso in questo posto duro [e freddo. No more tempting me on Brooklyn Heights, you brightness of brightness out in the bay.
Now the light is gone out of you, I see nothing at last but that blinding treaty. Boys, I see it now, scared or looking for trouble. I was right then to aim and shoot straight. They rated each question's adequacy of content, clarity of wording, usefulness, and generated anxiety, on a 3-point Likert scale. Based on the analysis of patient ratings, the final version of the Italian QPL was produced.
Results Few discrepancies between the two back translations and the original version of the instrument were noted, indicating that the Italian translation synthesis of the 2 forward translations was substantially accurate. Most volunteer patients felt that the questionnaire was adequate, easy to understand and useful.
Only a few minor criticisms were expressed. Certain questions on diagnosis and prognosis generated the highest level of anxiety. Patient comments and ratings on clarity highlighted the need to clarify common health care terms which are not widely used by the public i. Microbial pollution indicators and culturable heterotrophic bacteria in a Mediterranean area Southern Adriatic Sea Italian coasts. In the present study we evaluated the degree of microbial water pollution along the coast line between Brindisi and Santa Maria di Leuca Southern Adriatic Sea as well as the culturable heterotrophic bacteria abundances and biodiversity in relation to the microbiological quality of the water.
A total of colonies were isolated, subcultured and identified by several morphological, cultural and biochemical methods including the standardized API 20 E and API 20 NE tests. Along the examined coastal tract the microbial pollution indicators were always below the tolerance limits for bathing waters defined by the CEE directive, suggesting a good sanitary quality. Concerning culturable heterotrophic bacteria, different temporal density trends were observed in the four sites in relation to their geographical position. A positive relationship between the bacterial abundances and the temperature was observed in S.
The culturable bacterial community was mainly composed of the genera Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Photobacterium and Flavobacterium. The Enterobacteriaceae family represented a conspicuous component of the bacterial community too. Bacilli were predominant among the Gram-positive bacteria. Because of the low level of microbial pollution recorded, our results are indicative of the natural variation and diversity of the culturable bacterial community in such an oligotrophic ecosystem and could represent a good point of comparison with other ecosystems as well as a baseline for long term studies aimed to evaluate the effects of environmental fluctuations and human impacts on this aspect of biodiversity in coastal areas.
Internet use among inflammatory bowel disease patients: The internet has been increasingly used as a resource for accessing health-related information. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of the internet among Italian IBD patients. The study was performed in seven Italian IBD referral centers by using a item anonymous questionnaire. In all, questionnaires were returned for analysis, in which of patients A large proportion used the internet to gather health-related information of , The use of the internet increased significantly with level of education Pinternet to gather IBD-related information increased significantly with the increase of disease activity and severity.
This use positively correlated with disease activity and severity.
Salvatore Martino
The great majority of patients indicated that it was very important for IBD referral centers to have their own IBD-dedicated website. Cannabis and intractable chronic pain: Despite growing interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis to manage chronic pain, only limited data that address these issues are available. In recent years, a number of nations have introduced specific laws to allow patients to use cannabis preparations to treat a variety of medical conditions. In , the Italian government authorized the use of cannabis to treat several diseases, including chronic pain generally, spasticity in multiple sclerosis, cachexia and anorexia among AIDS and cancer patients , glaucoma, Tourette syndrome, and certain types of epilepsy.
We present the first snapshot of the Italian experience with cannabis use for chronic pain over the initial year of its use. This is a retrospective case series analysis of all chronic pain patients treated with oral or vaporized cannabis in six hubs during the initial year following the approval of the new Italian law December to November We evaluated routes of administration, types of cannabis products utilized, dosing, and effectiveness and safety of the treatment.
As only one of the six centers has extensively used cannabinoids for intractable chronic pain patients of , only the population from Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana Pisa was considered. Cannabis tea was the primary mode of delivery, and in almost all cases, it was used in association with all the other pain treatments. Initial and follow-up cannabinoid concentrations were found to vary considerably. At initial follow-up, From this initial snapshot, we determined that the treatment seems to be effective and safe, although more data and subsequent trials are needed to better investigate its ideal clinical indication.
Background Despite growing interest in the therapeutic use of cannabis to manage chronic pain, only limited data that address these issues are available. Methods This is a retrospective case series analysis of all chronic pain patients treated with oral or vaporized cannabis in six hubs during the initial year following the approval of the new Italian law December to November Results As only one of the six centers has extensively used cannabinoids for intractable chronic pain patients of , only the population from Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana Pisa was considered. Active offer of vaccinations during hospitalization improves coverage among splenectomized patients: In , an Italian hospital implemented a protocol for pneumococcal, meningococcal, and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccines offer to splenectomized patients during their hospitalization.
After 1 year, coverage for recommended vaccinations increased from 5. Published by Elsevier Inc. Thirty-six Italian patients with a diagnosis of USH were recruited. They received a standard ophthalmologic examination, visual field testing, optical coherence tomography OCT scan, and electrophysiological tests. Fluorescein angiography and fundus autofluorescence imaging were performed in selected cases. All the patients underwent an audiologic examination for the 0. Vestibular function was evaluated with specific tests. A few patients were analyzed for both genes. In the MYO7A gene, ten missense variants were found; three patients were compound heterozygous, and two were homozygous.
Affected patients showed variable clinical pictures without a clear genotype-phenotype correlation. A selective analysis of these genes may be valuable for molecular analysis, combining diagnostic efficiency with little time wastage and less resource consumption. Are Italian medical societies bridging the distance from citizen and patients ' associations? Results of a survey. In the framework of PartecipaSalute--an Italian research project aimed to involve lay people, patients ' associations and scientific-medical representatives on the health debate --we carried out a survey with the Italian Federation of Medical Societies.
The aims of the survey were to know medical societies attitude vs. A web-questionnaire with 17 closed questions, and three open questions has been prepared on the basis of some experiences published on the literature and through the collaboration of members of the Italian Federation of Medical Societies. A total of medical societies has been contacted by e-mail with a cover letter explaining the aims of the survey.
At the end 74 medical societies completed the survey. Medical societies participating to the survey varied widely in terms of years of activity, number of members, and geographical distribution. Among these, the most frequent were the preparation of written material for patients , organization of conferences or workshops, and health awareness campaigns. Moreover, 6 medical societies published documents on patients ' rights but patients or their associations were involved in only 2 of these initiatives.
