The ANUNNAKI Were Here! (History of the ANUNNAKI Book 3)
For instance, I think that the Anunnaki were limited in their abilities, yet were given credit for doing things that were done by other alien species. But, as human beings saw the Anunnaki as gods and goddesses, they naturally transferred credit to the Annunaki, because they were more tangible, something they could see, make an image of, and so forth. Because when we re-member more of who we are, why we continue to repeat patterns without understanding them, then we can be more of our whole selves in a way that is free from old baggage.
We can have clear knowledge of ourselves, accept ourselves, heal what needs healing, and create what we want to have for our future. Or, to quote from a popular TV show "Kung Fu: If you want to know what the Anunnaki looked like, one easy way is to see the crop circle from called the first Chilbolton Face in Hampshire. Mention the name Anunnaki to some people and deep within them something stirs; a memory of Earth and Mars - and often there is anger, fear, pain, and confusion about the Anunnaki. Some people remember being part of their family, for better or worse.
I even hear stories from people who think that the Anunnaki are vicious reptilians who have been battling for control over the Earth for the last half a million years, and they call all of the shots while we sit here like helpless pawns. Do I agree with everything the Anunnaki did, or they way in which they did things? They had good sides and also some really awful sides. There were different Anunnaki factions , and there were aliens who gave the impression they were Anunnakis.

This article presents some of each. The Anunnaki are archetypal, symbolic, and mythic, too. So, we may each feel a certain personal identification with one or more of them, which is a very interesting phenomenon to investigate. Because people feel a reaction to the Anunnaki, it is a HUGE key that our personal feelings and memories emotional and cellular about the Anunnaki still influence us today. In other words, these archetypes are within ourselves. Joseph Campbell stated that, "myths are clues to the spiritual potentialities of the human life.
We can use the mythology of the Anunnaki as a way to understand and heal ourselves.
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Nanna, Allah ; the war over who controls Israel. We have seen brother go against brother the main theme , religions and governments against others, men against women and women against men up into current times. It is my hope that through such understanding of who we are, we can resolve ancient battles between nations and heal bitterness and hurts that have held us back from fully enjoying our lives and being the creators that we are RIGHT NOW.
Examining the deep, dark secrets within and healing them can help us accomplish this faster, I think. The most important event that took place when the Anunnakis ruled the Earth was that man rebelled against slavery and demanded sovereignty, and received it. At the end of this article is more information along these lines about what this means for us as a civilization. My thanks go to my higher self, and Enki for helping me, for all of his love and care he gives to me and to all of life.
When the Source G-d created souls in order to be able to reflect back to itself what it was, beings later manifested in the constellation of Lyra. These were the first "creator gods" the Council of Twelve and Elohim who knew how to create matter from light. And create they did - planets, stars, universes, life forms for themselves, and eventually others. In time, however, their life span decreased.
They sought out something that would enable them to live longer lives so that they could experience the wonder and miracle of existence. They found that gold not only increased their longevity, but provided them with a superconductivity which gave them the ability to be very telepathic and experience their multidimensionality. Many thousands of years passed, and the beings from Lyra spread out into the cosmos and created new civilizations.
Some went to Vega, others the Pleiades , and yet others Sirius. The search for gold to maintain their longevity continued because, unfortunately, their source for this magical substance was not forever lasting. Their planet part of Sirius was destroyed and their lives were doomed. They had to find another way of living - elsewhere.
The following universal history information is from Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka , and Enki [through myself]: Mercury , Venus , Mars no moons , a 4th planet larger than Earth with many moons, including a large one , Jupiter , Saturn no rings , Uranus , Neptune and Pluto which was a satellite of Saturn. This planet had its own moons. It arrived at approximately the same orbit as the 4th planet called Maldek - the one that existed beyond Mars. Mars was then the 3rd planet. The remnant of the impact as it cooled and moved into a tighter orbit around the sun became the Earth and brought with it the large planet that was the moon of the 4th planet.
This is our moon. Earth brought with it water - but there was water on the other planet, as well. As it reformed and became a sphere again, the rift where the shattering took place is now the Pacific Ocean area. And - this also caused Pluto to release from Saturn and come into its own orbit.
