Adirondack Detective
John was predeceased by his wife, Margaret, who was his soul mate and inspiration. Calling hours are Thursday, May 30, 4 to 6 p.
A service will be held at the funeral home on Friday, May 31 at 10 a. Donations can be made in John's memory to the Old Forge Library. For online expressions of sympathy please go to www. Share on Facebook Share via Email Not right now. Optional Please provide me with special offers and discounts from Legacy. The setting in this book is absolutely dead on. That author is writing about someplace he knows inside out and backwards.
Other reviews have criticiz I enjoyed this book and immediately started looking for others in the series. Other reviews have criticized the writing style. Briant sounds like a cop.
- Brian Boru: Emperor of the Irish!
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- Books by John H. Briant?
- Adirondack Detective: Adirondack Detective Goes West by John H. Briant (2005, Paperback).
The majority of fiction books sound like they were written by fiction writers who have been heavily edited to fit some generic mold and readers are critical of any other style. We are tolerant when doctors sound like doctors or lawyers sound like lawyers only when they are writing non-fiction in their fields. But now that publishers are depending more on spell check and less on human editors and more books are being self-published, we are going to be seeing more authors of fiction who sound like doctors, lawyers, and cops.
My plan is to be more tolerant of doctors, lawyers and cops who are trying to tell a good story with a reasonable plot and a likable character and less tolerant of career professional writers who don't. May 28, Sally Lindsay-briggs rated it liked it. The location of this book was fascinating.
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I traveled the Adirondacks a great deal when I was young, because they were close to my Northern New York home. Later, when I married, we went canoe camping at Saranac and Tupper Lake. The main character, Jason, spent a great deal of time traveling in the beautiful mountains and many places were very familiar.
I did feel that far too much verbiage was spent on Jason's showering, his feeding of the dog and did we need to know what he ate for almost every The location of this book was fascinating.
I did feel that far too much verbiage was spent on Jason's showering, his feeding of the dog and did we need to know what he ate for almost every meal? Jason did seem like a very good detective. Oct 12, Betsy Forsland rated it it was ok.
Adirondack detective (Paperback)
Bad- The writing is simplistic and overly detailed about meals. Very odd style , bothersome to me. Mar 14, Lesley rated it liked it Shelves: Well it a simple mystery story but the fun part for me was reading about all the parts of the Adirondacks I have been to-many not far from where I live-Rt 28, old Forge, Eighth Lake, etc--I knew the places so that made the story more fun to read. I would read more in this series! Jun 03, Caitlin McAuliffe rated it it was amazing.
Adirondack detective goes West | Adirondack Fiction
Great book, lots of adventure, just like there is in the Adirondacks. Feb 09, Wayne E. The Adirondack Detective is a likeable all American hero type. He had lost, after all, his partner, love, and inspiration. John soldiered on, painfully aware that life could never be the same. It truly was heartbreaking at times to know he was suffering so. But it was also inspirational to see that great devotion and love had survived. He continued to credit Margaret for the success he had achieved.
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We met through a common interest in books and writing. I knew he was one of the highest-profile authors in the region, and I was pretty confident that he had never heard of me. But I was wrong.
Early on, Margaret sought me out and introduced herself. After speaking for a few moments, she said John had insisted on meeting me, so I joined him at their table. That he was such a nice man is what made the moment feel so good. Every subsequent time that we met, I was more and more impressed with how nice the Briants were and how much John cared for his fans.
He really seemed to love what he was doing, which no doubt accounted for at least part of his success. That and a powerful bond with Margaret, of whom he wrote shortly after her death: She was my friend and partner. May God watch over this inspiring lady, and that she was. I was a most lucky person to know her for thirty-five years. It is so sad that they are both gone. I looked forward to seeing John at the main events this summer, but it was not to be.