Advantages and disadvantages reported by medical societies answering are also presented and discussed. In conclusion, to our knowledge this is the first survey on the value of patients ' involvement conducted together with medical societies in Italy, and the results point the way to stronger collaboration in future between patients ' associations and medical societies.
The definition of hydraulic properties of fault zones is a major issue in structural geology, seismology, and in several applications hydrocarbons, hydrogeology, CO2 sequestration, etc. The permeability of fault rocks can be measured in laboratory experiments, but its upscaling to large-scale structures is not straightforward. For instance, typical permeability of fine-grained fault rock samples is in the m2 range, but, according to seismological estimates, the large-scale permeability of active fault zones can be as high as m2.
Solving this issue is difficult because in-situ measurements of large-scale permeability have been carried out just at relatively shallow depths - mainly in oil wells and exceptionally in active tectonic settings e. SAFOD at 3 km , whilst deeper experiments have been performed only in the stable continental crust e.
KTB at 9 km. In this study, we apply discrete fracture-network DFN modelling techniques developed for shallow aquifers mainly in nuclear waste storage projects like Yucca Mountain and in the oil industry, in order to model the hydraulic structure of the Gole Larghe Fault Zone GLFZ, Italian Southern Alps. This fault, now exposed in world-class glacier-polished outcrops, has been exhumed from ca.
The GLFZ does not show a classical seal structure that in other fault zones corresponds to a core zone characterized by fine-grained fault rocks. However, permeability is heterogeneous and the permeability tensor is strongly anisotropic due to fracture preferential orientation. We will show with numerical experiments that this hydraulic structure results in a channelized fluid flow which is consistent with the observed hydrothermal alteration pattern. This results in a counterintuitive situation. Patients ' need for information provision and perceived participation in decision making in doctor- patient consultation: Micro-cultural differences between French- and Italian -speaking Switzerland.
To explore micro-cultural differences in patients ' need for information provision, perceived participation in decision making, and related concepts during the doctor- patient consultation between French- and Italian -speaking patients in Switzerland. In , French- and Italian -speaking patients with chronic low back pain cLBP were surveyed on their need for information provision, perceived participation in decision making, cLBP knowledge, psychological empowerment, and trust in their doctor. T-tests and regression analyses with interaction terms were performed. Results show that French- and Italian -speaking patients significantly differed in their participation in decision making, with French-speaking patients reporting higher involvement.
Need for information provision was related to empowerment among French- and to trust among Italian -speaking patients. For participation in decision making, trust was the only related concept among French-, and cLBP knowledge among Italian -speaking patients. Significant interaction terms indicate a moderation of micro-cultural background.
Findings point towards differences in the relationships between individual patient characteristics i. Doctors should be aware of these differences when dealing with patients of different micro-cultural backgrounds. Evidence from the Italian Experience. We examine the infra-regional trade-off between greater patient choice due to an increase in hospital services supply and financial equilibrium, and we relate it to the significant phenomenon of Cross-Border Mobility CBM between Italian regions.
Focusing on the rules supervising the financial agreements between regional authorities and providers of hospital care, we find incentives for private accredited providers in attracting patient inflows. Methods The analysis is undertaken from an institutional, regulatory and empirical perspective. We select a sample of five regions with higher positive CBM balance and we examine regional regulations governing the contractual agreements between purchasers and providers of hospital care.
Conclusion Conclusions address both financial issues regarding the coverage of regional healthcare systems and equity issues on patient healthcare access. They also raise concerns on the new European Union EU directive inherent to patient mobility across Europe. Regional incentives and patient cross-border mobility: In recent years, accreditation of private hospitals followed by decentralisation of the Italian National Health Service NHS into 21 regional health systems has provided a good empirical ground for investigating the Tiebout principle of "voting with their feet".
The analysis is undertaken from an institutional, regulatory and empirical perspective. Conclusions address both financial issues regarding the coverage of regional healthcare systems and equity issues on patient healthcare access. Delirium assessment in hospitalized elderly patients: Italian translation and validation of the nursing delirium screening scale. Delirium has a high incidence pathology associated with negative outcomes. Although highly preventable, half the cases are not recognized.
One major cause of delirium misdiagnosis is the absence of a versatile instrument to measure it. Our objective was to translate the nursing delirium screening scale Nu-DESC and evaluate its performance in Italian settings. This was a methodological study conducted in two sequential phases. The second aimed to test the inter-rater reliability, the sensibility and specificity of the instrument on a convenience sample of hospitalized elderly people admitted to relevant wards of the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza.
To evaluate the inter-rater reliability, two examiners tested Nu-DESC on 20 patients concurrently without comparison. To measure the sensibility and specificity of Nu-DESC, the confusion assessment method was used as a gold standard measure. The inter-rater reliability Cohen Kappa was 0. However, based on our results, Nu-DESC can be used in research and clinical practice in Italian settings because of its very good and similar performances to previous validation studies.
The value of 3 appears to be the optimal cut-off in the Italian context. Methods The Risk Management Program is comprised of 5 long-term phases: Phase 1 - Strategy Definition and Communication: Phase 2 - Risk Management System Governance: The system has been introduced to interact within all areas of the hospital and to transfer information. Phase 3 - Promotion within the Organisation: This is crucial if organisational and healthcare workers are to understand the true aims of risk prevention and protection and offer to contribute to the process.
Phase 4 - Risk Assessment: This phase begins with an analysis of the information flow, in order to estimate the probabilities that certain risks occur, and ends with defining the interventions to undertake. Risk assessment makes it possible to forecast the consequences of certain risks and thus prioritise those for prevention. Phase 5 - Risk Management: Transition of gastroenterological patients from paediatric to adult care: A position statement by the Italian Societies of Gastroenterology.
In , four Italian Gastroenterological Societies the Italian Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, the Italian Society of Hospital Gastroenterologists and Endoscopists, the Italian Society of Endoscopy, and the Italian Society of Gastroenterology formed a joint panel of experts with the aim of preparing an official statement on transition medicine in Gastroenterology. The transition of adolescents from paediatric to adult care is a crucial moment in managing chronic diseases such as celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and liver transplantation.
Improved medical treatment and availability of new drugs and surgical techniques have improved the prognosis of many paediatric disorders, prolonging survival, thus making the transition to adulthood possible and necessary. An inappropriate transition or the incomplete transmission of data from the paediatrician to the adult Gastroenterologist can dramatically decrease compliance to treatment and prognosis of a young patient , particularly in the case of severe disorders.
