True Blood (2012-2013) #10
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- True Blood (2012-2013) #10?
Picking up immediately where Season 6 left off, a large group of Hep V vampires attack Bon Temps in full force, leaving many casualties, but they are called off by an unseen person. They abduct Arlene, Holly, a heavily pregnant Nicole and several other people. Tara dies in the attack, leaving an injured and manic Lettie Mae crying for her daughter. Willa feeds her some vampire blood to heal her; this causes Lettie Mae V-induced hallucinations to take on the form of Tara. Meanwhile, Jason finally mans up to Violet and has sex with her.
Elsewhere in Morocco, Pam is still looking for Eric, placing her own life in danger for information. A local named Vince spots Sam shifting. Despite being able to hear all the hateful thoughts from the redneck townspeople, Sookie pleads with them to let her help. Jason has a sexy gay dream about Eric. At Fangtasia, Arlene and Holly come up with a plan to escape, but things don't go as expected as their captor Betty is reluctant to help.
The insane Lettie Mae's obsession to see and talk to Tara's ghost causes her to take extreme actions by burning herself and asking Willa to feed some of her blood again to heal her. They find a mass grave and a ghost town. With their mayor and sheriff gone, the people of Bon Temps take matters into their own hands when Vince forms a vigilante group to kill all supernatural entities. Jessica tries frantically to help Adilyn, who has been captured by the rowdy townsfolk and is imprisoned in the town jail.
Sookie seeks Bill's help. At the end, Pam finally finds Eric residing in France, but their reunion isn't a happy one as he has become infected by Hep V. In France, Pam tries fruitlessly to convince the world-weary Eric to not give up on life despite that he is Hep-V positive and will die soon. Eric flashes back to France and remembers his involvement with the human daughter of a winery owner, and his choice to make when Nan Flannigan and Vampire Authority showed up. In the present, Pam finally gets a reaction from Eric when she tells him that Sarah Newlin is still alive.
Meanwhile, Sarah has settled into a new life as the lover of a guru, but she is forced to flee from a team of ninja assassins who come hunting for her. Meanwhile, Lafayette and James spend the night bonding and getting high once again. A shootout ends in tragedy when the Hep V vampires find Sookie- and Alcide is killed in the crossfire, while Maxine Fortenberry and several townsfolk are killed when Hep-V vampires attack the vigilante mob.
A traumatized Holly is used as bait by the Hep-V vampires, but is rescued. Sookie and Jason each make phone calls to Jackson and Hoyt to inform them of the death of their family members. Meanwhile, James stages an intervention for Jessica, who hasn't fed since she accidentally killed Adilyn's three sisters.
Also, the origins how Eric became Vampire Sheriff are revealed which involves him and Pam forced by the Magistrate to operate a local video store in , how Ginger came into their lives 10 years later, and how another 10 years later in that Ginger suggested opening up the Fangtasia nightclub for vampires which Pam admits to stealing, but immediately forgiven by Eric.
Sookie probes Holly's mind and finds out that Arlene and Nicole are being kept in the basement at Fangtasia. She rounds up her friends, including Eric, to go and save them, but their attempted rescue coincides with an attack by the anti-vampire mob from Bon Temps. Lafayette and James throw a 'celebration of life' party at Sookie's in the wake of Alcide's death and convince her to get dressed and look appropriate.
Bill reminisces his past before going to war with the Yankees during the Civil War. Meanwhile, Lettie Mae drugs her husband so she can be present at the town party. Andy forgives Jessica for killing his half-faeie daughters, telling her he can't move on if she tortures herself and he gets help proposing to an ecstatic Holly.
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Arlene gives Sookie tips on getting over the loss of a loved one. Meanwhile Lafayette and James get really intimate much to Jessica's chagrin. While getting dressed, Pam and Eric discover his illness has worsened. Arlene gets noticed by year-old vampire Keith, who saved her life in Fangtasia. Lafayette confronts Jessica telling her she doesn't deserve James because she doesn't care about him. Lettie Mae's obsession to talk with Tara causes her to take a violent action which in turn gets her thrown out of the party. Nicole gives the townsfolk a piece of her honest mind and leaves with Sam.
Jason and Jessica have sex while Violet listens through the door unbeknownst to them. In Dallas, the Yakuza disrupts the gala party and leave many casualties. Sarah Newlin and her mother Nancy try to escape but Nancy ends up dead.
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At the end, Bill suddenly discovers he is Hep-V positive - due to drinking from Sookie, who had unknowingly become a carrier due to exposure through a cut on her wrist. In Dallas, Eric briefly captures Sarah Newlin to torture and kill her, but he ends up fighting the Yakuza; he and Pam are captured, and Sarah escapes yet again. In Bon Temps, Lafayette indulges Lettie Mae with vampire blood and realizes she may not just be hallucinating about Tara's ghost. Meanwhile, Violet retaliates following Jason's infidelity by luring away Andy and Holly's children after Andy finds Wade in bed with Adilyn.
Jessica makes a shocking discovery about Bill after she overhears him on the phone talking about his being Hep-V positive, and Sookie receives some bad news. Bill attempts to will his property to Jessica, but is confronted by multiple obstacles including the unusually rapid progression of his illness and vents his frustration before returning home, to find Sookie and Jessica waiting for him.
Also, Nicole tells Sam that she wants to leave Bon Temps and return to her home in California, but Sam doesn't want to leave the only home he knows. Elsewhere, Sarah seeks shelter with her estranged vampire sister Amber who is also dying of Hep V , where she reveals something about herself that might change everything.
