Claimed by the Minotaur Warlord (First Time Interspecies)
Use combos and Spear Attack and they will go down in no time. You can have 2 people team up against each Centurion and take them out with your most powerful attacks. Just ignore the Legionnaires. Valens, Ludo, 3x Centurion Enemies: Have your two strongest Centurions go after the Legionnaires. You should be able to kill them in one or two hits. Then have Valens, Ludo, and your other Centurion start attacking the other Centurions.
I'd recommend taking them down one at a time. Your other two Centurions can help out if need be after they kill the Legionnaires. Use the same strategy as above to win this battle. When you kill 2 Centurions, a Legionnaire joins the battle. Start out by ganging up on 2 of the Centurions. Don't attack all of them, just pick 2 and start beating on them. When they go down, a Legionnaire will come out. Have a Centurion or two take down the Legionnaire while the rest of your team starts attacking the remaining 2 Centurions. When they fall, the last Legionnaire will appear.
Kill him using a Centurion. Ludo, 2x Centurion Enemies: The most important part of this battle is where you place your team members. Do NOT place Ludo in the spot surrounded by enemies, because they will kill him in a heartbeat.
Straight Examples
Try to place everyone kind of close together, away from the enemies. The strategy I used here is to get your team members together, and wait for the enemy to come to you. Spear Attack and a combo will take down the Legionnaires, probably. As for the Centurions, use your strongest combos and use Spear Attack from behind.
You can also use the pits to your advantage to lure the enemies into them. This battle may take you a few tries, but you will eventually win. You're fighting against Barbarians and Berserkers from Nordagh. Even at higher levels, they are quite weak, so this league should be a breeze. Also note that the enemies in each battle are random, but it will always be either Berserkers or Barbarians.
From Imperia My team: You don't really need a strategy here, it's really easy. Use the same strategy as above. Valens, Centurion, Centurion Number of enemies: You should be able to kill one or two of them before they can get out. So just make your way across to them and crush them. Even though they are at Lv. They are at a higher level now, so make sure Valens and Ludo stay away from the Barbarians and focus on killing the Berserkers. Have your Centurions take care of the Barbarians. So have Valens and Ludo team up to defeat one of them. Your Centurions should be able to handle a Barbarian by themselves.
Use Spear Attack and strong combos.
Sometimes the Barbarians will transform into animals. Remember the weight classes of animals - bears are Heavy and wolves are Light, so use the appropriate character when dealing with animals. Make sure you're equipped and prepared. There are two rounds to the tournament this time; one against Wolves and one against the Belfort team. Use the same strategy as The Fray. Concentrate all your attacks on one of the Greater Wolves I would suggest taking the Lv. Then two Wolves will enter the arena. Valens and Ludo should be able to handle them by themselves, while the Centurions start attacking the other Greater Wolf.
After the Wolves are dead, have Valens and Ludo help them. When the second Greater Wolf is defeated, two more Wolves will come, so kill them and you'll win. Samnite, 2x Centurion, 2x Legionnaire Once again, you only have to defeat the Centurions to win. Take note of where you place your characters. Place a Centurion and either Valens or Ludo near each enemy Centurion. When the battle starts, just use combos and Spear Attack and they will fall in no time. You can also take advantage of the wall in the back near one of the Centurions. If you climb up on the wall, you can take that Centurion down in one hit, probably.
Just ignore the Samnite and Legionnaires. Now, there are four other towns you haven't visited yet: Orus, Cro Beska, Trikata, and Syrna.
I would recommend going to Trikata first, because you will need a badge from there to enter other leagues in other towns. So follow the road to the south and keep going until you reach the third turnoff. Also, be aware that there are random battles on the world map. You can greatly decrease the number of random battles by walking on the roads. The random battles are normally pretty easy, but keep in mind that a character who dies in a random battle will be dead forever, so be very careful and save before going to the world map.
You will sometimes be able to find a sidequest by talking to the shop owners in different towns. Visit the shop here, and talk to the owner. Choose the third option when it asks you what to talk about, and keep talking to her and she will eventually tell you about someone who killed her brother. She will ask you to kill him to avenge her brother. You have 7 days to find him.
He is located on the world map, on the beach south of Trikata. You can only encounter him at night. When you do encounter him, you'll have to fight one-on-one. I would recommend using your strongest Centurion or a Samnite if you have one. When you defeat him, take his sword back to the shop owner in Trikata, and she will give you a set of good equipment - Teres Moles, Latticed Skirt, Iron Campana, and Ring of Maritimus. Now you can stop at the recruiting office or buy some new equipment, then start doing some league battles.