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It is our 10th planet - not really the 12th. Bases were set up on the Moon. These moons have been used for bases and minerals and water. The group of beings who originated in Lyra later split up and evolved into Vegans, Sirians and Pleiadeans , are known as the Anunnaki. This particular group is attributed to having their own satellite. Their "planet" which is partially artificial was considered to be Nibiru. However, Nibiru is not really the home of the Anunnaki. The story of the Anunnaki has been mixed up with these pirates through time so some see the Anunnaki as being only evil.
The name "Anunnaki" can mean many different things [based on Hebrew interpretations ] - it is rich with meaning. So, the name can mean "We are clean" and "heaven is clean," clean as in "pure. They were tall, giant, in Hebrew the word for giants is "Anakim" and have also been called the Nordics or Blonds, even though not all of them had blond hair or blue eyes. It is easy to see their Lyran and Sirian roots in their appearance.
They also glowed a golden color. These Anunnaki were later called the Elohim, and Nephilim those who descended, came down. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. It is thought, by some, that the Nephilim were sinful gods who "fell from grace.
- Puisquici-bas Toute Âme, Op. 17, No. 2.
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- Selected Stories (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics)?
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- The Fair Maid of Bohemia (Nicholas Bracewell Book 9).
This can also be seen as symbolic. As life forms choose to come to Earth their vibration goes through changes so that they are more matched to the frequency of Earth, their new home. Now these ETs literally came down from space, but souls choosing to incarnate upon the earth also had to change their vibrational frequencies. Enlil was first to come to Earth and was there even before mankind was created. The Sumerian texts called mankind the "Black-Headed People. He blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being.
The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and placed there the man whom He had formed Genesis does say that the first river in Eden was Pishon and winds through the whole land of Havilah, where the gold is - the gold of that land is good; bdellium is there, and lapis lazuli. The name of the second river is Gihon, the one that winds through the whole land of Cush.
The name of the third river is Tigris, the one that flows east of Asshur. And the fourth river is the Euphrates. Many of these giants were the result of Anunnaki and human reproduction, such as Gilgamesh]. This was on the border of Iran and Iraq at Lake Zaga. This lake no longer exists, as it has been covered up by sand, but it exists inside the earth and interdimensionally. To date no one else has ever talked about Lake Zaga or knows where it is - that is, aside from myself and channeled entities who have confirmed my visions and memories of it.
I would like to find someone who can provide me with archaeological, geological evidence that this place once existed. I also know the language of the place, and how there are underground facilities , passageways, there. It was once controlled by the Anunnaki. There are many interesting details of how this place once looked, but I am preserving this information for another time. Hominids are distinctly human-like creatures, different from apes or chimpanzees.
The Anunnaki came to Earth some of their crafts had crashed in the process , for a haven for themselves, and found it rich with gold, copper, silver and other minerals. They felt that here was their last chance for longevity, survival and the gold was the best conductor of energy which had many important uses. They mined gold for a very long time - hundreds of thousands of years by our standards; for theirs only a few weeks have passed. What, according to the Old Testament happened? So man was banished from Eden to work the soil from which he was taken.
Further on in Genesis, we read: And the Lord regretted that He had made man on earth, and His heart was saddened. The Lord said, "I will blot out from the earth the men whom I created - men together with beasts, creeping things, and birds of the sky; for I regret that I made them.
For My part, I am about to bring the Flood - waters upon the earth - to destroy all flesh under the sky in which there is breath of life; everything on earth shall perish. But I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall enter the ark, with your sons This ark was symbolic and literal, not only a ship, but a covenant.
Stephanie Dalley, author and translator, states from her book "Myths From Mesopotamia: There also could have been several different versions spread around retelling the Epic. About the Epic, Ms. The success of the hero-god Marduk is a foregone conclusion. None of the good gods is injured or killed; no tears are shed. Yet cosmic events are narrated: The gods themselves behave in an orderly fashion: However, I find this hard to believe because without a female donor, beings could not procreate, not give birth, and so on.