For these reasons, the Italian gastroenterological societies decided to develop an official shared transition protocol. The resulting document discusses the factors influencing the transition process and highlights the main points to accomplish to optimize compliance and prognosis of gastroenterological patients during the difficult transition from childhood to adolescence and adulthood.
Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy FEVR is a complex disorder characterized by incomplete development of the retinal vasculature. Here, we report the results obtained on the spectrum of genetic variations and correlated phenotypes found in a cohort of Italian FEVR patients. Eight probands age range years were assessed by genetic analysis and comprehensive age-appropriate ophthalmic examination. Genetic testing investigated the genes most widely associated in literature with FEVR: Clinical and genetic evaluations were extended to relatives of probands positive to genetic testing.
We identified four novel genetic variants, one variant already described in association with Norrie disease and one previously described linked to autosomal dominant FEVR. None of the patients showed variants in the LRP5 gene. Our findings are in agreement with the previous literature confirming that FEVR is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous retinal disorder, even when it manifests in the same family. Full Text Available Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy FEVR is a complex disorder characterized by incomplete development of the retinal vasculature.
Eight probands age range 7—19 years were assessed by genetic analysis and comprehensive age-appropriate ophthalmic examination. Homicide committed by psychiatric patients: Psychiatrists' liability in Italian law cases. Interest in psychiatrists' professional liability in Italy has increased in recent years because of the number of medical malpractice claims. Professional liability for failure to prevent violent behaviour by psychiatric patients is particularly debated.
This study describes three Italian cases in which health professionals - physicians and nurses - were found guilty of manslaughter for murders committed by psychiatric patients. Examination of the cases focuses on claims of malpractice, patients ' characteristics, the circumstances of the homicide and the reasons for the court's judgment. In particular, the predictability of violent behaviour and the concept of causal links are examined in detail. The cases provide an opportunity for a study of comparative jurisprudence.
The topics discussed are relevant not only to practicing psychiatrists but also to experts assessing medical liability in cases of criminal acts committed by psychiatric patients. Factorial validity of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in Italian psychiatric patients. Early adverse experiences are associated with neurobiological changes and these may underlie the increased risk of psychopathology. Thus, the aim of our study was to investigate the factorial validity of an Italian version of the CTQ-SF in a sample of psychiatric inpatients by means of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses.
Our study supports results from previous research indicating the lack of structural invariance of the CTQ-SF in cross-cultural adaptations of the test, and the fact that, when measuring different types of childhood maltreatment, the difference between abuse and neglect may be not valid.
An Italian multicenter survey. Complementary and Alternative Medicine CAM include a wide range of products herbs, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics and medical practices, developed outside of the mainstream Western medicine. Patients with cancer are more likely to resort to CAM first or then in their disease history; the potential side effects as well as the costs of such practices are largely underestimated.
We conducted a descriptive survey in five Italian hospitals involving patients with different malignancies. The survey consisted of a forty-two question questionnaire, patients were eligible if they were Italian -speaking and receiving an anticancer treatment at the time of the survey or had received an anticancer treatment no more than three years before participating in the survey. Of our patients , The univariate analysis showed that female gender, high education, receiving treatment in a highly specialized institute and receiving chemotherapy are associated with CAM use; at the multivariate analysis high education Odds Ratio, OR: Roughly half of our patients receiving treatment for cancer use CAM.
It is necessary that health professional explore the use of CAM with their cancer patients , educate them about potentially beneficial therapies in light of the limited available evidence of effectiveness, and work towards an integrated model of health-care provision. Information about patients ' adherence to therapy represents a primary issue in Parkinson's disease PD management. To perform the linguistic validation of the Italian version of the self-rated 8-Item Morisky Medical Adherence Scale MMAS-8 and to describe in a sample of Italian patients affected by PD the adherence to anti-Parkinson drug therapy and the association between adherence and some socio-demographic and clinical features.
The consensus version was then back-translated by an English mother-tongue translator. This translation process was followed by a consensus meeting between the authors of translation and investigators and then by two comprehension tests. The final version of the MMAS-8 was easily understood. There were no differences in adherence to therapy in relationship to disease severity, gender, educational level or decision to change therapy. Report of two patients from a Canadian family of Italian and Swedish descent.
A year-old male S. Both had typical corneal opacities and mild anemia with target cells. His kidney biopsy revealed lipid deposits in the glomerular basement membrane. The patients and their relatives had haptoglobin type 2. Factors that might influence the different clinical presentation in our patients previous renal disease, diet, abnormal lipoproteins , prognosis, and treatment diet, enzyme replacement, cholestyramine are discussed.
Full Text Available This essay examines the silk trade in Southern Italy through a quantitative study of exports from the dry-customs port of Reggio Calabria. Spiritual well-being of Italian advanced cancer patients in the home palliative care setting. This study evaluates the spiritual well-being SpWB in very advanced cancer patients assisted by the home palliative care program of ANT Foundation, a no-profit Italian organisation. Questionnaires were distributed to 1, patients and were compiled and evaluable for analysis.
The study suggests that Italian patients with advanced cancer assisted by expert multi-professional teams in the home palliative care setting have a low level of SpWB thereby highlighting the need for the integration of spiritual support as part of comprehensive cancer care. Patient organizations' funding from pharmaceutical companies: Many patients ' and consumers' organizations accept drug industry funding to support their activities. As drug companies and patient groups move closer, disclosure become essential for transparency, and the internet could be a useful means of making sponsorship information accessible to the public.
This survey aims to assess the transparency of a large group of Italian patient and consumer groups and a group of pharmaceutical companies, focusing on their websites. Patient and consumer groups were selected from those stated to be sponsored by a group of pharmaceutical companies on their websites.
The websites were examined using two forms with principal name of drug companies providing funds, amount of funding and secondary indicators of transparency section where sponsors are disclosed, update of sponsorship. Principal indicators were applied independently by two reviewers to the patient and consumer groups' websites. Discordances were solved by discussion. One hundred fifty-seven Italian patient and consumer groups and 17 drug companies were considered. Disclosure of funds is scarce on Italian patient and consumer groups' websites.
The levels of transparency need to be improved. Disclosure of patient and consumer groups provided with funds is frequent on Italian pharmaceutical. Targeted next generation sequencing in Italian patients with Usher syndrome: Likely causative mutations were found in all patients: USH1 patients experienced hearing problems very early in life, followed by visual impairment at 1, 4 and 6 years. Visual symptoms were noticed at age 20 in a patient with homozygous novel MYO7A missense mutation c.