You will find every type of enemy you've encountered so far, and a few new ones - the Amazon and Minotaur. An Amazon is an archer that can charm your male characters, so fighting at close range is effective. A Minotaur is another type of Heavy enemy, so use the same strategies as you would with Centurions or Samnites.
Be sure to take a look at your enemies and form your party accordingly, or reset until you get what you want. A couple of combos should take down your enemies. Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion Number of enemies: The important thing in these battles is to take a look at your enemies before you start, form your team according to your enemies' weaknesses, then place your characters in the correct places on the map. For example, put Ludo close to a Bandit and put a Centurion next to a Murmillo. Then you can have each of your 4 team members fighting one enemy. Then you should have no problem taking down your enemies.
The best thing you can do to win this battle is to restart over and over until you get some easier opponents. For example, if you plan on using Ludo and a Centurion, restart until you get 2 Bandits and 2 Murmillos or something close. Then place Ludo next to the Bandits and the Centurion next to the Murmillos if possible. Then you should be able to use your combos and special skills or affinity attacks to win.
This battle might take several tries, even if you get the right enemies. Don't worry, though; the next battle is much easier. This makes things a lot easier. Make sure you use the same strategies as above; place your team members close to enemies that they are strong against, then use your most powerful skills. If you managed to beat the last battle, this one will be a breeze. Most of your opponents will be Bandits, but you will occasionally run into an Imperial Citizen, which are much easier. You will also have to use Heavy characters only except for the first battle , so that will make things a little harder.
Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: This is the only battle in the league that lets you use Medium characters, so take advantage of that. Have Valens and Ludo go after a Bandit each, and have your two Heavy characters go after the citizen if there is one, and a Bandit. Even though their levels are kind of high, they don't pose much of a threat.
Centurion, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: There won't be any Imperial Citizens in this battle, so you'll be fighting high-level Bandits. Their evasion is very high against Heavy characters, so you can't use attacks that don't have a swing meter with a critical hit. Stick to regular attacks and combos. You can also use affinity attacks if you build up your gauge. Beware that the Bandits can use a skill that petrifies Heavy characters. This can be annoying, but the effect will wear off in time or if you get attacked. Since you're outnumbered, team up on one of the Bandits first and take care of him.
Then you can each go after one Bandit and take them out just like you did in the last battle. Their levels can be pretty high, and they can kill a team member if they surround him. Take care of the Bandits first and then kill the citizen. I would suggest killing both the Bandits at the same time, teaming up against them. When they're gone, kill the citizen. Be careful of their petrification attack. And be sure to use only critical hits, or your attacks will miss. Since they are at lower levels this time, you shouldn't have much of a problem.
One battle is against the same weight class and one battle is against their weakness. If you're like me and used a lot of Centurions and not many Light characters, the Light character battles might be tough. Be sure to buy the best weapons and armor for the characters you're going to use. I would recommend having a Centurion and just keep using Spear Attack. The enemy might use combos against you, but if you just keep using Spear Attack you will probably win.

Combos are also effective. You can't use Spear Attack this time, because it will miss. The only thing you can count on is critical hits, so you have to get the swing meter just right. I had my Centurion start out by using Roam and getting a critical hit. Then you don't really have a choice except to use combos and get the critical hits every time. Watch out for your enemy using Surprise Attack, which will probably deal a good bit of damage.
First, wait for your enemy to come into your range, then run up to him and use Running Attack with a critical hit. On your next turn, use Sand Toss to get more turns in. Then use Surprise Attack if you have it. If not, keep using Running Attack. If you just use Surprise Attack and Running Attack, you'll win. Make sure your equipment is good, and you have a shield. So quickly get on top of the crate and wait for your enemy. The use Sand Toss, followed by Surprise Attack. It will probably take 3 Surprise Attacks to win. Wait for your enemy to come in range, then use a couple of 3-hit combos to win.
Since you're on a tall crate, you have a big advantage. Wait for your enemy to come in range, then use two 3-hit combos. That will probably get his HP pretty low. You can then use regular attacks or an affinity attack to finish the job. This means you have to defeat all the enemies without being healed between rounds. You have to use a Medium character, so go with either Valens or Ludo.
Make sure you have a good combo. The 3-hit combo will work best. And make sure that you have the best possible equipment. Note that you only have to beat the first 3 rounds to beat the league, so it's okay if you just can't beat the last round. If not, you can reset. Wait for them to come to you, don't move to attack them. You will be able to take them down with 1 or 2 combos.
