The Juice and Other Stories

Chicory - most commonly known as a leafy salad vegetable - has been curated into a tasty caffeine-free coffee alternative. It is roasted and ground into a granule-like consistency, and once hot water is added, dissolves into a nutty, earthy, warming, nourishing drink.
Ingredient: juice of half a lemon | Sue's Recipes and Other StoriesSue's Recipes and Other Stories
Chicory has even been proven to aid digestion, so this drink is perfect enjoyed first thing in the morning to get your body working smoothly, and to satisfy your coffee cravings. Take your chopped pumpkin and juice it. Sieve the liquid to remove any large lumps of pumpkin, and set aside the juice. If you used a juicer, set aside the juice whilst you make the milk.
The Juice, Revealed
For the nut milk, place your soaked almonds, toasted pecans, salt, water and chia seeds into your blender. Blend on a high speed for minutes until smooth. Pour the liquid through a jam straining bag or a nut milk bag, into a jug. Then transfer the milk back into the blender, adding the pumpkin juice. If you are using shop bought, pre-made almond milk, simply blend together the milk and the pumpkin juice.
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Blend for minutes until everything is smoothly combined. Pour the milk through a sieve into a medium saucepan and add the ground chicory, maca, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and coconut palm sugar.
Orange Juice and Other Stories
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