USH2 patients ' auditory symptoms, instead, arose between 11 months and 14 years, while visual impairment occurred later on. One patient with homozygous deletion from exon 23 to 32 in USH2A suffered early visual symptoms. As only one of the six centers has. Patients ' perception of chemotherapy side effects: Expectations, doctor- patient communication and impact on quality of life - An Italian survey. To assess patient perceptions of CSE, their impact on QOL and doctor- patient communication regarding these aspects, a survey was conducted among Italian cancer patients.
A total of patients participated. Patients generally reported good doctor- patient communication regarding information about CSE. Cancer and CSE severely affected sexual life, daily activities and employment. Good doctor- patient communication is essential. Improving antiemetic strategies may improve QOL. Doctors' ability to inform patients about delicate issues, such as the impact of CSE on sexual life, needs to be improved.
Engaging patients to recover life projectuality: Chronic disease is recognized as having a large impact on patient quality of life QoL , which can be defined as an individual's satisfaction or happiness with life in domains he or she considers important. Policy makers and clinicians recognize increasingly that patients can safeguard their QoL by making healthy lifestyle choices and being actively engaged in their health care.
However, in the emphasis on promoting patient engagement to enhance patients ' QoL, there is no consensus regarding the relationship between QOL and patient engagement, resulting in a lack of shared guidelines among clinicians on interventions. Furthermore, no studies have provided an in-depth exploration of the perspective of patients with chronic conditions who are engaged in their health care and their requirements to achieve an improved QoL. Given this theoretical gap, the present study attempted to explore the patient engagement experience and its relationship with patient QoL in the context of the Italian healthcare system and in relation to different chronic diseases.
In-depth qualitative interviews on a sample of 99 patients with a wide variety of chronic conditions heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Patient engagement in health care can be defined as a context-based and cross-disease process that appears to enable patients to recover their life projectuality, which had been impaired by the onset of chronic disease. Successful patient engagement may also be related to a positive shift in the ways in which patients perceive self and life and experience empowerment to realize their life potential, thus improving quality of life.
Patient engagement is a powerful concept capable of reflecting significant psychosocial changes that promote patient QoL along the care process. There appears to be theoretical and empirical justification for a broad definition of QoL. QoL deeply depends on the patient ability to engage in their care and on the. Fibromyalgia Syndrome FMS is characterized by musculoskeletal pain, muscle tenderness leading to disability, impaired quality of life QoL , fatigue and it is accompanied by sleep disorders and psychological distress.
We enrolled 44 FMS patients: In FMS patients TJQ, if performed by an expert physiotherapist, should be regarded as an effective rehabilitation method. Low-protein diets for chronic kidney disease patients: Nutritional treatment has always represented a major feature of CKD management. Over the decades, the use of nutritional treatment in CKD patients has been marked by several goals.
The first of these include the attainment of metabolic and fluid control together with the prevention and correction of signs, symptoms and complications of advanced CKD. The aim of this first stage is the prevention of malnutrition and a delay in the commencement of dialysis. Subsequently, nutritional manipulations have also been applied in association with other therapeutic interventions in an attempt to control several cardiovascular risk factors associated with CKD and to improve the patient 's overall outcome. Over time and in reference to multiple aims, the modalities of nutritional treatment have been focused not only on protein intake but also on other nutrients.
This paper describes the pathophysiological basis and rationale of nutritional treatment in CKD and also provides a report on extensive experience in the field of renal diets in Italy, with special attention given to approaches in clinical practice and management. Italian nephrologists have a longstanding tradition in implementing low protein diets in the treatment of CKD patients , with the principle objective of alleviating uremic symptoms, improving nutritional status and also a possibility of slowing down the progression of CKD or delaying the start of dialysis.
A renewed interest in this field is based on the aim of implementing a wider nutritional therapy other than only reducing the protein intake, paying careful attention to factors such as energy intake, the quality of proteins and phosphate and sodium intakes, making today's low-protein diet program much more ambitious than previous.
The motivation was the reduction in progression of renal insufficiency through reduction of proteinuria, a better control of blood pressure values and also through correction of metabolic acidosis. One major goal of the flexible and. Budget impact analysis of apixaban versus other NOACs for the prevention of stroke in Italian atrial fibrillation patients. Effectiveness and safety estimates derive from an adjusted indirect treatment comparison using warfarin as link. The main clinical events considered in the model are ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, systemic thromboembolism, bleeds both major and clinically relevant minor and cardiovascular hospitalizations, besides treatment discontinuations.
Epidemiological data and unit costs, actualized to , are collected from Italian published sources. The budget impact analysis evaluates the financial impact of apixaban introduction by comparing expected 1,2, and 3 years costs in hypothetical scenarios: Italian NVAF patient population estimation is based on official apixaban reimbursement criteria, applying the characteristics of the trial population to national epidemiologic data.
Numbers of patients for each regimen are estimated by projecting share evolution. Prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients affected by Addison's disease. It is well known that coeliac disease is associated with autoimmune endocrine diseases, such as autoimmune thyroid disease and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Addison's disease is the most common cause of primary adrenocortical insufficiency and it shares several clinical features with coeliac disease.
Although hyperpigmentation and hypotension are the most specific signs, gastrointestinal symptoms are common and can be the first complaints of the patients. The aim of our study was to investigate the prevalence of coeliac disease in Italian patients with Addison's disease. Seventeen consecutive patients affected by Addison's disease 14 F, mean age Diagnosis had been performed at the age of Steroid treatment had already been started in 16 of the patients.
Endomysial antibodies were tested in all of them and a duodenal biopsy was taken in those found to be positive for antiendomysial antibody EMA. One out of 17 patients was found to be EMA positive. Duodenal biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of coeliac disease by showing subtotal villous atrophy.
Although we studied only a small sample, our preliminary results confirmed that Addison's disease is associated with coeliac disease, being present in 5. Since the symptoms can be similar and treatment of Addison's disease can mask coeliac disease, this association should always be actively investigated. Colorectal adenomatous polyposis entailing cancer predisposition is caused by constitutional mutations in different genes. Moreover this study underscores the phenotypic heterogeneity and genotype-phenotype correlations in a cohort of Italian patients.
Evaluation of tibial osteopathy occurrence in neurofibromatosis type 1 Italian patients. Neurofibromatosis Type 1 NF1 is a common autosomal dominant disorder characterized by high penetrance, widely variable expressivity and occurrence of specific skeletal changes such as tibial osteopathy TO. We collected data on patients referred to the Italian Neurofibromatosis Study Group in order to compare clinical features between 49 NF1 patients with TO, and 98 age-matched NF1 patients without TO, and to determine whether the presence of TO is associated with a different risk of developing the typical NF1 complications.
