Pathways to Better Bridge Defense
Julian Pottage shows how players of all levels can optimize their talents. If defense is the hardest part of playing bridge and it is! Every trick matters, irrespective of the contract, and every decision is potentially critical. In Thinking on Defense Jim Priebe introduced the idea of visualization, picturing likely hands for declarer and basing defensive strategy on those.
How to think about the opening lead from an expert perspective. Larger number of analyzed practice examples. Covers all standard lead considerations plus more. Become a better defender! So you tend to get dealt very bad hands. I know exactly how you feel! But, facing the facts of life and recognizing that it is not your fault, you are going to have to accommodate this failing and improve your defense. It's a hard part of the game; even in international competitions, the standard of defensive play is, to put it kindly, modest. Yes, you will get plenty of.
At this price, what bridge player could stand not to have al. This book was originally published in , and in this new edition is substantially revised and expanded. It is a collection of bridge problems designed to teach players how to think along the right lines at the bridge table. Anyone who absorbs even a fraction of the ideas presented here will himself making contracts that might have been defeated, and defeating contracts that might have been mad. The fate of many a contract hangs on the opening lead, making it the most important play in the whole hand.
The Golden Rules of Opening Leads is an excellent guide to this frequently neglected aspect of the game. Here you can find all of the rules, with examples relevant to bridge today. If you study this book carefully, you will find that the way to pick killing leads derives from what you hear. Problems in defensive cardplay; all deals selected from real events. Defense is the most difficult part of bridge, and for most players, the hardest part of defense is figuring out what to do.
In this book, the reader is shown step-by-step how to visualize declarer's cards from the bidding and play, and then how to use this information to form a plan for the defense. This book is based on Jim Priebe's popular articles 'Visualization on Defense' which appeared in t. The story is told through the translated diaries of the team founder and captain, Carl Alberto Perroux Under the Table: An investigation into the decades-long charges of cheating leveled against the Italian Blue Team. The writer analyzes the controversial hands and explains how the cheating was finally exposed in This is the oldest and most comprehensive guide to understanding the cards, with a wealth of information on suit combinations, basic strategies, end positions and other principles of declarer play.
It was the second book I read, and it was slow going -- it requires careful study, but what you learn from it is invaluable. It's interesting that in the promotional quotes on the back cover of my very old copy, Alan Truscott the author's future husband offered the endorsement "one of the best bridge books ever written by a woman". Quite an understatement, as this is one of the best bridge books ever written by anyone, men included. Hayden's clear approach and sound advice will transform your game.
This is an updated version of this classic. You can't go wrong with any title from this master teacher, and these are three of his best. Commonsense Bidding is the most complete guide to basic bidding, published in but already regarded as a classic. The How to titles are comprehensive guides to every aspect of play and defense, with hundreds of hands that clearly demonstrate strategies, techniques and psychological factors.
One of the best books ever written on this subject, from one of the most readable and popular of all bridge authors. Lawrence offers good advice on everything from basic counting to expert-level inferences. Valuable tips for all bridge players, with great insights into how experts read subtle clues and signals at the table. One of the most thorough and well-written books on the most difficult aspect of the game.
The author covers all the basics -- plus many advanced topics -- by presenting bidding scenarios and quizzes, with excellent explanations of how to collect clues from the auction. Lead-directing bids and doubles are also discussed. Now out of print, but used copies are available. Also deserving of "classic" status and also out of print is Mike Lawrence's Opening Leads. A brilliant fantasy featuring ingenious hands and humor as each card in the deck tells its own tale. Each of the 52 stories offers shrewd advice for players of all levels.
Voted one of the top three books of all time in the ACBL survey. Humorous tales of the Hideous Hog, Rueful Rabbit and the other eccentrics at the Griffins Club, from one of the game's most entertaining authors. Mollo's characters and expert, witty analysis make these some of the most memorable hands ever published. To Bid or not to Bid: A best-seller that will change the way you evaluate your hands and make competitive bidding decisions. It contains many advanced topics and analyses, but the basic principles of "the Law" can be easily understood -- and successfully used -- by intermediate-level players.
Considered by many to be the best book ever written on card play, this time-honored book teaches techniques you can apply to both declarer play and defense. Interesting and very detailed discussions on hand evaluation, matchpoint play and many topics that are covered only lightly in other books. Brilliant advice on how to solve problems on defense, with many very difficult quiz hands. Also recommended is the sequel, More Killing Defence. The leading book on bridge probabilities, now in its 7th printing. The authors provide short explanations of the theories and detailed examples of how to calculate odds and solve problems at the table.
The best book ever written on expert-level matchpoint strategy and tactics. The author tells you up front that you probably won't agree with all his ideas, but they will definitely make you think -- and improve your matchpoint decisions. This is a reprint of a classic that is one of the most challenging bridge books ever written.