There have been many women I have personally met who remember being birth goddesses, used by the aliens to have embryos implanted within them, to go through the pregnancies and give birth, then raise the children - if they survived. The ghost existed so as not to forget the slain god. Mixing and concocting continues and the "womb-goddesses" creator of fate were assembled. When birthing time arrived, Nin served as the mid-wife. The ghost is the spirit, the breath, divine life force, that was NOT created by the Anunnaki. This is only created by The Source.
My spelling of Ninhursag is how the name is spoken, and how it is in my memory. When analyzed numerologically, it has a number of , which according to Norma Smith, Expert Analyst and Ph. Ea, married to Damkina, overhears the plot and takes the fate into his own hands, slaying Apsu and Mummu. Afterwards he rested in his own quarters and named them Apsu and made his home there.
Here is where he and Damkina created their son Marduk, and Marduk was raised by a nurse and he was suckled by the goddesses.
The Message of the Anunnaki: We are here, among you[…]
What follows in the Epic is a war created by accusations and conspiracies back and forth between the forces of Anshar, his son Anu, his son EA, and his son Marduk against Tiamat and Kingu. Marduk slays Tiamat - of womankind - the gods rejoice and make Marduk their leader. Marduk took back the Tablets of Destinies and became the king of the entire universe. Basically, the Anunnaki who came to Earth were not terribly different from where we are today in terms of scientific development.
According to the Enuma Elish, the idea occurred to Marduk that they could create a being that would mine the gold for them and then the gods could take it easy. After many various experiments in which they created other races, and they had many horrible failures, as well , they created a hybrid being Adam, Adapa which evolved into modern human. When Ea the wise had created mankind , Had imposed the toil of the gods on them - That deed is impossible to describe In both the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis the reason for creating man is the same - to relieve the gods of hard labor.
Why there are different versions of this story of creation is more speculative than concretely known. But we can assume that a couple of reasons could be the era in which the Epics were written, who was in power at the time, and who wanted to praise one god over another god or goddess. Actually, the name "human" can be traced to Enki a. Isis was not Nibiruan; she was Sirian, with some Orion connections. His father was Anu. Anu and his official wife, Antu, had a son named Enlil. HU was also Horus, by the way, therefore another connection to Ninhursag, a. KI is "lord of earth. In later years, the crescent moon developed another association - keep reading.
The Anunnaki who some call the Nephilim later procreated with the beings who were on Earth at that time. The souls of those who became human came to Earth by their own free will to experience physicality. Several other extraterrestrial civilizations later contributed their own input into human DNA and created many races of humans and other creatures a couple of which have since left this planet - such as the dinosaurs. However, these hybrids our missing link in our evolution helped the Anunnaki mine their gold. As seems pretty obvious thus far, the Anunnaki were pattern-makers, the creators of archetypes and a part of the template for human life on Earth.
Throughout all cultures on Earth the same story of these gods albeit with different names depending on where you are , their gifts to humanity, their failures, their characteristics, their loves, their battles and the results of such warfare are recorded in literature, ritual, art, oral tradition and religion.
The Anunnaki gave the humans knowledge of how to be this human being, how to take care of themselves, gave them guidelines, rules, for proper living. After some time, the humans evolved to a point where they began to question their purpose and their future. They rebelled against their "creators," the Anunnaki. I take that to mean we are living in a very duplicitous world where not everything we see and hear is the truth. I have B rh- blood and am very sensitive to things, I have seen spirits and for the last couple of years been seeing energy forms at night which I have no explanation for, There was a time when I experienced night terrors or sleep paralysis.
This has stopped as I got older. I have found ways to deal with this. Most people go about their daily lives consuming and being entertained oblivious of things going on outside their narrow view. Much more going on then they know. I do believe we will be supported when the time comes and those that have annexed this world will pay and pay dearly. I am here for a reason and judging by your comments you are as well. Things are about to get interesting. Yes, it would seem that sometime in the distant past, humans were deprived of their real full awareness.
Plato spoke about, the long lost cities, so say around 14, to 15, thousand years ago. The gardeners of the earth the advanced aliens, who seeded this planet with all kinds of plants, and creatures must have left long go, may be other worlds to seed, but now it looks as if they are coming back to see the progress, and I am sure they would see that we are in a real mess.