We assessed both groups for: Patients of both groups were subdivided by gender and re-evaluated for these items. Statistical comparison was carried out between the two groups of patients for each feature. We collected data on type of treatment and on the clinical conditions of NF1-TO patients after follow-up. The presence of TO does not imply that there is an increased risk of developing typical complications of NF1 e. Recessive X-linked ichthyosis XLI , the second most common ichthyosis, is caused by mutations in the STS gene encoding the steroid sulfatase enzyme.
Rarely, larger deletions involving contiguous genes are detected in syndromic patients. We report the clinical and molecular genetic findings in a series of 35 consecutive Italian male patients. It is a treasure trove of information on the island defined by the American and British world famous classical scholar M. The loss of a single language is a loss for all humanity. It is worthwhile noticing that this book is also available in an electronic version: This version will enable readers to learn Sicilian using their computer. Atti del convegno, Firenze, marzo, Accademia della Crusca, Gli interventi presentati durante il convegno e raccolti nel testo affrontano la questione molto complessa ma estremamente affascinante della evoluzione della lingua italiana, simbolo linguistico di un popolo in un paese unito ma solo sulla carta e come questa lingua viene affrontata nel testo teatrale.
Ma quando si parla di adesione al reale come in De Filippo, o in Eduardo Scarpetta ma anche in Mimmo Borrelli o Vincenzo Salemme, oppure nei drammi di Annibale Ruccello, gli ambienti urbani e suburbani descritti e ritratti non generano una lingua teatrale piatta, ma piuttosto una cacofonia unica, vivace, multiforme che rende la lingua del teatro altrettanto vitale e mai costante o piatta. Italian Bookshelf generatore unico di un linguismo unico ma al tempo stesso variegato.
The title is somewhat misleading: Although the opening section is dedicated to the Middle Ages, the focus of the rest of the studies is the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular attention to poetry and the role of literary journals. The volume is divided into seven chronologically sequenced sections. The final study in this section looks at the myths of Beatrice and Laura as intersecting and profoundly marking European love poetry up to the pre-Raphaelites. In the first two articles Livi examines the imaginary of F. Marinetti, and his work as a translator and mediator between French and Italian poetry.
The fifth and the sixth section are each dedicated to a single author: Italian Bookshelf emphasizes the range and variety of Italian twentieth-century literature, with its openness to European influences, but also its regional specificities. This excellent volume, with its emphasis on early twentieth-century poetry and the role of literary journals in Franco-Italian exchanges, will interest comparatists and Italianists alike. Wittelsbach, Cornell University Massimo Riva.
La seconda parte del libro si apre con il capitolo Postmodernismo letterario e riscoperta del tempo. Nel sesto capitolo, Gadda: Il settimo capitolo, Le frecce della mente: This panorama enables Salsano to show how, despite his relative distance from the main intellectual and literary circles of his day, Michelstaedter nonetheless participates in a shared tradition of vitalist thought. In the second chapter, Salsano focuses on that connection to Pirandello, showing how both thinkers respond to similar forms of epistemological crisis, the mechanization of society, and the estrangement of modern social forms.
The final two chapters shift from these expansive literary-philosophical comparisons to close readings of key moments from La persuasione e la rettorica. Italian Bookshelf relation with the avant-garde theater of the early 20th century. One wishes, if anything, that this argument were articulated at greater length. Italian Bookshelf Anne Parmly Toxey. Architecture, Preservation and Politics. Il notevole studio di A. Il discorso prosegue spostandosi sulla geografia sociale dei Sassi, lascito delle varie dominazioni che si alternarono su questo territorio. A questo dibattito A.
Questo volume colma una lacuna importante nella spesso miopica letteratura della preservazione dei beni culturali. Toxey propone di eleggere i Sassi di Matera a sito esemplificativo dei benefici del recupero di un luogo artistico e storico come presenza dinamica, abitata ed organicamente viva, ossia flessibile ai cambiamenti necessari per un suo ruolo cittadino e regionale.
Anselm of Canterbury, Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas. The first chapter enters into the vital spaces between such concepts described by the words vox and verbum voce, parola interiore, leggere and intelligere , and into the charged meanings offered by the words logos, lex naturae, nodo and lode. This chapter also examines the theories of understanding, by cognitive and speculative methods, in particular examining the relationships between tropi, enigmi, il difficile, ornatus, ragione, intellectualiter and the modi intelligendi , transumptio and the modi transumendi , clamare, lode and honestum.
Essentially, the setting, the content and the effect of this book are all deeply cerebral. Dante in the Long Nineteenth Century: Nationality, Identity, and Appropriation. Oxford University Press, Italian Bookshelf different national identities. This perspective is explored by each scholar through a comparative critical approach, which considers also different media, namely, literature, visual art, theatre, cinema and music.
The second section is built on two main topics: Dante, Nationalism, and French Art c. This paper intertwines the late nineteenth-century activism of the African American poet, who politically reinterpreted the figure of Dante in the first poem of the trilogy titled The Seer, The Singer, The Sage, in light of the Italian Risorgimento. Gli uomini di scienza e i dissidenti religiosi, come Galileo Galilei, Martin Luther e Giordano Bruno, sono precisamente i liberi pensatori e oppositori di tale indottrinamento dogmatico che furono immediatamente individuati dalla chiesa censoria come potenziali e pericolosi pedagoghi delle masse, le cui idee ed azioni rivali andavano boicottate fino alle estreme conseguenze, anche a costo di esercitare una sorta di tirannia ex-Deo.
Le contaminazioni temute riguardavano gli innesti sulle preci sia involontari, dovuti a non contenute forme di irriverenza, sia volontari, determinati da elementi eterodossi desunti da ambiti dissidenti. Vale citare Galileo nella sua invettiva in versi contro le pratiche censorie degli ecclesiastici, descritti, sarcasticamente, come i massimi bigotti ed ipocriti del globo terraqueo: Dante oltre la Commedia. Del resto il poeta era convinto di poter intervenire con il suo poema attivamente nelle vicende politiche coeve Tuttavia riproporre, oggi, il modello del poema dantesco implica una reinterpretazione globale della nostra concezione del vivere sulla terra.
