In My Place
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Retrieved 1 April Retrieved 9 September In My Place" in Finnish. Retrieved 28 December Select singles in the Format field. How did those penalties compare to those meted out to peaceful Black demonstrators in Atlanta? What was the "suit of armor" that enabled Hunter to bear up under the pressure of her first weeks at the university? What allies did the author find among white students and faculty?
What comparison is Hunter drawing between die-hard segregationists and Nazis in Germany? Describe how the Civil Rights movement escalated while Hunter was a student at the University of Georgia. Although Hunter was by now officially accepted as a student at the Univeristy of Georgia, she still faced other forms of discrimination there. What were these, and how did she and her lawyers confront them?
Why was turning 18 such a milestone for Black students? Who were the Freedom Riders?
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What dangers did they face in their campaign to integrate the South? What difficulties did Hunter encounter when she began her journalistic apprenticeship? What kind of attention did the news media then devote to Black life? What did Hamilton Holmes feel that he had to prove at the University of Georgia?
Explain what Hunter-Gault means by "turnabout as fair play" []. Explain the significance of the slogan "Never, no never. Why was it so threatening to both Blacks and whites?
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In what ways was her fame oppressive? How does that change of names symbolize a change in the attitudes of African-Americans? What does it say about changes at the University of Georgia? What things does Hunter-Gault find to celebrate about the South? In what ways does she remain critical?
What meaning does she ascribe to the phrase the "majesty of local law" []? What did it mean to her during her time at the University of Georgia? Why is she afraid that America is backing away from the social commitments and changes initiated in the s? For in-class discussion 1. What role did sexism, as well as racism, play in her childhood and adolescence? In her prologue, Hunter-Gault writes that "we won the right that should have been ours all along.
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What were the broader repercussions of the integration of the University of Georgia? How did the presence of two Black students on a formerly all-white college campus end an era of American history? Why does the author capitalize the phrase "Civil Rights Revolution"? Look up the dictionary definition of "revolution. Hunter-Gault maintains that the actual integration of the University of Georgia is only part of a "larger story," by which she means the upbringing that prepared her for her historic mission.
Describe the role of Black churches and clergymen in the segregated South. How did they figure in the civil rights movement? When Charlayne was barred from attending a club for the children of army officers, [] her father told her: How does bigotry affect people individually as well as collectively?

In what instances have you been personally affected by social inequalities, and how did these instances shape the way you saw yourself—and perhaps see yourself today? In Chapter 12 Hunter-Gault declares that the system of segregation had been "designed to keep us in our place and convince us, somehow, that it was our fault, as well as our destiny" []. In what ways were African-Americans conditioned to see themselves as inferior and unworthy? On page Hunter-Gault writes that her entry into the University of Georgia presented white Southerners with their greatest crisis "since Sherman marched to the sea," and Black Southerners with "their most liberating moment since the Emancipation Proclamation.
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When Hunter-Gault was first asked how she felt about her violent reception at the University of Georgia, she replied: What is she forcing the reader to understand about racism by using these words? Before decisions like Brown vs. Board of Education , there was no apparent legal basis for Black claims to equality, no law that affirmed that African-Americans were entitled to the same rights as whites.