The deals are ingenious, sometimes spectacular, and the analysis is very deep and detailed. This is a new edition of the time-honored, expert-level treatise on squeeze play. It's definitely not light reading, but worth the time and study for serious players. Meet the Unlucky Expert, Mr. Guggenheim and other now-famous characters in a book with simple, entertaining advice on how to attain the best results possible. Published in and reprinted in , this was voted the 1 book of all time in the December ACBL Bulletin survey.
A thick volume packed with information on people, conventions, card combinations, bridge terms, history and just about anything else you might ever want to know about bridge. This is the 7th edition, updated in late A quick-start introduction to the basics of bidding and play. Bayone keeps it simple and emphasizes how to have fun learning and playing.
A beginner's guide with quick-start introductions to key principles, interactive quizzes and self-tests. The author offers additional articles on a companion website to help learners track their progress.
- Reiki Supreme (German Edition).
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- My Passage to Womanhood - Volume One.
Declarer Play at Bridge: It features tips on planning the play and reinforces the concepts with self-quizzes and detailed explanations of the solutions. A teaching course and guide to all things bridge, this hard-cover volume includes a history of the game and its champions, a beginner tutorial, sample games, rules and reference sections. A majority of the later chapters are written for intermediate and higher-level players. Designed for newcomers, this well-organized manual offers an easy, step-by-step approach and a refreshing writing style. A workbook for bridge teachers and learners who want to teach themselves how to play.
This is the first in the three-volume "Valentine" series that includes Intermediate and Advanced Bridge texts plus a teacher's manual. Playing a Bridge Hand: A how-to book for beginners who want to learn more about planning the play, managing entries, building tricks and eliminating losers. The original "bible" for the Standard American 5-card-major system, this classic was updated in and remains a solid reference for beginners and advancing players.
The Club Series manual teaches bidding; the Diamond Series teaches play of the hand. Other titles by Audrey Grant are here. These popular books feature easy-to-understand "how-to's" on all the basics, from one of the game's best teachers and most readable authors. Both volumes include some advanced material. An entertaining, detailed introduction to the basics of bidding and play. The large-print edition features updated information on the latest bidding techniques and an expanded section on playing bridge online.
Two volumes with succinct lessons that teach the basics of the standard bidding system used by most players in North America. Designed for adults who want to introduce bridge to children. Now in its 20th printing, this is a sound introduction to the basics, with lots of illustrations and a pleasant writing style. The tips here are valuable for learners and for party-bridge players who want to make the transition to duplicate bridge. A comprehensive lesson book for learners, with good explanations of the logic behind bridge bidding.
Each chapter has many quiz hands. Fifty declarer and defensive problems, presented in approximate order of difficulty. The emphasis is on planning the play at the first trick.
Clear descriptions of the basics from this award-winning teacher. Bidding summaries and fundamentals of offensive and defensive bidding and play. An Introduction to the Science of Bidding: A beginner's text that will appeal to those who eventually want to play duplicate bridge. In addition to the basics, the author teaches weak two-bids, Jacoby transfers and other popular conventions. This learner's manual covers every aspect of the game -- bidding, declarer play, defense and scoring -- with user-friendly tips, stories and quizzes.
The focus here is on bidding decisions. Each section contains a brief introduction on a specific topic, followed by problems that allow readers to practice their new skills. Good instruction on the basics of declarer play, including suit establishment, finessing and ruffing losers. It also focuses on how declarer forms a plan for the entire hand. The Road Across the Bridge: Subtitled "A Complete System for Bridge Beginners and Advancing Players", this book uses a stop-action format to encourage the reader to think through bidding, play and defense problems.
A well-written overview of the basics of defense. Eight lessons and many practical examples explain opening leads, signaling, second- and third-hand play, discards and other topics. A comprehensive, day course for absolute beginners. The basics are presented in an short, easy steps, with a handy index for quick reference. Beginner lessons written for children. The 18th edition of a self-teaching textbook for learners and advancing players who want to tune up their skills. This revised edition features a chapter on the popular 2-over-1 bidding system.
Lessons begin with the bare basics and progress to more advanced topics, including tips on how to add popular conventions to your system. Order direct from the author through this link. A series of declarer-play problems with a theme of finding extra tricks and a discussion of how to determine when it's necessary to risk your contract. Modern advice and interesting ideas -- all with a good dose of humor -- on how to evaluate bridge hands, tune up your bidding and make at-the-table decisions.
Good explanations of duplicate scoring and how to make critical decisions in pair and team games -- how to choose contracts and when to be aggressive vs.
Book List Updated
Named Bridge Book of the Year, this "Bridge Techniques" series teaches the most important aspects of card play. Each page book features specific techniques, example hands and explanations of the strategies from declarer's and defenders' points of view. Three volumes in the "Essential Bridge Plays" series. Each page book describes standard techniques and advanced strategies. Each volume offers a series of weekly tips, designed to keep bridge enthusiasts entertained and occupied for the whole year.
