Gü Chocolate Cookbook
Brumby Sunstate
When the GU cookbook came out, I could not resist giving it a try! Plus, I am aware that there is still a lot I have to learn in relation to cooking with chocolate so this book seemed ideal.
- Featured in this story;
- Gu 'Chocolate Cookbook' by Publicis Chemistry.
- Ramón Villeró (Spanish Edition)?
- Bonehead.
- A Changed Life;
I bought the cookbook from Amazon however, there are several other good deals out there. You can even purchase a Kindle edition of the cookbook….

I must admit I have never understood why someone would buy a cookbook for their Kindle, call me old-fashioned but I just think a lot of the magic is lost! The first thing that struck me about this book is how strangely it is laid out!
National Chocolate Week: Recipes from Gü - Telegraph
I have found, over time, that it is more difficult to locate any of the recipes I have previously seen whilst flicking through without using the index however, maybe this is just my frazzled brain talking and others do not find the ordering of recipes a little irritating!! Cream the butter and sugar together for 5 minutes using a mixer until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add the egg, vanilla extract and mix again until well combined.
- Together.
- GU CHOCOLATE COOKBOOK H/B (NOV12) () - Product Information Lookup - Brumby Sunstate.
- Zak Corbin: Master of Machines.
- Recipe: Gu Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies;
- Gu 'Chocolate Cookbook' by Publicis Chemistry.
Sift the flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Refrigerate the mixture for at least 24 hours. This makes a big difference to the texture of the final cookie — if you decide to cook them straight away the cookies will have a firm rather than soft, melt in the mouth texture. Preheat the oven to degrees when ready to bake and line a few baking trays with baking parchment.
Place the cookie dough on the prepared baking trays allowing room for the cookies to spread a bit when cooking. Bake for minutes until golden but still soft in the middle. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack. These cookies really are delicious! Perfect for impromptu guests or when you need something for a bake sale in a hurry!
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Gu Chocolate Cookbook by Gu (Hardback, 2012)
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