If you use the 3 hit combo, it will do good damage, maybe kill them, and you can use it twice in a row for 3 skill points each. If you get lucky, you can defeat both of them with 2 combos. Use your 2 combos, then attack to finish them off if need be. Murmillo Start the battle by passing. The Murmillo will then move within attacking range. Move forward and attack him once. Then use 2 combos on your next turn and you should kill him. Watch out for a move that reduces your speed; that can be bad.
Also watch out for combos.
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Try to bring him down as fast as you can. If you're doing good, you should still have more than half of your HP. Ogre Wait for him to move within attacking range, then move up and attack him once. Two combos might finish him off if you get critical hits on all of them. If not, another attack or affinity attack should do the trick. The key to winning this battle is just to have enough HP left after the first 3 battles.
Examine your enemies before the battle starts and restart if you want. The battle is pretty easy if you use the right characters and your enemies aren't too hard. Just use the standard strategies to win. Valens, Ludo, 2x Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: You'll probably have a Centurion, a couple of Legionnaires, and some other random enemies. The annoying thing about these battles is that there are huge crates everywhere, which split your team into two groups.
So be sure to look at your enemies' placement ahead of time and place your team members accordingly. In the inside area of the crates, have two people stand next to the entrance so they can attack whoever tries to come in. I had Valens and a Samnite blocking the entrance and attacking, and a Centurion attacking diagonally with Spear Attack. This way, your enemies will go down easily. On the other side of the crates, just use your most powerful attacks and bring down the enemies like you normally do.
You may want to stop off at the recruiting center and get a new team member, like a Channeler if there is one. Then, head off to the world map. The next town you need a badge from is Syrna, which is located just to the west of Trikata. You will need them because the next league, Spirit of the Valkyrie, is a female-only league.
You will need 3 or 4 female gladiators on your team for these battles. Also note that some of the battles have randomly selected enemies. Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Number of enemies: You should know how to defeat the enemies with your Centurion, so I'll go over the strategies for using a Murmillo and Channeler. These are similar to Legionnaires. They are Medium-weight characters and are effective against Light characters.
They have two good skills that you should have now: Gut Basher, which lowers the enemy's speed and does damage, and Throw Shield, which does a lot of damage. Channelers are physically weak, but they have excellent affinity skills. Their weapons have a lot of affinity charge as well.
One attack will fill up 20 points one circle on your affinity gauge. If you recruited one at Lv. So attack once or twice, then use an affinity attack. You can also use Steal Affinity to take another character's affinity charge.
Danica Slate
Tornado is a skill that rearranges the position of all the characters in its range, and it's useful in a tight spot. So use Throw Shield or attack with your Murmillo, have your Centurion use Spear Attack or attack normally, and have your Channeler use affinity attacks. Centurion, Murmillo, Channeler Enemies: So quickly get to the upper level so you can attack them. Their attacks are not particularly powerful, but they are pretty fast. Have a Legionnaire or a Murmillo take care of one of them. Have your Channeler and Centurion take the other two out.
One thing you need to be careful of is the Amazons' poison arrow attack, which can inflict Poison on your characters. This will lower their HP every turn, but will wear off in time. This battle is pretty much the same as the first, but the enemies are a little stronger. Also, there are crates scattered around the arena, so get on top of them if you can. Use the same strategy as in the first battle. However, you can start out closer to them this time so they aren't sniping at you while you climb up to them.
Defeat them the same way you did in the second battle. Use affinity attacks with your Channeler Sleet is good because it will freeze them for a turn. Have your Centurion attack normally, or use Spear Attack from behind. Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield or a Legionnaire use combos. Use the crates to your advantage, too. This battle is not much tougher than the second one. Take a look at your enemies and restart if you want better ones.
Make sure to place your team members effectively at the start of the battle. Use the same strategies as the first and third battle. I managed to beat this battle with 3 characters fairly easily, so it will be even easier with 4. Most of them are Legionnaires, Centurions, and Samnites, but you can run into just about every type of enemy you've seen so far. Place the characters effectively on the map before the battle starts. The numbers are even, so have each person kill one enemy.
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Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: So bring whoever you want into battle. This is pretty much the same as the last battle, but with smaller teams. Valens, Centurion, Samnite Number of enemies: Just use the same strategy as before. Use the same strategies as with the last battles. Samnite, Centurion, Murmillo Enemies: I strongly recommend you take as many female characters as you can. Amazons can immobilize and stun your male characters, which will put you at a great disadvantage with only 3 characters.