Straightforward explanations of two declarer-play strategies and techniques, written in a conversational style with excellent quizzes and recaps. A unique book that explores unusual ways to play a bridge hand, with explanations of why and when such techniques may be necessary. The methods include strategies for creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, executing "elopements" and inducing the defenders to help you. One hundred problems covering a wide range of card-play techniques. Each is presented in a two-hand format with solution and full deal, bidding tips and points to remember.
A good discussion of the purpose and types of defensive signals, with examples, quizzes and recommendations. Also included is an analysis of the methods used by eight world-class pairs. Each book offers an analysis of ten topics in bidding and play, ranging from cuebids to special doubles to creative fit-showing bids.
The Bridge World
The sequel includes tips on adding helpful conventions Jacoby 2NT, Lebensohl and three forms of keycard Blackwood. An instructional book on declarer-play with a focus on managing the trump suit -- unblocking, endplays, safety plays, avoidance plays, entry management, playing Moysian fits and other techniques. Matchpoint pair and IMP team events use different scoring systems and require different strategies. This book offers sound advice on how to develop your personal style and make successful bidding and play decisions at each form of scoring. Links to the preface and table of contents are here.
Thorough discussions of the risks and rewards of penalty doubles and tips for defending doubled contracts. A focus on how to think at the bridge table. The author offers ideas for improving your memory, visualizing layouts, evaluating hands, timing your bids and plays, and becoming a successful declarer. A treatise on how to bid, play and defend "everyone's favorite contract. Part II covers play and defense of 3NT contracts. An interesting and original approach to teaching the nuances of hand evaluation.
The book includes numerous exercises and quizzes that explain how to make inferences and think through a problem. A highly recommended book with detailed tips and techniques on how to develop the critical skill of counting a bridge hand. If you can count to 13, this book is sure to improve your defense and declarer play. Answers to a wide range of opening-lead questions: Lead partner's suit or your own? These and other issues are covered in an approachable book aimed at players who want to improve this important skill. Concise instruction with a focus on the rationale behind the recommendations.
Also available for Kindle e-reader. A light-hearted discussion for advancing players who want to make expert-level decisions. Its advice comes with anecdotes, quizzes and lots of bidding gimmicks. An updated reprint of a title, this well-organized book presents common play problems and leads the reader to each solution through a series of questions and answers. Practical advice on how to use logic and different types of reasoning to enhance your card play and enjoyment of the game.
This book reviews basic bidding concepts, then suggests and explains refinements to help novices progress to the next level. The recommendations include several popular conventions for advancing players. Teach Me To Play: A unique way to introduce bridge to children, full of cartoons, activities and quizzes. Improve Your Declarer Play: Clear instructions, examples and practice deals on how to use endplays and throw-ins to win extra tricks as declarer.
All the basics of Two-Over-One system and the Forcing Notrump convention, with color-coded bidding charts, summaries, exercises and examples. Instruction and practice deals that focus on how to improve your opening leads to notrump contracts and how the lead affects decisions later in the play.
Insight into how experts think at the table, with interesting explanations of how to adopt their strategies and techniques. Based on the acclaimed Step by Step Signaling , this revised edition includes explanations and evaluations of signaling methods popular among today's experts. Every chapter features practical examples of defensive plays by the world's top players.
Real-life deals featuring the bridge-playing rabbi, Leonard Helman, and a wealth of tips on bidding and play. A collection of deals that illustrate the difference between expert players and would-be experts. The examples illustrate common decisions in bidding, play and defense where the amateur will often go wrong, but the expert never will. Written in the style of Terence Reese, this book leads the reader through a logical but ultimately unsuccessful line of play that was taken on actual deals from top-level events. The expert declarer then realizes how he could have improved the play and why he should have found the winning line.
This new book includes hundreds of illustrated hands and covers a wide range of topics -- from bidding systems and conventions to declarer-play tips to a history of the World Bridge Championships. It also includes information on bridge software and advice on playing clubs, tournaments and online sites. Kantar for the Defense: Each volume has challenging defensive problems, with excellent, easy-to-follow explanations of the logic behind the recommended plays. New Approach to Play and Defense: Instructional quiz hands in an interesting format -- each is presented first as a declarer-play problem, then as a defensive problem.
Volume I was Bridge Book of the Year. Kantar's newest volumes of defensive tips, with some new ideas that can benefit players of all levels. Modern Bridge Defense covers basic concepts leads, signalling, discarding, etc. Advanced Bridge Defense offers a thorough exploration of counting the hand, making inferences, falsecarding, using lead-directing doubles and other strategies.