Si apre una sfida gnoseologica affrontata attraverso la nuova ispirazione degli interpreti di Dante. Nel primo contributo, Presenza e assenza di Agostino in Dante. Un saluto al convegno pp. Risultati e prospettive, Firenze, Le Monnier, , p. Italian Bookshelf Francesco della storia, 2 e Dante e il francescanesimo. Comprende scritti ispirati a diverse metodologie, che affrontano questioni di eterogenea natura. Altro che lacuna ancora non colmata, come sostiene Paolazzi. In La poesia di Dante. Da Croce a Contini pp. Italian Bookshelf ricostruzione, sincronia esecutiva senza coscienza diacronica.
In seguito si registrarono interventi di altri autori, tra cui un professore dello Studio patavino, Paolo Beni, che si distinse per la sua opera degrinatoria nei riguardi del poema dantesco. Avviando il discorso dalla lettura di alcune significative lettere di Ippolito Pindemonte, Cristina Cappelletti Della prima e principale allegoria del poema di Dante. Nella Retorica della salvezza pp. La retorica del nome del numero: Significativa la conclusione cui perviene lo studioso, atta a rilevare come anche alcuni numeri- chiave, legati alle lettere dei nomi, rivestano in Dante particolare significanza.
In Dante e i trovatori: A siffatto interrogativo lo studioso avanza la sua ipotesi in questi termini: Un rimatore piuttosto noto ai tempi di Dante fu Bonagiunta Orbicciani da Lucca, che oltre a figurare nella Commedia viene ricordato anche nel De Vulgari Eloquentia.
Are You an Author?
Aldo Menichetti Bonagiunta e lo Stilnovo, pp. Viene analizzato accuratamente un codice risalente al terzo decennio del Cinquecento, redatto su esplicita richiesta di Bembo; si tratta del ms. Le trasposizioni di Dante dal cinema muto alla televisione di Roberto Benigni pp. Mentre per quanto riguarda la trasposizione televisiva della Commedia vengono illustrati i lavori di Prosperi e Cottafavi, di Peter Greenway per Channel 4, per concludere 4 Cfr.
Carte di esilio e viaggi di carta [], Roma, Salerno Editrice, , pp. Gli ultimi saggi racchiusi nel volume concernono: Un episodio del dantismo pascoliano: Con una corrispondenza inedita Pound-Montale di Carla Riccardi pp. Giuseppe De Marco, independent scholar Margherita Datini. Letters to Francesco Datini. Carolyn James and Antonio Pagliaro. The Toronto Series Iter, Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Iris Origo brilliantly quarried the Cesare Guasti edition of the Prato archives in order to write her Merchant of Prato: Francesco di Marco Datini, following which there were at least three Italian editions of the letters exchanged between the bourgeois merchant of Prato and his noble but initially illiterate wife, Margherita.
As with John and Margaret Paston, the letters of Francesco di Marco Datini and Margherita are written during their absences from each other, Datini and Margherita playing box and cox between Prato, Pistoia and Florence while needing to provision at least two households at once, at the same time that Datini is constructing a third.
A constant relay is set up of persons and animals horses, mules, oxen, which at time need doctoring to transport these letters and the various objects, including laundry , all events which they so carefully inventory. Italian Bookshelf As an example, in time of plague she writes from Florence to Prato pp.
I also believe you would be better off where I am now. About bringing your things here, you should bring just the things that are necessary.
La città inquieta (Italian Edition)
I would bring flour and other things a little at a time. I think I left my rings in the chest where the pillow covers are at the time when Agnolo died. May God have mercy on him. Send them to me, and send us a good quantity of the almonds there. After Nanni had left, a packet of letters came from the bank, and we received a letter from Vieri Guadagni. The letters are together with this one. I will explain to Vieri why you did not answer him. I will forward the letters to you either with Nanni or with someone else.
Try to conclude your business and come as soon as you can, for the good of yourself and those who are with you. You can see that the situation might change from one hour to the next. If anyone should fall ill, you would be trapped there. I am very pleased you sent back Agostino. I wish I had learned virtuous ways from you in the same way I learned to write long letters! I will say no more. May God protect you. She is perennially concerned for her workaholic husband, his obsession with amassing wealth and his nervousness, and she seeks to both solace and correct him with religious teaching.
It is clear that literacy and the reading from the Books of Hours go hand in hand — both for herself and young girls under their roof p. He is much older than she, a bourgeois, marrying in Avignon in his forties the sixteen-year-old wife in a family of noble exiles from Florence. They have no children between them but they raise Ginevra, his illegitimate daughter by the slave Lucia and she is married lavishly.
We know — beyond the pages of this book — that their friend, the notaio Ser Lapo Mazzei tells Datini to share the story of St. Birgitta of Sweden with her. What we have is like a Flemish interior painting of a woman with a letter, but instead with Mediterranean produce in Tuscany, a window into a full-rounded culture. Names still extant today in Florence such as Mazzei and Guadagni, are in its pages. She is both wife and competent business partner. The Sword and the Pen.
Notre Dame University Press, The interdisciplinary approach Eisenbichler takes is bold, lucid, and informed. This approach frames the study and persuasively establishes the relevance of the poets under examination. The work significantly contributes to our understanding of the dialogue that existed between learned men and literate women in sixteenth-century Siena. Thus he reconstructs her authorial and personal portrait through historical documents, letters, and literary works dedicated to her.
The political verve permeating her sonnets suggests a fierce, politically engaged spirit. By centering, on the one hand, on her poems and, on the other, on the ideological and cultural background that underpins her works, Eisenbichler affords his readers the pleasure of discovering a woman fully engaged on both the political and poetic fronts.
Italian Bookshelf and thoughtfulness that define his analysis provide an invaluable perspective on the Sienese cultural, literary, and historical landscape.
- Funny Games (German Edition)?
- Stranger in the Forest (African Tales Book 2)?
- El Camino del Manager. Primeros Pasos (Spanish Edition).
By engaging in poetic discourses not only among themselves but also with their male counterparts, these women effectively re-drew the contours of the long tradition of masculine poetic dominance. Specialist and non-specialist alike owe particular thanks to him not just for breathing life into poets who share the same culture, hopes, and ideals, but also especially for translating into English their Italian poems.
