Married by Monday (Weekday Brides Series, Book 2)
Eliza is stunned when Carter proposes to her. She feels responsible for his troubles, but turns him down. She has a reason to stay out of the limelight The second book in the Weekday Brides series is even better than the first.
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When Eliza confides her secret to Carter and her friends, the story starts moving very fast. This is a good contemporary romance "marriage of convenience" story that sets up the next book in the series. Jun 28, Autumn Review rated it really liked it Shelves: As most of you know by now, I am a wholehearted romantic. I had the first book in this series, but hadn't had an opportunity to read it. Then this tour came along and gave me my chance.
So, I read the first book and enjoyed it, so I was looking forward to seeing what book 2 had in store for me. I really liked this book. It had all the romance and more. One of things I liked the most about this book was Eliza's unexpected background. I would have never guessed that her back story was so interesti As most of you know by now, I am a wholehearted romantic.
I would have never guessed that her back story was so interesting. I liked her in the first book, but we only see the surface of her character. Eliza is deeper than I thought she would be. She is a little spunky and funny when she allows it, but she is definitely a thinker. She has to be. I really enjoyed getting to know her.
I knew when I met Carter in book one that he would have a story. He's not in the first book much, but he definitely had a strong presence. What I liked about Carter was that he was the one to really pursue Eliza. He is a powerful political figure trying to reach even higher ground, but he still manages to put his life first. I also love how protective he was of Eliza. She was his first priority.
The second books in the series can sometimes be a little lacking, but I actually enjoyed this book more than the first. I love all of the characters in the series and look forward to reading the next book in the series. I cried, I laughed and I tremendously enjoyed every inch of this novel. Looooove this author, cant wait for more exciting things to come and I will be definitely be looking out for the rest of this series.. Anche questo libro si rivela essere molto dolce, sexy in alcuni punti ma senza mai risultare volgare. Adesso vado a recuperare il terzo volume… sono troppo curiosa!
Nunca falla que haya una trama policial de por medio. Jul 21, Mimi of the Bibliobibuli marked it as dnf. Don't get me wrong; I loved the first book and I absolutely adore the "fake-relationship" trope! I was just unable to get into this one, and I feel like the connection that was present between Sam and Blake is not apparent between Carter and Eliza. Maybe I'll try the other books in the series: Jun 02, TJ rated it it was amazing Shelves: Catherine Bybee books are the reason normal, work-a-day people love to read.
They will always deliver a great story, a sizzling fun romance and a way to escape the dolldrums of the moment and fall in love all over again! The sparks are combustible each and every time they hit the page together but E Ok, 4. The sparks are combustible each and every time they hit the page together but Eliza holds a secret that keeps her from getting too close to anyone, most of all, Carter.
I love that this book isn't just another remake of the first in the series, "Wife by Wednesday". It takes a completely differnt plot turn while still holding on to the basic premise that makes these stories so addictive. In this installment, we find a strong Romantic Suspense element that allows for more exploration and depth in the characters. It takes a while to warm to Eliza, she comes across rather harsh at first, but once the layers start to peel away, we find a rich resevoir of understanding that warms us to her character and keeps us rooting for her happily-ever-after.
I also like that Bybee didn't paint the characters as all bad - or all good for that matter. Carter was good but not so good that he didn't do what he had to do to work the system, making him believable as a politician and as a person. For those of us who insist on analyzing plot twists and motive, the ending may be slightly frustrating, but for pure unadulterated fun, beach-read, get-away, enjoyment this one is hard to beat!
This was a great second installment in this series. The marriage set up was more emotional than the first too. These two people had an instant connection which seems to set the tone of these books, but was not acted upon until years later. They had about two years of history between them.
An attraction that they fought in not so nice of a way. This made me nervous at first, I was not interested in reading a This was a great second installment in this series. This made me nervous at first, I was not interested in reading a book with a lot of back and forth. Luckily that is not what happened. He stepped in and she pretty much let him. They both had reasons for wanting the marriage so it worked but they also both had feelings so it worked even better. They were a good couple.
Good for each other, filling a space that they both needed filled. I liked how they just fit together and you felt like they had always been together. We get to see two people actually marry and then fall in love. They have to be a team to make the marriage work and all the while they are building that foundation they are falling in love.
Different formula that really seems to work for me. Looks like we have two more girls to get their man! View all 4 comments. Dec 20, Lisa Jayne rated it liked it. I was pleasantly surprised by this read. A lovely paced not quite as sweet as anticipated Romance with the perfect amount of drama.
I enjoyed the first of this series and followed suit with the second. Coupled with a strong heroine and delightful hero, this book had more than enough steam action and love to keep me fully entertained. Jul 08, Michelle [Helen Geek] marked it as to-read Shelves: Notified today I won a First Reads copy!! View all 5 comments.
Series: Weekday Brides
I have read all but one of this series and enjoyed them all. One thing I will say about this author is that she does know how to write sexual attraction, magnetism, chemistry, - whatever you want to call it! There is just enough to make me drool. As Eliza Havens works for Alliance the common ingredient in this series she has met the friends and family of the owners, Samantha and Blake, a Duke and Duchess, who fell madl I have read all but one of this series and enjoyed them all. As Eliza Havens works for Alliance the common ingredient in this series she has met the friends and family of the owners, Samantha and Blake, a Duke and Duchess, who fell madly in love after they were paired up through this matchmaking agency.
But this agency serves a high priced category of clientele who are looking for the arm candy, a temporary wife or even someone to help them gain that job, that promotion, entry to the organization, the voters, who like their people married. Carter Billings, best friend to Blake, overhears her plans and shows up to keep an eye on things.