Great advice, lots of examples and an entertaining writing style from this prolific and popular author. The theme is finding and combining as many lines as possible to optimize the chances of making a contract. From one of the bridge world's most popular authors comes a collection of tips that will improve defensive play. This new edition is based on Kantar's book, but has been completely revised and updated to reflect modern bidding. It also includes many new tips.
Each book offers hundreds of easy-to-understand tips, strategies and "rules" to improve your bidding, declarer play and defense. Gamesman Bridge By Eddie Kantar. You'll find Kantar's classic wit, wisdom and excellent bridge lessons in this reprint of a title.
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Two excellent books with timeless advice from one of the game's greatest players and authors. Winning is two complete books in one volume -- a basic course and an advanced section with insights into expert-level strategy and psychology. Competitive Biddin g was the first complete treatment of defensive bidding, offering sound, timeless advice that can improve any player's judgment.
A comprehensive, page encyclopedia that covers hundreds of conventions and treatments. It doesn't have information on newer conventions last printing was in , but it's still a valuable addition to any bridge library. Subtitled "How to think like an expert", this is an insightful and well-written discussion of card reading, probabilities, deceptive plays and many other expert techniques, including mental rehearsal, concentration and relaxation. An excellent introduction to the thought processes and strategies that affect success in matchpoint events.
The book also includes expert-level analysis that will benefit players of all skill levels. The book teaches the reader how to make the correct inferences and deductions and how to assess timing issues. A discussion of bridge bidding rules and how to determine when they do and do not apply, especially in competitive auctions.
A collection of simple, common problems that often cause trouble for advancing players. Card Play Made Easy: A series with instructional tips and quizzes designed to make you a brilliant declarer. Each volume focuses on a specific declarer-play technique -- safety plays and endplays Vol. I , playing suit combinations Vol. II , trump management Vol.
III and timing and communication Vol. Have you got what it takes? The Master Bridge Series, written by an Australian who is one of the game's most popular teachers and authors. Supplements to the Master Bridge Series, these "fast-fact" reference guides offer rules, guidelines and lists in a handy, flip-open format. Quiz books of bridge problems from major national and international championships. The stakes are high and in almost every case, you have the chance to do better than the declarers and defenders did at the table. Knave of Hearts By Geoff Lacey.
Focus On Defence
Entertaining and instructional accounts of hands from duplicate bridge games. A thorough discussion of the thought processes declarer uses to plan the play. A sequel to The Fun Way to Serious Bridge , this entertaining volume features tips on counting, refining your bidding system and developing advanced declarer skills. A guide for social bridge players who want to refine their skills. It includes solid advice, many example hands and a reader's test. A clear discussion of counting, card-reading and other techniques experts use to reconstruct concealed hands at the bridge table.
If you continually pick up lousy hands, this book is for you. Autographs or inscription by the author upon request. David Bird Do you remember the first few times you played bridge? To get you started, a friend probably gave you a few helpful hints -- perhaps one of the ones listed to the left. There are many such general guidelines for bridge players -- some of them valuable, some not.
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- Il Ginepro (Italian Edition).
But these are the Bridge Myths, not the Bridge Rules -- because they all have exceptions and none should be followed blindly. In reading this book you will get to see what it is about each guideline that makes it so useful; more importantly, you will also learn to recognize the times when you should ignore it.. Short and full of practical examples, each book takes the reader through the most important aspects of card-play technique at bridge.
Where appropriate, play is examined from the point of view both of declarer and defenders. Full of quizzes and chapter reviews, these award-winning books will also reinforce the bridge concepts you learn. At this price, what bridge player could stand not to have all twelve. Eddie Kantar Eddie Kantar's various beginner books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies in ten different languages, not least because of his unique style and the humor that he introduces into the learning process.
Advanced Bridge Defense is intended to cover some of the more complex concepts of bridge defense for the modern advancing player, and will undoubtedly be a standard teaching tool and reference work for the next quarter-century. The topics covered here planning the defense, inferences, various ways of counting the hand, developing extra trump tricks, falsecarding, and lead-directing doubles are handled so thoroughly that even more advanced players will benefit from studying this book.
Designed to be used by bridge teachers, or by students learning on their own, this book contains a host of features that help the student to grasp the material: It is intended to be read after the companion volume. Modern Bridge Defense is intended to cover the basic concepts of bridge defense, and will undoubtedly be a standard teaching tool and reference work for the next quarter-century. The topics covered here leads, signaling, second- and third-hand play, and discarding are handled so thoroughly that even more advanced players will benefit from studying this book.
Terence Reese The purpose of this book is to provide a complete and objective account of how to become acquainted with the fascinating game of bridge. Reese is not concerned simply to give rules of thumb, as were so many authors both before and after him. He is concerned with providing a basic handbook of bridge that tells players the reasons for certain lines of bidding and play. The principles of strategy, starting with the fundamentals and working up to some quite advanced points are explained and no rules are laid down without the reasons for them being explained.