I am sure the beings with love in their hearts, would be observing this sorry world with tears streaming down they faces, as they observe the cruel and wickedness going on through their on board screens and monitor us. Mankind did not fall, they were hi jacked by those who did fall, and at that time 11 to 13 years could be right, because humanity by then would have lost all records, of who they once were, humanity would have gone backwards to almost a primitive state.
The helpless humans were taken over by these so called Gods this is how human sacrifices came about, it was demanded by this sick dragon race, so the poor people gave up their loved ones to keep these Gods happy, every culture when you trace it back there is this in their history, and the same practices go on today with the evil ruling elite, sadly this planet is in the hands or should I say claws of those why are totally sick and insane, no wonder we are in such a mess, and the only way is for enough humanity to wake up to the truth, that is the only way we can end their evil, and steer this planet back to where it should be.
We have been held in a trap. There have been a number of cataclysm, at different times on this world. The machine that they looked at give a complete history of this planet, how it was formed, from a super nova, How plants were introduced, then the reptile creatures to get the planet going, and create the soil millions of years passed, then human type creatures some early models, which failed. So over time there has been different people who have come and gone and we are just another round of life.
Those higher evolved souls on the earth right now watching events taking place, they say they are here to help. They are ready but cannot interfere until the word from the creator God then they will act, events for told, a long time go are being played out, and we can now see it taking place before our eyes. I remember a time when this world was a nicer place, you could travel without the fear of some madman blowing themselves up, terror is created by those who want their NWO which is not a world where all nations and people come together in a common good for all,.
It is a total enslavement of humanity, the global elite who serve the dark forces, which are very much connected to very dark aliens.
A different story about The Anunnaki
The pyramids were built by aliens and used as communication between distant stars, great, power can be generated in such a device and those who were able could sit inside and send their thoughts, anywhere in space a though, is faster than the speed of light and the speed of light is not fixed, it can vary depending the matter it passes through and also the dimension,. So the old story of slaves hauling 20 ton blocks of stone into position, is not true, they were built by antigravity, where a device could be attached to a ton block, lifted up in the air, and placed into position.
Antimatter gravity devices were nothing new in those times, gosh humanity has lost so much. I think as time goes by we are going to her about many things, because this is the time where humanity needs to be set free, and it will be a shock for many, but how can one get free from this prison unless we understand our history, and with an open mind, knowledge is power, it is also life, and despite my own quest to understand the more I know the more there is to learn.
I often wonder what would have happened if they were not being followed by air force jets. One morning still dark at a local gym why I was waiting for it to open, I saw two objects move through space, one shot out a green beam of light, at the other, ahead of it, may be some kind of transmission, or it could have been some battle going on. They say those with a fair complexion and piercing blue eyes people. Come from either Venus of the Pleiades but they can also come from other star systems as well, there are others who are very beautiful, so advanced no wars of misery and have lived in harmony for thousands of years, and these people live forever, their bodies stay forever young.
So death of not Gods will, it is something introduced by those who live off us, religion has a lot to do with distorting the truth, keeping humanity trapped through fear and every one claims that they are the only way. I am sure the creator does not expect us to join a church, or bow down five times a day and grovel in the dirt, the creator would want humanity be kind and good to each other, live by the universal law.
As for those who have been involved in wickedness, their fate is sealed and they need not think they can escape, because they will be called upon to answer for their crimes, and the devil they worship is also going to be tossed into a bottomless pit, no doubt the inter space plains between dimensions, this is where some of the dark reptilians and demons are held.
So much in our history is very much connected in ways we never thought possible, but there are some amazing people who are exposing this, so our world is not what we once thought it was. What you mention about us being fed on is interesting, people I have told this think I am crazy but about 7 years ago I had a bit of a breakdown and was put on anti depressants.
As it turns out many years later it was actually caused by a food allergy I have called Coeliac disease. Doctors treated the symptoms and not the cause which is normal but while on the anti depressants which I was on for 9 months I started to hear a single voice in my head, it would come out of the blue but it would tell me things. I struggled to believe at first, I thought I was definitely going crazy. But over time many things I have been told have come true, including the passing of relatives. That is a hard one but the burden was eased at the time however it is something i wont tell other people and have since asked the voice not to tell me these things.