Go after the Amazons one or two at a time, and have your team stick together. They will be shooting you a lot at first, but they aren't that strong. So just stick together and kill them one at a time; don't have each character go after one of them. Also, if you do have a male character that gets stunned or rooted, the effect will wear off after a while or after you kill the enemy who inflicted it.
The enemies are at a higher level this time, though. So you may want to team up and take them out one or two at a time instead of having each character kill one enemy. Hammer of Justice badge Prize: You have to fight all 5 waves of enemies in a row, without healing. The enemies are mostly Bandits, with some Citizens and a couple of Channelers. I used a team of Valens, Ludo, a Murmillo, and a Samnite. Medium characters are best here because almost all of your enemies are Light.
Try to minimize the damage you take, because you have to last for 5 rounds. Combos work well here, as well as Throw Shield if you're using a Murmillo. Also, there are crates in the arena for the whole league, so you can stand on them if you want. One Medium character can take down a Citizen with one short combo. Have your other characters go after the Bandits or any other enemies left.
Have two characters attack each one and you will be done in no time. Their levels are pretty low, so you should have no trouble. Sometimes the Bandit will use Running Attack and do some decent damage, but you should still survive this round. Just take them down quickly using combos. So you will probably only have 2 characters for each affinity.
And these battles are hard if you only have 2 characters. If you need to, equip someone with a different weapon that has the affinity you need. If you don't have a weapon of a certain affinity, you can go to Cro Beska to buy weapons of all 4 affinities. You might just want to do 2 of these battles, which is all you need to win the league, so you don't have to switch everyone's weapons around and buy new ones.
You can restart to get the enemies you want, then start the battle. If you only have 2 characters, stick together and take the enemies out one at a time to avoid them ganging up on one of your characters. Some of the enemies will be at Lv. So if you have 3 characters, stick together and take out the Lv. Then take out the Lv.
Medium characters are good here against Bandits and Secutors, so if you have a Medium character, use combos against them to kill them. Again, stick together so they can't kill you as easily. You can keep restarting to get the enemies you are good against, then start the battle. Have each character attack one enemy, or stick together and take them out one at a time. Take all the Medium characters you have, and you'll do fine. You outnumber them, so have a Medium character each kill one enemy, and two of your team members can team up against one of them.
Use combos and Throw Shield and you'll win in no time. The next stop is Cro Beska, which is the town east of Trikata. Now, for the leagues. Lupus' Master badge Prize: Fights as a Light character, so use Medium characters against them. A lot like a Wolf. A giant beetle, fights as a Heavy character, similar to a Bear. Has some decent long-range attacks, too. A Light beast that has some very strong attacks like Poison Flick and Venom. Defeat them quickly using Medium or Heavy characters. A long-range gladiator that uses javelins to attack.
Similar to a Peltast. Can also transform into a Bear. A Light warrior, similar to a Bandit or Secutor. Use the same strategies to beat them. Very similar to a Samnite. A very large and Heavy warrior. Defeat them using other Heavy characters or using Surprise Attack from behind them. Valens, Ludo, Murmillo Enemies: Attack them using combos and Throw Shield.
Also, take a look at the arena here. It has different levels, like a staircase. Take advantage of this and attack your enemies from the level above whenever possible. Each Medium character should be able to take on a Wolf by themselves and defeat them pretty quickly. Have your other two characters team up and defeat the other one. Ludo, Valens, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: Put someone close to the Gungnir if there is one, and try to kill him before he can transform into a Bear.
Have a Medium character use combos from above to take care of the Cats and Wolves. Have your Heavy characters bring down the Bears and Scarabs. Try to get the Scarabs first, because their attacks are pretty strong. Valens or Ludo should be able to kill them with one big combo if they're at lower levels. Have your Medium characters take care of them.
As for the other enemies, just kill them the way you did in the last battle. Valens, Ludo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: Have your two Heavy characters take down the Ogre while Valens and Ludo kill the Mongrels just like in the last battle. Just don't get surrounded by Mongrels, because they can kill you if you let that happen. Make sure your Murmillo is on a higher level when the battle starts. If he uses Throw Shield from above, it will probably kill a Wolf or Cat in one critical hit. So your Murmillo should be able to kill 2 or 3 enemies with Throw Shield. Just have Valens and Ludo use big combo attacks from above to take care of the rest.
