
We called it 'Unintended' because it came out of nowhere, and I didn't mean it to happen, all of these feelings for this girl". A remix exists, entitled "MG remix", by "Jirob". The track begins with an oldie worldy effect, followed by a sped up dance section. Unintended was written and debuted sometime in Matt was very apprehensive towards playing the song originally, as he originally envisioned it being performed using a keyboard, though he could not afford someone to play one.
Thus, the band held off on playing Unintended for quite some time.
Unintended (song)
Unintended remained a rare song all throughout before finally being played on regular rotation starting in January Unintended was performed at the majority of gigs in First there was the one who challenged All my dreams and all my balance She could never be as good as you. Some early live versions had a different chorus: MuseWiki, wiki for the band Muse.
Information Played heavily during the tour as a lighter anthem and occasionally during Live Unintended was written and debuted sometime in Retrieved from " http: Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Views Read View source View history. This page was last edited on 12 August , at In John Locke, the English philosopher and a forerunner of modern economists, urged the defeat of a parliamentary bill designed to cut the maximum permissible rate of interest from 6 percent to 4 percent.
Locke argued that instead of benefiting borrowers, as intended, it would hurt them. People would find ways to circumvent the law, with the costs of circumvention borne by borrowers.
Booming cities' unintended consequences: Homelessness and congestion | McKinsey
To the extent the law was obeyed, Locke concluded, the chief results would be less available credit and a redistribution of income away from "widows, orphans and all those who have their estates in money. In an influential article titled "The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action," Merton identified five sources of unanticipated consequences. The first two—and the most pervasive—were ignorance and error. Merton labeled the third source the "imperious immediacy of interest. That type of willful ignorance is very different from true ignorance.
A nation, for example, might ban abortion on moral grounds even though children born as a result of the policy may be unwanted and likely to be more dependent on the state. The unwanted children are an unintended consequence of banning abortions, but not an unforeseen one.
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The Protestant ethic of hard work and asceticism, he wrote, "paradoxically leads to its own decline through the accumulation of wealth and possessions. For example, the warnings earlier in this century that population growth would lead to mass starvation helped spur scientific breakthroughs in agricultural productivity that have since made it unlikely that the gloomy prophecy will come true.
Merton later developed the flip side of this idea, coining the phrase "the self-fulfilling prophecy. By , Merton, age eighty, had produced six hundred pages of manuscript but still not completed the work. The law of unintended consequences provides the basis for many criticisms of government programs.
As the critics see it, unintended consequences can add so much to the costs of some programs that they make the programs unwise even if they achieve their stated goals. For instance, the United States has imposed quotas on imports of steel in order to protect steel companies and steelworkers from lower-priced competition.
Booming cities, unintended consequences
The quotas do help steel companies. But they also make less of the cheap steel available to U. As a result the automakers have to pay more for steel than their foreign competitors do. So policy that protects one industry from foreign competition makes it harder for another industry to compete with imports. Similarly, Social Security has helped alleviate poverty among senior citizens.