But back on subject, one thing it has told me is that humanity are in essence battery hens and that this world is our chicken coop. We cannot leave it but during our sleep periods energy is actually drained from us by inter dimensional beings who were spoken of in ancient times as archons. Archons just means ruler, you could also say controller as that is what they are doing and their favourite energy is young innocent energy and energy that is tainted negative, angry, evil.
I guess you are what you eat except for the young and innocent part. This is why we reincarnate and why this whole biblical paradigm has been concocted. It is a reason to fight wars and create negative vibes, which they love, I just dont get the bit about the pure innocent energy however it is also the reason why babies have been sacrificed through the ages. This all came to me during a meditation and whether its true or not I dont know but after researching some of this, I have found that others have come to similar conclusions so it is either a common lie being fed to certain in- touch individuals or there is truth in it.
I have the same source for that 13, years ago time frame, something major happened to mankind at that stage and there are supposedly a number of off world groups very interested in that information. Yes our race have been hijacked and I am sure that there are benevolent beings who would love nothing more than to step in and help us, but they are playing a waiting game for some reason. A Lifetime of 80 years is nothing to beings who live thousands of years then reincarnate with knowledge of past lives fully intact.
They are being patient but I have been told I am here for an important reason but I cant be told the reason why. So I also wait, is going to be a very bad year apparently. I am like you. There are more than a few ETs that have dabbled with the human genome, for various purposes. Just like how we mix on Earth.
The duality is the basis of Nature, of Physics, of the Universe. The evidence, the pieces of the puzzle that is the complex and obfuscated history of our actual human origins is ubiquitous: The battle for the Soul the Earth is real. Many are born knowing it, but it gets socialized out of them. Read to them, tell stories. They synthesize the allegories and the symbols easily enough and why we become so easily lost by fear, by the other kind of stories, and forget.
Like us, the Starseeds, there are others higher evolved, the Indigo kids born amongst the Millennials, and now being born are the Crystal kids — recognize them by their energy and an almost labradorite, chameleon quality of their eyes. Help them understand because both because they are the cure. And yes, there are tricksters. But be very careful. Listen to your instincts. Pluto is in Capricorn for the first time since We will also get the Big Reveal very soon, but to reach that level, enough of us have to evolve, to raise our collective aura, or frequency, high enough to enable the skin that traps us here to be peeled back, or dissolve, so we can experience living in 5-d.
Then we can see the aliens who elude most of us, and become a true player of galactic politics. We are in a technological boom that can evolve us enough to wake up, take back this planet and live as we are meant to live. No slave constructs, no money, profit and competition and hoarding of resources, establish sustainable, biodegradable, renewable living. We are on the cusp of the 5th and final age of man.
Hopi Chronicles, the Bible says we are at the end of the 5th, after the Apocalypse and Armageddon we enter the 6th and final phase. We have one more chance to achieve the balance, but we have to survive the 6th extinction first, overthrow the status quo of the overlords, or Archons, and establish a more sustainable, harmonious relationship with each other and our planet.
Evolve, and help others enlighten up. You know what to do. Yes, the history of us as the human race is now being revealed as it must we can set ourselves free by refusing to be a part of the system no longer playing their game. My knowledge like most comes from other sources, books, great people who have done the research to uncover the truth all of the are helping us and it is just as well because if not we would continue on in this trap thinking we are free but not ever or never knowing our real truth, this trap human have been caught in has gone on for thousands of years.
Thank God for these fantastic people in this world who have researched and. Are exposing the real truth, at a huge risk many have been taken out because the dark forces want to keep things the way they are. I did also meet people who I am sure have been taken out, like you I have red many books studied researched and kept an open mind, and had my fair share of laughter at me, One sometimes feel alone but there are many other people in the world also experiencing the same, closed minds sometimes I feel like I am among sheep, and it is this state of mind that has enabled the powers to be keep us entrapped.