Once again, don't get surrounded or they might kill you. Imperia Untamed badge Prize: This is a really easy league because the enemies are sometimes at very low levels, and it's a great way to make some fast money up to D per fight. Valens, Ludo, Murmillo, Samnite Enemies: Have your Murmillo use Throw Shield to kill one instantly. Have your Samnite go after a low-level one. Then have Valens and Ludo combo the other two to death. Take all your Medium characters and kill the Mongrels like you did in the last battle.
Valens, 1 Light, 1 Heavy My team: Valens, Secutor, Centurion Enemies: Have your Light character go after a low-level one. Your Heavy character should attack the Ogre, and Valens can help him after he kills the Mongrels. Valens, Murmillo, Centurion, Samnite Enemies: You can buy affinity weapons from the shop here if you need to change a character's affinity. They are all at Lv. While your Medium characters are killing the Mongrels, have your Heavy characters attack the Ogres. Your Medium characters can help them after the Mongrels are dead.
He will tell you of one that takes place 7 days after you talk to him. He says you will be fighting Minotaurs and Satyrs. Remember to come back to Cro Beska in 7 days for this fight. You'll probably be in the next town by then, so make sure you remember. Also, make sure you have an empty slot for another character. When you come back in 7 days, there will be another league available with the battle "The Mythic Invasion". In it, you will have to fight 2 Satyrs and 2 Minotaurs.
It doesn't matter if they kill the citizens, just fight them. Satyrs are Light enemies, but they have a few strong attacks. Minotaurs are Heavy characters, and they are very strong. In retaliation, Myst begins her blooding with Nikolai but doesn't allow him to complete the process if you know what I mean! Instead, she escapes with her sisters, leaving Nikolai in a permanent, painful state of tumescence — desperate, all-consuming sexual desire that can never be fulfilled until he can track down Myst and consummate their bonding. Myst is back in New Orleans at the Valkyries' mansion, but so is Nikolai.
With his tracing aka teleporting abilities, he soon captures her and manages to magically force her to follow his every order. Naturally, most of those orders are sex-related, so get ready for pages and pages and pages of erotic sex scenes. This is a nice flashback to the early days of the fascinating mythology on which Cole has built this terrific series. Nikolai is definitely one of Cole's more dominant males, but you can hardly blame him after his Bride consigns him to five long years spent in a constant state of arousal. This is my favorite of the three novellas. Both Lobo and his true love are terrific characters, with suitably tragic back-stories and plenty of charisma.
Lobo is both a born vampire and a skinwalker. He was raised within the MoonBound Clan after its warriors murdered his parents for being skinwalkers. In this mythology, skinwalkers are feared and are usually killed on sight. Lobo spent his childhood years being treated literally like a dog: After Hunter took over the Clan, Lobo's living conditions improved slightly, but when he took the form of another vampire in order to ferret out a spy, Hunter refused to hear Lobo's side of the story and banished him from the Clan. For years, Lobo has been living in an isolated cabin on the edge of the Clan's lands with only the company of a female wolf to keep him sane.
Lobo found the wolf near death in the forest and nursed her back to health, naming her Tehya, which means "precious. Soon, Lobo learns that Tehya is much more than a plain old wolf. You can probably guess what's coming, so I won't spoil it for you. In any case, the story follows Lobo's romance, which includes no problems between him and his mate. His Milking Machine 3: The Birthday Girl's Surprise. Cowgirls and Monsters Bundle. The Complete Dragon Stories. To Appease a Dryad: The Creature in the Woods: Milked at her Uncle's Farm Volume 2: Cum For The Phantom.
The Complete Demon Stories. Vampire Slayer Werewolf Gangbang. Sex in the Service. Living Statue Monster Paranormal Erotica. Vampire Slayer Vamp Candy. The Milk Barn Bundle: The Realms of War Trilogy 1. Monsters in my Closet.
Milky Daze Farm 3: In the Barn Lactation and Breeding Erotica. Galactic Concubine, Part 2. Mating with Monsters Bundle. Billion Dollar Milkmaid 4: Milked By The Billionaire. Bred by the Jungle Tentacle Plant 2: Tales of a Submissive. Billion Dollar Milkmaid Bundle 2: Seducing the Dark Elves. A Dark Elf Fantasy. Trading Flesh for Favors. Mated to the Centaurs.
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Claimed by the Minotaur Warlord. Yielding to the Beasts - A Fantasy Collection. Trapped in a Tower: A Naughty Fairy Tale. Gangbanged by the Centaur Tribe. Touch of the Fey: An Erotic Fantasy Romance - Volumes