Theophany The Prayer of Garth
Creativity and Prayer - Using creativity as an extension to prayer and a way to wholeness.
Search — “Prayer” in Titles
Graham Crackers Galoshes and God - laughs from everyday life, prayers for everyday problems. Informed Intercession - Transforming your community through spiritual mapping and strategic prayer. Inner Healing - ministering to the human spirit through the power of prayer- CG.
Longings for the Eternal - Prayers for spirit community and sustainability. Patterns Not Padlocks - Exploring Prayer: For parents and all busy people. Prayers for education - a rich resource for teachers educationalists and clergy. Praying for My Life - When all around her was falling apart, she chose to seek peace through prayer. Praying With Our Eyes Open - engendering feminist liturgical prayer.
Reaching Heaven - discovering the cornerstones of Jesus prayer life. Remembrance - An anthology of readings prayers and music chosen for memorial services. Showing Mary - How womwn can share prayers wisdom and the blessings of God. Taking It To the Streets - Impacting communities through prayerwalking. It seems that at points in our life, triggers happen that make us recall a memory or a need. It might be a song, a place, a person, a smell, a season or a date, but whatever it is, it triggers something inside of us.
Sometimes that trigger causes us many emotions, some of those are good, and some may be bad. Recently, I had one of those trigger moments. The chorus of the song says,. Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
Unanswered Prayers? | Sandalfeet Ministries
The premise of the song is that this guy runs into an old high-school flame at a post-high school football game. He had prayed every night that God would make that girl his. This encounter helped him realize that he needed to be thankful for and content with what he did have.

So my question is this, were his prayers truly unanswered or was the answer just one that he did not particularly like at the time? Does God really let our prayers go unanswered? I like to think the answer is no, He does not ever not answer or hear our prayers. Those words together in that version appear only once. I denied myself by fasting for them, but my prayers returned unanswered.
Wired for Sound
Rescue me from their fierce attacks. Protect my life from these lions. We are so blinded by our own situation that we are blind to the greater works of the Father.
Of course, later on we learn his prayers were answered. The same can be said about Mr. Brooks and the women in his song. God did answer his prayers. He told him, not audibly per se, that No, he was not going to get that girl and that He had someone else lined up for him. I know as I reflect back on my life and this one particular instance that recently came to mind, I can see how God really did answer those prayers. Even scarier, I may have completely missed Jesus. Today, I can praise Him and worship Him in the midst of this revelation.
Me, a mere sinner who was blind, but can now see. That truly is amazing grace.
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