Hoyt arrives in Bon Temps with his girlfriend Brigette to identify his mother's body. Violet invites Adilyn and Wade to her house to give them privacy, but her motives for doing so are soon revealed. Meanwhile, Eric and Pam agree to cooperate with Mr. Gus and the Yakanomo corporation in the search for Sarah who want to take her to Japan to put her on trial for the murder of their rep back in Season 6 , but Eric only has one real interest; to kill Sarah in the most violent way for everything she has done.
Sarah, meanwhile, is hiding out in the former headquarters of the Fellowship of the Sun, hallucinating about her former husband Steve. Sookie attempts to get help for Bill first from Dr. Ludwig and then from Niall Brigand; the latter tells her even his magic cannot save Bill, and she must accept his oncoming death.
True Blood (2012-2013) #10
Sarah faces the demons from her past. Also, Bill continues to reminisce about his life in the s before he was turned. The season had an abbreviated run of ten episodes, as opposed to the usual twelve, partially to accommodate the pregnancy of lead actress Anna Paquin. In the finale, Bill discovers that salvation comes at a price as he loses his powers inherited from the blood of Lilith.
Sookie tries to talk Warlow into dating her first, but he turns violent.
Bill finally releases Takahashi, and Jessica encourages him to save Sookie. With the help of Jason, Violet, Andy and Adylin, they rescue her. Warlow follows them and just as he is ready to recapture Sookie, Niall reappears and helps Jason stake Warlow. As soon as Warlow dies, the inherited power of daywalking diminishes. Far away in Sweden, Eric also loses the power, which causes him to burst into flames. In February series creator Alan Ball announced he would step down as day-to-day showrunner of True Blood but would stay on as executive producer.
However, the producers announced in March that, after only a single season, Hudis would also depart the series to focus on developing his own HBO series.
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Brian Buckner filled the position for the rest of the season and will continue in the role for the seventh season. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. List of True Blood episodes. Retrieved April 13, TV by the Numbers. Retrieved June 18, Retrieved June 25, Retrieved July 1, Retrieved July 10, Retrieved July 16, Retrieved July 23, Retrieved July 30, Retrieved August 6, Retrieved August 13, Retrieved August 20, Retrieved April 20, Brian Buckner to Replace Mark Hudis". Retrieved June 20, Archived from the original on July 6, Retrieved July 2, Archived from the original on July 13, Archived from the original on July 20, Archived from the original on July 28, Archived from the original on September 1, Retrieved August 2, Retrieved August 12, Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history.
In other projects Wikiquote. This page was last edited on 16 October , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Region 1 DVD cover. Sam, Luna, and Emma also escape from Authority headquarters, though Luna dies from her injuries, entrusting Sam to take care of Emma. Meanwhile, Louisiana Governor Trueman Burrell declares war on vampires, but also secretly partners with a Japanese rep to manufacture Tru Blood. Eric says he is no longer Pam's maker, and she no longer follows his orders. Upset, Pam goes to Fangtasia with Tara, when some S.
Elsewhere, the distraught Jason hitchhikes and is picked up by an old man, who he believes to be Warlow; Jason shoots at the man who disappears, while the faerie blood contract promising Sookie to Warlow starts to glow. Also, Alcide is about to have sex with a young woman in the pack to cement his new authority as alpha wolf when Rikki shows up, and they have a threesome. In Bon Temps, Andy agrees to take care of his four faerie kids with Arlene's help.
However, the four infants age quickly from babies to three-year-old girls overnight. Jessica is summoned by Bill to his house, who now appears normal but more powerful. He is attacked by Eric and survives being staked from behind by Sookie. He demands they all leave, except Jessica. Eric signs Sookie's house back over to her in his blood, while she takes back her invitation, and Nora notices that Eric is in love with Sookie.
Bill talks to Jessica in her bedroom to put her fears about him to rest, and after returning to his room, he sees Lilith and three other nude and blood-covered vampire sirens like her , who appear to enter his body. Warlow manages to break through the dimensional barrier and enter Bon Temps. Jason learns that the mysterious driver who drove him back to town in fact his fairy grandfather, Niall Brigant. The next morning, Sookie is late for work and helps an injured stranger, named Ben, who is revealed to be another fairy-halfling. At the bar, Arlene is kept busy by Terry in explaining to Patrick's pregnant wife how he has left her.
At the same time, a visitor and leader of a pro-vampire and shifter group, named Nicole, approaches Sam and tries to convince him to come out for the good of his kind. Jessica hires "food" female prostitute for an unresponsive Bill, but the encounter ends badly when the woman is drained by Bill's powers. Nora rereads the vampire bible in hopes of insights, while Eric unsuccessfully attempts to glamour Gov.
Burrell who anticipated his arrival, and tells him that Vampire hunting is legal after they bombed the TruBlood factories, and proceeds to have him arrested which he escapes. Sookie meets the grandfather, who teachers her how to focus her light defensively.

Jessica prays for Bill and her friends, and Bill realizes that he has the ability to see the future. An irate Eric takes matters into his own hands by glamouring and then kidnapping the Governor's daughter, Willa. She reveals her father's secret detention and research camp, where vampires are experimented on - a camp where Steve Newlin now finds himself detained and confronted by his ex-wife Sarah, who is now Governor Burrell's henchwoman.