Referral To Mediation
Using mediation, the parties work out their own resolution of the dispute. A solution is not imposed upon them. Also, the parties can resolve the dispute in broader and possibly more practical ways than those the Court can consider. These aspects can be particularly important if the dispute is within a family or ongoing business relationship. A mediated solution is a settlement between the parties, and so generally cannot be the subject of an appeal. The mediation process is conducted between the parties, without public observers. In contrast, a contested hearing before a judge is usually conducted in a courtroom that is open to the general public.
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Parties to the dispute can be called as witnesses and required to give evidence at the court hearing. This is done by a court order. The parties can ask the Court to make an order for referral, or the Court may consider the case appropriate for referral, even if the parties do not ask. The Court has the power to make a referral to mediation with or without the consent of parties. Parties can use either of two types of mediation: If you wish to have your case referred to meditation, download and fill out the Order for Referral to Mediation form.
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With court-annexed mediation , there is no charge for the mediator or use of rooms. The cost of legal representation is the responsibility of each party.
Order of Referral to Mediation | Southern District of Florida | United States Bankruptcy Court
More information about court-annexed mediation. With private mediation , there are usually fees for the mediator and also for the use of rooms. Some mediators charge for preparation time separately from the mediation session. Private mediation costs vary from mediator to mediator.
For an estimate of the overall costs, you could contact: Usually each party pays an equal proportion of the costs associated with the mediation, although other arrangements can be agreed by the parties or ordered by the Court. The order of referral to mediation usually includes an order for how the costs are to be apportioned.

If there is an issue of financial hardship, some mediation providers will consider requests for reduction of the mediation fee. Note that some mediation providers apply a specific means test to determine fee reduction.
More Information about private mediation. A person may be appointed by the Court to mediate a particular Supreme Court case if the person:. Mediators are usually appropriately qualified lawyers, non-lawyers or Court registrars. The Chief Justice certifies registrars or other officers of the Court as qualified mediators for court-annexed mediation. There is no other list of mediators held or maintained by the Court. The Court does not train or accredit private mediators. For information on mediation training and accreditation, contact a mediation provider organisation many are listed in the Yellow Pages.
If parties choose to use court-annexed mediation , a mediator will be assigned to the dispute from among the registrars and officers of the Court who are qualified mediators. The parties cannot select the mediator. Usually parties will be able to reach agreement on a suitable mediator. Otherwise, for some suggestions on where to obtain names of private mediators, see the section below titled What if parties cannot agree on a mediator? If parties have been referred to mediation, but are having difficulty agreeing upon a mediator, then they can consider contacting a mediation provider organisation for assistance.
Mediation provider organisations are neutral organisations and will generally provide a short list of member-mediators who are appropriate for the dispute.
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The parties can then select from the short list or ask for further names to consider. The Court has a Joint Protocol arrangement set out in paragraphs of Practice Note SC Gen 6 with six mediation provider organisations that have agreed to maintain panels of mediators who are suitable to mediate Supreme Court cases. To contact these organisations use the following links:. The Judge ordering the mediation will decide the degree of urgency that is warranted. For urgent private mediation , parties must either contact a private mediator directly, or contact a mediation provider organisation to obtain assistance in locating a suitable and available private mediator.
Most, if not all, of the Joint Protocol partner organisations can provide lists of suitable mediators in urgent situations. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Through joint sessions and separate caucuses with parties, the mediator helps both sides define the issues clearly, understand each other's position and move closer to resolution. Most often, mediations start with a joint session used to set the ground rules and an agenda. The joint session also helps define the issues and determines the parties' positions.
Generally, during the process, parties move to separate caucuses. The mediator will carry messages—offers, counter offers, questions, demands, and proposals—between both sides to help the parties move closer to resolution.
Mediation Process
FINRA mediators have subject-matter expertise, so that parties may select a mediator who is knowledgeable in the areas of controversy that are the subject of the dispute. Thus, mediators can often give each side an expert, yet unbiased, view of the strengths and weaknesses of the case overall.
They may also discuss with the parties what might happen if the dispute does not settle. The mediator has no authority to decide the settlement or even compel the parties to settle. Mediation is non-binding, until parties agree on a resolution.