Then I say why would god allow humanity to be trapped for so long??????????????? We are in the testing times now and we must get it right, many will be the leading beacons of light no matter how small for the others Yes, you mentioned the dark ages where one was burned at the stake by religion, yes religion it has a lot to answer for they did not want humanity to know the truth so they killed anyone who had an insight into what was truth, in order to keep the masses in fear.
I would love to be in a position to travel the world and help uncover all of this information ho knows what the future holds. When you get back your 12 strands of DNA you will be super human we will need better bodies and can you imagine being able to stay young and beautiful forever in good health. Think of this we are born and by the time we are 20 our bodies age and we spend the rest of our time rotting away it is insane, long ago before I read anything about this I elapsed that our bodies had been programed for self-destruction and now we know who and why, those who do not wish to know need not know as they also will get a chance.
Atlantis, and Mu were very advanced there are still parts of land on earth that is what is left over of Atlantis Madeira southern Ireland Easter Island is part of Mu and those huge statues were in remembrance to the great giant people that lived in Mu according to the book the 9th Planet. When Atlantis went down what was left of humanity became the early Greeks and the north American Indians, the ones that really went back as a result of radiation altering the DNA became the he abdominal snow man or known as big foot depending on the country thee poor souls really were thrown back to cave men Yes, they are desperate to hold us back trying to stop this planet from shifting but it is the creators will and it will be their end game In Tibet hidden in a cave are ancient machines and there is machine that holds the real record of this planet going way back to when the planet was formed there has been many cataclysms on this planet races evolved and went many dreams are real it is becks when your astral body comes back into your earth body some times what we call dreams gets messed up and confused.
I had a dream many years ago I was standing under a mango tree talking to liens in space suits, there are many things that go on beyond our time and space reality I would love to meet a being and at this time I would not wish to go with them because I have things on this planet to sort out I am glad you made the right decision and took the correct option to stay and look after your family and I am sure they this being would understand You always listen to what your heart tells you what you feel inside because it is always the truth, you are a special person and yes when the time comes I believe will be helped.
Those bad people will get their judgment Many are here for a reason. Keep our dreams alive no matter what. I agree with you completely. I have had similar dreams. I also was afraid sleep paralysis, but mastered it and now it opens new possibilities to learn. The overcome of fear is the key. Asteroids are loaded with gold.
They are veritable gold mines, Gold was not created on earth but bought here on asteroids. Probably a lot more difficult to extract Gold from a hurtling meteorite than it is to extract from inside a planet. But why ask me? The fact that no one has any answers other than scientific theories to back up what you are saying as no one from earth has been on a hurtling meteorite or more than likely even been to the moon your scientific assumption is not much more plausible than my very imaginative theory.
I am talking Science Fiction which is yet to be proved or disproved and your talking Science Fiction form the narrow view of people in white coats that seem to be able to quantify and justify everything from their laboratory here on Earth about things going on light years away. Neither views can really be proven only speculated on, but because science is the flavour of the month.
You are going to tell me that anything that is peer reviewed and scientifically approved is fact and anything else is the mindless musings of a tin foil hat wearer. The fact that I dont have any letters after my name means that I know absolutely nothing and therefore not to be taken seriously in any way. Scientific theories are dis-proven by other scientific theories everyday which is why I take it all with a grain of salt.
Far happier keeping an open mind and philosophising abouit things I cant possibly prove or disprove. Were you here when said asteroids dropped off the gold? What the fuck do you about my life? Very close but not entirely correct I think. You are very right bro , exact thoughts are here. There is no more gold in Ft Knox by the way. Most people dont even notice what happens before their very own eyes. What to you think all of our space equipment, suits, satellites, probes etc are all wrapped in? We have been launching our gold into space for quite some time now. Wyrd how it seems to be gaining momentum.
So a race that has technology that is hundreds of thousands of years ahead of mankind still needs manpower to mine gold? Too late dummy, that ship has sailed. God needed Moses to free the Israelites when he could of just blinked. Why have Noah build an ark when he could of just put them in one of his many mansions for the forty nights?
- The Cost of Courage.
- The Message of the Anunnaki: We are here, among you[];
- Anunnaki - Wikipedia.
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- The Message of the Anunnaki: We are here, among you[…].
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