Elegant, accurate, and luminous, even through implied associations, the translations capture both imagery and meanings of the original poems. Le Muse del Calvario. Angelo Grillo e la poesia dei benedettini cassinesi. Ferretti si interroga sui modelli che elargiscono materia alla lirica del monaco: Agostino, Tertulliano, Alberto Magno, Tommaso; le auctoritates contemporanee: Cesare Calderari, Basilio Zanchi, Daniele Mallonio; gli Esercizi spirituali di Ignazio de Loyola; il genere omiletico, data la valenza pedagogica della poesia spirituale post-tridentina; i cultori del genere delle lagrime: Italian Bookshelf lo splendido sonetto del poeta andaluso A la memoria de la muerte y del Infierno rielabora un testo della prima maniera grilliana Memoria del tempo Constituting selected and edited proceedings of the International Boccaccio Conference, held at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Boccaccio in America contains fifteen scholarly essays divided into five occasionally overlapping categories: Nevertheless a useful bibliography of primary and secondary sources does include all the references found in the various essays.
An appendix with the complete program of the International Boccaccio Conference follows the final section. In the spirit of full disclosure, I acknowledge that I have been a longtime member of the American Boccaccio Association, sponsor of the above- mentioned conference, and served for more than twenty years, starting in , as a regional representative for the organization.
The first section on Boccaccio and the senses of taste, hearing, and smell follows and contains three essays: Olfactory Sensitivity in Dante and Boccacio. Ciabattoni, on the other hand, offers a comparatively sedate study, although not necessarily more scholarly. Kleinhenz, well known for his wit and good humor, does not disappoint in the final essay of this initial trio. Devoted to the intersection of Boccaccio and Dante, the second section offers another triad of essays: The first two deal extensively with medieval manuscript traditions relative to Boccaccio and are clearly intended for specialists.
Practical Philosophy in the Decameron. Migiel similarly warrants kudos for her excellent, close reading of Decameron 3. In like manner, Shepard offers a sensitive reading of Decameron 6. The final section deals with Boccaccio and literary tradition: In conclusion, this handsomely edited volume attests to the vibrancy of Boccaccio studies in America and exemplifies one of the chief ways in which the Certaldese author will be celebrated during the septcentenary of his birth in La lingua di fuoco.
Dante e la filosofia del linguaggio. In questo saggio, dal titolo La lingua di fuoco. Dietro la parola si nasconde un vissuto, che a sua volta si imprime nella parola. Per Dante, quindi, la parola non si limita a descrivere la cosa in quanto tale, ma ne esprime allo stesso tempo il sentimento che nasconde. Idee, queste, che Dante elucida, ovviamente nel De vulgari eloquentia. Lo Spirito Santo si manifesta agli apostoli sotto forma di lingue di fuoco, e gli ascoltatori arrivati da regioni differenti si sentono annunciare la gloria di Dio, ciascuno nel suo idioma materno.
Il miracolo della Pentecoste, la divisio linguarum, appare come il momento finale dopo una lunga parentesi di peccato. Da questa affermazione, quindi, prende spunto il titolo stesso del saggio di Gambale. Desire in Dante and the Middle Ages. As set forth in the introduction, the papers were written not only by Dante specialists such as Giuseppe Ledda and Fabio Camilletti, but also by experts of other disciplines, such as art history Peter Dent and philosophy Paola Ureni , and by scholars working in other languages, such as French Bill Burgwinkle , German Almut Suerbaum and Annette Volfing and Latin Monika Otter.
The result is an interdisciplinary collection that focuses on the different notions of desire in the Middle Ages as seen in various fields that also encompass language, sexuality and subjectivity. Is it a losing of the self, or rather the discovery of a new and different one? Nevertheless, whatever the answer is, this experience does not remove the existence of desire itself. In fact, even though desire can be influenced by a meeting with the Divine, it never disappears; it represents a permanent goal, more or less evident in the different texts analyzed in this first part.
According to Burgwinkle, love represents for Dante a vital force, as it did for his predecessors Arnaut Daniel and Sordello. The four essays in Part 2, contributed by Peter Dent, Robert Sturges, Paola Ureni, and Marguerite Waller, concentrate on senses and intellect and on how they can be combined in order to generate desire.
Here, desire is identified as the result of a corporeal process — a process of the senses — and as something related to the field of knowledge. Finally, the five essays in Part 3 explore how desire and textuality can be linked to each other. In other words, desire and language are two inseparable entities, especially when it comes to the language of desire.
According to Southerden, Petrarch is a poet who often denies the possibility of reaching God through poetry, of being reconciled to Him. To sum up, the volume is well organized and presents a wide array of contributors with varied specializations. The collection benefits from its focus on Dante as well as on the broader medieval context. Extensive notes , a substantial bibliography , and a useful index conclude the volume.
It deals with many tales in each of the ten days, even paying attention to each of the ballads sung at the end of each day: Next, the fundamental role of ingenium needs to be associated with two other key concepts: In fact, throughout their study, the Grudins point out that just as for Cicero, so for Boccaccio, too, rhetoric is essential for the building of a well-governed society — an important observation for the proper assessment of some very long tales or long speeches within the tales. In the next ten chapters, as well as in the conclusion, the Grudins refine this succinct reading of the entire masterpiece.
For, in fact, the tales of the first nine days record and chronicle the ongoing, pervasive, overall destruction of the old order, namely, of the medieval world and life view: Creating Magnificence in Renaissance Florence. Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, He was known for his wealth and his patronage of building projects in Florence. Italian Bookshelf the author relocates the origins of Florentine public discourse on magnificence by focusing on the years between , a full thirty years earlier than other scholars.
He argues that Florentines were learning that magnificence was a virtue, and that this view was influenced by mendicant preachers who worked with medieval texts and who influenced wealthy patrons in guiding them in their donations for building projects. Howard asserts that the very shape of Florence was related directly to preaching. Magnificence was a virtue of action, an action which required spending great sums of money to build imposing projects such as churches, chapels, hospices for pilgrims, hospitals and palaces that reflected the status of its leading citizens.
And it was the rich and powerful who could exercise the virtue and express their wealth for the common good and the glory of God. Aristotelian aesthetics had been gradually absorbed into Tuscan culture and the language of Aquinas was appropriated for sermons. Public speeches, including sermons defined, reinforced or created a shared culture for all the citizens, not just the privileged few or the literate. Chapter 3 explores the textual materials and doctrinal traditions preachers drew on.
Paul and drew on an array of examples from the Bible and proverbs to prepare his sermons. He adopted the work as a moral guide for expressing magnificence which was voiced in the piazzas and churches. The mendicant orders depended on the generosity of their wealthy patrons and had to court them. Antoninus had to deal with issues surrounding patronage at a time when Florence was undergoing an ecclesiastical building boom. The textual resources available to preachers allowed them to construct a theology of magnificence.