Well, this is soon making waves across the various media and it does not look good for his run for the office of governor. Carter and his connections He was a lawyer and a judge before this political move. Things are looking very mysterious. Carter now wants to present a different picture to the news media; how about becoming a family man? But Eliza is having nothing to do with his proposal despite the sizzle she feels when she is around him. She has reasons to regret her attempts to help him out and any further spotlight on her, any photos in the papers spell big time danger.
We get to read about corruption in prisons, about the witness protection program and about the past of a 9 year old girl coming to haunt any chances for a normal much less happy life as she reaches adulthood. Hold on for an edge of your seat adventure. Jun 03, Lexxie un Conventional Bookworms rated it really liked it Shelves: Married by Monday follows the same characters I met in Wife by Wednesday, even if there was a different main couple.
There was a little bit of mystery added here, and I really enjoyed myself! Oct 30, Gabba rated it it was ok Shelves: Es lo que hay, y siempre van a hacer uso de ellos. Un pasado de la puta madre, que lo mantuvo bastante bien oculto hasta que pudo. Por su parte, Carter Estoy en la disyuntiva. Enamora y te hace querer matarlo. Lo hizo ver bastante hdp, cuando en el fondo no lo era.

Hizo que pierda estrellas, a lo loco. Fatta questa dovuta pr Partiamo dal titolo: Molto tenera e dolce, con quel pizzico di mistero e suspense che non guasta. I due protagonisti, Carter ed Eliza, li ho adorati. Mar 03, LaFleurBleue rated it really liked it Shelves: This book evolved in a different direction from the first in the series. Less classical harlequin tropes, with more hints of romantic suspense and subsequent rush of emotions for lead characters. Both main characters were warm and touching. I personally would have liked to have more insights into Carter's life before, especially regarding his love life which I had trouble contemplating.
I really liked the way we could discover the mystery surrounding Eliza's past. I liked how she leveraged on Gwe This book evolved in a different direction from the first in the series. I liked how she leveraged on Gwen's experience to remain independent, strong and in-command. The marriage of convenience trope was quite well integrated in the plot and did not seem too outlandish, as it can often be the case in contemporary romances.
Certainly less than in the previous book with the usual "father's will request".
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- Married by Monday: Weekday Brides, Book 2 (Unabridged).
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I liked the chemistry between the two, I liked how their feelings matured. All in all a good book, a bit short and not as developed as I would have liked regarding character development and emotions, but a very good one nonetheless. Feb 15, Laura V. Pero cuando las circunstancias son otras y hay varias cosas dando vuelta Eliza se lo piensa. May 27, Elaine rated it it was amazing Shelves: Eliza has a dangerous secret, but it doesn't stop her from helping out Carter Billings.
She might fight with him every time she gets around him, but he is still a friend. Carter was quick to offer marriage when he finds out her appearance at a press conference for him threatened her security.
Married by Monday (Weekday Brides, book 2) by Catherine Bybee
Suddenly, Eliza and Carter are spending a lot of time with each other and they are not fighting. D I loved this book! I knew when I started it I wouldn't be able to put it down. I couldn't wait though and Eliza has a dangerous secret, but it doesn't stop her from helping out Carter Billings.
I couldn't wait though and decided I would only read a few pages. I was half way through the book before I noticed it was the middle of the night and I had to work the next day! I love the way Catherine is able to make me laugh out loud! This book was no exception. Catherine provides us with romance along with thought provoking mysteries.
You can count on Catherine to have strong heroines. There is no whining in her books. Apr 21, Fanny rated it it was ok. Despues de haber leido el libro anterior y quedarme muy sorprendida, ya que no esperaba que la historia fuera tan buena ni que me atrapara tanto, tenia muchisimas ganas de leer esta segunda parte pero Married By Monday no fue para nada lo que esperaba ni tampoco estuvo a la altura de la historia de Blake y Samantha.
La lectura se me hizo pesada y nada atrapante, por eso mismo tarde tan Married By Monday es el segundo de los siete que forman la serie The Weekday Brides de la autora Catherine Bybee. La lectura se me hizo pesada y nada atrapante, por eso mismo tarde tanto en terminar la lectura, ademas cuando por fin la historia coge un mejor ritmo es casi al final, ahora mismo no se si seguire leyendo los siguientes libros, quizas en un futuro les de una oportunidad. May 25, Dolce Amore rated it it was amazing Shelves: Especially for the maid of honor.
Being the maid-of-honor to the third wedding of Eliza Haven's best friend Samantha is what starts everything. So Carter asks Eliza to marry him. Getting married fixes the image of a fight-starting, party boy in a bar. It adds stability to an office that historically has been run by married men. However, Samantha accepts just after finding out that the person who killed her parents and put her in the witness-protection-program could order a hit on her. Although he is doing two life sentences at San Quentin.
I thought we were doing rather well. I have four pages of favorite quotes and I hardly can choose between them! Catherine Bybee to my list of favorite authors, after reading this book I would have been compelled to. This is a book nobody should miss, because the magic it contains is awesome. The story is filled with wonderful humor like: How high school could he be? A note was stapled to a receipt from a department store. Your shoe-eating dog loves the taste of leather. Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question.
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Your use of the site and services is subject to these policies and terms. Common Knowledge Series Weekday Brides. Weekday Brides Series by cover. Related places England, UK. How do series work? Helpers rarm 4 , phyllisd 2 , jd 2 , emren 2. Weekday Brides Series by cover 1—7 of 7 show all.
Married by Monday by Catherine Bybee.