Italian Bookshelf Sermons would appeal to local pride and generosity and stir the citizenry to action. Several times Howard reminds the reader that there are no written accounts of how an audience reacted to sermons. What is lacking is what today we would call reception studies. There are, however, lists of the prominent and influential people who packed the churches to hear the sermons.
Chapter 5 analyzes the Summa and its sources and the exempla that had direct references for wealthy patrons such as the Rucellai, who were in the midst of elaborate construction projects. Antoninus excerpted material from this source, excluded references to Venice, and revised and edited the book to suit his purposes to address the needs of the Florentines. He is presented as cultural translator distilling, reclassifying, concretizing, and circulating ideas.
The authority of ecclesiastical office gave power to his words. For the author, the years were the crucial decades during which a splendid Florence was created. By the end of the s, however, magnificence had ceased to be an expression of virtue and became the display of vanity against which Savonarola, another Dominican friar, preached a few decades later. Italian Bookshelf Timothy Kircher. Living Well in Renaissance Italy: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, This monograph centers — as the title suggests — on Leon Battista Alberti and particularly his views on and approaches to virtue, but does not treat Alberti in isolation.
The following two chapters treat humanist friendship in Alberti Ch. The final chapter returns more specifically to the issue of irony, outlining other ways of discussing virtue in Valla and in later Florentine humanism, including Poliziano. This learned book is valuable for a number of important features, including its close reading of a whole range of Albertian texts rather than engaging in the usual near-exclusive concentration on the Della famiglia, which has plagued Anglophone scholarship on Alberti.
It employs a considerable bibliography, including secondary sources in Italian and English to a lesser extent, also in French and German , and must be commended for offering transcriptions of the original sources both Latin and Italian , all of which are rendered into English. Alberti privileges literature and poetry vs. But the relationship of these disciplines is not altogether straightforward.
His practice of irony provided the focus on the ethical primacy of living over reading [ Italian Bookshelf particularly given that Kircher e. The answer appears to be that most humanists were enamored of booklearning, scholarship, erudition and Latinity, and saw these along with the cultivation of rhetoric as the foundation of ethics. And, if one is referring to contemporary philosophical assumptions, would it not be appropriate to discuss the stance of the scholastics, who are strangely absent from the book?
After all, the range of questions outlined at the opening of Living Well 1: How is happiness attained? What is [the] importance of wealth, health, or political power? A slightly different question is one of methodology. Would their complexity not have been clearer by allowing the multiplicity of voices and possibilities to stand? Smaller points could be raised: It is a poignant reminder of the close interconnection between literature and morals, and of the value of examining the two in tandem. This is a useful challenge to academic disciplines that tend to focus on one or the other language, without giving proper attention to their interrelationships.
Italian Bookshelf but was of significant interest also to scholastics, literary men, political leaders, courtiers, and many others. New Worlds and the Italian Renaissance. Contributions to the History of European Intellectual Culture. Brill Studies in Intellectual History. This volume brings together expanded versions of papers originally delivered at a Yale graduate conference in Twelve contributions by, for the most part, rising young scholars explore paradigmatic shifts in the intellectual climate of the Age of Discovery.
Mazzotta traces the shift towards the kind of subjective individualism which has traditionally been associated with the emergence of secular modernity in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries back to the years leading up to and immediately following the discovery of the Americas.
Civic Panegyrics of Bruni, Poggio, and Decembrio. Italian Bookshelf critics, Komorowski advances an inclusive view of civic humanism which looks beyond the narrow confines of Florentine republicanism. More than just political grandstanding, he argues, humanist panegyrics served as diplomatic missives, advertising, and petitioning for collaboration between neighboring city-states. Adroitly jumping from film criticism to literary history, from Olmi to Aretino, Leisawitz draws provocative analogies between two cultures at the crossroads of technological innovation. The section concludes with a study by Jason Taylor that closely compares how Machiavelli and Livy each weighed the political utility of religion.
The Case of Girolamo Savonarola. Like many of the contributors in this volume, Stark perceives shifts within Quattrocento humanism that anticipate the emergence of modernity a century later. The two concluding essays of the volume are literary in focus. Italian Bookshelf body of the text in their original language, pushing their translations down to the footnotes.
The sheer volume of Latin passages is overwhelming, and interrupts the flow of his otherwise fluid prose. As the editors make clear in their introduction, the papers contained within New Worlds and the Italian Renaissance offer suggestive, though not definitive approaches to study the early modern Italy. A number of strong contributions from emerging scholars will make this an attractive volume for specialists from a variety of disciplines, and bodes well for the future of Renaissance scholarship in general. Conquista, cittadinanza e conflitto nei Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio.
Italian Bookshelf ascolto, il successo gli sarebbe stato tributato dalle opere dei repubblicani inglesi, pubblicate dopo la vittoria di Cromwell, e dal filone del pensiero illuministico francese che giunge sino a Colbert, attento a valutare la forza degli stati in base al numero dei cittadini James Wilson, firmatario della Dichiarazione di indipendenza degli Stati Uniti, nelle Lectures on Law, fece riferimento ai Discorsi, commentando le disposizioni del suo paese sulla naturalizzazione dei nuovi arrivati Quali sono le tesi machiavelliane che si discostano dalla trattatistica politica umanistica?
I letterati si affidavano alla citazione rassicurante, tratta dal Bellum Iugurthinum di Sallustio, secondo cui nella concordia i piccoli stati crescono, mentre per effetto della discordia persino i grandi decadono Invece di proseguire la tradizione teorica di Aristotele, Platone, Senofonte, Cicerone, Seneca, rompendo con il repubblicanesimo classico e gli umanisti, Machiavelli estrae il sapere pratico riposto nelle storie antiche Italian Bookshelf per la cogenza con cui ricostruisce una ricorrenza tematica e strutturale nel poema.
Italian Bookshelf questa intuizione circa la struttura del Paradiso, Priest intuisce che tutto il resto del poema procede con lo stesso ordine. Questi canti riflettono il Padre in quanto essi offrono la fondazione del regno infernale, e riflettono anche il Figlio in quanto presentano peccati corporali. Se passiamo ai canti vediamo che ira ed eresia riflettono lo Spirito. Quindi tutta la cantica riflette la matrice trinitaria anticipata dalle tre bestie, alla base del viaggio, possiamo dire, e poi verificata alla fine del viaggio, da dove il tutto ha principio. Questo sistema si ripete per le tre cantiche, rispettando in un modo ineccepibile la natura trinitaria del poema.